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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 96

by Angel Medina

  All of a sudden a metal plate falls from the structure next to the bridge and to his luck falls perfectly to serve as a ramp so he can use to jump to the other side. He spots the ramp created by the explosion and slows down to straighten the motorcycle so he can ride the ramp. The tank sees him slowing down and tries to take a sneak shot at him. He senses the tank ready to shoot, so he turns on the overdrive on the motorcycle and guns it straight. The tanks shoots, but by the time the shells lands, he is already taking off to the ramp.

  Owl commanders show up in an attempt to intercept Angel. They shoot missiles towards Angel. He sees the owl commanders and the missiles begin to approach him. One of the missiles hit the ground in front of him, blinding him and forcing him to go off the path due to fear of going off the path. Another thing is, if he misses the ramp he’ll fall into the green Goo and die in a bath of radiation.

  “Damn it! These birds want a piece of me I see. I would like to stay and play chicken, but that tank is giving chase. Just hang in there baby girl, we’re almost in the hospital.” Angel says in response to the owl commanders attacking him.

  He turns the motorcycle back and makes a U-turn, then makes his way back to the ramp. He puts the pedal to the metal and makes a bee-line for the ramp. What he’s unaware of is that there is a bump that was created by the explosion and he is blind to it. The owls begin to fly towards his direction and he keeps his foot on the pedal to keep constant speed. He hangs on to Maria as tight as he can, but he hits the bump real hard and nearly loses his grip on her. He hangs on to his wife for dear life and he’s able to hang on to her. After that scare, he speeds back up and heads for the ramp. He approaches the ramp and the owl commanders approach him. He gets on the ramp…


  Luis and Dayvon come out of the factory with their new weapons ready to take on the tanks.

  “Let clean house!” Luis screams out.

  “Surprise suckas!” Dayvon screams out as the two surprises the glooba tanks.

  Dayvon uses the rocket launcher to blow up two tanks in less than ten seconds.

  “The bigger they are, the bigger they fall!” Dayvon arrogantly says.

  Luis uses the EMP launcher on one of the tanks and the electrical burst shorts out the electrical circuits on the tank. The tank’s internal circuits begin to give away and the driver of the tank tries to get out. However the short circuit causes the tank to explode along with the driver. The last tank shoots at him and Dayvon, the blast is powerful enough to send the two flying towards the direction of the tank itself. The two of them see the barrel of the tank right in their faces.

  “So that’s what the barrel of a tank looks like…” Dayvon is shocked and does not breathe for a quick second. His face turns white, like he’s seen his death right in front of him.

  “Gotta do something or we’ll be six feet under quite literally!” Luis also in shock tries to come up with a plan quickly. “Wait a minute let’s put a shock through the barrel, if you know what I mean.” Luis prepares to shoot the EMP weapon.

  “Whatever you’re thinking… I hope… it works because we’re… only a few seconds from… being blown into pieces…” Dayvon says still in shock causing him to stutter.

  Luis shoots the EMP immediately into the barrel of the tank. The electrical blast heads inside the barrel and travels in the tank to shock the operator inside. The shock is strong enough that it kills the operator. The two of them don’t know it yet though. The two just run away from the tank as fast as they can until they’re a safe distance away from the tank. They get within a safe distance from the tank only to see it not move at all.

  Luis heads for the tank to see if he could perhaps take control of the tank. Dayvon follows him shortly after, cautiously though. They arrive at the tank and attempt to get in, but they are attacked by owl commanders. The commanders attack the tank with missiles. The two of them jump from the tank before impact. The tank is completely destroyed and burns to the ground, the attention then turns to the owl commanders. The owls begin to fly towards the two and attempt to tackle the two. One of the owl’s grabs Luis with its wings and takes him up to the sky.

  Luis tries to hang on to the wings of the owl for dear life. The creature begins to flap its wings violently in an attempt to throw him down to the ground. Despite the wing flapping, he manages to hang on to the owl’s wing. In fact he begins to climb up to the owl’s head, while trying to avoid falling on any of the spikes on the owl’s wings. He takes aim at the owl’s head despite the heavy green fog created by the green plutonium evaporating into the air causing the ugly forest green sky. He has trouble seeing where he aims and he has a clear shot, but with the quick movement of the creature he gets thrown down dangerously close to the spikes on its wing. He hangs onto a rope to avoid falling into the spikes for dear life.

  “If I fall onto those spikes I’ll be getting some of the best acupuncture services, at the cost of my life that is. Well not today big bird, you don’t take down big Liva down that easy!” Luis says as he pulls himself back onto the body of the owl. Liva is Luis’s nickname in the streets back in Brooklyn, New York.

  He shoots the electrical weapon at the head of the bird causing it to weaken significantly and the creature begins to take a nosedive down to the ground. He hangs onto the owl and the owl begins to descend even faster.

  “I gotta jump out when I can, there’s no telling where this bastard is going to land.” Luis says as he tries to see how he’s going to get down.

  When the creature gets close to the ground, he jumps down to the ground. It is a hard fall, but at least it’s on the green sandy ground and not the green plutonium.

  “A hard landing, but anything is better than where that bird is head to!” Luis says as he sees the owl heading towards a power plant.

  When the owl slams into the plant, it explodes and begins to gush out green plutonium. He sees a few owl commanders in the sky by the bridge that he is able to shoot down with the rocket launcher. What he doesn’t know is that he has just helped out Angel in getting through the bridge. After that he’s able to kill the rest of the creatures.

  Once the creatures are killed, Dayvon check with Luis to make sure he’s ok.

  “Are you ok my brother?” Dayvon asks as he picks Luis up.

  “Yeah I’ll live, thanks.”


  Angel goes up the ramp and sees the owl’s that were chasing him all of a sudden die. He assumes Luis and Dayvon had killed the owl commanders and he would be correct. He is able to get to the other side of the broken bridge. After that, he drives straight to the hospital and drives through the glass door into the reception area. When he gets there he starts to shoot at all of the gloobas with the plasma rifle.

  “Come and get it, you alien bastards! I’m here to heal my wife, whether that’s cool with you or not, I actually don’t give a hell. Your days of manipulating the world are over! Let’s just say we humans aren’t ready for a dictatorship. We love our freedom!” Angel says while he’s killing the gloobas without any remorse or any fear for that matter.

  He takes Maria off the floor and places her on his back. He fights his way until he reaches a serviceable treatment room. He enters the room and locks the door behind him, then places Maria on the bed and tries to look for anything that can heal her. He finds it difficult to find anything that will help his wife because the planet he is in represents everything the opposite of what Earth is.

  “Shit everything here is plutonium, I forgot. Damn there’s gotta be a sign of real medicine here.” Angel says to him self. Then the Elder God shows up.

  “Angel my friend, maybe I can help out. I can possibly convert that green stuff into something pure. I can’t say I can guarantee it, but it's that or Maria is a goner forever. Let me try my magic.”

  The Elder God begins to convert the plutonium or at least try to. All Angel can do is to wait anxiously to see what the end result will be. This is it, Maria’s fate comes down to the Elder God successfully converting
the life source of the evil glooba aliens to a medicine that Angel can feed his wife to revive her. He can’t help but look on nervously, after all this is his wife the one he truly loves. However, he knows patience is needed and the Elder God is risking his well-being by stepping foot onto the devilish planet, just to help him out.

  “I don’t mean to sound like an ass, but how much longer?” Angel asks the Elder God.

  “Just a few more minutes, I think its working!” Elder God says in excitement.

  “Wow, as long as it saves my wife by all means go ahead.” Angel calms down.

  After five minutes the Elder God is able to transform the green substance into a leaf of an orange tree. Angel takes the leaf and mixes it with water, then boils it for several minutes. He gives Maria the herbal tea through a funnel because she is physically unable to drink it under her own power. She drinks the tea and Angel anxiously waits to see if she opens her eyes. He goes towards her and checks her pulse to see if she is even alive. He is understandably nervous, because without a pulse his wife is as good as dead.


  Luis and Dayvon climb over the debris that is left over from the destroyed bridge. They are left to assume that Angel is already in the hospital taking care of his wife. They are encouraged when no signs of either body can be seen. After working their way to the other side of the bridge or what is life of it, the two of them head for the hospital. What they don’t know is that Maria is inside fighting for her life and it could be a matter of time until she passes away. They enter the hospital and page Angel. Angel picks up with a nervous tone.

  “Hey guys… I’m in room… 201… hurry and… get over here.” Angel says stuttering.

  The two make their way to room 201, blast a few aliens that dared to attack them. Finally they arrive in room 201 to see Angel with his wife in the bed and the Elder God as well.

  The four have been through a lot already and they have yet to find the anti-matter ball or find Orlando for that matter. The voice of the evil one isn’t heard either, does he not know that the four have landed or does he know and just buying his time. Will the efforts of Angel and the Elder God be enough to save Maria? Finally where is the anti-matter ball if it wasn’t in the hotel? A better question would be who has the anti-matter ball?

  Chapter 27

  Into the Heart of the Enemy

  The four heroes meet each other in the hospital just like Angel had planned it. The four of them have gone through a lot, but it wasn’t even close to what they have to deal with ahead. The biggest question remains, are Angel, Luis and Dayvon going to have Maria to assist them in retrieving the anti-matter ball or are they were going to have to go it on their own minus her. The answer is going to be revealed in the matter of moments.

  Angel prepares to feel his wife’s pulse, until Dayvon and Luis walk inside the room.

  “You made it! I was about to see if Maria is alive.” Angel says.

  “Well go ahead bro.” Dayvon replies.

  “I’m just nervous that’s all.” Angel responds.

  “Calm down Angel, you did what you could and even if she does die, as long as we are successful in our mission she’ll be back.” Luis says in a consoling tone.

  “I know… I know, but I feel like we’re going to need her somewhere in this journey.” Angel says still concerned for Maria’s health.

  He goes to feel Maria’s pulse and to his encouragement he feels a pulse. His wife has come back to life, now whether that’s temporary or not remains to be seen.

  “Don’t die on me honey, come on… come on!” Angel is trying to cheer his wife on.

  All of the sudden Maria begins to open her eyes and she moves her hands slowly, but surely.

  “Maria! I don’t believe it, you’re alive! I thought I had lost you for a moment.” Angel says in excitement and shock.

  “She was saved due to your determination and unwillingness to give up. You’re a true husband to her. I can see why the two of you were meant for each other.” Elder God says happily.

  “Thanks Elder God. Now that Maria is all healed up, she can join us.” Angel replies.

  “Yeah there’s no time to waste, arghhhh!” Maria screams in pain.

  “No Maria, you must stay here and rest for a little while until the effects of the tea take effect.” Angel tells his wife.

  She keeps trying to get up against her own will, but decides that she should listen to her husband once she sees that she has trouble getting up. Then the Elder God begins to explain the current situation.

  “My friends you’re so close, but you’re about to step into some serious danger. I can tell you the enemy has the anti-matter ball and the machine is deep in enemy territory. However I need you to be vigilant because the enemy is not what it seems to be, in other words the real enemy maybe someone you wouldn’t even suspect. Angel, you’re probably right that you need your wife, because I sense a familiar enemy around here, I can’t exactly pinpoint the actual enemy though. Finally there is only one day left until the 10 days are up.”

  “Damn which means we don’t have time to waste. I hate to rush you honey, but I need you to recover like ASAP.” Angel reacts to the Elder Gods lecture.

  “I must go I’m losing power, the amount of evil is draining me. I wish you guys the best of luck. I’m confident that you will be victorious.” Elder God says and disappears into the light.

  Angel gets a page on his radio and picks up.

  “Ángel que paso, no encuentren la bola!” Orlando taunts Angel as he asks him if he can’t find the ball.

  “Hijo de gran puta tu tiene la bola! Porque no salan y mata me como un hombre?” Angel answers back by saying why can’t Orlando come out like a man and face him.

  “No te preocupes por que yo estoy aquí mismo, a fuera! Si tu tiene las bolas para afrentar a mi!” Orlando continues to taunt Angel saying that he is outside of the hospital waiting for him.

  “Well do we go or not, he’s clearly got a trick up his sleeve or he wouldn’t dare call you.” Luis asks Angel.

  “We don’t have much choice in this situation, he has what we need and we can’t waste time finding a way around this dude. He wants us to waste time, he doesn’t care about dying as long as he kills me and sees me in the same hell.” Angel answers Luis.

  “If we’re going outside to meet this scumbag we should go to the roof so he can’t ambush us.” Dayvon suggests.

  “Good idea Dayvon. Luis I need you to stay with Maria, I can’t risk leaving her alone. She isn’t 100% and the gloobas probably know that and might try to ambush her in here.” Angel explains to Luis.

  “That’s cool; I was just going to suggest that.” Luis says.

  “Be careful… you two… I love you Angel…” Maria says weakly.

  “I love you too honey, stay with Luis. I’ll be back soon.” Angel responds while blowing a kiss towards her and Maria blows a kiss back at him.

  Angel and Dayvon head out of the room and make their way up to the roof to meet Orlando. When the two get to the roof, they hear Orlando’s voice, but are unable to spot him.

  “A donde estas Orlando?” Angel asks Orlando to show himself.

  “Aquí, Preparan se!” Orlando answer arrogantly that he was in the area.

  After a few seconds a huge glooba ship that looks like a scorpion rises up. Orlando can be seen operating the ship. He doesn’t waste time and tries to shoot them. The two of them are able to dodge a green laser that he had shot out.

  “I’m not surprised! I didn’t expect this man to play fair anyway. If he wants to play games, two can play at that game!” Angel says to Dayvon.

  The two begin to shoot in Orlando’s direction, but notice their shots were being swallowed up by the ship’s circular shield. The shield absorbs the rockets and plasma fire and converts it to a hyper beam which Orlando shoots towards the two. The blast misses Dayvon, but hits Angel right on the nose. Angel is weakened significantly by the blast and falls face first on the floor. That leaves Dayvon to fend
for himself, he runs around the roof avoiding Orlando’s beam shots. Orlando begins to use the scorpion claws on the robot to try to pin Dayvon down.

  “Crap! Angel’s down, I still can’t find a way to take that shield down and this man is just having a field day with me.” Dayvon says before the claw of the robot comes down. After that he rolls out of the way of the claw attack and says, “Whoa! That was a close call!”

  The claw breaks through the roof causing the debris to start falling inside the hallways of the hospital. He then notices a subtle yellow spot on the shield of the robot and sees that as a possible weak spot. He begins to shoot it with the rocket launcher and the shield falls out of the robot, then into the hospital.

  “Holy shit, I hope it didn’t hit Maria and Luis down there. Shit I gotta get Angel back on his feet.” Dayvon says hysterically.

  “Que paso Ángel? Yo estoy muy caliente para ti? Hahaha!” Orlando taunts Angel even more as he sees him on the floor immobile.


  “Holy shit this place is falling apart down here, what the hell is going on up on that roof?” Luis wonders.

  Maria screams in agony saying, “No Angel is down, I sense it. Don’t worry hun, I’ll save you!”

  “Maria what are you doing?” Luis asks when he sees Maria raising her hands like she was doing a ritual.

  She is letting her spirit out into the open in an effort to help out Angel. Luis is able to see the spirit and he is freaked out at first, as he was unaware that he even had the talent of a medium. Eventually he realizes what is happening and he heads out into the hallway just to make sure they are not in any immediate danger. He sees the hallways are clear. He continues to observe her and what she was exactly doing.

  Maria’s spirit heads for Angel and spots him on the floor, while the real Maria continues to be in a “trance” probably controlling her demons wherever they head to. The spirit heads to Angel’s lifeless body and does a quick prayer. Afterwards Maria’s spirit kisses him on his lips and all of the sudden he gets a stroke of energy. Then he begins to wake up. Back in the bed Maria was kissing the pillow just like she would kiss her husband, although it seems like she has very little control of her actions. Luis isn’t convinced that she is dumbfounded of what she is doing and she is a well trained medium.


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