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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

Page 6

by Sorcha Black

  Leftovers? Was Richard thinking Lock was on the prowl for a virgin bride? It was hard to imagine what Elodie would have been like when she was still a virgin, but they would have to have met when she was about sixteen, and thinking about that now was just creepy. How many virgins did Richard think were out there, anyway? And why would he want the responsibility of deflowering them? Sure, he’d slept with virgins before – two exactly. He’d been a teenager, himself, at the time. All he could really remember about those situations was that it was awkward and unpleasant.

  As far as he was concerned, he’d happily marry some other man’s “leftovers” as long as his bride-to-be was willing to accept that he was another woman’s “leftovers.”

  But Richard was seventy, and sexist. He was probably racist and a homophobe too, if Lock cared to pry. However, Lock was just there to make money, not enlighten an old man. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t approve of Lock being into kink, either, for that matter.

  “You know, one of my granddaughters is almost your age. I should introduce you.”

  “That’s very kind, Richard. I recently started dating someone, though, so I’m off the market, at least for now.”

  His boss brightened. “Is that so? Well why didn’t you bring your young lady?”

  The term ‘young lady’ being used in reference to his Elodie almost made him laugh out loud. Visions of her in a Sunday dress, white gloves and a broad-brimmed bonnet still didn’t make her look any more wholesome in his mind’s eye. If anything, it made him think of them role-playing through some sort of pervy fantasy she had about being a good girl who got defiled.

  “She wanted to come, but she was working.” It was true, she not only wanted to come, but had begged to come, just as he was leaving. Keeping the smirk off his face was difficult, but he managed.

  RJ gave him a small wave and wandered off, no doubt in search of another set of ears to bore, now that his father had taken over Lock.

  “A shame. Well, if things work out between you and she’s the one, she can forget about her little job and keep a proper home, like Margaret does. Nothing wrong with a woman having a career before the kids start coming.”

  Little job? He probably shouldn’t mention that she made about 20K more a year than he did.

  Richard talked incessantly for the next ten minutes then excused himself to make a speech. When that treat was over and done with, Lock figured it would be safe to head home. When he got there, he planned to have nasty, hot, perverted sex with a woman who was far too good for people like this.


  A kneeling, weeping bundle of curves and red curls met him at the door. Since Elodie wasn’t usually an emotional woman, this didn’t bode well. His cock was disappointed, since as he was driving home, he’d had a detailed fantasy about fucking her against a wall.

  After closing the door behind him, he stroked her hair and let her lean into his leg. She definitely knew how to get him into Domspace.

  He crouched down and picked her up, carrying her to the couch and settling her in his lap. “What’s wrong with my little Minou?”

  Elodie sniffled and wiped her eyes with the palm of her hand. “I did something very, very bad, Sir. I shouldn’t have done it. You’re going to be so angry with your Minou.” Her voice had been small in the first place and went up several octaves. Sobs shook her small frame, and he cradled her close, sad that she was so distraught.

  She wouldn’t be crying about housework or breaking something. What could be this bad?

  “Calm down, sweet girl. You tell me what you did and I’ll help you fix it, okay?”

  “It’s not something you can fix. I – it was the other day, but I couldn’t figure out how to tell you. It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time but now I realize that it was probably...that you would consider it...”


  “I cheated on you!” She jumped off of his lap and started pacing.

  Lock felt as though she’d harpooned his chest. He felt sick. Pressing a hand against his breastbone helped a little, but there was a ringing in his ears and he felt like he would vomit. Was this it? Over, just like that?

  Oh God, he really loved her and she was fucking around on him?

  His eyes burned and he started to panic. No crying. Doms didn’t cry.

  “Come here,” he barked coldly. She jumped, but did as she was told, kneeling at his feet when he pointed. Her head hung down, shoulders curled, ashamed. “You owe me an explanation, at least.” Please, let this be fixable. Please let it not be as bad as it sounds.

  Elodie nodded then tipped her head back and looked at him. Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose rosy, her face streaked. She must have been crying since he’d left the house. It must have been bad, not just some emails or something. But who? She didn’t see anyone alone except him.

  “It just happened. I was just trying to help then I kissed her. But it was an accident! I never meant to.” She crumpled at his feet, sobbing.

  Her? “What?”

  “I kissed her. I kissed Tess. Just a little kiss, but that’s no excuse. I should have resisted, but I was putting makeup on her and our faces were so close. And she was so little and nervous. She just – I...”

  Tess? She’d kissed their dowdy little cleaning girl?

  “But you never told me you liked girls. Did you sleep with her?” A host of images of the two girls naked together fought for his attention, but this wasn’t some stupid porn flick.

  “No! Just one small kiss. That was bad enough. I’m so sorry.” She wiped her nose on the back of her sleeve and rose, backing from him.

  His head was throbbing and he pressed two fingers to his temple. “Where are you going, woman?”

  “To pack my things. I’m not going to make you ask. We were clear from the beginning that we were going to be monogamous and I broke our agreement.” She crumpled the skirt of her dress in both hands. “Oh, Lock, I’m so very sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “Apparently,” he said dryly.

  “Don’t make jokes. This is serious business.” She was yelling, frantic. “I betrayed you and our relationship. It’s not time for stupid jokes.”

  Deliberately, he pictured Elodie kissing the other girl, trying to sort through how he felt about it. There was a slight feeling of betrayal, but if she didn’t do more without his permission, he was pretty sure he could get over it. The pressure that had been building in his head and chest siphoned off, leaving him tired and spacey.

  He rose and walked to her, grabbing a handful of thick hair. “Come with me.”

  “Where are we going? You don’t have to make me pack.” She choked on a sob. “I’ll do it, myself.”

  Irritated, he forced her to look up at him. “You’re right, this is a big deal, Elodie. You betrayed me. I’m telling you right now that if it had been a man you’d be packing your shit and getting the hell out of my house. Lucky you, I have a double standard. If you promise me not to sneak around kissing girls behind my back again, we can settle this here and now.”

  “I make a promise and you forget it happened?” she looked skeptical.

  “I never said that. We need to talk about this for a long time, and you need to accept the punishment I decide on. It won’t be something fun.”

  “Really?” There was hope there where there’d been none moments ago. “So I can fix this? I thought I’d ruined everything with one impulsive kiss.” Fat tears started again.

  “You damn near did. This one time I’m willing to be lenient. I won’t be if it happens again. We have rules in our relationship for a reason.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “If I’d kissed her how would you be feeling?”

  She bit her plump bottom lip. “I don’t know, Sir. If I was there, I might like it.”

  What the fuck? Was she serious?

  “Are you saying you want us to play with this girl?” He tightened his grip on her hair and she squeaked.

  “Yes, Sir. Well...I don’t know.
It’s hot in my head, but in real life I might flip out.”

  “In your head? So you’ve thought about this?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Masturbated while thinking about it?”

  She twisted her mouth and scrunched her nose in a guilty way.

  “Perv,” he said, amused but baffled. He pulled her hair downward until she was hunched over then walked her down the stairs to the locked door.

  Elodie’s quiet sounds of distress reminded him that he’d come home to get laid. Dealing with her transgression took first priority, though, and having to wait was exasperating.

  He let go of her hair and grabbed the key from the top of the doorframe. Coming down here meant business, and when he turned to look at Elodie, she had stayed bent over at almost ninety degrees, just as he’d left her. She was on her best behavior now. How many times had he chased her through the house and dragged her into the playroom, screeching?

  He opened the door and led her inside.

  “Kneel. Wait. I need to think, and calm down. If you get too uncomfortable, you may sit, but don’t move from this spot, understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her lip was trembling, but he fought the urge to comfort her. This was a big deal and she needed to know that and remember it.

  Lock stalked upstairs and paced the living room until he was calmer, then sat and watched television for a while. He left her waiting for about a half hour – long enough to give her time to dread what was coming and long enough to be sure he was fully in control.

  Resigned, he went back downstairs, not looking forward to this unpleasant task. Punishing her for fun was one thing, but punishing her for more serious transgressions sometimes felt as though he was crossing a line, even though they’d discussed it and she wanted him to discipline her when he felt it necessary.

  When he walked into the room, her face was blotchier and she lowered her head in shame.

  “Sit there with your legs in front of you.” He pointed to a clear space on the floor. When she saw him grab the gravity boots, she whimpered. “I told you that you wouldn’t like this.”

  He got the padded blue ankle cuffs onto her and pulled her to her feet. Okay, so they weren’t sexy, but they did the trick.

  “Up.” Lock pointed at the free-standing metal scaffolding he’d made for these. “Face away from me.”

  Elodie climbed up the ladder on the side of it and hooked the boots onto the cross bar while he spotted her to make sure she didn’t fall. Knowing that being suspended scared her, he helped her turn upside down slowly. The loose sundress she’d been wearing billowed out and fell downward, first exposing her ass, obscuring her head, then skimming right off her and puddling onto the floor.

  Glorious, naked, upside down girl. Unable to help himself, he ran his hands over her nakedness, the smoothness of her skin and the wealth of freckles enough to keep him occupied for hours. He grabbed her ass with steely fingers, then let it go, slapped it. Other than a grunt, she remained silent.

  Looking at the assortment of implements on the wall, he decided on the whippiest of his thin canes. A glance over his shoulder told him that she wasn’t even looking. Normally she watched him, almost trying to guide his choice with her begging gaze, but today she just hung there and waited. He walked back to her and crouched down, spanning her throat with a gentle hand.

  “Elodie, I’m going to punish you with this cane. Do you object?”

  “No, Sir,” she whispered. “I deserve it.”

  “I’m going to hit you until my arm is tired. After every strike you’re going to tell me how sorry you are. Understood?” His dick was hard now and bent at an odd angle in his work-casual khakis. He adjusted himself.

  At one time the excitement he got from beating a woman used to disturb him, but now he understood it was just how his brain was wired. As long as she had a safeword that he’d respect, he wasn’t a monster.

  Lock unbuttoned his shirt and laid it aside, then took off his shoes and socks so he could feel the concrete floor beneath his feet. Civilized to barbarian in thirty seconds. With him, the façade was thin.

  The new tattoo on his upper arm was starting to peel and itched like crazy. He ignored it and swished the cane through the air a few times, perfectly aware of how it moved and how flexible it was, but needing a moment to center himself. Punishment, not actual damage. Lover, not abuser.

  Between his feelings about her kissing the cleaning girl and the enjoyment he got from caning her, he would have to be careful not to step over the line.

  With the cane, he tapped her ass. She hissed, a little red splotch the only evidence she’d been struck.

  “I’m sorry I kissed someone else without your permission, Sir.”

  “You’ll be sorrier in a few minutes.”

  The next blow was harder. She gasped.

  “I’m sorry!”

  Enough warm-up. She didn’t deserve a proper one.

  The quiet snit of the cane belied the force he used with the third blow. She wailed, clenching her ass and putting her hands out to block it.

  “Do you ever fucking block me, Minou?”

  “Ow, ow, ow! No, Sir. Fuck! I’m sorry.” She dropped her hands out of the way, letting her arms hang downward with her hair.

  “Hands on your tits for now, so you don’t grab your ass. I’ll end up breaking your fingers or something if you do that at the wrong time.” He traced a finger along the red welt that had risen across both ass cheeks. Under his touch, she quivered, whimpered. “And I shouldn’t have to say this, but no playing with your nipples.”

  She cupped her breasts obediently. Damn, it was such a rush to get unquestioning obedience. He’d almost forgotten. Sure, Elodie suited him better than his ex, but when she actually listened to him it was so...satisfactory.

  Like Kylie always said – no sub fought submission as hard as a brat. Except, perhaps, for a bratty switch.


  “I’m sorry, Sir!”


  “Oh, fuck! I’m so sorry!”


  “I won’t kiss anyone ever again!”


  “Daddy, please, I’m sorry.” Quieter, almost to herself.

  Daddy? Interesting. That was new.

  “I’ll be good! I’ll be good!”

  One after another, he left a row of welt lines down her perfect ass, some so close together they overlapped. His girl screamed and sobbed, writhing like a fish on a hook. Her skin glistened with a sheen of perspiration from the pain he’d inflicted, and even when he stopped, she mewled and wept, her tears dripping onto the floor below. Her head had to be pounding by now.

  Carefully, he helped her upright, then climbed up and supported her with his chest while he helped her unhook the boots from the scaffolding.

  When she was safely on the floor, eyes puffy, face wet, part of him felt sorry for her. She knelt on the cold concrete, head down, waiting.

  Lock slapped her mouth but only hard enough to draw her attention away from self-pity and back to him. “Whose mouth is this?”

  “Yours, Sir.”

  He thrust two fingers into her mouth. “Suck.”

  When she swirled her tongue around his fingers and started to suck he stifled a groan. Out of sheer jealousy, his cock was leaving a damp patch on his khakis.

  With his free hand, he untied his pants and let them fall, then kicked them off to the side. He withdrew his fingers from her mouth and savored her expression. Hurting, docile, desperate to please.

  He traced the tip of his cock across her lips, and frowned at her menacingly.

  “This mouth is mine. You are not to use it on anyone else without my express permission. If you think this caning was bad, give your head a shake. I didn’t draw any blood.”

  “I know, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  “I’m going to use your mouth now, and you’re going to take it like a good girl, aren’t you?”

  “Of course, Sir. I want—”

  He shoved his
way into her mouth hard and fast, grabbing two handfuls of hair for leverage. Her teeth had grazed him but it was his own fault for not warning her. “I don’t fucking care what you want. Be grateful I’m letting you suck me off with that slutty mouth.”

  Her sound of distress zinged through his balls, and her tongue worked on the underside of his dick, and she sucked like a good girl when he wasn’t too far in. Lost in his own pleasure and not worrying about hers this time, he fucked her face roughly while she fought to breathe. Even so, she widened her mouth, trying to take him deeper, trying to please him.

  “That’s right,” he crooned. “Open bigger. You can take me all the way down, can’t you, little girl?”

  She tried hard, choking, but not succeeding. The working of her throat was too much, and he lost control, coming, holding her by the hair while he emptied into her. When he stepped back, his dick came out of her mouth with a pop. She gasped for breath and fell forward on her hands. Although she should have gone back into a proper kneel, he couldn’t make himself care. Macho Dom that he was, he tried not to let on that his knees had turned liquid.

  “Come with me.” He helped her up and led her to the big, metal-framed bed in the center of the room. He laid back and settled her on his chest. Sweat and come matted Elodie’s hair, and he scraped it back with gentle fingers. Unable to resist, he traced the welts he’d left on her ass. She shuddered and pressed her face into his shoulder.

  “Unh. Ça fait mal! It hurts! Don’t touch!” As she tried to scoot away from him, she accidentally ground her pussy against his leg. The second time wasn’t an accident.

  He arched a brow at her in disbelief. “You can’t tell me that made you horny, naughty Elodie.” Although, he wouldn’t put it past her. She was a masochist, but he’d gone past her limit today, hadn’t he?

  “Non. Not the beating. I was too scared I was going to fall down, and it hurt bad, not good. The blowjob, though, that was...mean.” She sniffled then wiped at her face.

  A normal man would feel sorry for her. He just wanted a nap. “What did you learn today?”

  Elodie worried at her lip. “That I need to get your permission before I touch anyone else. That you’re the boss of me and I need to think of Lock first, not just Elodie.”


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