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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 86

by Angel Medina

  Caimen actually catches Angel and Maria off guard with the Spinys coming from the two glooba ships by Caimen. The Spinys are already tough on their own and now with the ship it will be twice as hard for Angel and Maria. The two of them hold hands, pronounce their love for each other and say a few words before hand.

  “We may not get outta alive, in case that should happen, I will always love you Maria!” Angel says with plenty of emotion.

  “Till death we shall be together, other than that we are not done yet here! Now stop crying and put your man balls on! We gotta beat this clown.” Maria says to Angel trying to boost his morale and make him stop feeling sorry for himself.

  “Deploy all Spinys, charge! I got a present for you!” Caimen says in an evil tone.

  Caimen begins to spin his robot arms towards the two. Both of them are able to dodge the spinning arm attacks and Angel sees holes appear under the robot indicating possible weak spots. However when Angel tries to shoot the robot he is approached by several Spinys and he is unable to shoot having to defend himself against the creatures. One of the claws hits Angel slightly, but Angel falls to the ground on impact. Then the Spinys prepare to finish off, one of them jumps up and begins to fall on his back. The Spiny attempts to kill Angel with its back which is full of spikes and impale Angel.

  Maria spots Angel in trouble and shoots the attacking spiny with her shrink ray. The Spiny is shrunk down to miniature size and she crushes it. Another Spiny tries to attack the same way, but Maria pulls Angel up and the creature falls on its back. The middle spike gets stuck on the soft limestone ground of Koopia, so the spiny is stuck unable to get out. No matter how much the creature tries to get out, waving its claws back and forth.

  Angel goes back to shooting Caimen and is able to take out of the robot's arms.

  “Yeah...yeah!!!” Maria cheers on.

  Angel begins to focus on the second arms. However, he is once again interrupted by the Spinys. Taking no chances he orders Maria to cover him when he takes on the robot.

  “Maria, cover me! I’m going in for the kill!” Angel yells out.

  Maria would cover Angel by taking out as many Spinys as possible. At first she has an easy time taking out the Spinys, but the final wave of Spinys that land decide to take a different approach. Instead of going in running head first they decide to go in spinning furiously towards her. She tries to shrink them, but the force of the spinning actually deflects the shrink ray blasts.

  “Crap that didn’t do anything to them at all! Looks like I have to get creative.” Maria says.

  Angel takes out the other arm and the robot begins to attack with its laser attack. Angel gets out of the way as Caimen keeps a continuous laser focus towards the two. Maria comes up with the idea of leading the Spinys into the laser blast. All of the Spinys chase her and without notice get their goose cooked by Caimen.

  “What the hell? Hey that’s all my soldiers, who are you guys?” Caimen begins to panic as he watches his plan go upside down.

  “So you wanna know who we are, all you have to know is that we are your worst nightmare come true and the ones who are about to kick your ass!” Angel answers Caimen’s question with great confidence.

  Caimen sees that his plan to take over his former homeland has fallen flat, so he tries to make a run for it. Angel has different ideas however as he uses his last few missiles to take down the robot and then just like that the robot is gone. However the damage done to Koopia a once peaceful planet is already done. There’s a lot more Troopia dead bodies than glooba bodies. The last few Troopia’s are grateful for Angel’s and Maria’s arrival.

  “We couldn’t do it without you guys, how can we ever repay you?” One of the remaining elite Troopias ask.

  “I would say help us in this time of war, but as far as I can see you guys are in no position to help. Just focus on rebuilding as much as you can in the next 5 days. After that hopefully this will nothing but a horrible nightmare.” Angel says to the Troopias.

  The Elder God shows up and indicates to the two that there is a glooba base in Mercury.

  “Angel and Maria congrats on a job well done, I have arrived because you’re about to enter the zone where there is little to no signal from here on out. Which means you will be on your own from this point on. Good news is Luis and Dayvon are alive heading to Mercury, so your friends are alive. Once you break through Mercury the path to the planet of Goo will be clear. However I sense a great evil presence not too far and my power is weakening too fast, so I must go. Good luck to the two of you.” The Elder God tells the two.

  Then a great evil is sensed by Angel by repeated rapid heartbeats.

  “I know the evil is here, show yourself now!” Angel demanding that the evil one shows himself.

  “Hahaha! Yes Mr. Medina it’s me the ultimate evil the one you seek to defeat. You’re too weak to beat me. I will crush you and your puny army. I just been easy on you, the truth is I want to crush you myself. I missed crushing you the last time I had the chance. However I don’t intend to throw this chance away! Hahaha! Turn back if you know what’s good for you!” The evil voice can be heard saying in the background, which sounded like the glooba emperor that Angel defeated in the first adventure.

  “Well come get some now punk if you’re so confident! Well come on!” Angel still demands that the source of the evil voice come down and show itself.

  “Now that wouldn’t be too much fun, now would it? I would simply crush you, besides I want to toy with your head and make you think you’ll save the world, only to come just short! Hahaha. Think you will be forever known as the goat who failed to save his people and you will have to take that to your grave forever!” The evil voice continues to taunt Angel.

  “Enough! You have said enough, cut the crap, come down and make us eat our words. That is if you have the balls to come down, instead of hiding behind a shield or your planet.” Maria stomps her foot down to the ground, tired of hearing the evil voice talking.

  “We shall meet soon enough, but by then you’ll probably regret seeing my face hahaha!” The evil voice says and then its moves away.

  “If that Emperor is looking for another ass-whooping, that’s what we’ll give him!” Angel says.

  “You said it, let's get moving!” Maria says feeling a sense of adrenaline after talking to the evil one himself.

  Angel and Maria get in their respective ships, while saying bye to the residents of Koopia. They go back into the hyperspace and begin their journey towards Mercury.

  Chapter 17

  The Milky Way

  After saving Koopia from the glooba invasion, Angel and Maria head towards Mercury to join the others. As they fly through space the flight is a nice peaceful ride, riding along the stars. All is well until they see several enemy ships in the way, which they manage to destroy. Then a huge phoenix heads in their direction, to avoid hitting it the two of them head to their left. In the effort of getting away from the bird they accidently hit a wormhole and enter the colorful wormhole. The colors of the wormhole are diluted as if a human being was on LSD or having a hallucination. Angel and Maria wonder where they were heading next, but one thing is for sure there was no guarantee that it would be leading them somewhere in their own dimension.

  “Where in the hell are we going?” Maria yells while asking.

  “I don’t know sweetheart, but I think we must had taken a wrong turn somewhere when we were running from that strange bird. I think we’re in a wormhole and hopefully we don’t end up in an infinite loop.” Angel says in concern.

  The two go through the wormhole with its signature variety of colors and they don’t feel much physically because they’re going at the speed of light. Eventually to their relief there is an end through the wormhole, but no sign of Earth anywhere or the planets for that matter. Upon further examination the surrounding background is nothing but stars and gases. The two finally put the pieces together and find out that they are in the outer arm of the Milky Way.

; “Oh my god, Maria you know where the hell we are?” Angel asks Maria hysterically.

  “No! However I know one thing is probably somewhere outside of the boundaries of our world.” Maria responds hysterically.

  “To be exact or if I’m correct I should say we’re in the outer portion of the Milky Way. All I see ahead is pitch black on one side and the other side is full of stars. This must be the edge of the Milky Way. Crap if we’re not careful we might just end up in a faraway dimension in the middle of nowhere.” Angel responds to Maria very concerned and curious to how they ended up where they are.

  The Elder God shows up, but doesn’t stay for long. However he does tell our heroes that they must find the white hole to get out of where they are.

  “Angel and Maria you don’t have much time, you have been sucked into a black hole where you have been taken all the way here. The truth is the distance from here to Earth or even Goo is over 25,000 years long even at the speed of light. There is no true way out, except for a white hole that will transport you back to where you were. Be careful even though there are no aliens out here, but the environment will be colorful and the stars will all look alike so you won’t have a sense if you’re going in the right direction or not. You only have a certain amount of time before the white hole closes up, if you are not inside there in time you will be stuck here forever. Finally this place will cause you to have hallucinations beyond your control. You must try to fight those hallucinations. Good luck I must go now.”

  “Damn that’s it huh no sense of where to go huh?” Angel says in a disgusted tone.

  “The hole is probably in the area going towards the center of the Milky Way, let us just keep going straight towards the stars.” Maria says as she is confused where to go, but decides the most direct path is the best way to go.

  The two begin their way toward the “center” of the Milky Way and the ride begins smoothly. However five minutes into the ride space winds begin to send turbulence towards the two. Also the winds are beginning to move the stars around, making it hard for Maria and Angel to see where they were going. In reality though the stars aren’t moving, it’s the combination of low gravity, strong winds and the bright colors of the stars that are giving the two illusions.

  Angel and Maria began to see the stars and gases diluted left, right, up and down. Maria begins to go off course, but Angel is able to get her attention before she wandered off into the abyss of space.

  “Maria, wake up! That’s what the evil one want to happen to us, he wants us to get lost here! That way he could take over the world much easier and we would be lost here forever.” Angel convinces Maria to fight the illusions.

  As the crazy trip through the Milky Way continues the two try to stay on course the best they can. Out of nowhere polygon birds made up of light begin to attack the two. Angel and Maria team up to take out the birds. However the scene becomes even more bizarre as the two of them would be attacked by paper airplanes, yes paper airplanes. The two shoot the paper airplanes and in their heads they are shooting the planes down, but in reality they are just shooting the air.

  The paper airplanes are nothing but illusions for the two of them. As they get further in the Milky Way the illusions get even stronger and the two started to develop space sickness with their heads beginning to spin. Angel sees what looks to be a wall in front of him, which disappears when he gets “close” to it. Maria started to see a “whale” floating on by, nothing happens when she shoots the whale. Just like the wall the whale disappears into thin air as Maria approaches it.

  “What the hell is this place? Paper airplanes…” Angel says in disbelief of what he was seeing.

  “Paper airplanes? How about these crazy ass whales?” Maria asked Angel, more concerned about the whale.

  The illusions become even darker for the two of them. For Angel he is surrounded by paper airplanes which at first don’t faze him, but because he is imagining a large number of these planes he begins to panic and flies away from the airplanes believing they are real. Angel heads towards the opposite side of where he was going. He heads towards the boundary between our universe and the unknown universe.

  Maria begins to see all kinds of sea creatures such as whales, stingrays and sharks surround her. She tries to use her smart bombs with no success at all, her bombs are disabled. So she does a u-turn in the same direction as Angel trying to escape what she thinks is a group of strange unknown space creatures.

  What the two don’t know that everything that they are seeing are nothing but hallucinations of their thoughts as they are in a nearly different dimension. They are literally pushing the boundaries of what is considered our dimension, their spiritual energy is about to be put to the test.

  Angel and Maria head for the pitch black although in their eyes they were going in the right direction. That’s because they had the diluted background instilled in them almost like they were in an acid trip. The two of them head into the pitch black of the dark abyss of the Milky Way. After 10 minutes the two are deep in the abyss of darkness, is this the end of Angel and Maria?


  “Maria, hey Maria!” Screams a voice of a boy.

  “What is it?” Maria asks the boy.

  “Your boyfriend Angel is outside waiting for you!” The boy answers Maria in an annoyed voice.

  “He’s not my boyfriend?” Maria yells at the boy.

  “Sure sister… sure. He’s just a good friend of yours who happens to be a boy. There’s no “love” between you two, just friends…” The boy who is revealed as Maria’s younger brother busts out laughing after assuming Maria and Angel were going out.

  Maria finally realizes that she is not in her current time period and she has gone back to the time where she and Angel were just next-door neighbors at the age of 14. She quickly realizes that this was probably a mind trap being pulled by the evil one. However she can’t help but to feel emotional, everything felt so real like she had gone back in time in reality. She walks out of her house and towards Angel to greet him. She greets him in excitement, hidden from her brother of course and he greets her cordially.

  “Wow I can’t believe this I’m going back to the time where I had a crush on my husband and never told him my true feelings. I always imagined what would happen if I did tell him, heck he was only 17 what harm could it cause?” Maria says in her head.

  “Hey Maria how are you, ready to go bike riding?” Maria looks at Angel without a response. “Look if you have to ask for permission I’ll wait for you here, that’s not a problem.” Angel says in a very kind tone.

  “No my parents love you, let’s go ba…” Maria holding her words in as Angel in this time period did not have feelings for her.

  Then it hit her like a ton of bricks, her and Angel never went to the park that day. Angel was going to her grandmother’s house and that particular day the park was riddled with gang violence. All of a sudden she tries to convince him not to go to the park, but didn’t want to scare him.

  “Ah Angel don’t you have to go to your grandmother’s house?” Maria asks Angel.

  “Yeah I was supposed to, but my father said he wasn’t feeling good and we would go tomorrow. He gave me permission to go bike riding with you and besides I like the idea of a bike ride with just the two of us. So are you down or not?” Angel says in an arrogant tone.

  “Ok, I still say it’s not a good idea, that park could be full of gangs!” Maria begs Angel to change his mind.

  “Nonsense I’ll be here to protect you, now come on there’s something I want to do with you when we get to the top and no it’s not sex.” Angel keeps his kind tone towards Maria like he had no worries at all.

  Maria says to herself, “Could it be that this is indeed real and everything I been going through was just a bad nightmare? Let me go with Angel and see what’s up.” She decides to go with him knowing that this might be a mind trap.

  A voice tells Maria, “Be careful Maria, whatever decisions you make here will affect your curre
nt future, this is not a blast from the past!”

  Another more sinister voice says, “Don’t listen him, this is your chance to get the love of your life sooner, a chance to erase those years you suffered through High School. This is your chance at redemption!”

  The friendlier voice says, “Maria it’s up to you, but I would strongly advise not going, believe me this is probably all a setup.”

  Maria is confused now, she decides to follow Angel carefully and if anything looked funny she would jump into action. It’s something about the day, even the date that alarms her. Angel and Maria ride through the park, all the way until they got to the “makeout tree”. This is a place where couples would go to make out in private, despite the many couples around it seems that the makeout tree is always empty.

  “Isn’t this beautiful Maria, the scenery?” Angel sighs then holds Maria’s hand firmly.

  “Yeah this is beautiful, but something isn’t quite right here.” Maria says in a concerned tone.

  “I know you’re nervous and wondering what are we doing here if we are not even dating.” Angel answers Maria’s concerns.

  However that wasn’t Maria’s actual concern, she did not see any gang members and it was oddly quiet in the park. Could it be that she was wrong about her theory?

  “Angel listen I know you love me and I love you too, but I don’t think we should be here. I mean we can go home you made your point besides, isn’t your father going to worry?” Maria kneels down nearly begging Angel to leave the park.

  “Nonsense my curfew isn’t until 11 just like yours, so you can stop worrying so much. Like I said now that we’re “Dating” I’ll protect you even more, I promise.” Angel still talking in his kind-hearted tone.

  “This is weird, no gang members or anybody for that matter. Is this indeed the way it should have happened or is there something else waiting in the wings for me?” Maria is completely confused.


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