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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 97

by Angel Medina

  He doesn’t dare touch her as he may disturb the spiritual connection she was having with Angel.

  Meanwhile back at Angel’s body after kissing Angel, Maria’s spirit tells him that she loves him.

  Angel opens his eyes in shock to see his wife in front of him and tells her that he loves her as well.

  “But how did you get out of bed… oh I see you’re her spirit.” Angel realizes that it was Maria’s spirit.

  He gets no response from her only a smile on her face, he assumes that means yes to his question. The spirit goes into Angel’s body and then a yellow light surrounds him as he begins to get up back on his feet. Orlando is in disbelief that he was watching Angel resurrect back on his feet.

  “NO! Hijo puta, como Ángel puede resistir y parar después de que yo manado a el infierno!” Orlando is angry and wonders how Angel survived the hyper beam shot. He doesn’t know that Angel has a guardian Angel, which happens to be his wife.

  Angel is able to get back up with the spirit of his wife inside of him, he wonders if his wife is sacrificing her life to spare his life. However he can’t think about that too much as he has Orlando to deal with.


  Dayvon continues to run for his life and shoot Orlando whenever he has a clear shot. All of a sudden to his shock, but also excitement he sees Angel is back on his feet with the yellow glow around him. He knows that’s not really Angel and he was under the influence by a foreign force. However he’s not complaining, whatever helps him out against Orlando is good enough for him.

  “Well how nice of you to rejoin the battle!” Dayvon cheerfully says to Angel.

  He gets no response from Angel, except the face of a man who is on a mission to defeat his nemesis. Orlando sees this and decides to send in scorpion crawlers to attack the two. He also orders a squad of them to attack Luis and Maria inside the hospital. The creatures that are ordered inside use the hole on the roof to enter the hospital. Dayvon screams and warns Luis that alien troops were going to try and ambush the two. Luis hears Dayvon and prepares to defend himself against the creatures.

  Angel and Dayvon are distracted by the scorpion crawlers to attack Orlando, which gives him an opportunity to shoot another hyper beam at the two. However, this time around Angel grabs Dayvon and quickly pulls him away from the path of the hyper beam. He is disgusted and tries to shoot another hyper beam, but notices his energy levels are low. Seeing the open opportunity to attack, the two of them attack him. Their combined shots hit the engine of the ship and he was no longer able to fly over the two. However instead of staying, he flies away as far as he can before the ship crashes.

  “GRRR! Ángel que puta tu eres, que no se rinde. Pero yo todavía tiene la bola que tu busca!” Orlando is frustrated when Angel proves to be a much tougher opponent than he took him for, but that he still has the anti-matter ball that they need.

  Meanwhile downstairs Luis sees the squad of scorpion crawlers approaching as he prepares to defend himself and Maria. He notices that she is no longer in that trance that she was in before, probably indicating that Angel was alright.

  At the roof, the spirit leaves the body of Angel and he kneels down trying to regain his equilibrium. After a minute or so, he is able to get himself back on his feet. Dayvon checks Angel to make sure he is alright and Angel gives him the thumbs up.

  “Let’s go back and clean up that mess inside the hospital. Luis probably needs our help right now.” Dayvon tells Angel.

  “So what are we waiting for?” Angel says to Dayvon’s satisfaction.

  The two head back to assist Luis with the scorpion crawlers and the creatures don’t even put up a fight as the three out flank them.

  When the three of them arrive back in the room, they see Maria still struggling to get up.

  “Come on Maria, you gotta get up! This place is about to collapse now. You gotta pull through. Just like your spirit helped me or should I say you helped me, you gotta help yourself.” Angel tries to cheer Maria on.

  “Oh man we don’t have time for chummy talk, this place is falling apart as we speak right now!” Luis warns everyone.

  “Look get on my back, I’ll have to carry you out of here.” Angel tells Maria.

  She uses her strength to get on Angel’s back and everyone makes their way out of the hospital. They head back outside as they watch the hospital collapse under its own weight with their own eyes. All of them are relieved that they are able to make it out just in time.

  “That was a close call.” Dayvon says with relief.

  “You got that right!” Luis replies.

  “Come on Maria, please don’t go on me.” Angel continues to try and cheer on his wife.

  Eventually Maria is able to get up on her own strength and even says a few words, “I’m back everyone!”

  “I knew you can do it, you sure you’re ok?” Angel asks her.

  “Yes honey, thanks so much for saving me. In fact thank you everyone, you guys are indeed true friends. Now let’s go kick some alien butt, we only got less than a day just like the Elder God said.” Maia says cheerfully. Everyone is relieved to see that she is still alive.

  The four of them begin to track Orlando’s movement after he ran away by using the smoke that was coming out on the ship due to the engine failure. They track it to the glooba city hall building and the capital area of the planet. They are prepared for a rough fight as they head into city hall and the heart of the enemy. Angel senses that they are getting close to their meeting of the evil one and the skies become an even darker, uglier green. Also the fog begins to become denser, making it hard for the four to see where they’re going. However they’re determined to reach their goal and a little fog won’t stop them.

  They head towards city hall and they find themselves facing the glooba police force which consists of boar cops and iguana enforcers. The four of them use any cover they can find such as walls, street light, glooba vehicles and even glooba bodies themselves.

  “This is gonna be a rough one guys, they have us surrounded just like the cops surround a criminal.” Angel says.

  “How about we blast them to hell?” Dayvon says as he blasts a few aliens with his rocket launcher. However, he realizes that he is beginning to run low on rockets.

  After the initial attack the four of them dodge under the glooba vehicles and the boar cops begin to shoot glooba gas bombs, which are filled with vapors from the green plutonium. A gas that is considered normal for the aliens is toxic and deadly for the four heroes, so the four have to retreat to avoid breathing in the gas. Then the boar cops move in with shotguns trying to blast the four. A group of boar cops approach Maria and she uses her flamethrower to burn all of the boars who don’t suspect her carrying a weapon of that type.

  “Good one Maria, cook all of swine and let it burn!” Luis responds ecstatically.

  “Yup burn baby burn, come one who else wants some?” Maria asks in a cocky tone.

  Dayvon and Angel are caught by the glooba gas and they are surrounded by a group of boar cops and iguana enforcers.

  Another group of boar cops fire at Luis and Maria who are forced to hide behind the glooba vehicles and to make matters worse a few hoverships arrive at the scene. Maria can’t uses her flamethrower since it’s only good for close to mid range. She comes out of hiding and picks up a body of a boar to uses as a human shield. Luis follows her from behind and begins to shoot down the pilots of the hoverships with his shotgun. The hoverships begins to go out of control and crash into the group of iguana and boar cops along with several glooba homes that go down as well crushing the corpses. After that the two head to Dayvon and Angel to give them a hand. Luis uses his EMP weapon, while Maria keeps the temperature up with the flamethrower.

  Angel and Dayvon are eventually able to get up and get out of the glooba gas on their own power. Angel uses his plasma rifle to eradicate the boar cops, until the only aliens remaining were the iguana enforcers.

  The four decide to conserve ammo and take out the igu
ana enforcers using melee combat. An iguana tries to do a suplex on her, but she’s able to escape and grabs the creature from behind choking it.

  An iguana enforcer grabs Angel prepares to powerbomb him, but he’s able to use his momentum and reverse the move by slamming the iguana’s head onto the floor with a DDT.

  Dayvon dodges the swings taken by another enforcer and grabs the arm of the enforcer. He then rips the arm off the iguana enforcer and uses it to smack the creature.

  Luis counters a DDT attempt and begins to perform a powerbomb. The enforcer attempts to jump and escape, but he grabs the creature and slams it to his knee.

  Maria tries to kick the iguana enforcer in front of her, but the creature grabs her foot. She uses her exceptional leg strength and uses her other foot to kick the iguana enforcer in the head. She is able to break free out of the clutches of the enforcer and she grabs the enforcer from behind, she uses her knees to on the enforcers back breaking it.

  The scene is clear for now.

  “Well that was fun! City hall is just ahead, let’s go!” Angel says.

  “Right behind you hun!” Maria says.

  “It’s time to turn the tide of this war.” Luis says.

  “I can’t wait to see and kick the shit out of this “evil one” I bet he is not even tough.” Dayvon says in excitement.

  The four of them head toward city hall and are attacked by flying salamander troopers. The four of them shoot as many aliens as they can, while running at the same time towards the city hall building. Sentry drones come out from the building to the side of city hall. The drones come and chase the four of them until the four of them enter the building and the drones, which still haven’t learned anything crash then explode for no reason.

  “Whew! This is sure turned into a war zone and holy shit in the morning look at Battle…” Angel is in shock when upon arriving at city hall he sees his old nemesis BattleGlooba.

  “Well we didn’t expect to come to the planet of Goo without seeing these guys now did you.” Dayvon says.

  BattleGlooba begins to empty bullets out of his chaingun cannon aiming for the four heroes. Each of them runs away separating trying to fool the creature and to outflank him. BattleGlooba sees Angel running across him and he begins to shoot a combination of bullets and mortar shells at him. He sprints across the hallway and does a cartwheel to get him self inside a small office where he kills a couple of salamander citizens.

  Luis shoots electrical blasts, but they prove to be more distracting than effective. BattleGlooba turns his head and concentrates his fire on him who hides behind a teller counter where transactions are usually done.

  Dayvon shoots a couple of rockets at BattleGlooba and sees Maria trying to get close to the creature to burn it with the flamethrower. Seeing this he jumps down from the balcony to ground level to grab BattleGlooba’s attention and he makes a hand signal for her, so she knows to run towards the creature as fast as she can. Dayvon dodges a few mortar shells and chaingun fire, until Maria gets close to the creature.

  “Well big guy I hope you like BBQ because you’re on the menu tonight as the catch of the day!” Maria says cockily as she fires her flamethrower.

  BattleGlooba looks at Maria in shock and screams in pain when he is burned by her flamethrower. After a minute or so the BattleGlooba is burned to a crisp.

  “Wow that smells really good! Too bad I’m not in the mood to eat, now Orlando where can you be hiding?” Angel says as everybody reunites.

  The four see a map located in city hall. They see that they are next to the emperor’s castle. So they decide to gather any resources such as ammo where they are and begin their trek to the emperor’s castle. After preparing their weapons and reloading they make their way to the castle. Along the way the voice of the evil one can be heard.

  “Ha! If it isn’t Angel and his posse, I didn’t you would get this far. You’re far more powerful than I give you credit for.”

  “You’re damn right, I’m a bad ass and I’ll make sure you see that first hand!” Angel says with great emotion.

  “Ha! You can never beat me! I’m going to enjoy tearing you apart, tell you what I’m inviting you to enter my castle. I’m finally going to show myself to you, but I promise you that I will be the last face you’ll ever see!” The evil one taunts the four as he is awaiting the four.

  As the four get closer, Angel’s heart beats hard once again and he’s convinced that the anti-matter ball is inside the glooba emperor’s castle, which makes a lot more sense than in a hotel where he thought it was before. The four arrive at the castle’s entrance and make it to the gate. They open the huge green door and the door rises up. They enter the hallway where it is full of glooba grass and many Ivys are found inside. The Ivys shoot acid at the four and try to grab the four of them. On of the Ivys grab Maria. However, she doesn’t panic because she has a flamethrower, which will make quick work of the Ivys.

  “The biggest mistake you made was grabbing me, time to feel the burn!” Maria says in a cocky tone as she burns the ivy plants.

  After getting through the Ivys they arrive at another hallway which leads to the emperor’s grand hall area. However the hallway is filled with many booby traps the floor ahead opens up revealing spikes. The four see pipe they could use to swing through, but they are protected by laser trip bombs. Angel sees only one way through and that’s performing a wall run. The distance is only 10ft so in theory it’s possible to do a wall run and reach the other side.

  Angel sees a switch on the other side. He's unsure what it does.

  “Look I’ll do the wall run ok? I got the strongest legs out of anyone here. Step back I need all the room I need to get my momentum.” Angel says as he volunteers to do the wall run.

  Maria hugs Angel and kisses him before he goes for the wall run.

  “Honey, please be careful!” Maria says with a tear coming out of her eye.

  “Relax everyone, we been through worse and we made it.” Angel tries to cheer everyone up.

  Angel moves back and prepares to run. He runs as fast as he can and then times his jump perfectly get jump onto the wall. When he hits the wall he runs as fast as he can without looking down and he wall runs until he gets to the other side. Angel miss times his jump and nearly falls into the pit, but he is able to grab the edge and pull himself up. He gets up after a near-death experience, his heart is beating fast, but he calms down as he approaches the switch.

  He hits the switch and the pit is closed up. The other three walk through without incident and meet Angel. They see the huge door leading to the emperor’s quarters and all four of them can sense the tension increasing. They are only moments away from meeting the new emperor of the Glooba Empire or the one the Elder God calls “The Evil One”. Angel’s heart beats even more also because the anti-matter ball is nearby.

  “Well everyone it all comes down to this, there’s no escape for the glooba emperor! Time for us to finish this once in for all and destroy the glooba race for good! Now everyone we need to stick together even more than we’ve been before!” Angel says with great emotion trying to build up his friend's confidence.

  A sinister laugh is heard and the evil one says, “You will fail just like you father and your brother! You will fail everyone! Hahaha!”

  “We’ll see about that! It’s time to come out of your hiding spot once in for all, you piece of shit! Dayvon answers back.

  The four of them open the door leading into the emperor’s grand hallway. Once the door is open the scene is that of a space graveyard, in fact it is a space graveyard. This is where all of the dead people that the gloobas killed were brought to either be experimented on or be buried forever. The scene is more of a graveyard that one could find on Earth rather than on Goo. The four begin their search for the anti-matter ball, but at the same time being careful that the evil one could show up at anytime.

  Then the scene becomes dark and the winds pick up significantly. The scene then becomes nearly pitch black and then a sh
ade of dark blue becomes the only source of light. Maria is terrified goes to Angel to hold him. Angel tries to calm her down, but he is just as scared as she is. He just doesn’t want to show her.

  The sinister laughter of the evil one can be heard even louder than before, which indicates that the four are in the right area and the evil one will soon reveal him self. The only question is will the raw look of the evil one be strong enough to scared our heroes to death or are they strong enough to stand up to him? All of the sudden the ground begins to shake and four graveyards begin to open up…

  Chapter 28

  A Familiar Foe

  The four heroes have faced all of the obstacles in the planet of the gloobas known as Goo. There is only one more obstacle to conquer, which is the evil one himself. Will he reveal himself as promised or is there one more trick up his sleeve. As the four heroes know, the latter solution is probably true rather than the former. The ground is shaking and four holes by four gravestones open up. What can be under the ground, all Angel knows is that mostly likely it will be creatures or enemies that he has killed already. Could it be…?

  Angel and the others watch as the holes get even bigger and different color glows appear out of each hole. The first hole has a blue glow, the second a green glow, the third a reddish glow and the final one a yellowish glow. Angel, Maria, Luis and Dayvon look in anticipation as they prepare for monstrous in size and prestige.

  “Guys… what in the hell… is coming up from those… holes? Maria asks stuttering as she is intimidated by the dark colors and holds Angel to comfort herself.

  “I hate to say it… babe, but holding me is gonna make you feel better. I’m as scared as you are!” Angel replies to his wife.

  “Hahaha! You fools really thought you were gonna walk in here and I would show myself like that. No, you’re mistaken. I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. You have a long road until you get to me and like I said, Mr. Angel I’m the last person you’ll want to see! In fact if you’re playing attention, you have met me already! However I’ll leave it to my minions to take of all of you!” The evil one says in an arrogant and sinister tone.


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