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Deepest Book 2 ebook EPUB

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by Thomas, C. M

  “I know. We are hanging up now,” Liam said.

  “Bye, Lana,” Zane said.

  “Bye, Zay.” Alana gave Liam the phone back.

  “What do you want to do today?” Liam asked me when we sat at the kitchen table, eating our breakfast.

  “I just want to relax. I need some time to relax before starting to organize the house. At some point, I kind of have to take care of all of their belongings. I don’t know what to sell and what to just throw out. Or if I even want to live in that house,” I told him.

  “Then take a few days to relax. I’m sure Amy would like to help you sort through it all.” Liam smiled. “How about we go out and see the horses? Don’t you think she would like that?” He gestured over to Alana, who was playing on the floor.

  “I know she will. But is it okay if I go back to the house? I want to get some clean clothes on.”

  “Sure. But why don’t you pack a bag, and stay here for a day or two?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I want you here. No pressure or anything. I just want to spend time with both of you. And I know that this whole thing with the media will blow up any minute. I just hope Dax can keep the paparazzi off the property.” He shrugged.

  “I’ll drive home and get some things. You go to the horses with her. I know she will love that. I will just see you both back here.” I didn’t comment on the paparazzi thing because I really didn’t know what to say or think. Anna texted Liam just before we started eating breakfast, saying that she had released the statement from the band.

  “We can wait for you if you want?” Liam started moving around in the kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast.

  “No, I want you two to have some time together. I will be here when you get back.” He nodded, and I helped him get Alana ready.

  Back at my parents’ house, I packed a bag for Alana and one for me. This was so stupid, wasn’t it? Us staying at his house. I thought back to our morning, and nothing about that seemed stupid. It actually seemed normal. Like we were a little family just like we always should have been. I wanted to do this. Spend a couple of days at his house. Then we would see how Alana took that. I would really just like to stay there forever, but it was too soon. Isn’t it?

  I heard my phone ring out in the kitchen. I walked back there and answered it.


  “Hi Evie, am I interrupting you?” Coleen asked.

  “No, not at all. Everything okay?” I thought about Alana, knowing that she was with Liam. If something was wrong, he would call, right?

  “Yes, honey. Everything is fine. I just wanted to talk to you. Liam told me you might want to talk to me about what happened.”

  “I would like that. I don’t know how to talk to him about everything. And Amy, I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem like she would understand what’s it’s like to go through a pregnancy. If you don’t mind talking to me about it.” I closed my eyes a moment. I knew I needed to talk to someone, but I didn’t want to talk to some stranger.

  “I don’t mind at all. What do you say about you coming over to the house after breakfast tomorrow? Then Liam can take care of Alana.”

  “Sounds great. He is with her now too,” I said.

  “I know. I was just outside with them. She loves the horses so much. She really is a special girl.” I could hear her sniff. I knew she was sad that they didn’t get to be a part of Alana’s life from her birth.

  “She really is. And she loves her father very much.”

  “I can see that. She looks a lot like him too.”

  “I know; he can’t deny that she is his.” I smiled.

  “He really can’t. I don’t want to disturb you anymore, see you tomorrow?”

  “You’re not disturbing me, Coleen. Never. Thank you for calling. I didn’t know how to ask you this.” I really didn’t. I didn’t want to be a bother to her. That was why I didn’t ask her last night.

  “I know, but you can always ask me, or Brent for that matter, for anything. We want to help you. Both of you. Okay, honey?”

  “Thank you. It means a lot.”

  “See you tomorrow.”

  “Yes, thank you again.” I hung up and put my phone back in my purse. I packed some toys for Alana and put the bags and toys out in the car. I really wanted to get back to Liam and Alana, wanted to be with them and just relax.

  When I got back to Liam’s house, they were still away, which was fine. I could use some time just by myself. I hadn’t had a lot of alone time since Alana was born. Not that I minded. But sometimes it was nice to just relax on the couch without worrying about keeping her entertained too.

  I lay down on the couch and took out my phone. I saw that I had a text from Amy. I’d wondered how long it would take Zane to tell everyone that I stayed here last night.

  Amy: I hear you stayed at Liam’s last night. Do tell.

  Me: Zane needs to keep his mouth shut.

  Amy: It wasn’t Zane, but Caleb. He saw your car outside Liam’s house this morning.

  Amy: Wait, Zane knew and didn’t tell?

  I guessed she would say something to him about that. She didn’t like to be kept out of the loop. At least she didn’t when we were younger. But reading her text, I guessed that hadn’t changed. She always wanted to know everything. And before anyone else if she could.

  Me: Yes, he knew. He talked to Alana this morning when Anna called Liam to tell about the leak.

  Amy: I will kill him. He has been so good at keeping secrets lately.

  Me: You’re so nosey.

  Amy: Of course I am. What happened last night?

  Me: Nothing. We talked a lot and then we slept.

  Amy: Boring! Did he at least kiss you goodnight?

  Me: It’s for me to know and you not to…

  Amy: He did. I will just ask him later.

  Me: He won’t tell you.

  Amy: He will. Are you at your house? I saw Liam and Alana over at the horse stables. Zane too.

  Me: No, I’m at Liam’s house. Just relaxing before they come back.

  Amy: You’re still there. I thought for sure I saw your car leave earlier.

  Me: I did. I just came back.

  Amy: Okay. We need some girl time soon. Okay?

  Me: Okay. But the next couple of days it’s just me and your brother and our daughter, okay?

  Amy: Sure.

  I smiled before I put my phone back on the table. I closed my eyes and just relaxed. Even though we slept longer than normal this morning, I was so tired. I took the blanket from the arm of the chair beside the couch and tucked myself under it. The house was warm, but for some reason I was cold. Maybe just because I was tired. I fell asleep thinking about my baby girl and her daddy: the two people who made my heart whole, and who I would do anything to protect.

  Chapter 12:


  “How are you doing with all of this?” Zane asked. He sat down beside me. I was sitting on the grass in my parents’ yard, looking at my daughter. She was running around playing with Buddy and Bear. After two hours with her talking to every one of my mom’s horses, you would think she would be tired. But no; she was still running around, full of energy. Me? I was exhausted.

  “I don’t know. It’s a lot to handle,” I said.

  “I know. Did you read the press release Anna put out?”

  “I did. She did a great job. I just hope she takes some time off too. It’s not just us who have a break right now.” I knew her phone must be ringing constantly with journalists wanting interviews and pictures.

  “I said the same thing to her. But she said someone had to do all of this and she wanted to do it. I think she might get some help from Kylie, but I don’t know.” Kylie was Anna’s sister and our former PA. She quit her job with us so she could go back to law school and at the same time work f
or Happy Childhood.

  “Just tell her to let me know if I need to do something. Did Dax arrive?” Dax was our head of security. I knew he was supposed to go to Paris to visit his daughter this summer, so I felt really bad that he didn’t get to go. I had to thank him for this later. Give him some time off. He could have just let Ryder, his second-in-command, be the boss while he was in Paris. But he didn’t want to hear any of it.

  “He did. Mom, Amy, and Gia have been cleaning the cottages so Dax, Ryder, and Mark can stay there. I think they have three other guys with them, and then there are the two who were here when we came home the other day. There will be full house in the cottages… Marco is not coming unless we need him. I think he and Kylie are taking some time to plan their wedding before he has to go back on tour with us,” Zane explained. Kylie and Marco were getting married in the fall. And I didn’t think he would come back on tour if we started a new tour next year, which was fine. I thought he might work at Happy Childhood with Kylie, but who knew?

  “Do we really need that many guys? And thank God Mom and the girls did the cleaning. When was the last time anyone stayed at the cottages?” I grinned.

  Ten years ago, my dad built three cottages on the left side of the property. Mostly for when family came over to visit, so they didn’t have to stay at a hotel. But us kids, we used them a lot too, like when we were teenagers and didn’t want to stay at the house. But after we got our own houses, I didn’t think anyone used the cottages anymore. Maybe Gia and Amy sometimes.

  “I don’t know. I was out of the door fast when Mom started talking about me helping them clean.” Zane smirked. “I told her that I would go and keep you company, make sure you didn’t do anything stupid.”

  “Yeah, right. Because it’s always me doing something stupid.”

  “You did get a girl pregnant, remember?”

  “I did. But look at what came out of it.” I smiled and looked at Alana. She hadn’t noticed that Zane had joined us in the yard.

  “I know. She is a pretty little girl. Looks a lot like you, you know?” Zane looked at Alana before looking back at me.

  “I know.” She was all me. I really couldn’t run from being her father. Nor did I want to. I loved that little girl. It was definitely love at first sight. “What time is it?” I’d forgotten my phone back at the house.

  “Almost lunchtime. That’s also why I came out here. Mom wanted to know if you guys wanted to stay for lunch?”

  “Nah, I think we might go back to my house. Evie is back there. I don’t have my phone with me, so I can’t call her. Besides, I think my baby girl needs a nap.” I laughed, looking over at Alana. “Baby girl, come over here for a minute.” She looked over at us and ran over to us. She jumped into my arms and gave me a hug.

  “Daddy, where is Mommy?” She looked at me then at Zane. “Zay!” she squealed when she saw him.

  “Lana.” He tried to sound as excited as she did, but failed.

  “Mommy is back at the house. You want to go back to her? Maybe get some lunch?” I asked her. I got up, Alana still in my arms.

  “‘Kay. Zay coming too?” she asked him.

  “Not this time, pretty girl. I’m going to find Anna. See you later, okay?” Zane stood up beside us and gave her a kiss on the cheek before he walked over to the house. I walked over to her stroller and set her in it.

  When we came back to my house, it was so silent. For a minute, I thought that Evie was not here yet. But her car was here, so she had to be also.

  I got Alana out of the stroller and we walked inside. I saw Evie was sleeping on the couch when we walked into the living room. She looked so peaceful.

  I lifted Alana up and took her into the kitchen with me. I found some food, and Alana and I sat at the table, eating.

  “Did you have fun with grandma’s horses today?” I asked her.

  “Yes. Mommy see them too?”

  “Yes, we can take Mommy with us when we go see them next time, okay?”

  “’Kay.” She smiled. I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of that smile.

  After we finished eating, I tucked Alana in her bed so she could get a nap. She was asleep before I even had a chance to walk out of her room. I guessed she used up her energy after all.

  I smiled and walked into the living room. I sat on the other end of the couch, lifting Evie’s feet so I could sit down. She stirred a little but didn’t wake up. I really think she needs to sleep. I just sat there and took out my phone. Wow, lost calls from a lot of different numbers. How they got my number, I didn’t know. Maybe it was time to get a new number.

  Me: Hey, do you mind getting me a new number? My phone has like fifty unanswered calls. All from numbers I don’t know.

  Dax: Sure. Do you mind if I stop by later?

  Me: No, just give it a couple of hours. Evie is sleeping right now.

  Dax: That’s fine. I will be there around four, is that okay?

  Me: Sure, see you later.

  Dax had taken that job, of having new numbers for us when we needed them, ever since he started working for us. And he always had a new number for us in a couple of hours. Thinking that it might be best if Evie got one too, I sent him another text.

  Me: Get one for Evie too.

  Dax: Already done.

  Of course. He always thought three steps ahead of us. Just when I was about to put my phone away, Anna called.

  “Hey,” I answered the phone.

  “Don’t go on any social media, okay? And keep Evie away from it too,” she said.

  “That bad?” I shrugged.

  “Worse. I never thought this would blow up like that. The things they write about Evie are horrible. So please keep her away from any social media.”

  “They know who she is?” Please don’t let them know, I silently prayed.

  “No. They think she is some groupie you had a one-night stand with.”

  “Well, just let them guess, then. Did you find out who leaked the story?” I was still pissed about that.

  “Not yet. I’ve talked to Logan ten times today, I think. But still no news. I will let you know when I know something.”

  “I just asked Dax for a new number, my phone must have been ringing nonstop all morning. Thank God I forgot it when Alana and I went out.”

  “I know. Dax just told me. I’ve talked to some of the reporters, but stopped answering my phone after call number ten.”

  “Sorry this ruined your summer break,” I said.

  “Don’t be. It’s my job, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. So how is Evie taking this?”

  “I don’t know. She is sleeping right now. I think the last month has worn her out. But this is all new to her, the media. I just hope she doesn’t run.”

  “I know. But tell her to come to me if she has questions, I will help her and guide her the best way I can.”

  “Thanks, Anna. You’re the best.”

  “I know,” she said teasingly. “I will run again; I need to make a game plan with Dax. The reporters are beginning to arrive. Caleb just came saying that he saw a whole bunch in the city.”

  “Great!” The circus had arrived. “Call if I need to do anything.”

  “I will. See you later.” She hung up, and I put my phone back on the table.

  “I won’t run, okay?” Evie whispered. I looked at her, surprised. I thought she was sleeping.

  “Thought you were sleeping?” I said.

  “I was. But not anymore.” She sat up and looked at me. “I won’t run. Never.”

  “I wouldn’t blame you if you did. They are going to hunt you down.”

  “I don’t care. I want to be with you. I know I might seem scared of it all, but I want this. I want us.” She moved up in my lap, so she was straddling me. “Did you and our daughter have fun today?”

  “We did. She loved mom’s
horses. I thought that she never wanted to leave. But then Buddy and Bear were playing in the yard. She joined them.” I smiled. Having her sit like this in my lap was doing all kinds of things to my body. I wanted to kiss her senseless. Pull off all her clothes, and just melt together with her body. On the other hand, I didn’t want to rush things. I wanted her to trust me, and me to trust her. Which I did. Deep down, I knew she wasn’t going to run, because she chose to come back here. She could have gone anywhere, but she came back.

  “She has always loved animals. I’m grateful that she gets even more time around them now. Did you guys eat lunch? I wanted to make you lunch but I was just so tired.” She leaned forward and rested her head on my chest. I held my arms close around her body.

  “We did. I didn’t want to wake you up, so there is a sandwich in the fridge for you. And I’m glad you got some sleep.” I gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Thank you. I really needed some sleep.” She sat back up and looked at me. “I talked to your mom on the phone this morning.”

  “You did?” I’d told my mom that Evie would like to talk to her about everything, so I figured that she would call her.

  “I did. If you don’t mind looking after Alana tomorrow after breakfast, I’m going to talk to your mom.”

  “I don’t mind, Sunshine. She’s my baby too, remember?”

  She looked up at me. “Oh, I remember. She is so much like you.” She grinned. “Your mom said the same thing this morning. She sees you in Alana. I do too.”

  “Yeah, I know. I really can’t run from being her father.”

  “No, you can’t.” She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against mine. “What about the media, are they all over this?” I could feel her body tense up. I knew this whole media circus was causing her a lot of stress. I just hoped we could work through it.

  “They are. Don’t go on any social media.” She nodded. “And Dax, our head of security, is coming over later to talk to us. He also has new phone numbers for both of us.”


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