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Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set

Page 39

by Kiki Burrelli

  Felix moved slowly, allowing Sorell time to adjust. His body accepted the intruder, but the feeling was entirely different than what he was used to. He could feel every inch of Felix's cock inside of him, every single movement, magnified. Felix slid further inside and Sorell thought he must be all the way in.

  "Not quite," Felix gritted through his teeth, somehow sensing Sorell's question.

  Sorell bit his bottom lip and tried very hard not to cry out. He looked up at Felix, in awe of what he saw on the other man's face, adoration and desire. It was clearly difficult for him to go as slowly as he was for Sorell's benefit. Sorell thrust up, swallowing the last of Felix's cock in his greedy hole. He screamed out then, feeling fuller than he thought possible.

  Felix groaned and exhaled harshly. "Fuck, you feel amazing, Sorell. Like a glove around my cock." He pulled out slightly and pressed back in. Felix nuzzled Sorell's neck as he thrust in and out of his body, "So fucking tight, baby, you are perfect. This is perfect."

  The pace increased and Sorell could do little else but wrap his thighs around Felix and hold on as he pounded into him. Each glorious thrust filled him up to the brim, each time felt like the first time. Felix growled and grabbed Sorell's hips, lifting the lower half of his body off of the bed. The new position put more pressure on his wrists, making him very aware of his helplessness. The new angle allowed Felix's cock deeper access and each relentless thrust forward nudged against Sorell's prostate. He nearly blacked out from the pleasure.

  Felix was like a wild animal, rutting inside of him without pause. "It's too much," Sorell moaned.

  "Take it, Sorell," Felix growled. "Take all of me." He thrust forward again, slamming against Sorell's sensitive nerve bundle and Sorell exploded. His cock was like a geyser, coating the front of them both with his cum. A jet of it splashed against Felix's face, landing on his lips. Sorell panicked for a fraction of a second, but Felix slid his tongue out, swiping his bottom cum-covered lip and he closed his eyes before burying himself deep inside of Sorell and yelling out his orgasm.

  Chapter Six

  Felix pulled the sleeping shifter tighter against his chest. Sorell snuggled against him in his sleep. Felix couldn't help it, he needed him close. If he thought he had been acting possessive before they had sex, it was nothing compared to how he felt now. He'd fucked Sorell three more times throughout that day and now the sun was setting and his cock was still hard.

  He could've nudged Sorell's legs open, the shifter was as voracious as he was, but Sorell needed to sleep. He was still healing and had been exhausted after the last time and while Felix wished he could wake him up by wrapping his mouth around his cock, he knew he needed to let him sleep. Still, he was unwilling to move away from him.

  It was borderline ridiculous. The one time Felix had left the bed to go to the bathroom he felt nervous, his heart beat crazily, until he was able to slide back in bed and pull Sorell against his skin. That worried him. Was it something having to do with Sorell being a shifter? His experience with shifter-human relationships was limited to his brother and Christian, his brother's friend. Felix didn't really feel comfortable enough to discuss the questions he had with Christian and the idea of asking Finn about how horny he was when he first met Luke was less than appealing. Finn was his little brother, after all. Felix should be the one with the answers and he would get them, on his own.

  He thought about falling asleep himself, taking a quick nap, but was too worried that if he slept he would dream, and if he dreamed, he knew which one it would be. When he was alone, he would often wake from those dreams tangled up in his sheets; once Felix thought he had even struck the wall while sleeping. If he hurt Sorell, even if he was sleeping when he did it, it would kill him.

  No, he couldn't sleep. But he could worry, so he did that until Sorell began twitching his ass against Felix's groin. He bit his lip, swearing that he would let the little shifter sleep.

  "I can tell you're thinking hard about something," Sorell said with his eyes closed. "What's wrong?"

  Felix didn't bother asking how he could tell. Felix himself had thought he could sense certain unspoken things about Sorell. "Nothing, go to sleep."

  "Are you worried about your identity?"

  Felix cocked his head to the side, what a weird thing to ask. "No. Should I be?"

  He saw the tips of Sorell's ears grow adorably red. "I just thought, since, I figured I was the first guy you had ever been with. I wondered if you were experiencing any sort of crisis of identity."

  The way Sorell explained it, Felix thought maybe he should be, but he couldn't summon any angst when he thought about what he and Sorell had done. Felix had never been attracted to a man before, but he wasn't attracted to every woman, either. He supposed that made him bisexual, though he doubted there was another man who existed in the world that would affect Felix the way Sorell did, the same way he knew there was no woman that could compare to him. "No, I'm not worried about that."

  "Oh, I mean, you probably wouldn't want to talk to me about it even if you were."

  He thinks I'm lying. He knew that to be a fact just as Sorell knew he was worried about something without ever having to look at him. The desire to assert himself flared up inside of him. It had been this way earlier when Frannie had visited. Sorell had been acting as if Felix had no say in his future plans. He'd gone a bit mad, needing to establish his position in Sorell's life, similar to how he felt now. It was a requirement to him that Sorell know he wasn't lying and that lying between them was unacceptable.

  "Roll over, Sorell," he said calmly, but in a tone that would allow no opposition.

  Sorell rolled over, biting his lip and looking up at his face with wide, concerned eyes.

  "Do you not trust what I tell you?" he asked, never looking away.

  "Of course I do, but I don't expect you to tell me everything. We…we…" He stumbled over his words the moment Felix began to make lazy circles over his hip bone. "I mean, we haven't known each other for very long."

  Felix pinched the skin he'd been touching and Sorell jumped. "Do I need to restrain you again? Or can you sit still?"

  "But you—" Sorell caught himself and bit his lip.

  It pleased Felix more than he thought it would to watch Sorell obey him. Where had this dominant personality come from? The answer was obvious, Sorell. The little shifter brought out all of his dark urges.

  "I can be still, but if you want to restrain me, I won't resist you."

  Felix smiled. "No, you won't." They'd established a safe word in case Sorell did want to put an end to what they were doing and Felix trusted him enough to say it if he felt pushed past his limits. Felix felt more comfortable knowing that what he did to Sorell, what he was planning to do to his sweet body, was not just something Sorell allowed to have happen, but something he longed for. He slid his hand up Sorell's chest and tweaked his right nipple between his fingers. Sorell gasped and then cried out, his eyes closed, but he did not wiggle. When he opened them they were dark with desire. He licked his bottom lip.

  "I won't lie to you, Sorell. I won't tell you half-truths. You won't have to worry about me not saying what I mean. So when I say that I am not experiencing an identity crisis over what we did, you can believe me. Everything we have done together has felt as natural as breathing. Just as bending your body to my will feels like exactly what I should be doing right now."

  Sorell's breath caught. His reaction pleased Felix. He'd never been with someone so responsive. "I believe you, Felix. I promise."

  "Good, we'll just get your punishment out of the way and—"

  "What? Punishment? I said I—" Too late, Sorell realized what he'd done. He clamped his lips shut. It was nearly comical. Felix pondered what to do, but when Sorell looked up at him with desire, he knew his answer. Sorell wanted the punishment—as much as he wanted to please Felix, he wanted the punishment just as much. It gets kinky sometimes. Wasn't that what he'd said about his relationship with Isaac? Felix bit back the rage that came f
rom thinking about Isaac touching his Sorell, but they'd been together for a few months. Was that really why he'd been with Isaac? Because he'd provided Sorell with that specific sort of interaction? Felix should have punished himself for not coming to terms with his feelings a long time ago. He knew if he had, Sorell wouldn't have felt pushed into Isaac's arms. He would make it up to his little shifter, after he punished him soundly.

  Felix sat up against the headboard. "Lay down on my lap," he instructed Sorell. "Ass up," he added with a wink.


  Oh fuck, oh fuck. Sorell panted. In the last twenty-four hours it was as if Felix had reached into Sorell's fantasies and had pulled out every single one he had. He'd dreamed of Felix spanking him, had woken up with sticky sheets because of it and now it was becoming real life. He launched himself onto Felix's lap, trying and failing to not seem too eager. Felix chuckled and let his hand fall gently on Sorell's bare ass. He massaged the muscle, letting the tips of his fingers dip down to tickle his hole or his balls. Sorell squirmed. The first smack came then, his shifter senses torturing him further since they allowed him the ability to hear Felix's hand soar through the air before smacking against his ass.

  The pain was considerable. Felix allowed him no time to adjust as he delivered a series of smacks, alternating between cheeks with no discernible pattern. Sorell pushed his crotch down, rubbing it against Felix's lap in an attempt to get away from the smacks. He wasn't really trying, he had a safe word that he was nowhere near using, but it was human nature to try to veer away from pain. Shifter nature, too. It would be obvious to Felix that Sorell was enjoying himself as well, considering the way Sorell's cock pressed against the other man's lap.

  Sorell's asscheeks felt like they were on fire but there was no slowing, no end in sight. He opened his mouth to cry out and a low moan escaped his lips instead. That was when he realized he was humping Felix's lap. How deranged was he? But Felix wasn't unaffected. Sorell couldn't see him, but he heard his labored breathing and felt the ultimate proof of his arousal pressing against his body. Their cocks stretched towards each other like magnets and each time Sorell thrust against him, they rubbed together.

  "Don't you dare come," Felix ordered.

  Sorell bit his lip. Don't come? Why not ask him to fly? He let out a frustrated wail.

  Felix chuckled. "You can do it, my little shifter."

  Sorell's wolf howled. It loved and hated what was happening, loved being used roughly, but hated being denied release. He nodded, more to himself than as a response to Felix.

  Felix shoved him off of his lap and on his stomach. He felt Felix's body rise behind him, large and powerful. Sorell's hole was already slick from their earlier lovemaking and Felix's cock slid right in to the hilt. Sorell howled. His orgasm was on the horizon, but Felix had told him not to. He whimpered.

  "Do you want to come, Sorell? Do you want to come with my cock buried inside you?"

  Sorell meant to reply, God yes, but could only wail. If Felix said no, he didn't know what he would do, how he would survive it.

  "Do it, come now, I demand it."

  This was a demand Sorell's body was more than happy to obey. Felix had barely stopped talking before Sorell's balls tightened and his release exploded through him. Felix followed him quickly, filling his body up.

  As he came down from the high of sex he realized he was still exhausted. His eyelids felt heavy when he felt Felix move, pulling out and then disappearing. He reappeared with a towel and wiped Sorell off. He couldn't believe how tired he was, he'd done nothing but fuck and sleep for days, but his eyes closed before Felix had finished wiping up the proof of his passion.


  When Sorell woke up, he knew without opening his eyes that Felix wasn't in bed with him. He doubted he would find him anywhere in the apartment. That didn't stop him from reaching for Felix and finding his spot in bed empty. His heart dropped. He hated not having Felix near. His hand fell on something that crinkled beneath his fingers and Sorell grabbed it, bringing the piece of paper to his face. He blinked a few times, working the sleep from his vision, and recognized Felix's neat handwriting.


  I hated to leave you but I am positive you'll sleep most of the time I am away. You were exhausted after our last round. I have a shift at the clinic but plan on using some of my time off for the next few weeks. Clear your calendar.

  Help yourself to anything in the apartment, but if you have to leave, please call me first. Better yet, stay in bed all day.


  There was no "love" or "yours truly." Sorell kicked himself. What do you expect? A weekend of sex didn't mean love. Sorell's inner wolf growled. He was kidding himself if he was still trying to pretend like this was just a fling for him. Sorell recognized the signs and when he tried to ignore the signs, his wolf made him look at them. Increased arousal, the burning need to be near him at all times, to obey his every command. Felix was his mate. But Felix was a human. This wasn't the same as Finn or Christian, they met alphas. Felix was definitely the alpha in his relationship, but he didn't have shifter genetics, his cock couldn't swell to knot inside of Sorell like it would with a shifter mate.

  Sorell sighed. And what if Felix wasn't experiencing the same thing as he was? What if, to Felix, this was a fling? Something fun, something new, something to get his mind off of his dark past?

  That was another thing. Felix had said he would never lie to him, but he also wasn't one to bare everything. Sorell knew he had nightmares. Felix hardly slept as it was and when he did, it was fitful, in spurts that always seemed to end with Felix gasping awake in a cold sweat.

  Sorell had too many questions. His inner wolf told him to obey his master, to wait at the apartment for him to come back. Sorell grabbed his jacket and yanked on his shoes. His hand was on the doorknob, ready to open it and go to who knew where, when he saw Felix's kind eyes in his mind. He hadn't demanded that Sorell stay, he'd simply asked him to, because he cared about his safety. This was no way to repay that kindness. Sorell stepped away from the door, slipped his shoes off and draped his jacket over the back of the couch cushion. He picked up his phone to call Pippen. Frannie had most likely gone back to the pack house and told him he was fine, but Pippen trusted less than Sorell did and he would be worried unless he heard it from Sorell's mouth.

  He looked at his phone and felt a blanket of dread fall over his body. He had near thirty missed calls and double that in texts. None of them from Pippen. All of them from Isaac. Shit, shit, shit. Sorell panicked. There hadn't been much time since he got to Felix's house for more than sleeping and sex. He hadn't even thought of Isaac beyond that one time when he'd talked with Felix. Sorell scanned the contents of the texts and stopped after reading a handful of them. His stomach felt so tight he ran to the bathroom, throwing up until there was nothing left. Isaac was pissed. He had managed to threaten every person Sorell knew, twice, including and featuring, Felix.

  He thought about calling Felix. A huge part of him wanted to do just that, let Felix handle it all and let Sorell—what? Sit back like a whining, simpering child? Sorell shook his head, trying to shake the stupid idea out of his head. He'd brought Isaac into his life, he'd caused this issue. Felix wanted to protect him, but he didn't want to babysit Sorell. No, he would have to do this. But, he would be smart about it. There was no way he was going to Isaac's bar.

  Before he lost his nerve he dialed Isaac's number. He didn't have time to wish for it to go to voicemail, Isaac picked up before the second ring.

  "You're in trouble, lover," Isaac said, half joking and half absolutely serious.

  Sorell thought he might throw up if Isaac called him lover one more time. What had he ever seen in the alpha-hole? "Sorry, Isaac I was away from my phone. I've been feeling like crap for a while now."

  "Cut the shit, Sorell. You've been hiding from me. I know you aren't at your pack house because I have my people watching that hellhole. Where are you, Sorell? You can't tell me you're with your
doctor because I can see him right now."

  Sorell's entire body turned cold. Was this a trick? A trap? Did any of that matter if Felix was in danger? "Isaac, why?" He let too much show in that question. If Isaac wasn't aware how he truly felt about Felix, he was now.

  Isaac's knowing laughter cemented the fact that he picked up on what Sorell hadn't meant to share. "I don't know what you see in the little human. Kind of puny, don't you think?"

  Isaac was being petty. Felix wasn't puny by human or shifter standards. But he is human! Sorell stood up, pacing the living room.

  "Look, Isaac, I called you to arrange a meeting."

  "Why should I have to arrange a meeting with my boyfriend?"

  Ugh! He was so frustrating. Sorell hated that he had to be careful about what he said. There was too much at stake. "After we left things last time, I sort of figured you were done with me. Boyfriends don't usually try to kill you."

  "Kill you? Not at that time, no that wasn't what I was doing. I was putting you in your place. For a guy who claims to have submissive tendencies, you are awfully unruly. You'll learn your place below me, but within my reach. I'll leave the doctor alone for now. Meet me at the gas station on the corner of Second and Smith."

  Sorell was just happy he didn't have to argue Isaac out of wanting to meet at the bar. "I'll be there." He hung up the phone and tried to get his hand to stop trembling. Felix's note was in the other room, the same note that asked him to at least call if he was going to leave the apartment. Sorell couldn't call now, there was no way Felix would let him go where he needed to go. But he couldn't disobey him, his wolf wouldn't allow it. Sorell did the next best thing and sent a text. Then, he turned his phone off.

  Chapter Seven

  Felix was going to spank his ass so hard Sorell wouldn't sit for a week. More than a week. In fact, if Sorell wanted to sit anywhere, Felix would make sure it was on his cock or nowhere at all. He could not believe the text message he had gotten from the shifter. The fact that he'd gotten a message at all was the only thing saving Sorell from a worse punishment.


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