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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

Page 7

by Sorcha Black

  “Do you think maybe you should have told me you like girls?”

  She shook her head. “It didn’t seem important. I didn’t have any plans to hook up with anyone else. You seem open-minded, but some guys get squigged out by the idea that their girlfriend likes girls.”

  True enough. Not every guy thought girl on girl was hot. To him it was just two people having sex – not hotter or less hot than a man and woman together. Although if it was Elodie and a girl it might be different. This girl could even make grocery shopping hot. “I’m not squigged out by it. Is that even a word?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe?”

  He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her more tightly. Here, in this light, with her luminous blue gaze turned toward him, he was breathless. She was the most perfect creature he’d ever seen, and here she was in his very own bed. After he’d beaten and used her. As a kid, he’d never imagined that being in love would be like this. TV made love look like picnics and walks on the beach. No one had ever mentioned manacles and ballgags, but for them, it worked.

  His curiosity wouldn’t let him drop the subject, though. She was open to him now and he loved when she let him into the more secret parts of her mind. “Have you slept with a woman before?”

  The hellion actually looked shy. “No, but I’ve fooled around with some. Nothing serious, just making out at parties, you know? What about you and guys?”

  “Sadly for you, no, not interested.”

  Elodie tsked in disappointment.

  “So this thing with Tess?”


  He had to ask, even though he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer. “Is it like a crush or something?”

  She snorted. “Seriously, Lock? I barely know her. We’d – we’d had a good day, did some girl talk stuff, then she let me do her makeup...I just had an urge to kiss her then and I did. It wasn’t even with tongue or anything, but still, I know I shouldn’t have.” She gave him an apologetic look. “Then I took her to get her hair done at the salon and dropped her off at home. That’s it. Things were totally normal when she came by yesterday. We talked about the guy she likes and why she thinks she’ll never get him.”

  Typical girl stuff, except for the kiss. Or was that normal too? “Why does she think that?”

  “Oh, he’s handsome and blah blah. She’s not cute enough or cool enough. High school shit. She has a waaay bigger problem than that though.” She frowned, shifting in his arms. Gossiping wasn’t her thing and she was probably feeling like she’d said too much.

  “What? That she’s having trouble making ends meet? We already know that.” He bunched the pillow up under his head so it would be easier to see her.

  “No, I’m talking about the guy, not about silly things like rent and food.”

  “I apologize for being so practical and unromantic.”

  “I may have to beat you before I forgive you, Sir.”

  “Not happening.”

  She sighed melodramatically. “It was worth a try. Beatings are very good for your mental health, by the way. You should try it sometime.”


  “Or I could just step on your dick with my pointy boots.”

  “Don’t even think about it.”


  He slapped her ass and she howled. Oops. He schooled his expression to make her think he’d done it intentionally.

  “Vicious man. Truly evil. I think there’s come in my sinuses, by the way. If it leaks out my ears I’m ratting you out to the emergency room doctor.”

  “You’re buzzing, Minou. Finish your story before you crash.”

  “I’m not. I’m just a little horny.” She ground against his leg again and he waited for her to get her words out. “So if I tell you it has to stay between us. She didn’t swear me to secrecy, but it’s pretty personal.”

  “Who am I going to tell? Now spill it.”

  “She’s a virgin.”

  He arched a brow at her. “She said that in those words, or are you guessing?”

  “She tooold me that. She was like – Elodie, I’m a virgin. I was like – no shit! Do you know that she’s twenty-two? Who’s a virgin at twenty-two nowadays?” She shook her head in wonder. “We need to get her to auction herself off. She’ll never have to work again.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want to have sex. Not everyone does, you know. Maybe she’s asexual.”

  She traced a fingernail over his chest, giving him the shivers. “Nope. She tried to get laid but the guy found out and he wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole. It’s seriously sad. Wouldn’t most guys jump at the chance?”

  “Not unless they were hardcore religious and looking for a pure wife.” Like his bosses’ relatives, maybe. “Or if they were kinksters with a major corruption fetish.”

  “So weird. I thought all guys wanted virgins.”

  “No. They’re a lot of work and a lot of pressure.”

  “Hmm. Do you know, I wiped a smudge off her face with my finger and she hit the roof? She’s not used to people touching her at all. How is she ever going to land a hot guy if she doesn’t even know how to let someone touch her?” Another silent question was hanging in the air.

  “So what are you suggesting, Minou?”

  “You should fuck her.”

  He blinked at her, confused. “What? Hell no.”

  “It’s no different than giving to charity. The poor little souris will be alone all her life if you don’t help her.”

  Several responses occurred to him, but he finally settled on practical. “Why don’t you just bring her to a massage parlor a few times?”

  “Well, I could, but those happy ending ones are pretty sleazy.” She bit her thumbnail. “When she told me she’d never been with anyone, I have to tell you that I got totally turned on. There’s something about her. I’m not in love with her or anything, but the girl makes me think terrible things – even before she told me. I know I’m her boss, but I want to literally boss her around so bad. She’s a good little girl and I’m bad, bad Elodie. Isn’t that silly, to want to make someone bad?”


  Elodie’s brow furrowed. “I won’t do anything about it, I promise.”

  “I know you won’t. I trust you. I’m saying shit because I think you might be a switch.”

  She shook her head. “That whole stepping on your dick thing was a joke. I don’t really want to do that to you. We’ve been together for months and I’ve never been sad that I couldn’t beat you or anything. I love our relationship the way it is.”

  “But with more orgasms?”

  “Yes. There’s always room for more orgasms.”

  “You’re not getting any of those for a few days.” He laughed and raised his hand, then remembered not to swat her ass again. He really needed to try, in the future, not to break his toys. “Just because you don’t want to beat me, doesn’t mean you’re not a switch. Some switches can’t switch with the same person.”

  “Ugh. Now I have to look that up. I feel like you just say Elodie, you’re a brat, and poof, suddenly I’m a brat. Now I’m a switch? What if you poof me into liking bestiality? This could get out of hand. I’m very impressionable. You need to remember to use your powers of suggestion for good.”

  “Shh, slow down. You’re going to crash hard if you don’t settle.”

  “Don’t tell me to settle down, mister. I give you a hall pass with this little virgin and you turn me down. Now she’s going to run around sexless for the rest of her life because you can’t do me a favor.”

  Crazy girl. What was this about, really? Charity? No. It was about the fact that Tess turned her on. “This isn’t like bringing her to get her hair done, Elodie. You just want me to touch her because you’re not allowed to.”


  “Admit it.”

  “Oh merde,” she groaned, flopping down on him again. “Can you imagine the sweet noises she’d make the first time you did anything to her? But forget that.
She deserves to be happy. She’s a nice girl. And by the way, you might want to see how she looks now, before you say no.”

  “I doubt you turned her into you, so what do I care?”

  “Yes, because I’m perfect. Shut up.” She flapped a hand in dismissal. “She’s actually quite pretty and fresh and sweet. Like a peach waiting to be picked. This one is one of the high-up ones that you need a ladder for, though. Not low-hanging fruit.”

  He groaned, still feeling a twinge of jealousy. Obviously, she wanted her. There was the option of forbidding any kind of contact between the girls, but there was no point in being completely unreasonable. Elodie was wild. Confining her wasn’t the goal of their relationship. “Fine. You can give her a massage, but nothing sexual. And I have to be home – that way it’ll be harder for you to forget the rules and get carried away. And neither of us is fucking her.”

  “Thank you, Lock. I’ll be good, I promise.” She yawned. “Fuck, why am I so tired?”

  “You’ve been through a lot today. Are you getting sleepy?”

  There was a long pause. “Don’t be stupid,” she muttered, “I’m not a child. Everything feels so slow, though.”

  He gave her The Eye, but her own were closed, her breathing loud and even. Her head got about ten pounds heavier on his chest.

  “Mmhmm.” A dainty snore tickled his chest hair. Not tired at all. “You may not be a child, but when you wake up, we’re going to talk about why you called me Daddy.”

  Chapter Six

  The duck’s mechanisms were giving her a hard time. She fiddled with them, but no matter what she did, one leg went slower than the other, which made the poor thing turn in circles. Cute, but not what she had planned. In her ear, another duck quacked.

  “Elodie! Pourquoi tu ne me parle pas?” Gabrielle Roy might have sounded like a duck, but she was an annoyed duck today. It was too early for nagging.

  “Sorry, Maman. I just got distracted for a second.”

  “Parles en Français!”

  Elodie sighed and put aside the duck so she could focus on the phone call. “No, I don’t want to speak French right now. Quit bugging me about that. I’m not going to lose my French just because I’m living a tiny bit closer to the equator.”

  “You live with a tête carrée, you work with them, socialize with them. Pretty soon you’ll be just like your sister Veronique.”

  “Don’t call Lock a tête carrée, that’s such a dumb insult. He does not have a square head and you haven’t even met him. And Vero is rich and living in Florida. You don’t complain about living in her pool house every summer. It’s not her fault she has no one to speak French to.”

  “You two are always mad at me. I just hoped that you would marry nice Francophone men. Was that too much to ask?”

  “She’s married to a doctor, and she is a doctor. I think your priorities are a little screwy. Quit nagging and we’ll quit being mad at you.”

  Gabrielle went on as though she hadn’t heard the last bit. Either her phone had bad reception or she had selective hearing. “Well, I am glad you’re both happy. Do you think Locksley will propose soon? You’ve been there for months.”

  “You know that I don’t want to get married.”

  “You say that, but it’s just because the right man hasn’t asked. It’s unnatural for a woman not to want marriage. You’re going to be sorry if you never have children.”

  “I don’t have to be married for that.” Wait for it…

  “I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear it!” Her mother said a short prayer in French, which made Elodie roll her eyes.

  Did the woman think she was saving herself for marriage? Her mother had found condoms in her backpack when she was sixteen and had confronted her about it at the time. Did she think the lecture had made her take a vow of chastity? As Gabrielle wound down, Elodie figured it was safe to continue.

  “How is Papa?”

  “Oh, he’s fine. His back keeps getting sore, but he’s an old man, so it’s to be expected.” Her mother had been taking care of her father and his imaginary ailments for so long, when he was finally old and sickly there’d be no change in her life. It had already been old news for twenty years. “What are you working on lately?”

  “A duck.” She stifled a laugh, thinking about how she’d just compared the duck to her mother in her head. “It waddles around and quacks really fast. It makes me laugh. Right now it keeps running in circles though, so I have to fix that.”

  Her mother laughed then sighed regretfully. “So funny that your gadgets are making you money. Too bad it’s not a steady income, though.”

  “We have a decent house. I’m not about to complain.” Sure she was no Veronique, but their income was firmly at the higher end of middle class. Whatever that meant. She’d heard once that everyone thought they were middle class if they worked.

  “You have a decent house because Locksley has a good job. He has benefits too.”

  “I make more than he does, even if you count me having to pay for insurance.”

  “Yes, yes. I know, but that could end anytime. There’s no security.”

  Just great. How were they going to feed their twelve children now that her mother had pointed that out...again? “There’s no security anywhere anymore.” How many times were they going to have this same argument? “Zoe got laid off from that Fortune 500 Company last year and no one saw that coming. Twelve years of her life and she had to start over in another state.”

  Her mother sighed. “I know, your poor cousin. I just worry because I love you.”

  “I know, Maman. I have to get going though. Our cleaner will be here in a few minutes and I have to tidy up.” Her heart sped up, wondering what her mother would think if she knew she had a petite crush on a girl and that she’d kissed her. Then again, she’d probably faint if she saw the marks Lock had left on her ass. It was still painful to sit days later. Maybe some women could discuss their sex lives with their mothers, but Elodie wasn’t one of them. For that matter, the hints she’d dropped to her sister about kink had gone completely over her head, poor dear.

  “Cleaning for the cleaner.” Gabrielle chuckled. “At least you’re paying someone to do it, since you seem so incapable of cleaning up after yourself. You make sure you’re good to that girl and pay her well.”

  Elodie felt a secret smile creep onto her face. Be nice to Tess? There were so many nice things she’d like to do to Tess.

  “We’re paying her more than double her rate, and feeding her, too, when she’s here.”

  “Good. You’re a good girl, Elodie.”

  That’s what Lock tells me after he beats me and gets come in my hair.

  “I try, Maman. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  They said their goodbyes but instead of starting to tidy, she ran upstairs and checked her hair and makeup. She brushed her teeth for good measure.

  “Just a little crush?” Lock was leaning against the doorway, smirking at her. He’d gone into work for a few hours this morning, even though it was Saturday, and he was still wearing his suit pants and a dress shirt with the cuffs rolled up. Delicious.

  “Do I look okay?” she asked. He could make fun of her all he wanted. The truth was that most days she did the same thing before he got home.

  Something in his gaze and his posture changed and she knew the tone of this conversation was about to go in a different direction.

  “Hands on the sink,” he barked.

  Heat raced to her girl parts as she complied. Doing as she was told leaned her over the sink, her ass sticking out. Lock went behind her and grabbed the hem of her blue sundress.

  “We’re going to have company in a minute, Sir.”

  “Well then I’d better check to make sure you’re prepared for company.” His voice was gruff and it gave her the shivers. He lifted the hem of her skirt and draped it on her back. “Cute panties, Trouble. They match your dress. This lace makes me think of terrible things.” His finger followed the scalloped edge of
the leg hole from her hipbone, over her hip, down her ass to her pussy.

  “What sort of things, Da-Sir?”


  “Again what?”

  He traced the back of her waistband, tickling up her spine, then hooking into the underwear and pulling them down so slowly that it was like he was teasing an audience.

  “Were you going to call me Daddy again?”

  Shit, fuck, fuck, fuck. Had that slipped out sometime? “Daddy? I’m not into that stuff.” Locksley’s reflection smiled wolfishly at her in the mirror. He wasn’t buying it.

  “Sure you’re not. That’s why you slipped and called me Daddy when I was punishing you – because you’re not into it.”

  Jeez, she so didn’t want to talk about this. Maybe it was hot on Tumblr sometimes, but she didn’t want to start role-playing it. There was a hint of it in their dynamic, but that was enough for her. “I’ve been reading too many kinky romances lately, that’s all. Just because I like something in a book doesn’t mean I want to do it in real life.”

  “If you ever want to try something different just let me know. I was pretty sure you weren’t mistaking me for your Papa.” He chuckled.

  “Ew. Shut up.”

  He swatted her ass with his heavy hand, three times, four, making her bruises ache. When he stopped, she could feel the marks he’d made stinging and making her hotter. Please let him not check. Please let the doorbell ring.

  The big hand stroked her ass and she groaned. No orgasm for three days and she felt like it had been a month already. The bastard had been keeping her wanting.

  “I’m going to check to see how wet you are for me.” His fingers brushed between her legs.

  A strangled cry escaped her. He couldn’t keep talking like that or her brain was going to blow up.

  “Hmm. You’re much too wet. You’re going to make a mess in your panties, little girl.” His finger probed, slid over her clit, pushed inside her then withdrew and circled around her other hole.

  “No, please. Tess is going to be here any minute. You should stop.”


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