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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 98

by Angel Medina

  The four glowing lights continue to rise up from the holes and when the glow begins to dim, everyone gets to see what was inside the hole. However as the lights dim the faces of the four reveal themselves and everyone is in shock…

  “Hahaha! What’s wrong Angel? I thought you killed the one who killed your pride and joy! Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you? I resurrected the four horsemen! Now prepare to meet your doom, like it was supposed to happen. Try to get out of this one! Hahaha, you’ll never defeat me!” The evil one explains while taunting Angel that he has resurrected his nemesis, Bill.

  “No way, that son of a bitch is back?” Dayvon asks in shock.

  “I’m afraid so, it appears the evil one has the ability to bring back the dead.” Luis answers Dayvon’s question.

  “It seems you have nine lives, every time I think I killed you it seems you always find a way to come back. It looks like the devil has given you another chance to live your pathetic life.” Angel says directly towards Bill, showing no fear.

  “Angel! So we meet for the third time and all I have the emperor to thank. I thank him for giving me another opportunity to destroy all of you, but especially you Angel and the Medina family!” Bill says evilly and in a non-human voice. Bill spirit is alive, but because is filled with nothing with hate due to being resurrected by the evil one his form is completely different.

  In fact Bill and the four horsemen have the form of what people imagine the Four Horsemen as. Bill takes the form of the rider of conquest and has the form a bull like demon. He has a broadsword and carries the elemental power of fire. He is under the red glow of light.

  Leon has the form of a skinny demon and has no legs. In fact Leon takes the form of the rider of famine. He has similar features to the phantasm ghost back in the first adventure when the heroes are taken back in time. He carries the elemental of air along with twin short swords. He has the most agility as he is able to teleport from place to place. He is under the yellow glow.

  Will takes on the form of a wraith and carries a falx as a weapon. He is a demon like wraith and carries the elemental of Earth. He takes the form of the rider of death. He is able to control the ground and his flax also acts as a life siphon that drains the energy of the host. He is under the green glow.

  Andrew takes the form of an anthropomorphic snow beetle, similar to those found in Fincina. He carries a battle axe and carries the elemental of cold and ice, with the ability to freeze his targets. He represents the rider of war. He is under the blue glow.

  The glow over the four horsemen begins to dim out until it completely disappears. Then they touch down on the ground and they look at the four heroes with intimidating looks on their faces. The heroes stand strong and stand their ground.

  “So this is the newly resurrected four horsemen, huh? Gotta admit I thought you were ugly then, you just took the cake now of ugliness. You are one ugly piece of shit!” Angel mocks Bill.

  “Mockery isn’t going to defeat me Angel! You see I’m not the same pathetic human like I was back on Earth. I’m a real horseman and just like the real Four Horsemen, we will never die!” Bill taunts Angel Back.

  “Hahaha! Luis we meet yet again, only this time I get to haunt you forever! Plus I’ll suck the life out of you!” Will enjoys taunting Luis.

  “Nice try, but to scare me you gotta actually take the life out of me!” Luis answers back.

  “Make it easy on yourself and bow down to the great emperor!” Andrew down talks Maria.

  “Bite me and make me bow down to you and your freak of nature “emperor”, just try me!” Maria answers back.

  “Try to take me down now little boy!” Leon taunts Dayvon.

  “Listen you maybe a “ghost”, but I’m not a little boy. I’m going to send my size 11 boot up your ass!” Dayvon says with pure anger to Leon.

  The Four Horsemen begin to surround the four and begin to attack. The four dodge the initial attacks by the horsemen. However, they know that the four are probably toying with them and they are waiting for the right moment to ambush them. The four try to study the attack patterns of the four horsemen the best they can. The sky above them turns into a dark purple and the scene turns into one of a sci-fi movie. The area turns dark and the heroes have a hard time seeing the four horsemen, so they must rely on instinct.

  Luis goes after Will and Will disappears out of thin air. He approaches Luis from behind and smacks Luis down to the floor. Luis gets up only to be hit with dark green energy balls and Will begins to shake the ground trying to bury him.

  Maria is completely lost in the darkness as she looks for Andrew, who is nowhere to be seen. He somersaults and lands in front of her. She dodges the axe swings that he delivers and she is nervous as heck, knowing that one false move will mean her doom. She runs towards a grave for cover when he begins shooting balls of ice at her direction. He spots her behind the grave and he takes a hack at her, she rolls out of the way while he destroys the fickle tombstone. Despite surviving the battle, Maria is struggling to find a way to defend herself as she knows she can only do so much against what is a super being.

  Dayvon gets into a fist fight with Leon and at first the two are evenly match. However after a few minutes Dayvon tries to use his rocket launcher to shoot Leon. Leon uses his ghost-like agility to disarm Dayvon in less than a second. Leon shoots a gust a wind to send Dayvon to the other side of the graveyard. Then Leon goes underground and Dayvon loses sight of him, seconds later Leon uppercuts Dayvon up to the air. He falls to the ground hard, but still alive.


  Angel makes a bee-line straight for Bill as he is ready to take Bill down and take out his anger. However, Bill has a counter attack for all of Angel’s attacks. Despite that Angel gets up after each time he hits the floor.

  “Not today Bill, not tomorrow, never!” Angel shows Bill his determination and that he is not ready to go down at all.

  Bill goes for the kill by taking a huge hack with his broadsword. Angel is able to back flip out of the way. He tries to take his plasma rifle out, but can’t find the time to take out his weapon. He tries to go back and attack Bill, but Bill uses his fire shield to burn him away. Then Bill lifts up his sword and fire begins to gather around the sword. He aims the sword at him and shoots the fire off his sword towards Angel’s direction. He runs as fast as he can to get cover from the heat.


  Luis jumps up as Will is creating an Earthquake and he tries to lay a surprise attack on Will. However Will is the wiser and catches Luis with his left hand. After that he begins to use his flax as a life siphon and begins to weaken Luis while taking his energy for himself. Will becomes demented and extremely arrogant towards Luis. In fact with the energy he takes from Luis, he begins to taunt Luis continuously.

  “Hahaha! My reward is coming soon enough! In the matter of seconds we will take over the world and you will be in the afterlife where you belong!” Will says arrogantly as he readies himself for the final blow.


  Maria runs from Andrew, but once again he jumps in front of her. He grabs her and applies pressure to her ribs attempting to freeze them. She screams in pain and she tries to find a way out. Then she remembers a blade her father gave her in which her father said she might need one day. She takes the blade out her pants and with her right hand she stabs him in the chest, but this doesn’t do too much besides free her from his clutches. She has trouble moving since her body is still frozen. She gets up on her own power, but he is right back on her back. He smacks Maria with the ax handle taking her down.

  “Give up yet? You can say “I quit” and I’ll spare you your life!” Andrew gives Maria one last opportunity to give up.

  “Go to hell! You’re the one who will be begging for mercy soon enough.” Maria replies.

  “Ha! I wonder how you’re gonna do that, you don’t have anything to take me down. Let me quit playing games, it’s time to meet your doom!” Andrew responds.

  Andrew takes his axe and rubs it agains
t his face wanting to make taking Maria out as satisfying as possible. Maria looks at Andrew unable to move too much due to her body being mostly locked by her frozen body.


  Meanwhile Dayvon manages to get up from the hard fall he took before from the vicious attack by Leon. Leon grabs his twin swords and starts to take hacks at him who is able to able to react by dodging. He picks up a metal plate and uses it as a shield to guard himself against the sword attacks from Leon. Leon becomes increasingly angry when he can’t break though so he launches a gust of wind to lift him into the air causing him to lose his “shield”.

  “Annoying kid, I am the great Leon. It’s time to end this! I have a calculated attack that you can’t even stop no matter how hard you try.” Leon says arrogant after he drops Dayvon back to the ground.

  He begins to spin violently and begins to create what seems to be a tornado, then sends it straight for Dayvon. Dayvon sees the tornado is an impressive looking one at that.

  “Shit if that tornado hits me I’m bound to be sent flying and when I fall I won’t be just busting my ass either. Damn I gotta get up though…” Dayvon says in a weak tone.


  Angel takes cover behind a column to avoid being burned by Bill.

  “What’s wrong Angel, can’t take the heat? Hahaha!” Bill taunts Angel almost like he is toying with Angel’s emotions. “What? You’re gonna beg for mercy just like your old man, he literally cried tears begging me for mercy. I don’t regret taking the old fart out, just like I won’t regret taking you out. You are the spawn of my pathetic ex-competitor!” Bill continues his taunts and taking it even further by mentioning Angel’s father.

  Then a fire is lit in Angel’s eyes and his blood began to broil. He becomes extremely angry to the point he doesn’t care what happens next. Bill launches the flamethrower attack using his sword and aims it at him who comes out running. The flames hit him smothering him, but the flames do absolutely nothing. In fact he remains unscathed and none of the flames stay burning. Bill is shocked, to now scared because he sees Angel is impervious to his fire attacks.

  “How did you survive that…? There’s… no way you… could've survived that…” Bill stutters while in shock that Angel is still standing and even has a smile on his face.

  “You wanna know why Bill, I told you don’t ever mess with my father and the first thing you do is mess with my father.” Angel answers Bill’s questions.

  “That’s right son, he can’t mess with the Medina family. Bill you see I maybe just a spirit of myself, but all you did was kill my corporal shell. I’m still alive and well because my son has faith in what he does. Something that you will never understand, something that your evil head full of pure evil will never comprehend! I’m here to expose how weak you really are and that you are just a pawn in the evil one’s plot. Come on son, let’s team up and take this joker out!” The spirit of Angel’s father makes a surprise entrance to the planet of Goo.

  “But how? You’re not supposed to be here, it’s too evil for… for you!” Bill asks while stuttering.

  Angel and his father refuse to answer Bill’s question and instead just begin to kick and punch him. He gets up and tries to take a hack at Angel, but the spirit of Angel’s father grabs the sword before it hits Angel’s head. Then he flips Bill over and enters Angel’s body. The father and son duo combine their attack and when the attack hits him the light breaks through the darkness. As a result he begins to be sucked into the light and begins to disintegrate into pixels until he gets sucked into the light.

  None of the other horsemen realize that their leader has just been defeated.


  Andrew takes his axe and begins to measure Maria. He prepares to finish her off, she looks in shock with her face turns white as she is staring at death in front of her face.

  “Goodbye Maria! It was nice knowing you!” Andrew is ready to take his final hack at Maria.

  Before he could attack though, Angel comes into distract him by shooting some rounds off his plasma rifle.

  “Maria use the flamethrower, he’s made out of ice. Hurry up before he turns around.” Angel tells Maria the weapon she needs to defeat Andrew.

  “Oh yeah, Andrew! It’s time to feel the burn baby. Hahaha, burn baby burn!”

  “Uh oh, I didn’t realize that.” Andrew looks in despair when Maria has her flamethrower out and aimed right at him. Maria shoots her flamethrower burning and melting Andrew to death.

  “That’s two goons down!” Angel screams out.

  “Two more to go!” Maria follows Angel’s statement.


  Dayvon looks at the tornado that Leon had created as it approaches his direction. He tries to run away, but the pulling force of the tornado is too powerful and begins to pull him back. He grabs a tree trunk to hang on to. The winds pick up even more surrounding Leon and the trunk of the tree breaks off the ground.

  “It’s over Dayvon! I’m going to blow you out of this dimension!” Leon screams out towards Dayvon.

  “I don’t think so ugly! Let’s just say you’re about to be literary on fire! Come on honey let’s makes this tornado burn to a crisp!” Angel says determined.

  Angel and Maria combine their attacks, Angel with his plasma rifle and Maria with her flamethrower. The two of them aim for the tornado and the tornado become engulfed in flames.

  “Get out of the way Dayvon before you get burned alive. Let Leon burn to his death it’s only a matter of time!” Maria warns him despite their differences over the course of meeting each other.

  He is unable to go forward as he is still being pulled by the force of the tornado. So she comes up with the ingenious idea and shooting her flamethrower towards his butt. The sheer heat from the flamethrower is enough to burn Dayvon’s butt, but more importantly it pushes Dayvon away due to the heat of the flamethrower. Luckily for him, Maria only shoots a small amount of heat towards him. He runs as fast as he can towards safer ground. After a few minutes the flames become even hotter surrounding Leon and burns him to a crisp only leaving ashes on the floor after the tornado dissipates.

  “Damn that burns! What you trying, burn me to a crisp?” Dayvon asks Maria angrily.

  “Whether you like it or not I saved your ass! So you should be thankful, now say you’re sorry.” Maria answers Dayvon calmly and sarcastically.

  “Dayvon… hey you gotta… admit she has a point… besides you were always the one…” Angel tries to hold his laughter as best as he can. “You were always the one… you were the one… to have a hot butt! Ha ha.” The two unable to hold their laughter come bursting out laughing at Dayvon’s “hot butt”.

  “Well… well, my so-called friends find humor in my pain and misfortunes. I see how it is.” Dayvon responds angrily.

  “Take it easy will you Dayvon, it’s a joke. Second of all if it wasn’t for Maria’s thinking you would have been really burned. Try to complain to the devil himself. He won’t even give you the time or day.” Angel tries to calm Dayvon down, while trying to avoid laughing anymore.

  “Yeah… Dayvon no need to get your panties all tightened up. At least you still alive, sheesh!” Maria taunts Dayvon.

  “Well I guess you’re right, anyway where’s Luis?” Dayvon asks Maria and Angel in a rather disgusted tone.

  “I see him over there, looks like he needs help!” Angel sees Luis on the floor with the last horseman, Will.

  Will continues to taunt Luis telling him to get up knowing that he can’t get up on his own power. Luis struggles to get up and refuses to give in to Will.

  “Come on Luis get up, that is if you still can. It will be more satisfying when I do finish you off. If you have any last words to say, go ahead and say them or forever hold your peace!” Will taunts Luis before killing him.

  “Screw you I hope you go to hell, if I gotta go to hell I’m taking you with me!” Luis says unfazed by Will.

  “Well suit yourself, either way you’re done for. Goodbye Luis…” Will beg
ins to suck the life out of Luis with his life siphon.

  That is until he is interrupted by Angel, Maria and Dayvon. Dayvon gets back his rocket launcher and shoots the life leech off Will’s hand. Not only that, the life leech also gets destroyed. As a result all of the energy that was sucked out of Luis breaks out of the life siphon and he begins to regain his strength. Will can only look at the situation in shock, as his life leech is destroyed. He tries to grab his long sword from his back. However, Maria grabs his sword before he could take hold of it. Angel and Dayvon tackle him down to the ground and begin to beat the living daylight out of him, to the delight of Angel who feels like he is getting his revenge for once. Maria grabs the sword and impales him in his heart. A combination of green blood and spirits of those who are dead begin to gush out of Will.

  “Arghhhh!” Will screams in pain and then he groans in pain afterwards until he’s dead.

  “Ha! I’ve finally got my revenge, father I have finally avenged your death for good!” Angel says in satisfaction after defeating the four horsemen in their true form. “Boy does it ever feel good, now as for you evil one are you gonna bring your ass out here or do I have to go and chase you!” Angel once again demands the evil one to come out. Then the voice of the evil one is heard.

  “Be careful what you wish you, Mr. Medina because you’re about to get your wish. Apparently not even the four horsemen or a reminder of your painful past was enough to destroy you and your friends. You are indeed a strong group of soldiers of what is an otherwise pathetic army of the Elder God. If you are foolish enough please come on in to my citadel and prepare for your final battle of an evil greater than your comprehension. Hahaha!” The evil one says unfazed.

  “Alright you bastard you got nowhere else to hide. It looks like I gotta come after you after all. Let’s see how you handle the heat when the heat is being dealt to you and not the other way around.” Angel says prepared to meet the evil one himself.


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