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Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set

Page 38

by Kiki Burrelli

  "Oh my God. That fucking wolf." She lurched forward, a hand held tentatively out like she wanted to caress Sorell's cheek but wasn't sure if it would hurt him. Her head pivoted between Felix and Sorell. "Did you tell Luke how bad it is? You did tell Luke, right?"

  Felix scowled. "There is nothing to tell Luke, we're handling it."

  Chapter Five

  Sorell alternated between feeling warm and fuzzy and outright annoyed. Felix was acting as if he had this all figured out. Sorell wasn't sure there was something to work out. Eventually, he would have to go back to Isaac or what he threatened would come true. Isaac hadn't called him yet, though, so Sorell assumed he was giving him time to heal. He never did like seeing the results of his outbursts once his anger had faded.

  "I don't want to tell Luke," Sorell said loud enough to talk over Felix. "It won't help the situation." Sorell winced inwardly. He should've used different language. Already, Frannie eyed him from head to toe like a detective searching for clues. She was too observant and he hadn't even been thinking of hiding anything from her until it was too late. He probably shouldn't have even come out, but the truth was, he really liked Frannie and had wanted to see her.

  Wordlessly, Frannie moved back away from him and sat down on the couch. She looked at the two of them expectantly. Frannie was hardly older than he was, but Sorell always got the feeling that he was talking to his mother when she got like this. Not Sorell's real mother, because that woman was like talking to ice, but a more motherly sort of mother, one who truly cared about what happened to her child and had her child's best interests at heart. Unfortunately, Frannie's best interests would get everyone in trouble.

  Sorell had thought about going straight to Luke the moment Isaac had threatened him. But what would that fix? Luke, as his pack's alpha, would support him, he'd declare war on the other pack and then how could Sorell keep his pack mates from getting injured? They had just came out of a scary time when they didn't dare leave the house alone for fear of Lucian. Then Sorell had to go mess up everything by sleeping with the new pack master. It had been dangerous—and yes, he had a lot of tension to work out—but it had been stupid and selfish and Sorell would not let his pack suffer.

  "You men, it's as if you never learn," Frannie began angrily. "Do you not remember what happens to each other? How many times do you people need to learn that you are stronger together, that you should trust your alpha to protect you?"

  Felix made an annoyed noise at that. Sorell just sat down on the couch opposite Frannie. "I understand the characteristics and pros of a pack, Frannie. But I won't put mine in danger over this."

  "Over this? You mean over you? Why? You're good enough to protect me but not good enough to receive protection? Am I more important than you, Sorell?"

  Yes. God yes, couldn't she see that? Wasn't it as obvious to her?

  "Oh, Sorell," her voice caught and she launched towards him, wrapping an arm over his shoulders and resting her head on him. "Is this a shifter thing or a man thing?" she asked, emotion thickening her voice.

  He didn't answer, figuring the question had been rhetorical. He let her hold him, sensing she needed to give him comfort as much as he was enjoying it. He searched the room for Felix. The man hadn't said anything since Sorell had started speaking. Felix had stayed back, almost in the kitchen. He stood with his arms folded across his chest, scowling, but with kindness in his eyes.

  "It is going to be fine," Sorell said to Frannie, though it was meant for Felix, too. "I'll make sure everything is fine. Isaac is being dramatic now, but he'll get over it. He'll get over me. I'm sure of it." Sorell made the mistake of finding Felix's face again. His expression now was thunderous.

  Frannie sniffed and wiped a tear. "I didn't just come here to yell at you."

  Sorell smiled. That was Frannie's version of yelling at him?

  "I brought some of your things. Finn told me you were staying here and I didn't want you to be uncomfortable." Her cheeks blushed. What exactly did Frannie think was happening here at her older brother's house? "Also, I wanted to tell both of you that I'm going out of town, tonight, actually. I have a writing convention in San Francisco where I am expected on a few panels. If I had known when I booked it that things were going to be so...tumultuous, I would not have."

  "No, don't worry. Things will always be tumultuous." Sorell grinned. Leave it to Frannie to describe their situation so dramatically. "This whole thing will be handled by the time you come back."

  Frannie handed him the bag she'd packed and he spied a couple of his favorite shirts as well as some toiletry items. How long had she thought he was going to stay at Felix's apartment? With a round of hugs, Frannie left. Sorell shut the door, taking the liberty to lock it and then turned around to face a very pissed-off-looking Felix.

  Unlike witnessing Isaac's anger, seeing Felix mad didn't scare Sorell. Felix wouldn't hurt him. But he didn't get the warm and fuzzies from seeing his dark scowl, either.

  "How exactly did you plan on fixing this?"

  Sorell held onto the bag Frannie had given him. His body reacted to the tone of Felix's voice in ways that just weren't normal. His inner wolf wanted to pad over and rub against the man. Sorell wished to do more than rub against him. He sighed, irritated that he kept forgetting that wasn't an option. "Isaac will cool down. He always does. And when he's cool, I'll go back and—"

  "Like hell."

  "Felix, I can't just—"

  Felix stomped toward him. Each footfall felt like it was vibrating through his body. "You're going to offer yourself up, again, like a lamb to the slaughter?"

  "Not like a lamb, like a shifter with a pack to protect."

  Felix bent down, caging Sorell with a hand against the wall by his head on either side of him. Sorell's wolf wanted him to lean forward and lick him, it didn't matter which part of his body. Any would do for his wolf. He had to stop himself from leaning forward and burying his nose in the man's chest to get a better smell of him.

  "I won't let you go back to him, Sorell. I can't let you."

  Sorell knew he should err on the side of caution, that the doctor was twisted a little tightly at the idea of him going back to Isaac, but he couldn't help his desire to rebel, to disobey. "Let me? When did it become your choice? You don't own me. You aren't my alpha. You're not even my lover. Why should I listen to you? I certainly don't have to." He turned his head, physically dismissing the other man. Felix straightened, removing his hands, giving Sorell unwanted space. Sorell's heart sputtered as he sat back down on the couch. He didn't know what he wanted Felix to do, but it certainly wasn't to give up so quickly.

  How do you keep forgetting? He doesn't want you. Doesn't think of you that way. He just wants to keep you safe as a friend, one that you just pushed away.

  Felix locked the deadbolt on the door and turned off the main light so that, with the curtains closed, the only light came from the lamp on the side table beside Sorell.

  "Get on your knees."

  Sorell blinked, sure he hadn't heard Felix correctly. But what he saw in Felix's face took his breath away. Lust. Pure and burning. Power radiated off of his body as he stood, his hands clenched at his sides. "Felix, what are you—"

  Felix bent down and grabbed Sorell by his chin, somehow, he was careful enough not to hurt him but hard enough that Sorell stopped speaking. Felix covered Sorell's lips with his own. The kiss wasn't hard as he would have expected, but it wasn't tentative. There was catharsis and the feeling that Sorell was exactly where he should be, doing exactly what he should be doing. Felix pulled away and straightened.

  "You keep pushing me, Sorell, testing me. I have limits. You still have a choice, so if this isn't what you want, tell me. But if it is, you need to get on your knees. If I can't show you that I can protect you through my actions then I will have to show you through your own submission."

  Sorell thought he might be dreaming. He'd had dreams that started a lot like this before. But none had felt as real as this. He slid off th
e couch and onto his knees before he could really think it through.

  Approval and no small amount of relief flashed behind Felix's eyes. "Undo my pants. Take me into your mouth."

  What? What? He thought about pinching himself, he knew for a fact that he'd had this dream two nights ago. Again, his hands were performing the action long before he thought to tell them to. It seemed his body was already willing to submit before his mind had had a chance to think it over. And what was there to think over?

  His own cock was rock hard, pressing against the fabric of his boxers. He pulled Felix's pants down and found him as hard as he was. He salivated, unable to wait any longer as he opened his lips and let his hard cock slide smoothly past his lips.

  Sorell spared one moment to wonder exactly how he'd come to be on his knees with the doctor's dick in his mouth in such a short amount of time. Felix seemed almost possessed. He cupped Sorell's face and guided him down slowly, allowing Sorell the time to adjust to his size. "Yes, take me, all of me, Sorell," Felix said, his voice raw with dominance.

  Soon, Sorell had swallowed as much of Felix as he could. He couldn't breathe, but as he looked up at Felix, trust flowed through him as he saw that although Felix's eyes were dark with desire, they were still kind.

  Felix caressed Sorell's jaw with his thumb. "Do you feel this?" Felix cooed. "You, on your knees, strangled by my dick. You feel safe don't you?"

  Sorell couldn't nod. He tried to make a noise of agreement and it vibrated over Felix's cock.

  "You are safe when you submit to me, Sorell. Let me protect you in the bedroom and out of it." Felix guided Sorell's mouth over his hard length.

  Sorell's head spun. What did this mean? Was Felix gay? It seemed a silly question to be asking while he was actively swallowing the man's cock. Maybe it was just a ploy to get him to stay, to get Sorell to trust him. That would be some commitment to a patient, he thought wildly.

  And then, he couldn't think anymore, not about anything that wasn't devilishly dirty. Felix fucked his face—there was no other way to describe it, no other way Sorell wanted to describe the way Felix slammed his face towards his groin over and over.

  He loved every rough and dominating second. Sorell felt like he was being used in the best way possible. He felt as if he was there only for Felix's pleasure, his own pleasure came second. But then, Felix yanked his mouth off. His cock popped out of Sorell's mouth with a lewd plop. He yanked Sorell up by his arms and pulled him flush against his body in an all-consuming kiss. The way Felix's strong body was pressed against his, he almost came right there, inside of his pants like a teenager. Would Felix appreciate something like that? He groaned, imagining both an angry and appreciative Felix, simultaneously.

  Felix thrust his tongue inside of Sorell's mouth, exploring the warm, wet space like an explorer conquering a new land. He had to be able to taste his own flavor in Sorell's mouth. Judging from the deep moan, he liked it. Everything about Felix exuded power. The way he held Sorell, one hand pressed against his back, the other cupped around the back of his head, his low groans, and sure movements. He was absolutely in control of the moment. Sorell remembered back to a time when he'd resented Felix for his control, now he loved it. It made him feel just as Felix said it would, protected and cherished.

  "I need to be inside of you," Felix gasped, tearing away from Sorell long enough to speak before gathering him up in his arms. His hands cupped Sorell's ass and Sorell wrapped his legs around his waist as he carried him to the bedroom. He dropped him on the bed and reached to the side, pulling open his nightstand drawer and grabbing what looked like a tube of lube and a condom.

  He obviously didn't know that shifters didn't get STDs. They could get pregnant, though, and that thought had Sorell's cock straining up away from his body. Male shifters only got pregnant when they were with their mates. He imagined himself, swollen with Felix's child. Felix is a human, he reminded himself. But Finn was human, so was Christian. Sorell wondered if that made a difference. "You don't need to use that," he said, regarding the condom.

  Felix frowned. "Sorell, you should not be so cavalier," he scolded him.

  "I can't get any STD you might have," he said, suddenly embarrassed. "A shifter thing."

  "But you can get pregnant," he accused, angrily.

  Did he think that Sorell was trying to trick him into getting him pregnant? Sorell rolled over and buried his head in the pillow. This wasn't the type of torture he enjoyed. "I could only get pregnant with my mate. Being a male, that's how it works."

  "So you didn't use a condom with Isaac?"

  Hearing his name right now was like a bucket of cold water on his body. "No, I never did. There was no reason." Isaac definitely wasn't his mate. But the question Sorell pondered was his relationship status. Was he technically still with Isaac? Did that mean he was cheating on him? Sorell slid to his side on the bed. He didn't turn away from Felix, but he didn't expect him to stick around now that the mood had dimmed. Sorell still wanted him, desperately, but he could tell the elephant in the room had sat down, right between them.

  "Are you thinking about him?" Felix asked— a challenge.

  "Not in the way you think," Sorell replied, relieved that while Felix had set the lube and condom down, he hadn't left the room. He sat down on the very edge of the bed and rubbed the back of his neck. Sorell expected him to pinch the bridge of his nose soon and smiled when he did. Felix caught him smiling. "Am I funny?"

  "No, you're hot and adorable." Sorell couldn't believe he'd said that. It was way too honest of a response, words that just flew out of his mouth without thought. He looked up at Felix, worried by what his reaction would be to such an honest declaration.

  Felix leaned towards him and kissed him sweetly on the nose. When he pulled back there was the ghost of a smile on his lips. "You are...too," he said somewhat awkwardly.

  Was he not accustomed to giving compliments or just giving compliments to men? Sorell reminded himself that up until the doctor had kissed him at his birthday and then demanded that Sorell suck his cock, he'd thought he was straight. But the way he looked at Sorell now, his erection evident, didn't seem straight to him.

  "I hate that he touched you," Felix said with his head down. "If I think about it for too long, it does horrible things to me."

  Sorell propped his elbow up and rested his head on his hand. "That's understandable. You're a doctor, you care for people, it must be an affront to your profession."

  "No, Sorell. I hate that he hurt you, yes. Of course I do. But I also hate that he held your hand and that you smiled at him and that he got to kiss you. I loathed seeing him next to you at your party, more than I thought possible." Felix reclined so that he was stretched out on the bed in a position that mirrored Sorell's. "And even now, when he isn't here physically, he's in your head. I don't want there to be any room in your head for him."

  "What are you saying?" Sorell whispered.

  He set a warm palm against Sorell's cheek. "That in here, with me, I don't want you to think about anything else." He stretched forward and kissed him gently. "Give me your body and your attention."

  Sorell wasn't sure he could breathe, he was so turned on. Felix sat up and pushed Sorell gently so he was on his back. He let his hands have free reign of Sorell's body, rubbing up and down every part of him. "Be here with me," he murmured.

  "Yes," Sorell said automatically, his every nerve ending in tune with Felix's movements.

  "Think of how I make you feel," he said, cupping Sorell's erection.

  Sorell hissed and rocked his hips forward shamelessly.

  "And think of how you make me feel," he said then, pressing his own iron-hard cock against Sorell's thigh. He began sliding Sorell's pants down. "Just us."

  Sorell lurched forward, wanting to touch Felix and give him as much insane pleasure as Sorell was getting. Felix made a "tsk" sound and pushed him back gently. "No, no, little shifter. Right now your job is to let me please you," Felix said and as he did he gathered S
orell's wrists together, pulling his arms up so they stretched above his head. He reached behind his body and grabbed a strip of cloth, it looked like a tie, and he wrapped it around Sorell's wrists, binding his hands together and then finishing it off by attaching the knot to the headboard. Sorell tugged at the restraints. He could wiggle a little, but could not move his hands down. He was completely at Felix's mercy and it made him so hot he couldn't hold in his pitiful moan.

  He might as well have begged Felix to fuck him since his moan was the neediest sound he had ever uttered. Felix captured his mouth once more as if searching for any sign that Sorell might not want what was happening. Sorell kissed him back enthusiastically. He wanted this, even if it was just the one time. His wolf rebelled at that thought; it whined pathetically at the idea of only experiencing this all once. Felix settled between Sorell's legs, spreading him open to the other man.

  He felt something cool press against his ass and Felix worked the lube around his opening until it was warm. He slid one finger inside and Sorell gasped. He'd never experienced sex with a human, he'd only ever experienced a shifter's altered precum that would soothe and numb the area. Without it, Felix's finger felt impossibly big. If Sorell felt this stuffed with just Felix's finger, what would happen when he tried fitting in his sizable dick?

  Felix squirted more lube and then added a second finger, Sorell gasped. It was so good, so raw. He was ready. Sorell didn't know if he was stretched out, but wasn't sure there was anything that would prepare him for how it would feel. He only knew he wanted it. "Please, fuck me, Felix," he moaned, jerking his hips so that he rode his fingers. He pulled on his wrists, not because he wanted to get away but because reminding himself that he couldn't made him even hotter. He was stuck, helpless. If Felix wanted to fuck him or didn't, there was nothing Sorell could do about it in that position.

  Thankfully, Felix moved, spreading Sorell's legs wider as he lined his cock up with Sorell's back entrance. He pushed forward so that his head lodged inside of him. Sorell screamed. It was so much, already so much.


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