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Flaming Sun Collection 1: Happily Ever Afters from India Box Set (The Malhotra Bride; Meghna; The Runaway Bridegroom)

Page 26

by Sundari Venkatraman

  She didn’t respond, still very hurt and angry. He put his arms around her and hugged her lightly. He adored her and couldn’t see her hurt. It took a while for Meghna to turn around and hug him back as her pride dissolved in the tenderness of his arms.


  It was late afternoon and Meghna was sitting comfortably on Rahul’s lap as they snuggled together on his bed, reading from their respective books. She gave a sigh of pleasure as she stretched, raising her arms behind to put them around his neck. Rahul’s mystery novel fell down with a thud when he turned her around to kiss her hungrily.

  They slid down on the bed to lie down spoon fashion, Rahul holding her close. “I’m going to have a brief shut-eye,” said Meghna, yawning. She had barely slept the earlier night.

  It was five pm when he ran a hand through her hair, shaking her gently, “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

  Meghna gave him a sweet smile, her eyes still sleepy as she wound her arms around his neck.

  “I was dreaming about you. I wonder whether you’re real.” She spoke softly, not properly awake yet.

  “Let me show you,” growled Rahul before bending down and nipping her lower lip sharply.

  “Ouch” Rahul smothered the muffled cry by kissing Meghna hard on her lips.

  She returned his kisses with equal fervour.

  He raised his head to look at her flushed face. “It’s time for you to be up. I’m taking you out for the evening.”

  Meghna smiled at him curiously before asking, “Where?”

  Rahul shook his head saying, “You’ll find out when we get there.”

  That only made her more inquisitive. “You never did say where you went the other day.”

  Rahul looked at her with a teasing smile on his lips. “Now that’d be telling, wouldn’t it?” He shook his head. “Get up you lazybones, and get ready fast. I don’t want to be late. We’ve an appointment at 6.30.”

  Meghna pouted at him as she rightly concluded that she wouldn’t be able to elicit anything from him.

  She felt a spark of excitement shoot through her system like a bolt of electricity as she met Rahul’s honey gold gaze. It was full of promises. “What should I wear?” she asked.

  “Hmm—” Rahul looked at her thoughtfully. “Something formal should be fine.” He bent closer and whispered in her ear, “You look sexy in anything and everything.” He enjoyed the way the colour rushed to her face, her grey eyes sparkling. He pulled her out of the bed and giving her a slap on her bottom, said, “Get moving, woman. I don’t have all the time in the world.”

  “Ooo—” shrieked Meghna, rubbing a hand on her behind. She glared at Rahul and said, “That hurt, you big oaf.”

  “Oh, really,” Rahul widened his eyes mischievously, moving towards her and pulling her into his arms, he caressed the damaged flesh with both his hands. “There, does that feel okay or should I kiss it better?” he teased.

  Meghna raised her startled gaze to his, panic in her grey eyes. “No, no, I’m fine,” she said hastily before stepping out of his arms and going into the bathroom, his amused laughter following her.

  When she stepped out after about half-an-hour and a relaxed bath, there was no sign of her tormentor. She walked to her wardrobe and threw the door open to run a finger through all the dresses hanging there.

  Meghna quickly settled on a turquoise blue, full length dress of crepe and pulling it out of the hanger, placed it on her bed. She hunted in the side cupboard for matching shoes and clutch. The hidden locker in her cupboard contained a set of turquoise jewellery which she placed on her dressing table. After getting all accessories together, she set to work on her appearance.

  She piled her hair on the top of her head and set it in place with a pair of turquoise coloured combs. She left some tendrils hanging loose on both sides of her face. She wore very light makeup. Blue eye shadow with dark brown eyeliner outlining her large eyes gave a mysterious depth to the grey eyes. A light golden brown on her cheekbones before applying a coat of powder enhanced the shape of her firm jaw line. Her naturally long eyelashes defied the need for mascara. She applied a dark pinkish mauve shade of lipstick, the colour of wild orchids. She gave her face a once over in the mirror. Her eyes were shining with anticipation and she smiled at her image before nodding in approval.

  She slipped on a strapless bra and matching lace panties before donning the blue dress over her head and pulling it over the length of her body to fall down to her bare feet. The crepe silk rustled and caressed as she moved. The thin shoestring straps displayed her slim shoulders to advantage, her dusky skin glowing golden in the artificial light over the dressing table.

  She clipped long earrings to her earlobes. They almost touched her shoulders, a string of turquoise and silver beads, alternately strung on silver wire.

  A rope of the same beads decorated her slender neck while a matching armlet graced her right arm. She stepped into the high-heeled shoes in the same shade of blue as her dress. She transferred her keys and some tissues into the silver clutch and closed it with a snap. Applying some perfume, she left her room with a lilt in her step. It was 5.30. She was bang on time.

  Rahul was waiting for her in the hall, nursing a glass of iced tea in his hand. The others were nowhere in sight.

  “They’ve all gone out to a film.” Rahul answered the unspoken question in her grey eyes, his own travelling hungrily over her. He didn’t utter a single word as he absorbed her elegance. Words seemed too mundane to describe the feelings she aroused in him.

  Meghna stared at him with equal interest. He looked too handsome to be let loose. He wore formal black pants and a crisp white dressy shirt with a black bow tie. He lifted a black dinner jacket and held it over his shoulder by the crook of one finger when he saw that she was fully ready. Meghna studied him quickly from the top of his sleek dark head to the well polished black leather shoes adorning his feet.

  The excitement that had been playing football in her stomach increased manifold and rose up to get stuck in her throat, making it impossible for her to utter a word. She looked at him wordlessly, her eyes saying it all and met the answering fire in his gaze.

  Rahul offered her his arm. She placed a trembling hand in the crook of his elbow and the two of them stepped out of the flat together. Much to her disappointment, he refused to meet her eyes on their way down.

  Meghna took a step towards the gate as she presumed that they would leave the compound and hail a passing cab.

  Rahul’s restraining hand on her arm stopped her from moving further. He silently turned her towards the navy blue Volkswagen Vento parked on the left side. A driver had turned up earlier at the flat to leave the keys with him.

  Rahul opened the passenger door for Meghna, still without uttering a word. That was something new, a tongue-tied Rahul. ‘Wonders will never cease,’ thought Meghna, a trifle grim at his silence. Once again, all her efforts at dressing seemed to have gone waste. She took cheer from the thought that the last time it had improved after a while. She gave a surreptitious glance at her companion’s attractive profile and wondered at his tense jaw as he settled behind the wheel.

  “Rahul,” she called out hesitantly, her eyes pleading.

  He turned to look at her, his golden eyes blazing with desire, sending a bolt of lightning through Meghna’s nerves.

  Rahul had read her expression correctly as he raised her right hand to his lips, his eyes holding her turbulent gaze. “We’d have never left the flat if I’d started to tell you how ravishing you look,” he drawled, his sexy voice low.

  Meghna blushed rosily as she looked at him shyly.

  “What, no come back? Amazing,” teased Rahul, laughter in his eyes as he looked at her blushing face.

  “I wouldn’t have minded not leaving the flat,” came the very soft but firm response as Meghna finally found her voice.

  “Oh?” Rahul’s eyebrows met his hairline. “That would’ve put to waste all my efforts. And to tell you the truth,” he added, tongue-i
n-cheek, “I wouldn’t have felt safe in the flat with you, the two of us alone. I’m not sure what you’d do—”

  Meghna stopped the teasing words by placing her lips on his, inviting his kiss. Rahul obliged her delightfully and silence reigned in the air-conditioned interior of the car for the next few minutes.

  He lifted his head to look down at her. “You look wonderful. Good enough to eat,” he whispered, his fingers playing with the tendrils of hair dancing tantalisingly about her face.

  “You too, you handsome hunk. I’m scared of the females we might be meeting during the course of the evening. I’ll have a tough time protecting your honour,” she pulled his leg.

  Meghna was thrilled to watch the ruddy colour seeping into his face at her compliment.

  “How safe am I from present company?” he countered.

  “Hmm—” Meghna pretended to think hard. “That depends on how well you treat me, you know. If you please me well enough with loving kisses from time to time, I might consider not laying a finger on your honour—”

  Rahul’s roar of mirth filled the car as Meghna’s tinkling laughter joined in. He put the car into forward gear and left the gates, chuckling under his breath.

  The atmosphere was light as they travelled along with the home going traffic, heading towards Juhu.

  “Where’re we going?” asked Meghna once again.

  Rahul shook his head and said, “Wait and see.”

  MEGHNA’S EYES ROUNDED IN ASTONISHMENT AND DELIGHT as they entered the gates of JW Marriott Hotel and climbed over the inclined drive to the front entrance.

  A valet came forward and opened the passenger door before saluting smartly. Meghna stepped out of the car and looked around her in awe, taking in the surroundings as she waited for Rahul to join her. He handed the keys to the valet before offering his arm to her once more. He had worn his jacket before stepping out of the car and Meghna felt quite proud of her handsome escort.

  Rahul raised his brow enquiringly, waiting for her comment. “But this is wonderful,” came the breathless praise. “Thank you, Darling Rahul, I’ve never been here before.”

  “I know,” replied Rahul, his voice equally soft, as he escorted her through the glass doors into the air-conditioned lobby. Meghna felt torn as she tried to take in her surroundings while she didn’t want to take her eyes off Rahul.

  They walked across the length of the lobby and went down the curving staircase to the right. When they reached the lower level, Rahul directed her towards the door on the right leading to Saffron Restaurant.

  They walked between the neat rows of tables to reach a door on the opposite end of the wall. Meghna felt curiouser and curiouser like Alice in Wonderland. The manager opened the door with a flourish as Rahul allowed her to precede him.

  Meghna’s gasp of delight was barely audible. But Rahul heard it as the manager closed the door behind the two of them.

  She wouldn’t have recognised the room if she had seen it any other time. Gone were the long conference table and many chairs. The room was large with just the one table for two, set at the left corner of the room away from the entrance. Meghna’s feet sank into the plush carpet beneath her feet as she moved forward, her gaze flitting about her in admiration.

  The only light came from the twelve fat, aromatic candles set in the two branches of candelabra standing on the floor, on both sides of the table. Large, comfortable chairs with cushions were placed facing each other across the table. AR Rahman’s music played softly in the background.

  There was a bottle of champagne chilling out in a bucket of ice on a side table. The whole ambience was one of celebration. What really hit the eye were the flowers. There were flowers placed in ceramic bowls, vases and pots of various shapes and sizes on every available surface in the room. A centrepiece of red roses in a wide bowl decorated the dining table. There were anthuriums, roses and asters flanked by gladioli, baby’s breath and golden lawn. Meghna’s eyes widened with pleasure as she moved closer to the bowl of anthuriums to touch the waxy petals to find for herself if they were real. She had never seen so many flowers together under one roof - not even in a flower shop.

  She turned glittering eyes towards the man who was obviously responsible for all this extravagance. She put out both her hands to him and said, “Rahul,” her voice no more than a hushed murmur. She cleared her throat delicately before continuing, “Rahul, I’m overwhelmed. I’m so thrilled that I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” She walked closer to him in response to the tug from his fingers and kissed him sweetly on his cheek. “Thank you, dear Rahul. This is all just awesome.”

  “I’m glad,” came the hoarse response as Rahul pulled her hard into his arms.

  “You must’ve gone to a whole lot of trouble and expense, Rahul,” protested Meghna, feeling a mite guilty.

  “You’re worth all of this and more, Honey,” said Rahul, his teasing voice serious for a change. He bent down and captured her lips in an adoring kiss. He raised his dark head to meet her shining eyes and gave her a dazzling smile.

  “I love you, Meghna Darling. I always have. And now finally the hour of surrender has come. I’d be very happy to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Will you marry me? Please.”

  Meghna stared at Rahul with unblinking eyes. She couldn’t believe her ears. She had had an inkling that he would ask her to marry him. But this abject surrender? More than that, the look of uncertainty lurking at the back of his eyes? She hadn’t expected either. She shook her head delicately to clear it and was sorry to be the cause for the alarm in his eyes. She spoke in a hurry to put him out of his misery.

  “Rahul,” she spoke in a throaty whisper as her arms went around his neck to cling to him, her soft body pressed close to his hard frame. “I love you too. And I’d be delighted to marry you. Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.”

  Rahul swooped down to smother her lips in a demanding kiss as his body shuddered in reaction. He had been almost sure of her response but somewhere deep down there had been a niggling doubt. The relief was just too great.

  He didn’t want to stop kissing Meghna. He pressed his lips against her cheek and blazed a trail to her bare shoulders. “Meghna, I love you so. I just can’t imagine how I spent all my life without you.”

  “Rahul,” Meghna sighed happily. “I just can’t believe that you love me, finally. All the years of waiting,” she sighed. “Please tell me that it’s not just wishful thinking on my part,” she pleaded.

  Rahul found her lips again and gave her a deep, soul-searing kiss. His tongue danced a tango with hers and both were gasping for breath as they came up for air.

  “Did that feel real enough?” asked Rahul, his smile gentle as he studied her flushed face and red lips in the light of the candles.

  “Yes,” grinned Meghna, ear-to-ear. “But there’s this small doubt. Do you think you can give a repeat performance, just so that—”

  Rahul didn’t wait for her to complete the sentence. He obliged her, willingly.

  “You look beautiful in that outfit. Extremely sexy, in fact. Marry me soon,” he ordered. “I can’t handle too many of those cold showers I’ve been taking recently.”

  Meghna blushed delicately on hearing this, her eyes shining like stars. Looking at them, Rahul remembered the jewellery box he had carefully placed in his jacket pocket. He put his hand in and pulled the ring box out and drew Meghna’s attention to it.

  “Is that for me?” asked Meghna excitedly.

  “Yeah,” answered Rahul, waiting for her to open it.

  Meghna pressed the catch and the lid sprang open. She drew her breath in a hurry, her lips parting in a tingle of excitement as she viewed the opal ring lying on the bed of velvet.

  “But Rahul, this is superb,” she said. “I’ve never come across anything so beautiful.”

  “I’m so pleased. Now, show me your left hand.” Rahul lifted the ring from the box and raising her hand, slipped it on her slender ring finger. It
was a perfect fit. He gave her a grin as he lifted her hand to his lips and gave it a loving kiss. “There, now you’re officially my fiancée.”

  Meghna drew her left hand that was still lying in his grasp to herself to admire the ring. The opal glittered extra bright in the candlelight.

  “Rahul, thank you.” So saying, she kissed him at the corner of his lips. Her face suddenly puckered in a frown. “But I don’t have anything to give you.” Her voice sounded disappointed.

  “Says who? You have given me a positive reply to my proposal which is the best possible gift. What more can I ask for?” said Rahul, kneading his fingers over her forehead to remove the frown.

  Meghna hugged him close, feeling contented with his reply.

  “Now come on. Let’s have some champagne and starters. You must be hungry.” He led her towards the chair, holding her close to his side. He guffawed as her stomach grumbled loudly, as if on cue. He gently pushed her on a chair before ringing a bell on the wall closest to him.

  A waiter walked in with a tray containing a plate of paneer chilli and another of tandoori chicken kebabs. He placed them on the table before opening the bottle of chilled champagne and pouring the sparkling wine into two tall fluted glasses. Rahul waved him away when he offered to serve them.

  “This looks delicious,” exclaimed Meghna, looking with love at her brand new fiancé.

  Rahul lifted a piece of paneer on a fork and offered it to her. He held her gaze pinned to his as he fed her slowly, allowing her sips of champagne in between. The music had now switched to Gazals by Hariharan.

  “Hey I like that music a lot,” called out Meghna.

  “I remember how you used to play his cassette till you wore out the ribbons,” teased Rahul gently as he bit into the kebab Meghna offered him. She fed him with her hand, enjoying the sensation of his tongue flicking over the tips of her fingers in a quick caress as he held her hand steady to his mouth.

  He remembered Rahul recalled a whole lot of things from their younger days. She found that truly incredible. Meghna thought that she had been the only one mooning about her love over the past years of staying apart. The sense of having found a kindred spirit grew by the second.


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