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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 85

by Angel Medina

  As he gets closer to the platform he finds a geamer right on top of him with its spikes extended.

  “Oh crap if I climb I’ll be spiked in the head, but I can’t possibly hang on this long with the cold. However I’m going to have to, I just gotta hope this critter decides to move. Maybe if I pretend to be dead, the critter will simply go up on its jolly ole way.” Dayvon says as he chooses to hang on for dear life, hoping the geamer will sense the “danger” is gone.

  At first he doesn’t mind hanging on even though the creature is still in the same place it became defensive. However as the cold air continues to blow and fatigue begins to kick in he begins to lose his grip somewhat on the rocks. He was determined to keep himself from falling and stood strong in staying still. His hands begin to weaken even further and becoming numb due to inactivity in the cold weather.

  “Come on little guy you gotta move out of my way, otherwise I’m going to take my last bath! I’m dead… I’m dead go on little critter just go.” Dayvon begs the critter trying to convince the geamer in his head to move away.

  Dayvon’s left hand numbs out completely and loses grip of the rock on her left hand. He begins to hang on for dear life with his right hand and tries to stay still as a board to get the creature to move. After five minutes the geamer finally moves out of the way moving back up the pike. He then uses his leg strength to make for his left hand going numb and somehow pulls himself up to the platform. Dayvon finally gets to the platform all tired out nearly passing out on the platform.

  “Man… that was close… oh man I’m all beat… up… God… somebody or anybody help me I’m all numb…” Dayvon says as he faints on the platform with the snow continuing to fall slowly.

  Luis on the other hand was still hanging out in the corner of the hallway trying to warm himself back to his normal temperature.

  “Ah that’s much better, I think I’m just about ready to get into this laboratory to take out these gravity towers.” Luis says in his mind as he decides to make up his mind to go on in.

  He walks in carefully as he goes into the main hallway and takes out a turret protecting the main hallway. After getting through the main hallway he sees a set of stairs leading to a door needing a red keycard and also sees a straight away. Luis goes through the straight away and kills off a few salamander troopers. Then he hops on an elevator down to the lower levels, when he gets out he sees the research labs. He sees capsules of alien research on the plutonian life forms and sees some jellyfish like creatures in some of the capsules.

  “What in the hell… jellyfish? These are some sick bastards! These jellyfish look evil as well, probably would suck the life out of me if it got out.” Luis says on his head.

  Before Luis could do any damage to the laboratory, several gloobas come in to the lab to attack him. A mixture of salamander troopers, iguana enforcers and boar cops come out to attack Luis.

  “Now that is the action I like! It’s time to kick some alien butt!” Luis says in confidence.

  The boar cops shoot their shotgun rounds at Luis, salamander troopers shoot their laser pistols and the iguana enforcers use their chaingun. Luis hides behind a capsule to avoid the projectiles. Glass around the laboratory breaks all over the place, Luis finds himself surrounded by the aliens. His, plasma cannon is still warming up, so it’s still useless. Luis grabs his shotgun and kills some of the aliens. He runs and dives across the room while dodging the alien projectiles. After landing Luis finds a button behind him which reads “Do not activate the button, hostile test subject’s inside.” and ponders what to with the button.

  “Hmm… Let me give the aliens a taste of their own medicine!” Luis says as he opens the capsules holding the jellyfish creatures.

  The jellyfish species is code named “Gloobafish” and they only mission in their miserable lives is to suck the living life off their prey. The Gloobafish sees the aliens and although the gloobas did create the jellyfish. There was one thing the gloobas didn’t realize about the creatures and that was they have a mind of their own. In other words regardless of whom created them, their native mindset tells them to suck the living life of anyone including the ones who were researching them.

  For once Luis gets to see the gloobas have their creations used against them. However Luis knows that he can’t get too comfortable because they will be after him after they kill off the aliens. The Gloobafish attach themselves to the attacking gloobas and begin to suck the life out of the gloobas. After the gloobas are killed Luis sees the red keycard on one of the corpses. He heads to the alien body to pick up the keycard and heads for the exit. However the door closes and automatically locks to keep the test species from escaping.

  “Crap this isn’t good! Looks like I’m stuck in here with the jellyfish. Nice, my plasma cannon is now warmed up and ready to go!” Luis says in encouragement after seeing his weapon is ready to be used.

  The Gloobafish go after Luis and he runs around the room to avoid them. He shoots his plasma cannon and it proves to be very effective against the creatures as their native environment despite the glooba mutations is the cold. Luis defeats the Gloobafish and sees even more Gloobafish break out of their capsules.

  “Oh no there’s gotta be a way out of here, I won’t have enough juice to take out the rest of these bastards. Hmm… A switch, hopefully it leads me out of this hellhole or I’ll be the next experiment.” Luis says as he heads for the switch.

  He gets to the switch and presses the switch, which indeed opens the door. However Luis feels a sucking sensation on his back, he turns around and is shocked by the Gloobafish that was behind him. Luis sprints out of the room as fast as he can and then he slams the door shut. After getting out Luis checks himself and while no physical scratches are seen he does feel slightly weaker. That is the result of the Gloobafish attempting to suck his blood.

  After that Luis heads up to the stairway to open the red keycard door. He heads through the door and heads to the roof area of the research lab. The upper part of the lab is filled with many flying salamander troopers. While he kills them easily, but the sheer amount of aliens is enough to overwhelm him in the ammo department. So he runs up to a sentry gun and begins to unload on the rest of the salamander troopers. After that Luis finally gets to see the stingray king that had attacked him earlier.

  The creature is a stingray with a lethal lightning bolt attack and a powerful tail whip attack. The stingray attacks Luis with lightning bolts, but Luis is able to dodge the shots. He finds several ammo packs for his plasma cannon and begins to attack the stingray. The stingray weakens, but doesn’t go down yet. It heads straight for Luis with its tail and somehow Luis is able to jump up to avoid the attack.

  “Nieto vamos a ganar!” The spirit of Luis’s grandmother says that we are going to win.

  Luis shoots his plasma cannon and in combination with his grandmother’s spirit he is able to kill off the stingray. The stingray crashes into the gravity tower and he would get a call from Quentin afterwards.

  “Hey Luis, good job here. However you are not done yet, we have a disturbance from the quarantine cave next to the pike where Dayvon is located. I haven’t been able to get in contact with him for the longest and there is a bio-weapon in the area. I’m going to need you to stay here and investigate further.” Quentin orders Luis.


  Meanwhile Dayvon is still lying down on the floor unconscious. That is until a light strikes him, he doesn’t move from his location. However in his mind he has a flashback to when he was running the streets, selling his drugs and screwing up his life.

  “What the hell, why am I back here? This must be some sort of test to see if I’m faithful, I can’t believe I was selling this garbage.” Dayvon talks to himself.

  “Hey stop talking to yourself and get this merchandise going to big P.” Dayvon’s former friend Diddy says to him.

  “Alright cool.” Dayvon responds.

  “You know where to go. I’m counting on you brother, don’t screw this up
for me!” Diddy tells Dayvon.

  Dayvon walks into his Acura and says, “Wait a minute I remember this day I was supposed to take these drugs to big P and collect my big payout. Am I getting a second chance at life to be rich and provide more for my family? Should I go there and collect before the cops get there, I know I could get there fast.

  Dayvon begins to complicate whether to go through with the order knowing that he was probably going to get arrested at the meeting spot as it was a sting operation. A spirit tells Dayvon to stop worrying about the cops and think about the money, how it would make it easy on his family. He begins to think how much the money would help him to raise his family.

  “No! I can’t do this, it isn’t right. The cops are waiting for me, I remember this day clearly now. It was my last day before the cops busted the whole crew and luckily for me no one snitched on me.” Dayvon decides to not go for the temptation.

  “You fool! You’re throwing away riches just because you’re scared! Come on think about it…” The evil spirit says trying to convince Dayvon to change his mind.

  “No! You’re lying to me, I may get rich, but I would go to jail right away.” Dayvon screams. “Take your drugs and stick them up your ass!” He throws the drugs on the floor therefore breaking the mind trap.

  Then he returns back to Pluto, Dayvon gets a stroke of energy from the spirit of his fallen friend Diddy. He gets up with a renewed sense of energy and he continues up till he got to the top of the pike. He enters the quarantine chamber where the disturbance is coming from. Dayvon sees Luis from a distance screaming his name out. Luis walks over to Quentin and they meet up. However the reunion is cut short by the moving rocks that were consolidating into one area. At that point the two have spotted the bio-weapon a huge rock monster known as Thardus. The two look at it in disbelief at the sheer size of the creature and the fact it’s made out of rock.

  Thardus is a creature made out of rock formations that have been infected with the devil juice and made them come alive. Using the gravitational pull, it pulls rocks creating its body. Its main form of attack is to roll itself into a ball and attempt to crush its target. Its second form of attack is an ice attack that freezes the target and lowers their body temperature. Its final form of attack is creating a shield of lightning around it for around 15 seconds.

  “Oh boy a fu... rock, out of all possible creatures the bio-weapon is a rock monster. This is getting way too weird, for my own good!” Luis screams.

  “Hmm… I see several blue areas on him, must be his weak points. This should be easy!” Dayvon isn’t fazed by the monster at all after defeating a mind trap.

  Thardus rolls into a ball and tries to crush Luis and Dayvon. The two of them run around the chamber trying to avoid the creature. Eventually Thardus stops rolling and the two begin to attack the creature in its weak spot. Thardus begins to weaken somewhat, but decides to counter attack with its ice attack. The attack freezes whatever it touches and Dayvon is one of those things that get frozen. He is frozen solid unable to move, leaving Luis on his own. Luis decides to shoot the plasma cannon at Dayvon and hope that the ice would melt.

  “This is gonna hurt a little bit, but I can’t let you freeze in there!” Luis says as he unfreezes Dayvon.

  Dayvon gets back to the ground and realizes he has no weapon that can defeat the creature as his freezethrower is useless against creatures that are native of the cold weather. He decides to distract the creature so that Luis could have a clear shot at the creature. Luis begins to shoot Thardus weakening him even more to the point of nearly killing the creature. Thardus has one last trick up its sleeve; it shields itself with lightning bolts.

  One of the bolts hit Luis paralyzing him. Dayvon looks at Luis realizing he has to take the plasma cannon and finish off the job. So he grabs the weapon dodging a lightning bolt and fires into the creature's heart killing it. Thardus begins to fall apart and Dayvon pulls Luis away from the collapsing Thardus.

  After a few minutes Luis regains himself and the temperature actually increases quite a bit. That gives the two the impression that Pluto was cold because of the gloobas influence and that the gloobas were beginning to lose their influence over the universe.

  The Elder God shows up and lectures the two on what’s ahead. Then he transports them to their respective ships and tells them that the gloobas have a base on the planet of Mercury. So that will be the next target for Luis and Dayvon.

  Chapter 16

  Koppia’s Core

  Dayvon and Luis make their way to Mercury as shown by the Elder God, while Angel and Maria are still in Koopia where the gloobas have made their presence known very well. In fact the aliens are able to kill off the high ranking general that was assisting Angel and Maria. All he said before he died was “go to the middle” what did the center of Koopia that was so sacred? The two were not too far from the center of Koopia and they had to save Koopia without the assistance of the general.

  Angel and Maria head towards the center of Koopia, passing by the rainforest area. While going towards the center, the two kill some more of the frog/turtle mutated creatures. As they get closer rain begins to fall, winds begin to pick up and the sky becomes even darker almost pitch black.

  “Oh boy this is going to be one bad storm, in more ways than one!” Angel screams out.

  “Why do you say that?” Maria asks.

  “Just look… at the sky… I never seen skies that… gray, unless it’s because… we’re on another planet and this… is how the skies are during a rainstorm. Also look at all those aliens trying to break through to the center, we can’t let them get through!” Angel answers his wife.

  “Whatever the center of this planet has must be real strong because I can sense the Troopias are fighting to the last man.” Maria says as she feels something strange as the two head towards the center.

  The Troopia’s or the ones who still a stomach to fight put up an honorable fight, but the glooba army is too strong. Angel and Maria would step in with their high-powered weapons. Angel comes in with the explosive Devastator and Maria with the cool shrinkray gun. The two of them even up the battlefield, so far none of the gloobas have managed to step into the center of the planet.

  “Looks like we’re doing a good job so far!” Angel yells.

  “Yeah I know we’re still alive the only thing is we’re all wet, but that’s the least of our concerns. Let’s not give up the momentum! Keep fighting everyone!” Maria gives a morale boost to Angel and the remaining Troopia’s that were still fighting.

  After 10 minutes of fierce fighting, the two and the remaining Troopia’s are able to hold back the glooba horde. In fact the horde ends up retreating and begins to move away from the center of the planet. Watching the enemy retreat the Troopias begin to celebrate, with one even taking his shell off trying to get the attention of the female Troopia’s. However the females are not intrigued at all by his actions, in fact they look at him like he has lost his mind. Everyone was in a celebratory mood, even Maria as she kisses Angel in the lips. However Angel is not in the mood to celebrate, he had the look of concern even though the glooba horde was retreating.

  “What’s wrong hun? Why the long face, everyone’s happy and you’re standing here like something is going to happen.” Maria asks Angel in a concerned tone.

  “Sorry, but this all played out way too easy. The gloobas would never give up this fast. They always fought till the last man.” Angel explains to Maria.

  “What are you suggesting?” Maria asks Angel again with concern, this time grabbing his arms to comfort him.

  Angel hugs Maria and says, “I love you Maria. However these aliens are coming back or they wanted us to attack them here. I got a bad feeling we’re about to be attacked from behind…” Angel turns around and sees exactly what he was concerned about.

  A big robot with a couple of glooba spaceships approaches the crew. The robot has two big swinging claws. That attacks the Troopia’s killing several of them. The claws would tear r
ight through the shells and all of a sudden Koopia which is a peaceful planet turns into a blood bath. To make matters worse the robot also has a hyper beam attack as a secondary form of attack. What catches Angel’s eye is the pilot of the robot, it was a Troopia. The general was correct in that there was a traitor amongst the population. This traitor goes by the name of Caimen who was the right hand man of the general, then disappeared with no one being the wiser. He turned his back on his people and is now influenced by the “devil juice” which pretty makes his allegiance clear as a bell.

  “Ha! I knew it! You may have gotten everyone else, but not me! It’s time to show what happens to traitors, come on Benedict Arnold take your best shot!” Angel says to Caimen with great emotion, like he had sense Caimen’s presence.

  “Ha you fool, if I were you I would get out of here. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, this has nothing to concern you. Now be gone!” Caimen tries to bully Angel.

  “Are you really gonna listen to that fool?” Maria sarcastically asks Angel, she knows Angel would not follow order given to him by the enemy.

  Angel winks at Maria signally her that he’s going to sneak attack. Then he says in a convincing tone, “Ok “Caimen” you win, we’ll leave you alone, even better I’ll put my weapon down. Come on Maria.”

  “Like I thought, like a couple of obedient slaves. Good that you realize your place in this universe. Now go before I change my mind!” Caimen says in an arrogant tone.

  Just as Angel is putting down his Devastator, he kicks it up, grabs it in the air and shoots at Caimen.

  “Sorry, but I don’t take orders from bullies!” Angel says and then orders everyone to attack.

  “Oooo! You got me! I should’ve seen that coming. Well that’s not a problem. It’ll just make it more fun when I finally crush you! Hahaha! Spinys deploy from the ships, bet you didn’t see that coming now did you?” Caimen says remaining arrogant.


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