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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 60

by Angel Medina

  Maine drove until he got to a metal blast door that could not be driven through. Maine gets out of the truck and more guards in brown UPS like suits come out approaching the duo. Maine takes a couple of guards and elbows both of the right in the jaw. Angel does a low sweeping kick to take one guard to the floor and then kicks him in the head when he is down. Angel jumps onto the other guards and uses his legs to twist the head of the guard. So when the guard was walking north he was looking south and vice-versa.

  Angel says to Maine, “That door isn’t going to open itself. There’s gotta be a console around here to open that door.”

  The duo enters a guard station to their right. One of the employees spots the duo, and then tries to sound the alarm. Angel shoots the employee in the head before he could hit the alarm switch.

  Angel says “Right in the kisser! How sweet it is? (While sucking his teeth) should have gotten another job.” gloating about his perfect shot killing the employee at the same time feeling a little sorry about killing the employee.

  “Hey Angel I found the console it’s up here, you can mess with it I’m not that good on computers.” Maine was strong but weak when it came to using a computer.

  “Don’t worry Maine I’m good lets see… override code… command… null previous command… open gate A. Got it open!”

  “Well that’s pretty damn impressive Angel, you a hacker or something?” Maine was impressed with Angel’s skills.

  “Nah I just went to school and paid attention to what I was taught.” Angel gives Maine a simple answer.

  Angel and Maine head through gate A taking out several guards along the way. Angel spots the door leading inside of the facility, but no surprise it is locked. Maine enters the guard station behind him and sees an employee make a run towards the alarm switch. However when the employee realizes the switch is right next to Maine he begs Maine for mercy. Maine shows none and bodyslams him through the table. He grabs the keycard the employee was holding and then the duo heads inside of the facility.

  Angel and Maine were walking into what was perhaps the heart of the operation or at least a big part of the operation. The duo intended to use stealth to get in but security was one step ahead of them, so the duo elects to use a truck to bust their way in. Maine drives the truck through the gate until they reach a metal blast door. Angel and Maine find a console to override the blast door lock and eventually they gain access to the actual building. It was time to find out what was the enemy hiding in this facility. Finally was this a distribution center for the crime syndicate?

  Angel and Maine enter the facility where they are greeted with a hallway that was tan with a blue stripe. The duo sees a group of guards to their right and Maine tells Angel to watch out. Angel shoots the explosive barrel next to the men, blowing all of them up.

  Angel tells Maine “I was aware but thanks for the warning.”

  The duo gets to the end of the hallway into a giant storage area full of boxes. In fact one of the workers tries to push a box over Maine, but Angel is able to shoot him before he could. The duo is shot from ahead, above and up their asses. They head back to the hallway where Angel finds a canister. Angel throws the canister at the workers, shoots it and burns several of them. Maine meanwhile finishes off the workers on top of the boxes. The duo sees a wall of boxes ahead of them with no way around them. Maine then sees a forklift and thinks he can use it to move the boxes.

  “I use forklifts where I work. All that needs to be done is take out a box in the bottom row and boom all of the boxes should come down.”

  Maine drives the forklift to the bottom box, carefully removes the box by putting the hook under and then pulls it. Maine warns Angel to stand back that the boxes will fall in random directions. After Maine removes the box the boxes fall in random directions but to Angel’s surprise none fall on Maine.

  “Damn none of those boxes hit you, must be your lucky day!” Angel says in amazement.

  “I guess so; well I got my job done, now let’s say we go in there and kick some ass!”

  Maine and Angel walk into a storage/distribution area where boxes were already being hauled through conveyor belts. As for what was in them, it was anybody’s guess. Anyway the duo meets more guards and the duo makes the guards eat lead. They proceed deeper into the area where they see a rusty looking door which needs an orange keycard.

  Angel in disgust says, “Oh he we go with the keycard gag again! Damn it!”

  “Well the manager should have one. Let’s pay a visit to his office I’m sure he won’t mind.” Maine bashfully puts his two cents into the situation.

  Angel and Maine go through another storage area with many boxes, once again killing more guards. But a couple of boxes in front of them open up. One box contains a poison ivy while the other contains another one of those experimental turtle creatures. Angel easily takes care of the poison ivy, shooting it in its mouth as he has dealt with the creature many times already. However the turtle tail whips Angel to the ground and tries to jump onto Angel. Angel is able to roll out of the way. Maine grabs the turtle by the tail and somehow with his strength spins the turtle around, then throws it into the wall. The turtle hits the wall, cracking its shell and bleeds to death with the color of the blood being green. The smell of the blood was horrible, but it smelled liked melted plutonium. Angel was noticing a disturbing pattern the creatures were all bleeding out green blood along with some of the guards. Angel suspects the plutonium is being used for experiments, payment to the gloobas or the gloobas along with the mayor plan to start a nuclear war.

  “I don’t like where this is going this green substance “Plutonium” is much more dangerous and is much more than just a rare substance worth a lot of money.” Angel feels a cold draft go through him.

  “What do you mean Angel?”

  “It’s a simple get and give. The mayor pulled this fully bologna story about an affordable housing project as a front to mine this plutonium, in order to fool the public. With the value of plutonium being so high every high class criminal are gonna want their dirty hands on that “green gold”. So it’s simple the mayor sells the good to the criminals he gets paid or has a favor done for him, like say try to kill his opponent for the mayoral elections. Then the criminals sell it to nuclear plants or in the black market for a profit, and it turns into a whole unbreakable circle. Another scenario is, an alien race known as the gloobas are paying the mayor off along with his dirty assistants to get the green stuff and make sure that I’m whacked, in exchange for power or money. Dirty politics if you want to call it, I like to call it simply supply and demand. This virtual world is simply a hub for all the distribution. Remember this Maine whatever happens here happens on Earth and we don’t have much time before the effects become permanent.” Maine is shocked but content now that he has the knowledge of exactly what the scheme is.

  Angel and Maine continue their journey to the manager’s office and they reach yet another distribution room. Angel sees a console indicating that the mayor’s house is due for a shipment of plutonium.

  Angel says in a sarcastic tone, “Hmm what do we have here, a shipment of the green stuff to the mayor’s house, I wonder why? The mayor has a lot of explaining to do when I get my hands on him. I’m sure he won’t mind if I change the order on him, now would he?”

  “The mayor is gonna to be pissed when he gets bootleg mops and brooms instead of plutonium, I would like to be there to see the look on his face!” Maine laughs at the idea.

  After changing the order the duo heads up to the managers office. They take the stairs heading upstairs and head inside the hallway. They kill off a few guards along the way. When they open the door to the secured area leading to the manager’s office they are attacked by auto-turrets. The position of the guns makes it impossible for Angel and Maine to get to the manager’s office without being filled with holes. Angel then heads back to the bottom of the stairs where the duo came out of from. They see another door that they missed previously. They go throug
h the door and find themselves on the lower level of the floor of where the turrets were located; Angel and Maine were underneath the turrets this time around. Angel looks around for anything to knock the turrets out of service and then Maine find some timed mines.

  “Hey Angel lets use these mines to blow these suckers up!”

  Maine lays a couple of mines under the turrets, Angel and Maine then walk away until the mines blow up. The turrets were destroyed, now the duo could make their way inside the manager’s office. Angel and Maine head upstairs into the manager’s office where they take out a few guards along the way. The duo finally gets to the manager’s office where they see the manager Oscar.

  Angel tells Oscar in a demanding tone “Give me the keycard now! I’m putting you guys out of business!”

  “Well I’m not going to just give up that easily, guards take care of my dirty work!” Oscar stands ground.

  “We’re anything but trash; let our actions speak for themselves when we kick your asses!” Maine prepares for a brawl.

  Angel and Maine get into a melee brawl with the guards as the manager tries to get away. Angel does a spin kick to knock out three workers in one in shot, and then turns to grab the manager before he could get away. Maine overpowers the other guards by simply throwing them through the window, down to the floor. Angel then grabs the manager in his grasps.

  Angel asks the manager in a strong demanding tone, “Are you going to get me the keycard or do I begin to play rough?”

  The manager gives Angel the keycard but Angel still knocks the living daylights out of him saying, “Thanks that’s all you had to do.” Angel and Maine proceed to the locked metal door that was previously inaccessible.

  Angel grabs the manager, the manager gives Angel the keycard, but Angel knocks him out anyway for good measure. Angel and Maine make their way to the locked metal door, what was behind it was anybody’s guess. Angel was sure that plutonium was being made and/or mined behind the door.

  Angel and Maine arrive at the metal door, the use the keycard to open the door. When the door opens up a huge smelter is found where raw plutonium was either being converted to liquid form or to pure plutonium that could be used for nuclear power and in theory give birth to glooba aliens.

  “Hmm looks like the secrets out, time to take some pictures of this place.” Angel’s says in his head, “Just as I suspected this so called rusted out beaten up building, was home to a big plutonium operation. Anyway you wanted the substance it was made here it was the best thing to hit the underworld and there’s no way Iván could have planned this all by his lonesome. He had to be getting a serious helping hand.”

  While taking pictures as evidence Angel and Maine are met by heavy security. The duo uses the huge canister’s as cover, taking these guys out was going to be a challenge because there was so much things blocking their shots. At the same time though there were many hiding spots the duo were able to take advantage of. Angel picks off a few security guards on the lower level while Maine kills a few on the upper level. The security guards left on the upper level assuming the threat is gone assume their normal patrol protocol. That gives Angel and Maine to use stealth to get to the switch leading out of the plant and seeing exactly what substance “P” really was being used for.

  Angel and Maine walk on their knees slowly up the metal stairs, studying the movement of the guards and seeing the perfect opportunity to strike. Angel chokes one of the guards to death and Maine grabs the mouth of the guard then punches him in the head. Angel spots a guard leaning on the railing above the pool of liquidized plutonium and throws the guard into the pool of the green stuff. The guard ends up burning to a crisp, apparently the stuff isn’t meant for human consumption. An alarm then goes off alerting the guards that there has been a break in.

  “Well the door is open but we gotta get through these guards first.” Angel isn’t fazed by the alarm

  “Let’s give them hell!” Maine follows

  Hell is what the duo gives the guards as they make their escape. There was no need to stay inside anymore Angel had the evidence he needed or at least a part of it. Angel tells Maine that he wants to revisit the construction site and gather more evidence that he has a trusted source to hand the evidence to. The main pathway out of the facility is blocked by a broken down truck which cannot be moved, as a result the duo will have to find another way. Angel notices a cave to the left that he and Maine go explore. What they find is the mining operation or at least the distribution of the material was being taken care off using prisoners.

  Angel says, “Using prisoners why I’m not surprised, Mayor Williams would stoop so low to using men in orange to do his dirty work. Well a convict is always a convict anyway.”

  Angel and Maine shoot and kill the convicts that are working in the underground cave. The duo finds a mountain of green raw plutonium, as the two shocked faces of Angel and Maine look at the mountain of raw plutonium. Then a group of prisoners approach the duo and Skull who happened to get a get out of jail free card can be seen as well.

  Angel says to Skull humorously, “Talk about me looks like you’ve become Mayor William’s new pet dog!”

  “Screw you Angel, you thought I was going to be stuck in prison. A big riot happened and all off the prisoners are out including the one who killed your father…” Skull tries to intimidate Angel.

  Angel gets angry when Skull mentions his father saying, “Ok skull getting out of jail is one thing, but talk about my father is quite another. It’s time to send you to hell!”

  Angel and Maine quickly find cover to dodge the bullets flying from the guns of the convicts. Angel shoots the rope/wire holding the big pile of raw plutonium and the pile comes crashing down crushing all of the convicts minus Skull. Skull intimidated by the situation tries to run but Angel shoots him in the leg.

  Angel says to skull impetuously, “I could kill you here, but it won’t matter since you’ll return to Earth anyway. I just want you to suffer before you ever get that privilege of returning to Earth. Now you want to give me some answers or do I get to blast your other leg?”

  “Go to hell Angel!” Skull says out of spite.

  “Well suit yourself!” Angel shoots Skull in the other leg rendering him immobile. Angel says angrily, “Listen I don’t want to kill you, but I don’t have a problem doing it if I have to. What do you know about this operation?”

  Skull responds still in great pain, “Fine you win Angel, I was simply hired by the mayor to work here as he promised me freedom along with some of the green stuff which I could use to get the green stuff we all want. If you ask me Iván has the mayor as his puppet and is the mastermind of all this when it come to the plutonium business. Now as for you Angel your situation I think there’s a certain somebody in your own force who wants you whacked…”

  “Who? Skull Who?” Skull dies before he could talk anymore. “Damn he isn’t responding at all, damn it!”

  “Well you went too hard on him shooting his legs. He was about to tell you more.”

  “Yeah I know, but he wasn’t going to tell me shit before I threatened him. It had to be one besides he gave me some good info anyway. As for Mayor Williams he has a lot of explaining to do!”

  “Aren’t you worried about Bill and the four horsemen? After all they did break out of jail.” Maine reminds Angel of the murderer of his father.

  “And they will regret ever breaking out of jail! Come on lets go we gotta go back to the construction site, I wanna see the so call blueprints of the “Affordable Housing” project. I don’t even know why you’re even mentioning those guys?” Maine drives Angel back to Bay Ridge to where it all started.

  Angel and Maine dig deeper into the rusty looking building and find that this building is anything but empty. It is bustling with plutonium and a whole lot of it. The substance on the note that was found on the construction site indicating substance “P” was that of plutonium which was being converted to nuclear form for nuclear power and weapons. It was also being
converted to liquid form. Theory states that the gloobas are born or live off from plutonium. Angel gather’s his evidence and makes a bee-line out of the facility. The direct route is blocked by an immobile truck. The duo takes an alternative route through a small cave. Angel and Maine find a mountain of plutonium at the end of the cave along with Skull who Angel met back at prison. Angel decided to give Skull a brutal interrogation and actually gets some valuable information, but Skull dies before he could say anymore. One thing was clear Angel needed to go back to Bay Ridge and investigate the construction site once again, to see what is really taking place.

  Chapter 14

  Construction Site My Ass

  After Angel finds out that there is a major plutonium operation taking place in the industrial zone of Maspeth, Queens, he realizes that the one responsible for this scandal wanted him whacked off. Whoever this person was knew Angel well and knew that Angel would be one of the only people to know of the operation. Now whether it was the mayor trying to bully his way to being a tyrant of NYC, Carlos trying to get a promotion, illegal dealings with criminals netting them extra money or a deal made with the gloobas behind everybody’s back remained to be seen. Angel knew one thing he was running out of time before the mayoral elections and Mayor Williams would make sure Jane Parker wouldn’t make it one way or another. The picture was starting to become clearer for Angel, such as this project was simply a front for this plutonium operation. What role does Iván play, is he a glorified pawn? Angel needed to explore the construction site one more time.

  Angel says in his mind, “Gotta admit it was brilliant plan, draw out a bogus plan for housing, and steal the motherload of plutonium from right under our noses. The million dollar question is why? What were his henchmen after? What was Williams doing working with Iván only one of Puerto Rico’s worse offending criminals? Williams would have a lot of explaining to do and believe me I wanted answers even if it meant sending him to hell! Not to mention that the killer of my father was loose once again.”


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