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Flaming Sun Collection 1: Happily Ever Afters from India Box Set (The Malhotra Bride; Meghna; The Runaway Bridegroom)

Page 27

by Sundari Venkatraman

  They talked about everything under the sun, recollecting many incidents from Meghna’s childhood. They discussed the forthcoming wedding.

  “I hope you don’t want too elaborate an affair,” said Rahul, looking at Meghna with anxiety in his golden brown eyes.

  Meghna was puzzled to see the look of worry on his face. “Why, Rahul?”

  “Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t think I can deny you anything, Sweetheart. So, if you want a big wedding with all the trimmings, well, so be it.” He shrugged his broad shoulders philosophically, looking quite unhappy.

  “But?” prompted Meghna.

  Rahul sighed, looking quite uncomfortable. “Jaane do, Meghna. Let’s have a big wedding.” He had the look of a lamb being led to the slaughter.

  Meghna stifled the hysterical giggle that rose in her throat and fixed him with a glare. “I’ve just agreed to marry you, Rahul. And marriage to me means being truthful to each other; trusting and respecting one another’s feelings.” She paused, expecting him to say something. He looked at her with a small frown marring his perfect features, waiting for her to continue.

  “So why don’t you begin trusting me and tell me what exactly is bothering you about having a big wedding?”

  “Well,” Rahul burst out. “I can’t stand that kind of a horse circus, for one thing.” He pulled at his bow tie to loosen it, as though the very thought of a big wedding had the power to strangle him.

  He looked at her, his eyes beseeching. “Ideally, I’d like to elope. Least tension and the fastest way to tie the knot.” He gave her a weak grin, realising that she didn’t find the matter funny at all. “But I suppose Sanjay and Reema Bhabhi will never forgive me.”


  “Wait,” Rahul put his hand up to stop her from interrupting. “I’m not even considering it.”


  “Meghna,” protested Rahul. But his eyes gave him away. He continued, “Anyway, I suppose it’s not worth considering.” He gave her a hopeful look as he said it, only to get a firm shake of Meghna’s pretty head in reply.

  “Where’s the need to elope Rahul? It’s not as though either of our family members will refuse to accept our marriage. So why bother to run away?” Meghna was genuinely perplexed.

  The woman from Venus couldn’t quite comprehend the kind of dread this male specimen from Mars was suffering from.

  Just the thought of sitting through an elaborate Hindu Wedding Ceremony amidst a huge crowd of friends and relatives made Rahul feel claustrophobic. He was almost tempted to withdraw his marriage proposal.

  While Meghna couldn’t see anything strange or frightening in undergoing such a ritual since it happened to her friends and relatives all the time.

  They seemed to have reached a dead end with nowhere to turn. They stared at each other trying to fathom how far the other would be ready to give in. Their first impasse as a couple and their married life had not even begun.

  Rahul sighed dramatically as he said in a tone of abject sacrifice, “Why can’t we have a small ceremony in your house with your immediate family and my Dad?” He didn’t care to even mention his mother. “And say, a few close friends, limiting the number of guests to about twenty or so.” He warmed to the subject as he found this idea thoroughly acceptable. He looked at his fiancée enquiringly trying to gauge her reaction to this.

  Meghna nodded her head slowly. “Yeah,” she drew out the word. “I think that should be fine.”

  Rahul jumped up from his chair to pull her into his arms. “Let’s seal the pact,” he said before kissing her thoroughly. He felt a wave of relief at what he thought was a lucky escape from a close shave.

  “You’ll never regret this, Meghna Honey.”

  They continued to discuss the rest of the arrangements for the wedding. Dinner was served, only neither of them was exactly aware of what they ate as they were too absorbed in each other.

  Rahul told her about the plan he had of shifting into his own apartment in London for the immediate future. “Later on, we can buy a house with a big garden, say within six months or so. We could do the house hunting together. That should be great fun.” Rahul’s eyes crinkled with an affectionate smile as he looked at Meghna’s animated face as she hung on to his every word.

  “Will it be possible to continue conducting dance classes there, do you think?” She asked him a trifle apprehensively.

  “Why ever not? You can join any number of Dance Academies as a teacher with the kind of experience you have. That way you’ll be able to make contacts and later on branch out on your own, when we shift to the larger house.”

  “Life must be quite expensive there, Rahul. That’s what I’ve heard. Do you think I should maybe take up a regular job to help you with the finances? I don’t want you to be burdened too much,” said Meghna, hesitating to ask him outright about the state of his wealth.

  Rahul lifted her hand to his lips and kissing her palm, said, “Thanks, Honey. But no, thanks. Just relax. You’re marrying a guy who’s a millionaire many times over,” he said in a quiet, matter-of-fact tone. He looked at Meghna lovingly. Sweet, sensitive young thing. Not a greedy bone in her delectable body. He loved her all the more for it.

  The topic changed to the Indians living in London and how Rahul passed his free time. He told her about his friends. Time flew by and looking at his watch Rahul saw that it was past eleven.

  “Time to go home, Sweetheart. Must break the good news to Sanjay and Reema Bhabhi! Wonder if they’re awake,” said Rahul.

  “Sanjay must’ve left on a flight to Dubai. Anyway, they both have an idea that we might get engaged.”

  “You’re very sure of me, were you?” A black eyebrow went up as Rahul ran a caressing finger over her petal soft cheek.

  Hot colour suffused her face as Meghna met his twinkling glance shyly to nod her head truthfully.

  “Lucky lady.” Rahul hugged her close. “I was on tenterhooks till you said yes.”

  “Serve you right. You’re too sure of yourself otherwise,” came the pert rejoinder.

  He grinned down at her. “I asked for that I suppose. Although I don’t find you lacking in confidence.”

  “Not now, may be. But the day you arrived and the next, you drove me crazy with your teasing ways. I was a nervous wreck. It was like meeting a stranger who had been too familiar in my dreams over the past six years. Bloody confusing,” she bit out.

  Rahul’s grin widened, unabashed. “It’s great fun getting a raise out of you. You’re excellent at jumping to the bait.” Meghna wrinkled her nose at him. “I don’t plan to stop bugging you in the future. Don’t even imagine that I’m going to change just because I’m crazily in love with you.” He kissed her as if he couldn’t stop himself.

  Meghna wrapped her arms tightly around him before pressing her lips against his jaw line. “I wouldn’t have you any other way. And I know how to stop you if you get to be too much,” she paused dramatically.

  “How?” Rahul looked at her curiously. Her eyes glowed in the candlelight, shining with love and a trace of mischief.

  “Like this.” Meghna pressed her lips to his.

  “I like that,” said Rahul, as they came up for air. “I think I should get to be too much as often as I can.” He grinned at her as they moved forward to step into the outside world.

  Meghna pressed herself close to her fiancé’s taut body and said, “Thank you, Rahul, for a wonderful and memorable evening. I love you.”

  “Temptress,” growled Rahul, curbing his desires out of respect to the still crowded restaurant. “Wait till we get home.”

  “Promises, promises,” teased Meghna, taking a leaf out of his book. “Let’s get home fast, then.”

  Rahul resisted the impulse to kiss her then and there and walked outside quickly. The valet brought their car to the front door and Rahul got into the driver’s seat after seeing Meghna into the passenger side.

  Meghna leaned her head against Rahul’s shoulder as he drove ou
t of the hotel’s gate. She gave a sigh of contentment as soft music washed over them from the Car Deck.

  “Sleepy?” enquired Rahul, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to look at her face.

  “No, not at all. I feel wide awake.”

  “Good, as the party’s to continue when we get home,” said Rahul.

  Meghna turned her head to kiss him on his lean cheek. Her pink tongue darted out to caress him for a second. Rahul’s hands trembled on the wheel as he fought for control. He moved to the left side of the road to park the car.

  He pulled Meghna into his arms to give her a hard kiss. “Keep your hands to yourself if you want to reach home safely,” he threatened her - half-playful, half-serious.

  “But my hands are with me. I didn’t even touch you,” Meghna’s eyes widened innocently.

  “Very funny.” Rahul looked at the girl who held him in the palm of her hand. He was ready to do just anything for her. “Please, Honey. I’m serious. I can’t concentrate on my driving when you’re pressed so close to me. I’m sure you understand.” Rahul hated the thought of not being in control.

  “Let me see,” Meghna tilted her head to one side before looking at him from the corner of her eyes. “What’re you ready to give me for not disturbing you?” she challenged.

  “What do you want?” Rahul joined her in her flirtatious mood.

  “Hmm—” she looked at him thoughtfully. “A couple of pieces of your clothing?” she asked.

  Rahul gave her a startled look before a grin split his face. “Of your choice or mine?” he asked cheekily.

  Panic flared in her grey eyes. “I’ll choose,” she said in a hurry.

  “Okay, tell me.”

  “Your bow tie and jacket,” chose Meghna promptly.

  “Anything to oblige you, Sweetheart,” said Rahul prior to removing the two garments and handing them over to his fiancée. “Will that be all?” he asked her.

  “Not quite,” Meghna moved close to him and opened the top two buttons of his shirt before pressing her lips to the strong column of his brown throat. “Hmm—been wanting to do that all evening.”

  It took Rahul all of a minute to bring a semblance of control to his surging emotions as he felt Meghna’s lips against his skin. He cleared his throat before talking to her in a hoarse voice, “You should’ve told me so earlier. Anything for you, love.”

  “Anything?” she fluttered her lashes at him.

  ‘What have I unleashed?’ wondered Rahul. He grinned at her as he realised that their engagement had improved her confidence tremendously. She had always been quite forward in expressing her feelings. Recently, she had been unsure of him. Hence the unusual display of shyness. Now that she was sure of him she had changed back to her original impish self, he surmised, quite happy with the result.


  Rahul took the key to the flat from Meghna. He lifted the fingers of her right hand in his left before raising it to his lips. He looked deeply into her eyes and said, “Love you, Honey.”

  Meghna met his honey gold gaze, head on, her own grey eyes blazing with love, “I love you too, Rahul.”

  Rahul pulled her close to his body as he opened the door to the flat.

  What happened next seemed to unfold in slow motion. The whole scene was etched in Meghna’s mind for life.

  The lights were ablaze in the hall as Reema got up from her seat on hearing the key in the lock. Meghna let go of Rahul’s hand to rush towards her dear Bhabhi to tell her the good news.

  Just when she had taken a couple of steps, she felt the presence of another person in the same room as she caught the image of a woman in her peripheral.

  It was a stranger. Meghna stopped in her tracks, wondering who it was so late in the night. The guest was clothed in a very short dress, black in colour. Her lips were a slash of scarlet. Meghna wondered at the terrible anger that burned in the other woman’s gaze as she looked at the girl who had walked in on Rahul’s arm. The next moment the newcomer turned towards Meghna’s brand new fiancé.

  “Rahul,” she purred, both her arms outstretched in greeting as she moved towards him.

  “What in the blazes—?” bit out Rahul before his lips were smothered in a possessive kiss.

  He put his hands on Aisha’s shoulders to move her away in disgust. ‘What the hell was this specimen doing in India, that too at Sanjay’s home?’ He thought.

  “Darling Rahul,” continued Aisha relentlessly, seemingly oblivious to the temper sparking in Rahul’s eyes. “I missed you so,” she drawled. “Rajni aunty reassured me that you must also be missing me. I’m so glad that I could surprise you—”

  Meghna didn’t stop to hear more. The whole world had come crashing down her ears. She felt numb with shock. She rushed to her room, not heeding Rahul’s “Meghna, wait.”

  “Rahul, let the poor girl go. She’ll never be able to make you as happy as I can. She appears quite immature, you know,” Aisha continued to purr in his ear, her fingers thrust into his hair, caressing his scalp.

  Rahul felt torn. He wanted to rush to Meghna to reassure her. At the same time, he wanted this particular thorn-in-the-flesh out of Sanjay’s flat first thing.

  He scowled down at Aisha before thrusting her away completely. “Just shuddup, will you?” he said impatiently.

  He turned his disturbed eyes to Reema. “Bhabhi, let me drop Aisha at her hotel. In the meanwhile,” his gaze was pleading, “take care of Meghna for me, will you?”

  Reema nodded her head, trusting her instincts. She had been shocked to find Aisha on their doorstep an hour before, claiming to be Rahul’s betrothed. Although Reema had been desperate to call her bluff, she hadn’t been sure enough about Rahul to throw out someone who was obviously aware of where he was staying. Also, she had come all the way from London. Reema had concluded that the other girl must be very sure of his affections.

  Well, now things were obviously turning for the better. Rahul was obviously not at all happy to see this Aisha. Quite the opposite, it appeared.

  Rahul lifted the single piece of luggage Aisha had with her and left the flat with her without uttering another word.

  Reema went to Meghna’s bedroom to find the door locked.

  “Meghna,” called out Reema as she knocked on her door.

  “Is that Reema Bhabhi?” came the muffled reply. “What’s it, Bhabhi? I’m changing.”

  “Nothing, dear. Just wanted to check that you are okay. Rahul’s gone to drop Aisha at her hotel.”

  And probably stay back the night, thought Meghna viciously. She felt awfully hurt and upset. But didn’t want Reema to know. “I’m okay, Bhabhi. Planning to go to sleep.” She yawned loudly for Reema’s benefit. “Quite a tiring day, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I know. Rahul said that he’ll talk to you as soon as he gets back.” Reema paused for a minute, wondering whether she should insist on Meghna opening the door and checking out the situation for herself. She thought better of it. Meghna sounded quite calm. It seemed that Reema was making a mountain out of a molehill. Anyway, there appeared to be no problem that couldn’t be solved in the morning.

  “Okay then, Meghna, Goodnight. Sanjay’s gone on the late night Dubai flight. Departure at two ten.” She added for her sister-in-law’s benefit before moving away from the door.

  “Goodnight, Bhabhi,” came the reply from the still closed door.

  Meghna waited for Reema’s footsteps to fade away from her door before giving vent to the dry sobs tearing at her throat. Just an hour back she had been in Seventh Heaven.

  Her dreams had been broken to smithereens in no time at all. How could Rahul do this to her? He had declared undying love So where did the paramour spring from? She could have understood if he had mentioned that he had had lovers in the past. He was above thirty. She was not so unreasonable, was she? But—this affair seemed to belong to the present. Meghna shuddered at the thought that Rahul had walked out of this Aisha’s arms in London to step directly into hers at Mumbai.
CreepScoundrel How could he do this to her? Temper clouded her brain. She didn’t give him the benefit of doubt.

  She felt like a wounded animal. Her pain was too great to be borne alone. She wanted her brother. Tears flowed down her face as she thought of Sanjay. Her adoring sibling who would be shocked to learn what a rat his friend actually was She wanted the protection of his arms. She wanted him to wipe her pain away as only he knew how. He had always loved, cherished and protected her from all her problems in life.

  She needed him desperately, she thought. She didn’t wait. She pulled off her gown and pulled on a pair of jeans and t-shirt. She stepped out of her high-heeled shoes. She pulled out the silver combs from her hair and brushed it hard before tying it in a high pony. She pulled out her earrings, necklace and armlet and threw them into the dressing table drawer. She went into the bathroom and washed her face clean. As she soaped her face she caught sight of the opal ring flashing on the ring finger of her left hand. Her engagement ring Shegave her image a bitter smile. What a farce

  She washed her face and towelled it dry. She stepped out of her bathroom, removed her ring and gazed at it with tears in her eyes. She pressed it to her lips as she recalled the scene when Rahul had put it on her finger. That was only for a few seconds. Anger sparkled in her eyes as she placed the ring on her dressing table, none too gently. She pulled out a small overnight bag and threw a couple of t-shirts and a pair of jeans in along with some bras and panties.

  She was glad Sanjay was flying. She would join him on his flight and return with him after two days, by which time things would have blown over. Luckily for her Sanjay had removed a visa for her to go to Dubai with him that very month. He had promised her a shopping spree. That was before Rahul had landed on them unexpectedly.

  Tears welled in her eyes once again. But she wiped them away angrily with the back of her hand. She admonished herself saying that she had had a lucky escape. She had only got engaged to the trickster. Not married him.


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