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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 82

by Angel Medina

  “My name is Luis and I had no intention of trespassing on your planet. I just happened to be in the area after getting blasted from Venus. You see you guys are in serious danger, an alien race known as the gloobas are trying to take over…” Luis explains himself to Krull.

  “Enough! Get this fool out of here. Lock him up in holding cell G.” Krull cuts off Luis abruptly. “Luis you’ll make a great slave for us. Besides we have no quarrel with the Gloobas, now be gone!” Krull talks to Luis like he was a piece of bubble of gum under his foot.

  Luis is transported to holding cell G and is thrown in a holding cell. Luis tries to look for a way to break out of the baboon cells. However the cells are extremely hard to break open. After an hour of trying to break out of his cell, Luis becomes tired and runs out of energy. He falls down fainting and lays down on the floor unresponsive.

  Eventually Luis is taken into a flashback of when he was younger when his grandmother was still alive and he was just a young innocent teenage kid around the age of 16. He was on the streets on Bushwick, Brooklyn on Suydam Street and Wyckoff Ave. He was playing tag, kickball and other various games with his childhood friends along with his cousins who happen to live in the same neighborhood. Luis in his mind was happy, but at the same time he was confused because only moments ago he was stuck in a planet ruled by monkeys. However, what caught his attention was that he got to see his grandmother when she was still living. Luis runs to his grandmother with excitement jumping up and down. It was a shock to his system and he is dying to see and talk to his grandmother.

  Luis gets to his grandmother and says, “Abuela Como estas por favor preparar un sándwich de pavo y queso y yo quiere leche con quik de fresa.”

  “Si mi nieto espera a mi aquí mimo, no me va de aquí ok. Que niño muy bueno, peguntar a sus amigos si quiere la mimo.” Luis’s grandmother says that she will make him sandwiches, that he should wait by the stool and if his friends wanted anything.

  “Wait a minute is this real? I’m a little kid again. This may had been all just a long bad dream. This all seems so perfect living with my grandmother again and my friends. There goes Joe let me say what’s up.” Luis is filled with excitement seeing Joe, a friend that was killed in a motorcycle accident not too long ago. “Hey Joe what’s up boy! You ready for some kickball, my abuela is making some sandwiches for us, come on lets go.” Luis says in enthusiasm.

  “Kid who in the hell are you, I don’t know you! My mother said not to talk to strangers. Now get away from me or I’ll call my mother!” Joes responds.

  “Wait Joe you do know me, look at this picture of us when we were younger at age 7. Don’t tell me you forgot.” Luis tries to convince Joe that he does know him.

  “That is me I see, but I really don’t know you. Maybe that picture is very old and we lost touch with each other. Ok Luis I’ll go with you, besides I know your grandmother she is a nice woman.” Joe replies.

  Luis, Joe and all of Luis friends head to Luis’s house waiting for his grandmother to come out with lunch so they could go out and play kickball. After a few minutes Luis’s grandmother still hasn’t come out, he figures she was still busy making the sandwiches. Luis got a bad feeling in his mind because these were the same events that took place before his grandmother died of a heart attack and his friends would get shot from a drive by shooting. He decides to go inside the house to look for his grandmother and heads for the kitchen. When he gets inside the kitchen he finds his grandmother lying down unresponsive.

  “Abuela habla, tu esta bien? Habla… Habla! NO! Abuela no puede se que tu estar muerto.” Joe comes inside the house to see how Luis is doing. “Joe call 911 please, I think my grandmother is dying!”

  Joe proceeds to call 911 and the operator says the ambulance would be there in five minutes. Two minutes pass by a black SUV passes by speeding down Suydam Street and begins shooting at everyone. They were aiming for a competing drug deal, but the kids happened to be in the way so they were killed as well. When the ambulance arrives the paramedics they attempt to rescue Luis’s grandmother, but their efforts were in vain. She is declared dead after 5 minutes. Luis tries to hold his tears in, but then he looks out of the window after hearing the gunshots and sees that most of his friends had been murdered.

  “NO!!!!! Damn it first my grandmother, now my friends. My friends have nothing to do with this drug dealing. I just can’t believe this… I’m reliving the worse day of my life all over again. What is this suppose to mean? Was I sent here to change the past and I failed? Or is this all just a mind trap? This can’t be real…” Luis falls down crying the same way he fell when he experienced this situation in real life.

  Luis heads to his friends and tells the paramedics to save his friends, but they could not hear him anymore in fact no one could hear him anymore. Luis tried to touch and show the paramedics, but he longer had the ability to touch or to be seen. He is seeing the most painful part of his life as a ghost, all he could do was to witness it. Then a spirit comes and says to Luis to jump in the black hole and he could go back to change the past. Luis was hesitant to jump in, but if it would cure his pain he would go for it. However something grabbed Luis last minute and pulled him away saying “NO!” with a strong tone.

  “Nieto no si tu entre a ya, todo la cosas va a cambiar y por la peor! Este una trampa sigue adelante, yo estoy a un local mejor no se preocupe. Tu tiene que ase mejor por tu futuro! Ahora recoger sus fuerzas y salan de este sueno malo!” The spirit of Luis’s grandmother guided Luis not to fall for the evil spirits “trap” and he needed to be strong to break out of the mind trap.

  Luis gathers his all of his mental strength and he is able to break out of the mental trap. The trap is eerily similar to the one that was used against Angel, could Darkgaryl be behind this?

  Luis gets back up from the floor in the cell and he is being called by an ape guard. However this ape guard seems to be sympathetic to Luis, in fact he wanted to help Luis break out.

  “Hey human I’m gonna to break you out! Follow me.” The ape says.

  “Wait you help me? Why?” Luis asks the ape.

  “Listen my name is Marlon and even though I’m a Kong I believe we need to get along with humans and other races. Emperor Krull wasn’t always that evil, the gloobas have fried his head with empty promises of power and money. While most of my people have taken the side of evil, there are some of us who are trying to rebel against this new rule.” Marlon the ape explains to Luis.

  “How do I know I can trust you?” Luis asks Marlon grabbing him against the wall.

  “If I wanted you to die would I break you out and hand you a gun?” Marlon answers Luis’s question.

  “Well I guess you got a point there, lets bust out of this joint!” Luis says.

  Luis has just beaten a mind trap and got to see the spirit of his grandmother again. Although he had to witness the worse day of his life again, but hearing his grandmother’s voice gives him more confidence and more the reason to complete the mission at hand. Luis goes from feeling agony to feeling determined in only in a matter of a few minutes.

  Marlon is an ape guard which is a middle-ranking solider in the Kong military. He is one of the many guards in charge of maintaining order in the cells of captured prisoners. He is about Luis’s height and has a medium built for an ape, basically your average ape. He along with other Kong’s in his circle want to overthrow Emperor Krull, but never really have the manpower to do so. The only thing Luis really cares about though is getting out of there and moving on in his journey.

  “We are a strong force and if we fight for the wrong side we’ll not only destroy you, but ourselves as well. I never dreamed of killing Krull, but that bastard has left us with no choice. He refuses to change and see things for what they really are, I’ve seen more glooba buildings and they are starting to out number us. I fear the gloobas will simply turn their backs on us and conquer us from under our noses. A stool pigeon tells us that the gloobas have been experimenting with our species, lest
they have gotten their hands on Krull.” Marlon explains the situation even further.

  Luis decides he has heard enough armed with a triple dart poison shooter, he and Marlon along with some other Kongs begin their trek into enemy territory.

  The crew gets out of the jail rather easily as Marlon pretends to be escorting Luis to a job site. When they get out instead of heading for the job site which is building a statue of a glooba and a Kong shaking hands, they head straight for the plains. In the plains is a farm where the Kongs produce their food. While Marlon and the other apes are guards, they are just that and nothing more. In other words they are not allowed to enter many areas of the planet or they would be shot. Marlon is an experienced sniper and he is able to pick off several of the guards. Luis and the rest move in carefully to avoid being spotted.

  They eventually get inside the farm and continue to use stealth to get through the area. Marlon gets on top of the food silo to see where the main Kong base is located. He sees that the base is located due north and he tells the others what he sees.

  “Shit we’re going to have to kill more of our own kind. We gotta get through the core of the Kong population which is right through the jungle. Stealth won’t be an option either. They will probably spot us before we spot them.” Marlon warns everyone.

  “I don’t give a hell. I just wanna get out of here is that clear?” Luis screams angrily at the others. “Now let’s go I’m ready to kill some baddies!”

  “I guess it’s true what they say about you humans, you humans are unpredictable.” Marlon responds calmly despite Luis’s flamboyant attitude.

  Luis and the others head into the jungle and they are immediately met with a couple of Kongs in jeeps that try to hit Luis with their vehicles. The creatures that come out are low-ranking monkey troopers that have little to no experience and are just thrown into combat just like a buck-private. Luis shoots the monkeys down and he continues deeper into the jungle. More monkey troopers come out of the jungle and all of them are killed off by Luis. An alarm is then heard indicating that they have been detected.

  “An alarm, that’s not a good thing at all!” Luis screams.

  “Yup it’s not; it looks like we’ll be facing some of the big boys now.” Marlon replies.

  A group of monkey troopers come out from the distance, but they are accompanied by elite gorilla troopers. These gorillas come in 8ft tall around 350 to 450 pounds some are armed with high powered machine guns, while others are armed with “coconut launchers” which shoots out exploding coconuts and others are armed with nothing who come in simply charging. Luis and the others take shots at the gorillas while dodging the coconuts and bullets. At times they hide behind trees to avoid getting shot. Luis is able to kill off the monkey troopers, but is blasted by a coconut that explodes nearby which sends him flying.

  Marlon who is armed with a plasma rifle shoots the cannon weakening and killing several of the gorillas. Monkey troopers try to ambush the crew climbing the trees and throwing exploding coconuts. These creatures prove to be hard to take out because of their agility and they jump from tree to tree. Eventually Luis, Marlon, and his friends are able to survive the attack.

  Eventually they are able to get out of the jungle and head for the plains where the emperor’s citadel is located. Luis and the others run continuously despite being shot with coconut bombs by gorillas. Eventually they are able to climb over the wall protecting the emperor’s citadel. Once the crew gets inside of the emperor’s town they meet emperor guard buffoons who were in charge of protecting the town and Krull. They are armed with poison dart guns. He and the others run through the city killing any buffoons in the way. However one of Marlon’s friends gets shot by one of the poison darts and goes down.

  “No Shawn! Don’t die on me like this, come on human take this dart out of him, hurry!” Marlon says hysterically to Luis.

  Luis takes a look at the dart and sees it is filled with the “devil juice” and puts his head down preparing to give Marlon the bad news.

  “Marlon I’m sorry to say this, but Shawn isn’t coming back anytime soon. This is devil juice or blue goo, this dart has been infected with this devilish substance. So he will either die or worse turn into a glooba.” Luis says with a depressed tone.

  Marlon goes to hug Luis and begins to cry knowing his best friend from his childhood will never come back. Marlon sees his best friend turn blue and his veins begin to turn purplish as the “devil juice begins to get deeper into Shawn’s system. Marlon looks up in the sky which is as blue as it can be, but in his heart it is nothing but black.

  “Shawn I will never forget you! These bastards have gone too far, now I realize even more that the gloobas are not our friends.” Marlon says as he clears up his tears.

  “I feel your pain. I lost most of my friends as well due to violence. I can see that you guys are very similar to us society wise. I guess the Kongs are not as bad of a race as what is portrayed in our race.” Luis says.

  He begins to realize that the Kongs are a very advanced race and they have feelings that are similar to that to us humans. Even the planet itself is similar to Earth. The sky, the surface and even the weather which is actually rather temperate and unlike the other planets, Kong is similar to Earth. Eventually after getting through the city filled with hostile Kongs, Luis and Marlon stare upon the emperor’s citadel. They enter the citadel where enemy Kongs await them, however these Kongs have been mutated and many of the natural features have been altered.

  Monkeys now have longer tails, gorillas are twice as strong and are blue in color and buffoons have longer fangs. Several friendly Kongs join in the battle after being inspired by the bravely displayed by Luis and Marlon. Many if the friendly Kongs are of lower classes and they are easy killed. However their sacrifice does not go in vain, the distraction are enough for Luis and Marlon to kill the enemy. Luis grabs a coconut launcher and some banana grenades from the enemy corpses.

  The two arrive at the door where the emperor is located. They gather themselves in preparation of the confrontation.

  “You ready Marlon?” Luis asks Marlon.

  “Yeah… I guess so.” Marlon replies nervously.

  “Relax man that’s what Krull wants, for you to be scared. That way he’ll use that to his advantage. Now come on baby boy, gather all of your confidence. Just remember you’re doing this for your friend Shawn, he would be proud of you if you stand up for yourself!” Luis instills some confidence to Marlon.

  The two of them enter the emperor’s room where they confront Krull. He isn’t alone however he is surrounded by glooba troopers. To add to that many wires containing the “devil juice” are inserting the substance into Krull.

  “No Krull it can’t be you have stabbed our people in the backs. However you have made it obvious whose side you’re on.” Marlon tells Krull in disappointment.

  “Hahaha! You think I was going to pass up this opportunity for power and riches? Oh Marlon aren’t you the naïve one, soon Kong will be the strongest planet that no one else will dare come close to us!” Krull responds with no remorse and declares his hunger for power. “You see power is what makes the universe go round, besides nice guys finish last! With the help of my friends the gloobas we shall have of reign of total domination.” Krull continues in his intimidating strong tone similar to all of the other Kongs in the region.

  Krull is the biggest gorilla in the Kong race standing in at around 10 ft and 600 pounds. He has always been a tough cookie, but before the gloobas took over he did have his moments where he showed his kindness. His fists and feet were strong enough to crush anybody, but with the “devil juice” he was about to be enhanced even more, at the cost of his kindness.

  “It’s sad that your greed has blinded you Krull, it was always said greed was mankind’s biggest weakness. However I guess it applies to every living thing in the universe. Krull you are foolish to believe that the glooba are actually your friends. These aliens want you to be this evil dictator so they can ta
ke over our planet from right under your nose. However if you don’t want to listen to me, it’s your decision. I’m also aware that you have been infected so you’re probably not in your right mind.” Luis tries to convince Krull that the gloobas are using him.

  “Ha! Nice speech there foolish human, but that speech won’t save you here and Marlon I’m very disappointed in you. Agggghhhh!!!” Krull says angrily and then he breaks out of his seat breaking through the wires that were attached to him.

  The gloobas try to control Krull with their mind control machine, but Krull becomes uncontrollable even by the gloobas. The aliens run in panic trying to avoid him, but he grabs many of the aliens with his bare hand and squeezes the life out of them. The other gloobas decide to jump out of the window rather than meet their doom with him. That leaves Luis and Marlon inside by their lonesome with Krull.

  “Well it’s just you and me big guy, come take your best shot!” Luis says to Krull.

  “I’ll gladly take you out of your misery. Any final words?” Krull asks the two.

  None of the two answer and they begin to attack him. He first rolls into a ball and rolls towards the two in an attempt to crush them. He misses both Luis and Marlon. Luis throws a banana grenade towards him, but he easily catches the banana and throws it back towards the two. The blast takes Luis and Marlon down to the floor, while Krull pounds his chest thinking he has defeated the two.

  “You haven’t won yet Krull! It’s going to take more than that to take me out, you son of a bitch you killed my best friend!” Marlon becomes enraged thinking of what he has lost due to Krull’s betrayal.

  Marlon runs around the room while Krull hammers the floor, which causes an energy blast to rush towards Marlon and destroys several columns of the emperor’s quarters. Luis begins to shoot off exploding coconuts towards him and they begin to have some effect on him as he rubs his head.

  Krull turns his attention to Luis and begins to thrown coconut explosives the size of boulders. Luis gets blasted right towards the wall behind him. Krull cockily approaches Luis and grabs him prepared to crush him. However Marlon distracts him with a banana grenade. He turns his attention to Marlon and charges him like a bull. He strikes Marlon so hard he goes through the window falling down to street level.


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