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Freaks Cum Out (Dawn of the Freak)

Page 8

by Solae Dehvine

  Sabrina accepted his card and looked at it for a moment. To Brandon’s surprised she even reached and gave him a hug.

  Damn she smells like fresh fruit and roses. Brandon wanted to embrace forever.

  They talked for a little while longer until she said she had to go and get Corey situated.

  “Please call me so I can set up a time to come get Corey,” Brandon told her as he walked her to her door. She smiled, thanked him again, and disappeared inside the house.

  Walking back to his car he was still in disbelief. This had to have been the craziest night ever. I almost killed a child and found my soul-mate in the same night.

  She was perfect and he couldn’t believe it.

  Love at first site, Brandon thought. Me, Brandon. I’m a player, I guess. I just never cared that much. Getting into his Camaro Brandon sat and thought for a brief moment.

  I have just met my wife. Sabrina Montgomery looks like she could be Sabrina Phillips.

  Chapter 12

  Sabrina walked through the house at least a dozen times, checking windows and doors. She peeked in on Corey several times and, luckily, he was now sleeping. Damn, I can’t believe this shit happened. She contemplated where and what she had done wrong.

  He shouldn’t have been home alone. He’s not old enough, Sabrina thought it over. The police didn’t blame her for it, but she knew if things had gone wrong she would have been in handcuffs.

  Sabrina was able to lay down but sleep wouldn’t come for a while, if at all that night. She had to figure this out before the morning and she had not the slightest answer.

  What am I going to do with Corey while I’m at school? Sabrina kept thinking.

  Every answer equaled another bill for Sabrina. After-school programs cost money, babysitters cost money, and Corey at home would cost her freedom if she didn’t figure out a place for him to go.

  Which brought her to a different question, “How can I make more money?” That was a little simpler. Sabrina pulled back her computer chair and sat down. She went instantly to and checked her purchases for the day.

  Logging in, she saw there were hundreds of messages from eager fans on her private page, but most of all she saw her coin count. Coins were the exchange rate on the website. She quickly converted the coin amount to cash and she smiled her first true smile since Corey came home.

  She had almost twelve hundred dollars from her video download sales. Great, but my second tuition payment is going to eat that alive. Sabrina began to make a tally of every bill she had and ones that would be coming in the next few weeks. She was happy for the money, but she realistically needed ten times that amount.

  “Well, let me get to work,” she said to no one but herself.

  The sky was the limit on AmatuerU. There were millions of people on the site every day that spent hundreds of dollars on porn videos. If only she could get some of those millions. Her hands began moving and clanking the keys. This was Sabrina’s second job. After Corey went to sleep, she stayed up deep into the night until early morning.

  Answering each e-mail and comment was hard work. She even did mini-live shows. Sabrina thought back to nights when she first started out and she didn’t go to sleep. This night, in particular, felt like one of those nights. She read message after message and tried to think of anything she could do to get more viewers.

  Maybe I could fuck a girl, Sabrina thought, but quickly dismissed that. She wanted money, but women were off limits. What if I get a new guy? Paul is getting boring, she admitted to herself.

  The viewers seemed to be tired of him, too. Sabrina had dismissed him a week ago for getting too clingy. Thinking about their last discussion made her shudder.

  “But I want you to be my woman.” Sabrina thought back on what he said and felt like throwing up.

  “Paul, I’m not really interested in you like that. Plus, my hands are full with Corey and school,” Sabrina told him, trying to give him an excuse that made sense. Truthfully, she could have taken on a boyfriend. She actually wanted one, but no one seemed to be man enough to take the job.

  Paul had a huge dick, but what he lacked was ambition. He could fuck her till she grabbed the sheets, but it took more than that to grasp her heart.

  That was something Paul couldn’t understand. After hearing Sabrina’s excuse he quickly hung up on her.

  “Hmmm, oh well,” she said to herself, remembering that night. Now, it was on to the next challenge. Who would take his place?

  Sabrina went through her mental rolodex and tried to figure out who she could get that would be exciting and sexy. She kept reading on, trying to find out what her fans wanted and that’s when she had an idea.

  An orgy was mentioned in one of the comments, but she thought of something better. “What about Tye and Tim?” she asked herself. The twin brothers had persuaded her a while back to have her first threesome.

  A smirk creased her face. She knew there was no other way to find out but to call and ask. She found her phone on the corner of the desk and located Tim’s number.

  “Wow. Ms. Montgomery, what do I owe the pleasure?” Tim was the sweet talker and pussy sucker of the two.

  “Hi, Tim, baby. Missed you,” Sabrina half-lied. His mouth was unforgettable and who wouldn’t miss that?

  “Mmmm, missed you, too, boo,” Tim said half-lying to himself.

  “Well, I wanna see you and Tye, if either of you don’t mind.” Sabrina heard the smile in his voice as he agreed.

  “This time, I wanna try something a little different. I was new and scared last time, but this time I wanna go all out,” Sabrina said, speaking seductively into the phone.

  “Oh yeah. Damn, you sure you don’t wanna get this going tonight?” Tim asked, calling her bluff.

  Sabrina giggled as she slid her hand down her panties. “I would love to but I can’t. What about tomorrow?” Sabrina asked.

  “Shit, I’m free whenever. I just gotta ask Tye…” Tim was interrupted by Sabrina’s moans. He listened at first, not sure what was happening.

  “Damn, baby. You playing with it?” Tim asked as he felt his dick getting hard.

  Sabrina continued to moan, not answering his question. Her wetness was dripping from her pussy. She sunk her fingers in as she placed her phone close enough for Tim to hear. She held the phone there as she worked her fingers in and out, still moaning from the pleasure. She pulled the phone back up to her ear and listened to his moans.

  “Tim,” she whispered. “I want you and Tye over here tomorrow. No excuses. I’m not holding back this time.”

  “Mmmmmm. Ok, baby. I’m not holding back either,” Tim said, stuttering from his rising orgasm.

  “I’d rather you show me. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sabrina said as she started to moan again. This time, she didn’t let him hear the work of her fingers. Instead, she quickly hung up the phone and left him to his hard erection and working hand.

  She chuckled to herself as she grabbed the hand sanitizer from her desk and wiped her hands with a tissue. Sabrina knew she would have to do something to solidify the deal.

  Now he is excited and going to tell Tye all about it, she chuckled to herself as her finger nails clanked the keyboard. Tim had fallen for a trick that Sabrina had mastered years ago.

  When she was a teenager and she had phone sex with her boyfriend, she used to let him hear her wetness when she was about to cum. It got him to do what she wanted every time. Tim was no exception.

  Gotta do what I gotta do, Sabrina thought, still smiling and giving herself an imaginary pat on the back.

  She navigated through Corey’s school website until she found the after-school program page. Hitting a few buttons, she started filling out the online application for Corey to begin the program.

  Hitting submit on the application Sabrina got up and walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She took her clothes off and stepped into beating water of the shower, letting the water wash over her body and dampening her hair. The water cas
cading down her body for a moment, she got down to the real reason for her shower.

  Taking the shower head down from its holder like she had done a million times before, she adjusted the massaging shower head to her clit’s favorite setting. Propping her leg on the side of the shower, Sabrina lowered the shower head down to her throbbing pussy.

  I hope these new videos bring more money, Sabrina thought as she closed her eyes and leaned her back on the shower wall.

  As she leaned back she put her makeshift toy directly on her lower lips. The water parted them and massaged her clit.

  Her body began to heat up from her toes to the tips of her fingers as her clit began to swell from the miraculous beating of the shower head.

  She imagined it was Tim’s tongue instead of a shower massager. She thought about how Tim and Tye had pleasured her and given her multiple orgasms the last time they were together.

  As the massager brought Sabrina closer and closer to an orgasm, a slick smirk graced her face as she thought about the money the threesome video would bring.

  The thought of money and the sales from her new idea lowered the flood gates of her orgasm. She moaned and squeezed the shower head as her legs began to shake. She slid to the floor of the shower, shaking as the water washed over her.

  With money on her mind and a shower massager in her hand, she lay on the shower floor crying as her pussy gushed with cum.

  Chapter 13

  Today his class was in the school library. Corey loved going there and seeing the books piled high on the shelves. Most of all, he liked that he could get away from everyone and go read. That’s exactly what he intended to do.

  He picked a table that was the furthest away from everyone. With a book in hand he sat down and started reading. Today his book of choice was a story about a boy who could fly. I wish I could fly away from everyone.

  He closed his eyes and saw himself flying though the sky. He flew over his Momma and the guy that tried to hurt him. As he was going higher in the sky, he felt something hit him in the side.

  Corey’s chair fell over and he, his backpack, and his book fell to the floor. When he opened his eyes, he saw the man standing over him.

  “What you doin’ over here, faggot?” he asked as he looked around to see if anyone could see what was about to happen.

  When he didn’t see anyone watching, he knelt down in Corey’s face. “Give me the money that you owe me, faggot.”

  Corey couldn’t believe he had found him here at school. He had on the same clothes from the house. There is no way he is going to keep doing this to me and my momma, Corey thought.

  Corey looked around the floor for something to help him and that’s when he saw it. He grabbed his social studies book that had fallen with him to the floor. It was probably the heaviest book Corey had. It had big, blue binding and hundreds of pages. Just right for what he needed. Corey took the book and slapped him in the head with it.

  The man fell back, stunned from Corey hitting him and probably even more stunned that he was finally fighting back. Corey jumped up from the floor like a superhero and kept hitting him with the book.

  He kept hitting the man until Ms. Sonderburg came and grabbed him. That’s when Corey finally saw it was Tommy and not the man that tried to hurt him. Corey dropped his social studies book.

  The blue cover was now red with Tommy’s blood and Tommy was now rolling around on the ground holding his nose.

  “COREY, GO STRAIGHT TO THE PRINCIPAL’SOFFICE!”Ms.Sonderburg screamed as she came over and knelt down to help the beaten boy.

  “But, but… but, he started it. He hit me and… knocked me out of my chair and he’s always…”

  She pointed and yelled again for Corey to go before he was able to finish. He kicked the social studies book and ran to the principal’s office.

  Through the tan halls and the green tiled floor, Corey ran all the way to the office. When he made it, the secretary looked up at him and her eyes grew wide. When he looked down, he saw that there was blood on his grey shirt.

  By the defiant stare on his face and his gasps for breath, she knew he had been in a fight. She pointed to a seat and picked up her phone. Corey guessed it was to call the principal, Mr. Howard, and tell him that Corey was waiting.

  Sitting down in one of the four chairs waiting for his punishment, he knew that this meant at least a detention if not a suspension. For once, he didn’t care. It wasn’t the man at the house that tried to hurt him, but Tommy had been hurting him for a while, taking his money and hitting him when Ms. Sonderburg turned her head.

  Corey grew tired of being pushed around. He sat there, waiting for whatever they wanted to do with him.

  He guessed they would call Brina, but he didn’t care. He was tired of people trying to hurt him.

  He wasn’t there long before Ms. Sonderburg entered the office. Her intense glare fell on Corey for a brief moment as she walked towards the principal’s door, knocked, and went in.

  They weren’t inside long before Mr. Howard opened his wooden door and told Corey to come in.

  They sat down and the first thing Ms. Sonderburg asked was what had come over him.“Corey, what is wrong with you? You haven’t been yourself lately. Is something wrong?” she asked.

  Maybe I wasn’t myself, Corey thought. I had changed, The old me and letting people hurt me was over.

  “I think this is the new me, Ms. Sonderburg. I’m tired of being bullied,” Corey said, crossing his arms.

  They kept talking but Corey stared out the window. He saw Tommy being walked across the schoolyard by some woman. That must have been his mom. Corey saw her help him into the car and run around and jump in the small, green car herself. Corey guessed he was going to the doctor. I hope I broke Tommy’s face.

  “Corey, we are going to call your sister. You probably broke Tommy’s nose. We may have to suspend you.”

  Corey’s ears perked up when he heard him say that, but it still didn’t matter. He shrugged his shoulders and kept looking out the window.

  He was done with being hurt. No one is gonna bother me again or they will be sorry, Corey vowed and he meant every word.

  * * *

  Sabrina dropped Corey off at Momma Montgomery’s house. She usually would go in and say hi before leaving, but this time she was too mad for that, she had some business to attend to. She honked the horn as she sped off on a mission to Hawthorne Avenue. She remembered Brandon saying he found Corey there and that’s where she needed to go.

  After getting a call from the school about Corey being in a fight she knew there must really be something wrong. After a long talk with Corey she finally got the truth. I never thought it would be this, Sabrina said as she drove well over the speed limit. Her mind replayed what Corey told her and it only fueled her fire of anger.

  The sun was setting and, sure enough, the crack heads were making their move on Hawthorne street. Like roaches, they were moving around from house to house and car to car for their fix. Sabrina wanted to find one roach in particular. Actually, she wanted two roaches; her mother and her friend. Sabrina was going to use the gun like a raid can and kill them both.

  Nobody would give a damn about two dead bodies over here, she thought. Dead bodies were like deer on the side of a highway on this part of town. Cars passed them and paid them no mind.

  At the end of the block, Sabrina parked and slouched down in her car hiding from snooping eyes. From her position in the car she scanned faces, looking for JoAnn. It wasn’t long before she appeared, walking with some man flirtatiously rubbing his arm. Sabrina grabbed her gun from her purse. She hadn’t had to use it, until now.

  Time to show and prove. Getting out of the car, Sabrina pulled the gun down to her side. Deep breath. Now or never, she thought.

  “HEY, JOANN,” Sabrina screamed as she got closer to JoAnn and her date. Turning around JoAnn smiled and tried to hugged her daughter. Little did JoAnn know that today Sabrina was no longer her daughter, she was more of an executioner.
Sabrina grabbed JoAnn’s arm and yanked her away from her friend and walked her back toward the car.

  “Hey, baby girl. What you doing here? I’m glad you here. You think I can get, ahhh, borrow twenty bucks,” JoAnn asked as she was, wiping her nose. She was oblivious to what was about to happen.

  The guy she was with disappeared. He better find another hoe tonight. “What the fuck happened with Corey?” Sabrina asked her, still holding her arm and walking towards the car.

  “What you mean? He---he, was here wit me the other day. We had a cool time and then he went home. Wh---What you mean?” she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

  Sabrina couldn’t take the lies anymore. Her anger took over. Swinging JoAnn around, Sabrina hit JoAnn in the forehead with the butt end of the gun.

  "FUCK! YOU HIT ME,” she said, covering her face. JoAnn almost went to charge and hit Sabrina back when Sabrina put the gun in her face. “BITCH, GET BACK,” Sabrina growled, pushing JoAnn to the ground with her left hand.

  Now, she was crouched on the ground with her hands clasped together praying for mercy. “Pleaseeee don’t shoot me, baby girl,” JoAnn begged.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know somebody tried to rape your son while you were getting high, bitch?” Sabrina said to her but she didn’t know why she asked. Sabrina knew JoAnn didn’t know. When she was getting high, no one and nothing mattered.

  Sabrina looked around and saw the roaches from the neighborhood were crowding around. She fired a shot into the air. “YOU BETTER GET THE FUCK BACK!” She screamed to them. They scattered once again, leaving her and JoAnn alone.

  “Baby girl, I didn’t know that. I didn’t know that’s what he was gonna do. Is he ok?” That made Sabrina laugh.

  “Bitch, you don’t care. I should kill yo ass right now,” Sabrina said, pointing the gun in JoAnn’s face.

  Sabrina couldn’t believe she was about to kill her mother. There were a lot of bad times between them, but there were a few good times as well. Very few, but there were some memories that she had when JoAnn wasn’t high.


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