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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 84

by Angel Medina

  As Dayvon broke through the first base the winds start to pick up ever so slightly. Dayvon also meets one of Sahara’s native creatures that have been mutated by the gloobas, known as the Saharan Widow Spider. Its composition is mostly sand, but the important thing is the sheer size of one. The sheer size of a spider could crush Dayvon in no time and little effort.

  Dayvon sees a couple of them and begins to shoot, but they take a lot of shots to kill with the laser, so he opts to use an explosive shell instead. The shell is super powerful and kills off the spiders along with other glooba ships in the surrounding area. Only problem is that the tank only has six shells and he just used one now, so he has to be careful in his use of the bombs.

  He proceeds to a bridge and sees another group of glooba ships along with the Widow Spiders. Dayvon shoots the alien ships down while doing a barrel roll to avoid being crushed by the spiders. He figures that by speeding away he would lose the spiders. However that turns out to be false, the spiders would jump ahead and he would continue to shoot them until they go down. He sustains a small amount of damage after being struck by one of the spiders. The tank remains in good shape however.

  He begins to approach another glooba base when he spots the other two other life forms that the planet has to offer. The cactuses that attack Dayvon by shooting their spines at his direction, he hovers up to avoid the spines. The tank can only hover for a few seconds, up to 10 seconds to be exact until it has to land back on solid ground. Out of nowhere from behind a diamondback snake pops out of the ground and begins to come down in front of him burrowing its way down. He slows the tank down to avoid being eaten by the snake.

  Before he could “relax” another snake approaches from the right making a bee-line for him. He uses the boost to outrun the snake and avoid being dinner. He begins to approach the base, shooting the turrets that guarded the base. He enters the base and goes through the hangar where the tanks are manufactured. He destroys several tanks that are unmanned and takes on tanks that are manned by gloobas. At the same time he would take fire from the gloobas shooting from above on defense towers.

  After breaching the base Dayvon heads back outside to face more Widow Spiders, in fact gang of them and a couple of diamondback snakes.

  “Oh screw this! It’s time to wipe the shit off the ass!” Dayvon says cockily while shooting a homing shell that wipes out everything.

  While the immediate coast is clear there is a hidden danger that Dayvon is unaware of and that is the planet is riddled with land mines. Luckily for Dayvon he is able to hear a distinguishable sound if he was getting too close to the mines. He would carefully negotiate the minefield and barely gets through unscathed. He approaches another minefield, but this time the minefield also contained glooba fighters and Widow Spiders. Dayvon has 4 shells and decides to clear the whole mess up with the shell.

  “Damn for a dry planet there is sure a lot of life to be found here.” Dayvon is shocked by the amount of life on Sahara, where it’s supposed to be a mostly scarce planet.

  “Don’t forget who modified these lands though, there are way too many creatures for this to be natural. Be careful Dayvon much of this land has been modified by the gloobas.” Quentin warns Dayvon.

  He approaches a huge canyon with a huge hole that leads over 100 feet down. However the two ends are only separated by 10 feet which could easily be crossed by hovering. However he would have only 10 seconds to reach the other side and once he is above the hole he cannot turn back.

  “Well here goes nothing! I’m sure the base is on the other side of this canyon.” Dayvon says.

  “Yeah all you have to do is make sure you don’t fall!” Quentin reminds Dayvon.

  “I think I know that poindexter!” Dayvon replies

  Dayvon heads to the edge of the canyon and begins to hover over the canyon, which covers the entire north/south poles. Which means even if Dayvon wanted to go around he wouldn’t be able to. He comes up implying that was the reason the air base was built.

  He is currently above the middle of the canyon moving along fine about 4 seconds since he began to hover. He is attacked by glooba ships that try to shoot him down, but he is in a defenseless position. All he could do is keep up the hovering and not let go even though he’s getting hit left and right. 9 seconds into the ride Dayvon is close to the end, but not quite there. He is shot once again, but this time around the force of the shot favors him pushing him to the other side of the canyon.

  “Wow he literally shot me to the other side, am I one lucky son of a bitch or what?” Dayvon asks.

  “In one sense you are, but your tank shield took quite the beating! Luckily for you the airbase is up ahead. However I sense abnormal activity ahead.” Quentin tells Dayvon.

  “Abnormal activity here, abnormal activity there for the love of… everything here is “abnormal”. I would like to know what the hell the activity is, rather than if it’s there or not.

  “Ok seesh… you can be a hard-head sometimes, looks like it’s coming from the ground.” Quentin analyses the situation further.

  “Now that’s more like it! See that wasn’t so hard, now was it…” Dayvon’s jaw drops when he sees the creature ahead of him was a living alien skeleton. “What the hell for the love of God is that?” Dayvon asks hysterically.

  “Well you wanted to know what it was and there’s your answer!” Quentin answers Dayvon.

  The creature is a resurrected fossil of a former species of the Sahara planet. It is known as the Sharadku who used to represent the closest thing to a human being on Sahara. It has four arms and a head of that of a bull. Dayvon shoots Sharadku and the creature shakes like crazy. Its movement is too quick for Dayvon to shoot it or at least get a concentrated shot. To make matters worse the wind was picking up significantly and a dust storm was in the making.

  “Looks like I found a weak spot shoot its arms and it should expose its heart.” Quentin tells Dayvon

  Sharadku begins to shoot a laser beam from its eyes which hones in on Dayvon. Dayvon barrel rolls out of the way while trying to shoot the creatures arms. He takes one arm out, but decides to speed up the process to use a homing shell to take out the remaining arms. After the arms are gone Sharadku exposes its heart, but only for a second then it jumps up and down with its back turned.

  It burrows itself into the ground and all of the sudden the dust storm gets even worse. With nearly blinding conditions, Dayvon decides to slow down to avoid getting lost. Once the winds calm down Sharadku backs up and summons several huge diamondback snakes. Dayvon hovers each of them, but he has to time his hovering perfectly to avoid getting eaten by the next snakes. After getting through the snakes, the creature exposes its heart and Dayvon begins to unload on the creature’s heart.

  Sharadku tries to put itself together by pulling in bones from underground and it begins to put its arms together. Dayvon decides that he can’t risk having the creature come back together, so he shoots his last two shells.

  “Take that skeleton freak! Yeah… Yeah!” Dayvon becomes arrogant after defeating Sharadku. “You see that Quentin, I beat its butt!” Dayvon continues to gloat.

  “Yeah I see that Dayvon, now go get the ship and stop gloating so much. I wonder if you’re more annoying when you wine or when you are excited?” Quentin says.

  Dayvon heads into the undefended airbase and grabs himself a ship. He starts it up and receives his orders from Quentin.

  “We gotta a disturbance from Pluto and remarkable readings of gravity coming from there. We’re getting them slowly, but they still have enough power to complete their mission. We only got 5 days to go, hopefully the others are ok.” Quentin says.

  “Don’t worry I’m sure they’re better off than I am, we’ll link up again I’m sure.” Dayvon reassuring that the four will see each other again.

  Dayvon makes his way to the smallest planet known as Pluto. All is know about it besides size it that it is a very cold planet, how cold? No one knows the exact answer.

p; Chapter 15


  Luis and Dayvon are heading to Pluto although they are coming in from different directions. Luis is entering the northern and western section of Pluto, while Dayvon will enter through the southern and eastern side of the planet. Two heroes, one planet, and two different experiences will occur. What does the icy planet of Pluto have to offer Luis and Dayvon?

  Luis sees Pluto in front of him as he begins to head towards its atmosphere. The atmosphere is a dense area of cold and the temperature of Luis’s ship begins to decrease all the way down to around -800 degrees. Luis sees a glooba base as he begins to land not to far from it, but not too close where he could be detected. Luis doesn’t mind the cold; in fact he loves the cold over the heat any day.

  “Ah snow I didn’t know it could snow all the way out here, wow for being the smallest planet it sure is beautiful.” Luis says to himself admiring the scenery.

  Pluto is mostly made up of ice and many mountains or glaciers. The sky is mostly a teal color and never really changes as a day in Pluto would take over 6 and half Earth days and 248 years to make a complete orbit around the sun. Being so cold and far from the solar system one would think there isn’t much life to be offered. However that would be a mistake, there are several life forms. To be fair the majority of the living things are small asexual organisms, but there are also much bigger creatures as well.

  Luis would find himself meeting some of these creatures. As he approaches the mountain to climb towards the enemy base several beetle like creatures pop out of the ground. These are code named Plutonian Beetles and their mode of attack is to tackle their prey with their horns in the front. Despite their fierce nature their attack patterns are easy to pick up for Luis and one shot of the plasma blaster kills them as they are unable to take in any heat. More of them would pop out of the ground and Luis burns them to death.

  After that Luis begins to climb the small mountain until he feels the touch of a flying creature. He gets on a ledge to see what was attacking him and sees Plutonian king birds. These birds have a powerful peck attack that can kill anyone with one strike. A couple of the birds approach him and one heads for him head on. He is able to sidestep out of the way of the peck as is made a huge hole in the mountain wall.

  “Crap I can’t just stand here; hopefully I can shoot them down.” Luis says in his head.

  He tries to shoot the dual birds, but misses both of them with his plasma cannon. The king birds head towards Luis and while one misses him, the other hits Luis with its wing causing Luis to fall to the ground. To add insult to injury an avalanche would ensue afterwards, burying Luis in feet of snow. Once seeing Luis fall and buried the two king birds would fly away towards the teal sky.

  Ten minutes pass and still no sign of any movement from Luis or even the snow for that matter. Has Luis been buried to death under feet of snow as the wind begins to pick up?


  Meanwhile Dayvon heads to Pluto, but towards the southern side of the planet. He is told by Quentin that there is a disturbance, a possibility of finding the others and signs of a bio-weapon being made in the middle of the planet. As Dayvon approaches Pluto he sees a huge river with mountainous terrain surrounding it. Dayvon tries to land the ship on the top of the mountains, but the combination of mountains and the king birds who attack him make it too dangerous to land at a high altitude.

  He is forced to land at a much lower altitude. In fact he has to land in a tall frozen pike area. Quentin pages Dayvon.

  “Hey Dayvon why are you landing so low?”

  “It’s too dangerous up there’s no solid ground and these strange ice birds were attacking me just now. Look I’ll find a way up ok.” Dayvon says to calm Quentin down.

  “Well if that’s what has to happen fine, all I know is that the gloobas are probably building a bio-weapon of some sort. Looking at the terrain it looks like you’re going to have a hard time, whatever you do don’t fall into that water. If you do you’ll probably freeze to death.” Quentin says as he warns Dayvon of the tough journey ahead of him.

  Dayvon gets out of the ship and looks up towards the sky. He sees the sky is extremely high and notices that he is over 5000 feet below sea level. He also notices that his oxygen level is beginning to drain because of the area he is in. He makes his way towards the pool where the river ends and he deals with a couple of Plutonian Beetles. He approaches the river and touches it. He instantly feels a sharp nerve pain in his right index finger. Meanwhile it was the effects of the extremely cold water he had just touched.

  “Aggghhh! Damn that’s not fuc… cold. It’s a death pool cold!” Dayvon screams in pain after touching the water and suffering a strong nerve pain.

  Dayvon decided to play it cool and stay put for a few minutes until his body began to feel normal again. He sees a path going up, but it’s not 1...2...3. There are many holes and places where Dayvon can get tripped up to fall in the water. He could care less, all he was worried was not falling in the water. He begins to climb up the path and sees a group of bats flying around. These are Plutonian Bats and they usually don’t have an aggressive nature unless they are aggravated.

  He continues to climb up easily when he reaches the first ledge above his starting position. He spots another native creature which is an ice turtle which is as big as a tortoise. One comes behind Dayvon nearly biting him, he simply runs up. However he nearly falls as he sees yet another creature called the geamer. The geamer is a porcupine like creature that loves to hang around ledges and moves over and under them. A harmless creature, until it senses danger where it counters by extending its spikes and retracting its head in its armored shell.

  Dayvon notices the creature and purposely runs into the wall to stop his momentum. He also does this to avoid the spikes of the geamer. He tries to shoot the creature, but as he finds out it's invincible to his weapons. To be fair Dayvon is armed with only a freezethrower and a laser rifle which wasn’t going to be very effective in a world where the creatures live on the cold.

  The Geamer just stands there waiting for Dayvon to slip or try to approach it. Dayvon decides to shimmy across the wall slowly until he approaches the next ledge to his life. He also has to be quiet as to not distract the bats either. Luckily the ice turtle for as strong it is cannot jump up. He is able to get onto the ledge successfully and the geamer retracts its spikes going on its merry way. Dayvon breathes a sigh of relief. However that sigh of relief would be short lived.

  The platform he is on has a very loose foundation and it’s about ready to crumble. As he continues to walk gingerly to avoid the platform collapsing, the platform begins to make that crackling noise he didn’t want to hear. The noise continues to get louder, so he tries to run towards the next platform as fast as he can. The platform begins to collapse under the pressure with the snow and ice falling into the extremely icy waters below.

  Dayvon and Luis enter Pluto from different sides of the planet, but with the same mission. That mission is to check out Pluto and rid of any glooba presence on the planet, let alone a bio-weapon. On Luis’s arrival he finds a glooba base not too far, but decides to land a bit far as he did not want to chance being spotted by the gloobas. Dayvon arrives at “Pluto’s Peak” which is a tall cave like area and at the peak is where the supposed bio-weapon is being made. However Dayvon has a problem landing the ship too high, as there are no flat surfaces and he is being attacked by kind birds. Being forced to face “Pluto’s Peak” from the bottom up, Dayvon began his climb, but finds him self in danger of falling into the icy river on a collapsing platform. How would the two survive? A better question would be will they survive?

  It has been a whole half an hour since Luis got buried in all that snow. However at minute thirty-one there is movement being seen in the snow pile. Could it be? Yes it is Luis is using his plasma cannon or its secondary feature to melt the snow in his way. Luis has to be quick however because whatever snow he does melt will only take seconds to refreeze trapping him again. After so
me difficulty however Luis is able to break out of the snow catching his breath.

  Despite getting out Luis notices his body temperature has dropped down to dangerous levels of hypothermia. To add to his problem his plasma cannon runs out of energy and despite trying to add plasma packs to the weapon is still wouldn’t shoot.

  “Shit! It’s too cold out here. I gotta get inside before I get rendered useless!” Luis rushes towards the glooba base ahead.

  “Luis finally I got to you, are you ok? Please respond!” Quentin asks Luis.

  “Yes! I am… Can’t talk… too much I’m losing… too much heat. I need… to get inside the base!” Luis responds out of breath as he runs towards the base.

  Luis runs towards the base ignoring the king birds who try to peck him and behind him the rarest species of the planet, which was the King Sting Ray. The ray tries to shoot a bolt of lightning, but it misses Luis. He is none the wiser as he only cares about one thing, get inside and warm up. His legs begin to become numb and so does his fingers, but he was only a few yards from the base. Luis begins to slow down as he approaches the base. With his luck the door is open when a couple of glooba soldiers walked inside the base. He arrives inside the base. However he has to hide somewhere safe since he was inside enemy territory.

  Luis heads in the hallway and heads for the right corner where he hopes that none of the gloobas inside spot him until he is able to get back to normal. His temperature begins to increase, but ever so slowly. Luis had no choice though as going in his condition was too much of a risk to take.


  Meanwhile for Dayvon the platform beneath him collapses into the water. He is able to grab onto the rock formations on the wall just in the nick of time. Then to add insult to injury the platform after the once that fell begins to fall. That forces Dayvon to literally “spider walk” on the wall using the rocks to keep him self from falling and to proceed to the next platform, which he prays is one that is stable. Dayvon carefully negotiates the rock climbing in the pike. However he has to be aware of the occasional geamer on the wall especially in his defenseless position. Dayvon would see a geamer and either let it go or carefully go around them.


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