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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 27

by Angel Medina

  Angel discovers a “Cabal” temple and begins to find out more about who these “Cabal” cultists are. Angel sees them as nothing more as devil worshippers or voodoo priests trying to curse and put hexes on people. Angel is also able to make at least verbal contact with who is possibly the leader of the “Cabal” Darkgaryl himself. However there was no visual on the leader, so although Angel knew what the leader sounded like but no idea of he actually looks besides the pictures he sees throughout the temple. Angel hears a screaming noise from the chapel, he goes inside to see what’s going on.

  Angel busts inside the chapel and notices a ritual is taking place possibly a sacrifice to Darkgaryl himself. Angel sees this and says “Hate to barge in but this little sick gathering is over, time for you guys to pay for your sins!” Angel begins to shoot down the cultists with the crossbow, then tackles one of the cultists takes his shotgun and uses him as a human shield. Angel tells the other cultists “What you going to do, go ahead and shoot if you dare the only person getting hurt is your partner or should I say your brother.” The other cultists realize that they cannot complete the ritual so in their native language they tell their leader Darkgaryl that they have failed him and all of a sudden each cultist stabs themselves offering themselves as sacrifices to their so called “God”. Angel lets the cultist he had in his grasps go after he lets the cultists go the cultist kills himself as well. Angel says to himself “Hate to say it but these guys are going to hell where they deserve to be, selling their souls to the devil.” Angel sees the man who on the table, he was injected with a foreign substance. Angel asks the man if he was okay, the man responds to Angel “Yes I’m ok they were injecting me with the “Devil Juice” I had the impression I was joining a secret religious group, I had no idea I was going to be initiated as part of the “Cabal”; I’ve been infected already so there’s a chance I may turn into a part of them but they couldn’t finish the ritual so there’s a chance I’ll survive thanks to you.” Angel asks the man who is he and who are the “Cabal”. The man responds “My name is Mariano I used to be a train engineer but I lost my job due to hard times. So I had intentions to join a religious group in hopes to find the light, little did I know I was approached by the Cabal. If you need to know who the Cabal are they are followers of the devil but their symbol of their “God” is a gray gargoyle “Darkgaryl” and these guys will stop at nothing to spread this hatred and evil upon our world. These guys believe following this “God” will give them eternal life but as you can see it did them no good.” Angel asks Mariano “How do you know so much about the Cabal?” Mariano replies “That’s because my father was a part of the Cabal and always wanted me to follow him but I refused. So I ran away from home to start a life of my own, I always feared my father would chase me or even kill me due to my refusal to join him. I understand their doctrine and know their secrets but I don’t believe in them. To me nobody in the Cabal wins, only Darkgaryl who brainwashes all these weak fools.” Angel says “Hmm ok I see well as long as you stick with me you’ll be outta this mess and I’ll try to find a cure for that crap they infected you with. Let's get out of here.” Angel and Mariano move into the back part of the altar in the chapel.

  Mariano asks Angel “You don’t look like you’re from here, where are you from?” Angel responds “Well you’re right I’m not from here, I don’t know how to tell you this but I’m not even from this time period I’m from the future. We have to get moving or not only you will endure suffering but also your kids and grand kids.” Mariano replies “Sounds crazy but I always wanted to make sure my kids have a good future, so I put my trust in you.” Angel and Mariano find a key with a moon symbol in the back of the altar, now Angel can go back to open the door with the moon symbol. Before they could get out though the gargoyle statues in the chapel came alive, Mariano finds a stick with a skull on it which shoots yellow beams. Angel and Mariano kill off the gargoyles that attack them in the chapel, Mariano took a closer look at the weapons he has. Mariano recognizes the weapon because his father used to have one, it was called the life leech it was fed off lost souls killed by the Cabal that were put into crystal balls and this stick uses the energy from the lost souls to shoot powerful beams of energy to it’s targets. Mariano says “Can’t believe I’m using this weapon taking lost souls and using them to kill others but whatever it takes to save myself.” Angel says “Trust me you’re using that weapon on the right people.” The duo head back to the door with the moon on it.

  Angel and Mariano head to the moon key door and open it, upon opening it they see a ramp going upstairs. Once they go up the ramp they go what seems to be the sleeping quarters for the cultists that maintain the temple. They kill the few cultists that are hanging around the sleeping quarters, in one of the rooms they find a key with a symbol of a spider etched onto it. When they get out of the sleeping quarters they head to a hallway with a view to the back courtyard, while there they are attacked by a couple of gargoyles. Mariano uses the life leech on the gargoyles which upon impact burns them into ashes not even leaving any sign of flesh. Angel is stunned by what he sees and begins to understand the power the Cabal have or at least what they want to achieve. Angel thinks to himself is the same evil force responsible for the glooba invasion back on virtual earth the same evil trying to change the past and spread their evil. It was a very complicated paradox for Angel to understand but all he wanted was to get back on Earth and be with his girlfriend Maria. The duo head to the back courtyard to explore any possible exits, however they are met with plenty of resistance in the form of cultists and frantics in all directions. Angel and Mariano find a spot to hide and take out the enemy one by one until all of them were killed; once they were killed Angel and Mariano continued trough the courtyard, until Mariano is caught by a plant vine. Angel shoots the vine that had grabbed Mariano and notices the courtyard was full of aggressive Venus flytraps, they sprint until the get to the door.

  Angel and Mariano go through the door when they arrive inside they see a prayer room with ogres awaiting them. Angel says “Never knew these creatures had any intelligence to pray or do anything for that matter.” The duo kills off the ogres with relative ease and then they go through a door that leads downstairs. When going down the stairs Mariano begins to have flashbacks of when his father had taken him to the Cabal temple, it was all starting to comeback to him he started to remember the temple and his experiences inside but more importantly how to get out of the temple. Mariano says to Angel “Hey I remember how to get out of here, I’ve been here with my father I was always scared of this place.” Angel replies “Well then lead the way.” The duo head inside the basement where there was a storage room where goods such as food, religious goods and maybe even bodies were stored. Once they see the way out of the storage room they arrive at a small room with three doors with a picture of a spider on each of them. The same evil voice that spoke to Angel spoke again “There are three doors ahead choose one, two will lead you to demise only one will lead you out. Choose wisely!” Mariano tries to remember what door he went through with his father, knowing if they chose wrong a deadly trap would spring killing the two of them. Mariano says “Lets go left I remember now, trust me on this one.” Angel replies “Ok my life is in your hands.” They open the door which opens and leads them outside where they see a wooden bridge. Mariano says “Good thing I remembered.” Angel replies “Yup now let's get out of here!” The two of them go through the wooden bridge killing any enemies that get in their way until they finally get to the gate leading to the exit.

  Angel rescues Mariano from the clutches of the Cabal followers and he learns more about the cultists and their purpose in this world. Angel wants to trust Mariano but know he must trust him with caution because Mariano’s father was part of the Cabal and tried to influence him into joining the Cabal. Question becomes is Mariano’s father still alive still trying to chase him? The other question is has the “Devil Juice” that was injected into Mariano going to kick in and Mariano is going to t
urn on Angel unwillingly? When the two head through the gate they see a big hotel ahead, similar to the one that Dayvon and Luis had seen. Angel has found some answers but still has many more questions left to be answered.

  Chapter 19

  The Overlooked Hotel

  Angel escapes the Cabal temple with Mariano, Dayvon and Luis get to the hotel after fighting through the dark carnival and Maria along with Caleb get out of the haunted house attraction through a secret passageway that leads them to the hotel. Our heroes were about to make contact with each other but the question is what does the “Overlooked Hotel” have in store for out heroes? The hotel has a reputation of being haunted by lost souls and many other paranormal events. For our heroes though they knew that this hotel isn’t going to be like the ones they are used to back at home.

  Dayvon and Luis walk from the carnival exit and begin to walk to the hotel. They notice zombies popping out from every direction, they kill a few of them but the amount of zombies is multiplying too quickly for the heroes to handle. So they make a mad dash to the front door of the hotel, get inside then lock the door. Luis decided to put a bookshelf on the door just in case the zombies manage to break through the door. Dayvon says “Where do we check in, ding ding ding anyone home?” Luis responds to Dayvon “Well this hotel is obviously abandoned so we shouldn’t expect anybody to answer, who knows these crazy bastards probably use this hotel for their rituals.” As they expected several cultists give the duo their “Housewarming”, Luis says “Well here comes the welcoming committee, let's give them hell!” Luis and Dayvon take out the cultists as they come down, after that they decide of how they were going to explore the hotel. Dayvon remembers that he still has the radio, he hopes that Angel has his and that the radio will still work now that they are at a time period prior to the invention of the radio. Dayvon pages Angel and says “Well here goes nothing.” Luckily for Dayvon that Angel does answer the page and Angel responds “Hey Dayvon I’m surprised that this radio works here, where are you guys?” Dayvon replies “I’m in this hotel and it's big and haunted.” Angel says “I’m outside the hotel and by the strength of my radio you guys must be really close, how about waiting for us.” Dayvon replies “Yeah sure we are in the front door area. Have you heard from Maria? We lost her.” Angel responds “No I haven't, I’ll try paging her as well and 10-4 we’ll be at your location in a few.” Angel and Mariano were preparing to meet Dayvon and Luis in the hotel.

  Dayvon meanwhile pages Maria and he actually gets a response from Maria as well. Maria responds “Dayvon its you! That’s the last thing I would expect, where are you?” Dayvon tells Maria the same thing as he told Angel. Maria tells Dayvon “Ok cool, I found a survivor although I must warn you he’s a little loco.” Caleb says “As long as you stay out of my way of my mission to take out my ex-leader, you won’t have any problems with me.” Dayvon says “Hmm he’s one of those loose cannon guys who’s going to help but not because he the same intentions as us, we going to have to keep an eye on him.” So Dayvon waits for the others to meet up and then decide how they would explore the hotel. While waiting for the others Luis finds a map of the hotel and actually locates the back exit which might lead them to more answers. Then the Elder God makes a brief appearance saying “Head for the back exit of this hotel, the anti-matter ball is not here you are going have to travel further back in time. There should be a time warp at the back exit of this hotel. That’s all I can tell you for now as I’m limited in my abilities to be here, good luck.” After a few minutes the others catch up and everybody was together again at least for now. Luis says “I found a map of the hotel we should head for the back entrance, like the Elder God just told me, lets go!” Everyone follows Luis to the back entrance but as they all thought that it felt too easy there was a caveat and it was that the door needed three keys one fire, one water and one wind. Angel says “That figures I should have knew that it felt too easy finding the back entrance so fast but at least we know where to go. Now it’s time to split up again but I would everyone to first meet Mariano his father was a former Cabal member...” Caleb cuts Angel off saying “I remember him real well his father, me and him were good friends or at least we used to until he became the Cabal’s leaders puppet.” Mariano replies “Watch your mouth there Caleb my father may had been a scumbag but he was still my father.” Caleb responds “I won’t hold any grudge against you for your father as long as you stay out of my way.” Angel says “Listen we gotta work together here guys no need to hold or even talk about old feuds. We gotta get these keys, obviously I’ll stick with Mariano since he has friction with Caleb and we’ll take the second floor. Maria and Caleb take the first floor and the team of Dayvon and Luis will take the basement. Once you find a key lets meet up here is everything understood?” Everyone understands and accepts the plan; the squad once again splits up in search of the keys.

  All of the members of the crew manage to find each other in the hotel by some miracle. They are instructed by the Elder God to look in the back entrance to find the warp to go back further back in time, to the 12th century to be exact to find the anti-matter ball. The door has three separate locks however which mean our heroes have to explore the hotel in order to find the three keys of fire, water and wind to open the door to the back exit. Also the relationship between Mariano and Caleb is revealed and more about the Cabal cult is revealed, however the relationship seems to be sour at best. Our heroes split up once again to find the three keys to open the back exit. What hidden secrets does the hotel contain and will Caleb’s relationship with Mariano prove to be hindrance to our heroes.

  Angel and Mariano head up to the second floor which mostly contains the sleeping quarters and a few casino areas. Angel and Mariano check the rooms one by one find enemies along the way but they find nothing useful. Mariano and Angel explore the casino where they get into a gunfight with cultists and frantics, beer bottles and barrels of wine start to break; it was a Wild West scene. After the long enduring gunfight our heroes encounter a bartender who is seriously injured ready to die at any moment. Mariano recognizes the bartender as Colonel Carper at least that was his nick name, Mariano never found out his real name. Mariano asks Carper if he was okay and Carper says to Mariano “Hey young buck I’m not going to be here much longer, I always liked you more than your father but these Cabal maniacs have overtook the town. Here’s a key that I think you’ll find useful…” Colonel Carper then dies and Mariano is left emotionally broken but angry at the same time. The key Mariano was given was not any of the keys our heroes needed to open the back exit but it may lead them to what they were looking for, too bad Colonel Carper died before he could say anymore. Angel says to Mariano “Well we just gotta keep moving, he seems like a good guy but crying isn’t going to get us anywhere. I’m sure he would like us to take the Cabal out” Mariano agrees with Angel and the duo leaves the casino area back out to the hallway.

  Maria and Caleb stay on the first floor and begin to explore the different rooms on the first floor. They started out behind the reception area take out a few bad guys then find a key leading them to the kitchen. The duo move on to the next room which was a swimming pool area with a waterfall delivering water to it, which they find several ogres taking a nice dip in the pool. Caleb says “Row row row the boat gently down the stream time to turn this pool into a beautiful pool of blood.” They deal with the first set of ogres just fine until some ogres try to ambush from behind, Caleb takes the chainsaw from one of the ogres and uses it against the ogres trying to attack Maria. Maria after the save takes out a few cultists trying to attack them from the upper level of the pool area. The pool which once was blue had turned red from the blood of the ogres, Caleb drinks the blood to Maria’s disgust and says “Hmm this better than kool-aid” Maria says in her mind “My God I’m teaming up with a crazy man, lord have mercy on this man.” They find nothing of interest in the pool area so they move on to the entertainment room where people would have drinks and unknown musical bands would get
their one shot at fame. However what the duo would find in the entertainment area was anything but entertaining. They encountered many cultists doing a strange ritual and also several fat ugly men with hatchets in their hand. Caleb took care of his fellow Cabal cultists members while Maria dodge a hatchet thrown at her by these strange men. These men were known as Cabal Butchers and their job was self-explanatory to butcher who ever dared to approach them. While they were armed with hatchets, they could also spit out green globs of a toxic substance which would poison the target. Maria made quick work of them however with here napalm launcher blowing them into pieces. After dealing with the enemy a picture frame opens out of nowhere and a loud scream can be heard. Then a ghost of what seems to resemble the grim reaper can be seen for a quick second but then disappears, it reappears in front of Caleb ready to strike…


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