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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 59

by Angel Medina

  Chapter 12

  Sleeping With the Fishes

  Angel is picked up by a mysterious character, taken to a back area of the lobster cabana restaurant and after a few moments he is placed on a bed. When Angel gets up he sees the face of Helga. He realizes that Helga picked him up and was now healing him back to health. Angel while grateful was also puzzled as to why Helga was working at the establishment that was owned and operated by Slugs. Yet Helga manages to nurse Angel back to health and even warns Angel to be quiet when a couple of shady characters walk into the restaurant. The two characters were one of Slugs henchmen and Orlando the one who turned his back on Angel in the first adventure.

  Helga tells Angel, “Ssssh quiet let me distract them so you can get out of here.”

  Angel says in his head “Well if it isn’t Orlando that dirty Puerto Rican two-faced bastard who two-timed me in the first adventure. I forgot he found a way out of jail. Well I’ll have to just hang in here for a little bit longer just to see what’s up. Why is Helga working with Orlando and these scumbags, ah she probably needs the money.”

  Helga walks out of the house in a waitress outfit and attends Orlando along with his right hand man.

  Helga says in Spanish “Well if it isn’t the Puerto Rican turncoat himself, what brings you here at this time. I’m afraid that we’re closed for the night.”

  “Well that’s one heck of a joke did you come up with that yourself?” Orlando tries to intimidate Helga. “Listen here missy I’ve heard some gunshots around these parts. I want to know, have you heard those same gunshots?”

  Orlando’s right hand man looks around for any suspicious activity not knowing Angel is hiding in the back room.

  “Gunshots what Gunshots it’s been quiet here so quiet you can hear a pin drop here.”

  “A likely story the problem with that story is that they have been one too many dead bodies in these parts and the boss doesn’t appreciate that!”

  Helga says as she sees Orlando head to the door where Angel was hiding inside of, “What are you looking for Orlando, is there something I can get you?”

  “Iván wants to have a chat with you.”

  “Just like he had when he fired Jessica, well I don’t think so. It’s going to take more than that to get me.” Helga defends herself.

  Orlando responds with a strong tone “Helga Iván is not requesting this meeting, he’s demanding it!”

  “And I’m refusing!” Helga then gets grabbed by the henchman from behind. “Wait what the hell is this, what’s going on?”

  Orlando replies in an arrogant tone “This is what you call bloody trouble, Oscar take her away!”

  Angel comes out behind Orlando saying “You don’t know half of the story!”

  “Well look at that why if it isn’t our hero!” Then Orlando strikes Angel with a back elbow and an elbow to Angel’s stomach knocking Angel out.

  Orlando says to his guards, “Get this piece of garbage out of here and send him sleeping with the fishes if you know what I mean.”

  Orlando along with another few henchmen come in grab Angel tie him up and take him away. Meanwhile another set of henchmen grab Helga and take her to an unknown location.

  Angel finds himself hung upside down over a pool of water in a large blue room like any regular torture room. Orlando along with two hot looking, but evil looking women one who is blonde and the other a red head begin to torture Angel.

  Angel says in his mind “I find myself hung up here, Orlando running around like the ex -convict he is. What was a low life like him doing in the lobster shack and why was the mayor’s personal security working with Iván another kingpin. I’m beginning to sense that the mayor was playing with some really bad characters and Helga was in danger. They already got Dayvon so I was their next target, as the plot thickens as they say.”

  “Wake up Angel; this is what I been waiting for… the day I take down the chosen one known as Angel…” Orlando puts an evil grin on. “That reward money is as good as mines. You have no idea how badly I wanted to destroy you. Your father put me out of business with his goodie too shoes attitude!”

  “That’s because you were a dishonorable bastard you wanted to break every law in the book. Now I remember you’re the man from Santa Isabel Puerto Rico that killed the mayor out there in exchange for money. It’s all coming back to me now. I was an idiot to trust you I should had remembered you were a two-timing conniving snake!”

  “Well at least now you know that this snake bites! A little too late but at least you’ll have the pleasure of joining your father and brother in the afterlife. Well I’ll let Iván take care of the rest. Take it away Iván!”

  Iván with a heavy accent like he was from the island of Puerto Rico says to Angel “Well Angel looks like you’ve bitten off a little more than you can chew. You are the subject of many troubled discussions Mr. Medina. What do you know exactly?”

  “Listen man if I knew I wouldn’t be here looking for answers but I gotta funny feeling I know what you up to and the gloobas have a big role in this!”

  “How disappointing Angel I would think a man with such vengeance like you would have more knowledge than that. I find that very hard to believe, I’ll be back in a few hours. Please don’t die before we have a chance to talk that is if you can hold your breath long enough.”

  Iván orders the mayor’s female henchmen dressed in all black and black knee high boots to dump Angel in the water. Angel goes underwater trying to hold his breath. Iván was probably unaware that one could hold their breath in the virtual world but no one had to know that. Angel pretends to be running out of breath to fool the henchwomen who pull Angel back out of the water then push him back into the water.

  Iván pages the women through the intercom “My women subjects come towards the back dock emergency that needed to be dealt with. Besides I want to deal with Angel alive!” The women leave Angel hanging over the water.

  All of a sudden a mysterious man from the shadows comes and hits the switch to release Angel out of the crane he was being held at. To Angel’s surprise it was Dayvon’s best friend Jermaine or “Maine” for short. Maine was a well built husky African-American man in his upper 20’s, who has been friends with Dayvon since middle school. Maine was much stronger than Dayvon and able to endure more punishment. He has a pretty heavy southern accent which indicates his roots are from the southern part of the United States. He met Angel a month after the previous adventure.

  Angel in shock responds to Maine’s appearance says “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I was with Dayvon and this light spoke to us that there was this virtual world that controls what happens on Earth. However as we got in deeper into the world we got separated. The God was telling us about a plot to ruin you and to take over NYC. I got led here by following one of Iván’s trucks. I happen to know Iván real well I got beef with him.”

  “You too I got beef as well it looks like he’s the mastermind behind my brother’s death, framing me for killing Frank Kelly and trying to experiment with gloobas in exchange for money.” Angel feels content that he has found an ally with a common cause. “Yeah if it sounds like I’m talking too much that’s because this whole scheme is layers of lies on top of lies. I got a feeling the mayor of NYC along with my scumbag of an uncle have a hand in this as well.”

  “Nah its good Angel, I thought it really was you who killed Kelly, but I forgot you were with us so it wasn’t possible that you committed the murder.” Maine accepts Angel did not commit the murder while tying his shoes. “So the person who did it must have had a really good disguise or as I’m learning now you were cloned into Earth to commit the murder. What I don’t get is why you?”

  “I ask myself the same question sometimes as well. However I got a funny feeling I prove to be the biggest threat to this whole conspiracy. My brother was starting to put the pieces together before he got whacked by a man named Patch. Now I don’t believe Patch or even Boris would kill Angel for no reas
on. They were probably promised a payment of some sort. With this doofus Iván I kind of believe he may have a role in all this, but something tells me a Puerto Rican kingpin wouldn’t go through so much trouble just to get control of NYC. It makes no sense and I’m sure Iván is no scientist those glooba creatures had to be made by a man of great knowledge. Only you and Quentin have that kind of knowledge. No… it can’t be…” Angel begins to have second thoughts.

  Maine asks Angel anxiously, “What happened?”

  “God I hope I’m wrong but Quentin may have a role in all this. He never called me back or I have no idea where he could have gone.” Quentin disappeared from the face of the Earth back at Sal’s bar and Angel feared there was a reason.

  “Calm down Angel no need to make assumptions here. You got your evidence now lets just get the hell out of here!” Maine calms Angel’s nerves down.

  More of Iván’s henchmen come out to attack Angel and Maine.

  “Yellow raincoat freaks at 9 o’clock, yeah let’s get the hell out of here.” Angel screams out.

  Angel and his newest ally Maine team up to clear the room of the raincoat henchmen and get out of the room where Angel was being held at. An alarm goes off and Iván is warned of Angel’s escape, Iván orders everyone to shoot to kill. Angel and Maine are back in the meat processing room where more henchmen can be found. The rancid smell of the rotting meat was about to be complimented with the smell of dead human blood. Maine shoots a few of the henchmen while shooting a dead pig causing blood to fly in the room. Angel pushes a cart full of dead animal parts and a few alien looking parts into the henchmen. After that Angel finishes them off by shooting each of them.

  After clearing the room Angel and Maine see a group of poisonpus’s and poison ivy’s.

  Angel says humorously “Oh God who let the freak show’s out of their cages?” Angel takes care of the poison ivy’s while Maine takes care of the Poisonpus’s. After killing the alien creatures Angel tells Maine that he needs to tell him something.

  “Listen Maine I don’t know how to break this down to you…” Angel sighs in despair as he is about to tell Maine bad news. “Dayvon is dead and unless we can find a way to reverse time to stop the evil one behind this Dayvon will forever be gone.”

  Maine stays silent for a few seconds and says angrily, “Damn these guys have gone too far! Greed has always been mankind’s weakness or in the ghetto where I’m from greed defines how much of a bad ass you’re willing to be.”

  After the short convo the duo heads into the power room where they are met by dock employees with hard hats. Angel and Maine were only a small distance away from the exit of the docks where they could regroup and figure out their attack plan. The duo runs out of bullets for their guns so they are forced into melee combat which Maine doesn’t mind.

  A worker tries to kick Angel but he is able to dodge under the kick and then does a spin kick knocking the employee down. Two more employees come after Angel. The first employee Angel does a combination of kicks and punches to knock him out. The second employee tries to grab and suplex Angel but Angel is able to wiggle his way out then pushes the worker into a transformer electrocuting the worker.

  Maine deals with three workers in front of him but with his brute strength he is able to overpower the three workers, with the last worker Maine piledrives him. Angel heads upstairs to find the switch to open the gate leading outside until he meets a worker who grabs him trying to powerbomb him but Angel uses his excellent leg strength to reverse the move. He flips the worker through the glass down to the floor and then beats up on the other workers inside the control room. He hits the switch which opens the gate and the duo was on their way out to the exit gate.

  Angel and Maine come to the exit gate; the area by the gate is surrounded by boxes and more boxes. The problem is that the gate leading to the exit is locked so the duo begins to climb the gate. Angel then hears that all too familiar sound of the helicopter that has been chasing him for the longest. Then of course the reptile mask wearing men begin to descend to Angel’s position.

  Angel says in disgust, “Oh come on not these clowns again, who in the hell are these guys? Well enough is enough gotta take that chopper down or these guys will haunt me forever.”

  Angel and Maine take care of the men in salamander masks by grabbing their M-16 rifles from them and using them against the baddies. Angel orders Maine to take care of the men on the surface while he looks for a way to take down the helicopter. Angel can see a missile launcher in front of him but when he goes for it Maine has to push Angel out of the way as the helicopter began to shoot at Angel and even launched missiles of its own.

  “Wow thanks there bro good thing you pushed me or I would had been burned toast.” Angel gives thanks to Maine after a missile

  “Don’t sweat it man!” Maine says with content.

  Angel goes to grab the missile launcher just when the chopper is deploying more men to the surface. Angel shoots the missile launcher shooting down the helicopter killing a few troopers who didn’t quite make it to the surface. The helicopter crashes into the building next to Angel causing it to explode.

  Angel says happily, “Well at least I get to see fireworks of my creation. For one day the enemy gets to see how it feels to lose although I know in my heart these bastards don’t really give a heck. Hmm well look at these plans for a new smelter right here in NYC. Judging by this, there’s bound to be more than just metal being produced here. I’ll bet the gloobas will be coming down ready to receive their payment of plutonium.”

  “I know exactly where that is we have to go across the river into Maspeth Queens. It’s in the industrial zone of Maspeth it’s a drive across the Ed Koch bridge but it will lead us straight there. I got my car outside we can hop in there.” Maine leads Angel to his car which was a 2006 Acura TL.

  “Well at least somebody has a plan here. Well let’s go no uses standing around.” Angel and Maine drive towards the smelter.

  Angel gets captured by Orlando while Helga was trying to hide him until he was nursed to health. Helga tries to hide Angel, but Orlando becomes suspicious and tells Helga than Iván wants to see her. Angel comes out to confront Orlando, but Orlando lands a few cheap shots to knock Angel out. Orlando and Iván put Angel on top of the water hanging upside down. Orlando is content thinking he has gotten his revenge on Angel. Orlando doesn’t know that in the virtual world Angel is able to hold his breath for a much longer period of time. Iván calls the mayor’s bodyguards to come and leave Angel hanging until a man named Maine comes to Angel’s rescue. Angel and Maine team up to break out of the dock complex. As the duo proceeds to the exit gate they find it is locked and the helicopter along with the reptile masked men come back for more. This time though Angel takes matters into his own hands by shooting down the helicopter. Within the carnage the duo finds a map of a smelter that looks like a smelter that is rusted from the outside but may be rich on the inside literally and figuratively. The duo had to get out in a hurry because the police were on their way and if they spotted Angel it would be back behind bars for Angel. Angel was hoping to find more answers as he continues his quest to clear his name and figured out who framed him along with trying to take over NYC.

  Chapter 13

  The Evil Color Green

  Angel and Maine make their way out of the docks, into the car, and on their way to the smelting facility. Angel has a funny feeling that this so called abandoned facility is anything but abandoned on the inside. Maine drives across the Ed Koch Bridge into Queens until they reached the Maspeth Industrial Zone. When the duo arrives at the facility Angel’s suspicions are proven true. The facility had security as tight as Fort Knox and the smell was that of the workers producing plutonium. Now the question is what is the purpose of the substance?

  Angel says in his mind “I was walking into the belly of the devil himself. Despite the rusted look of the facility from the outside there sure was a lot taking place inside. This building could fool anybody, a buildi
ng that looks like it’s falling apart from the outside can’t possibly have this much security for no reason.”

  “You take the left side and I’ll take the right side.” Angel tells Maine out loud.

  The duo out flank the unsuspecting guards on the lower level, however the guards on the upper level spot the duo and sound the alarm. Some of the guards were heavily armored so our heroes would have to take extra precaution. The alarm goes off and more guards so up. With so many trucks, boxes and forklifts there were plenty of hiding spots for Angel and Maine.

  Angel and Maine hide inside one of the trucks and start to come up with an attack plan. Angel sees guards through the window that he could pick off from the safety of the truck. Maine on the other hand sees the truck as a battering ram that could be used to bust through the locked gate just ahead. Angel picks off the guards one at a time through the glass window, while Maine goes into the driver’s seat of the truck and starts the ignition.

  Maine tells Angel “Hold on Angel get ready for a rough ride, we’re breaking through!”

  Maine speeds up making a bee-line towards the gate and the guards standing in the way run for their lives not wanting to get crushed. Maine accidently hits an explosive barrel causing an explosion. The explosion nearly has our heroes flipping over and the ceiling behind them crumbles down. Maine is somehow able to keep the truck balanced and keeps it moving. As Maine drives through the facility Angel shoots the guards who try to attack from behind. Angel finds a RPG in the truck and uses it to blow up a guard station, which would slow down the number of guards coming to attack.


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