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Freaks Cum Out (Dawn of the Freak)

Page 9

by Solae Dehvine

  “Please don’t shoot me, baby girl,” JoAnn pleaded from the ground.

  Sabrina couldn’t shoot her. She would have to bury her dumb ass and she didn’t want to waste the money. Plus, the effect it would have on Corey would change his life forever. Small fights at school would be the least of her worries.

  Sabrina looked around on the dark street and she knew the local crackheads wouldn’t tell the police who killed JoAnn, if they even knew her real name. But what if I did go to jail? Sabrina wondered. I would be mad as fuck if I spent the rest of my life in prison over her.

  Sabrina decided to merely let her ass off with a warning. She felt like a cop letting a speeder go. “BITCH, IF I EVER SEE YOU AROUND MY BROTHER OR MY HOUSE OR EVEN MY MOMMA’S HOUSE, IT WILL BE THE LAST FUCKING THING YOU SEE. DO YOU HEAR ME?” Sabrina screamed at her.

  JoAnn nodded, “Yes, yes, baby girl. I hear you,” she said, still kneeling in the prayer position. Sabrina lowered the gun and put it on safety. “Get off these motherfucking drugs, JoAnn,” Sabrina said to her as she walked to her car.

  Sabrina got in and took off down the street, leaving only tire marks and the smell of burnt rubber behind. The people in the street ran and got out of her way as she raced past the crack-houses. She made a few quick turns and merged with traffic like nothing happened. She was ok until she was finally stopped at an intersection. That’s when she had time to think about it all.

  I almost killed my mother, Sabrina was overcome with emotion, that’s when the tears began. She cried so hard that when the light turned green, she had to pull over. She parked, hunched over the steering wheel, bawling uncontrollably.

  I have to call someone to come get me. I can’t drive like this.

  None of the names that came to her mind were good ideas of people that could rescue her. Momma Montgomery was with Corey and she didn’t feel like explaining herself to her friends. She was feeling around her purse for her cell phone when she found his card.

  Brandon Phillips

  Senior Marketing Advisor

  This is crazy, she thought but Sabrina found her phone and dialed his number. He said call him if she needed anything. Right now, Sabrina needed help more than she ever had before.

  Chapter 14

  At first, Brandon wasn’t sure who he was talking to. It was a female voice and she was crying and screaming. Brandon almost hung up until he heard her say Corey. Putting two and two together, he figured out quickly who it was.

  “Sabrina, wh---what happened?” he tried to ask, but she didn’t hear him over her crying and yelling.

  “COME AND GET ME, PLEASE.” He understood that.

  “Where are you?”

  She gave Brandon the directions and he flew there as if he were a pilot flying a jet. He found her parkednon Tyrenne Street, crying, and frantic. He jumped in on the passenger side and listened.

  He listened to every word that came from her lips. She told him how Corey got into a fight at school.

  “He beat up some boy and might get expelled.” She said still crying. After talking to him she found out what really happened the day he disappeared with JoAnn.

  “He said that BITCH told him to stay with some man while she went to the bathroom. When she left, the man pulled down his pants and asked Corey to touch his MOTHAFUCIN’ DICK! Corey kicks the man to get away and goes to find her. This BITCH is in the bathroom, getting high. Passed the fuck out with a needle in her arm.” Sabrina rattled off all the information without taking a single breath.

  “Sounds like some shit my dad used to do,” Brandon told her. That stopped her tears. Brandon went from listening to talking. He had never told any woman about his Dad and their relationship and, until now, he hadn’t thought anyone would understand.

  “My dad overdosed on coke about five years ago. He had done a lot of the same shit your mom is doing. One time, I was with him and he told me to go play. Now that I think back, we were at a crack-house and there was shit everywhere. Glass, pipes, trash, and needles all over the floor. Well, I’m a kid I don’t give a fuck about that. I started playing, fell, and a nail from the raggedy-ass floor went through my knee.”

  She put her hand over her mouth in shock.

  “I had to scream and crawl to where he was because he had passed out. He was so drugged up, it took forever for him to realize what was going on and take me to a hospital. I was bleeding everywhere. My momma was pissed when she found out.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” she said, now calming down and wiping her face.

  “Yeah, he’s gone now and, as crazy as it may seem, I’m kind of glad. I was tired of all the crazy shit. When he disappeared for weeks, I would worry if he was dead only to have him pop up and steal money from me.”

  “I almost killed her tonight,” Sabrina admitted. “I dropped Corey off with our Grandmother and went over there to kill her.”

  Damn, she wasn’t playing, Brandon thought, looking in her eyes. He saw nothing but rage and sadness. He wanted to make her feel better, to take away all her pain.

  “I did hit her with the gun, but I couldn’t kill her,” she said and started crying again.

  “Naw, we done wit the crying, Sabrina. Let me tell you about my day,” Brandon said, trying to change the mood.

  “I left work, ready to go home, and saw that my car wasn’t there. I call the police, the garage security is looking through the camera footage, and, meanwhile, I’m frantic. Someone had to have stolen it, right? I’m on the phone with my insurance company and one of my co-workers comes up to me and says, ‘Hey man, I think I just saw your car on the second level.’”

  “Damn. What did they do, steal it and couldn’t get out?” Sabrina asked, wiping her tear-streaked face.

  “Naw, I forgot that I parked on the second level because someone was in my parking space on the third level when I came in this morning.”

  The car filled with her laughter. Sabrina laughed so loud that his ears started ringing. At least she was laughing instead of crying, Brandon thought.

  “A’ight, dang. It’s not that funny,” Brandon said, chuckling himself. “I had to explain the whole thing to the cops. Luckily, they hadn’t had time to start doing any real searching.”

  “I would have been too embarrassed,” she said as she reached towards his legs. Brandon’s heart stopped. He thought she was about to grab his dick. He felt the swelling in his pants immediately.

  “Excuse me,” she said as her arm kept moving past his legs and went to the glove compartment and opened it, grabbing some napkins. Closing it, she dropped a few of them between Brandon’s legs. She had to reach over him, even more, and her head was damn near in his lap.

  He thought his swelling dick was going to burst out of his pants and poke her in the head.

  Damn she turned me on, he thought. Sabrina must have felt the tension as well. She looked up at him and smiled. He was just about to go for the gold and kiss her when they heard a knock on the passenger’s side window.

  They both looked up and, at first, he didn’t recognize the woman. After all, it was dark and the hardness in his pants just wanted her to go away.

  “Brandon,” he heard her say as she put her hand on her waist. Out of all places and all times, this bitch had to show up here.

  “Who is that?” Sabrina asked Brandon.

  Brandon looked at her and saw her brown eyes, red from crying. I don’t want to start off our relationship, or whatever we have, with lies.

  Brandon shifted in the passenger seat and blurted it out. “That’s my baby’s momma.”

  * * *

  Sabrina wasn’t sure who the chick was, but she definitely had an attitude. Sabrina watched her arms flailing and her neck popping as the woman and Brandon talked.

  She was a “ghetto bird,” as Sabrina liked to call them. Her hair was four different colors and she had bright, green finger nails that she was waving in Brandon’s face.

  The girl looked around thirty-five and Sabrina saw two kids waiting for her
to finish her tirade. What a shame, she thought as she watched the scene.

  Me and Brandon weren’t doing anything, but he is fine, Sabrina thought. He had this thing about him. When Brandon dropped Corey off, Sabrina was too mad to pay attention to his looks. Now, as he stood outside the car and talked to this girl, Sabrina couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was.

  His hair was cut low and, even under his jacket, she could tell he had a muscular build. He looked a little upset as he talked to the girl and glanced back and forth at Sabrina to see if she was watching. Maybe it would be a good idea if I called Corey to tell him I’m on my way. He is cute, but baby-momma drama is not my thing.

  Sabrina took her eyes off the scene on the sidewalk and picked up her cell phone and called Corey.

  “Hello,” Corey answered on the second ring.

  “Hey, C. You ready to come home?”

  “Naw, Momma M said I could spend the night. She said can you pick me up in the morning,” His voice sounded lighter and more cheerful. It was contagious and made Sabrina smile through the phone.

  “Ahhh, ok. What y’all doing over there?”

  “Corey, look what’s happening,” Sabrina heard Momma M say from the background.

  “Gotta go, Brina. The bad guy is about to get beat up. Love you, and see you in the morning,” he said, hanging up without any response.

  Sabrina looked at the phone in amazement. Am I in a dream or something? she wondered. If I am, I don’t want to wake up. Corey seemed happy and he and Momma Montgomery were spending time together. For him to be happy was truly music to Sabrina’s soul.

  “Wh-what, what’s wrong? Why you staring at the phone?” Brandon asked as he jumped back into the passenger seat.

  “Just talked to Corey and he’s having a good time over there,” Sabrina saw the girl was walking away. “What happened with your BM?” Sabrina asked as she found her purse and put her phone inside it. BM being short for Baby Momma. I really do hate that word, Sabrina thought as she listened.

  “That, well, she isn’t my baby’s momma. I really don’t have any kids, but she tried to say I was the father of one of her children.”

  “So, it wasn’t yours?” Sabrina asked, but she knew the man always said the child wasn’t his.

  “Nope, it wasn’t. I told her I wanted a DNA test and she took forever to go and get it. Told me she already knew he was mine.

  Eventually, the truth came out and I told myself I would never get in that situation again. That’s why I call her my baby’s momma. Just a reminder to myself, I guess,” he said, shrugging and looking aimlessly out the window.

  “Wow, as crazy as that sounds, I can respect that. I’m surprised she even felt bold enough to knock on the window and get your attention.” His face turned to a frown when Sabrina said that.

  “Yeah, you would think that she would fall into a hole and die after that but, every time she sees me, she tries to cause a scene. I told her this time that if she can’t control herself when she sees me, I’m going to get a restraining order on her. That’s why she walked away so fast.”

  Damn, I didn’t know women really acted like this, Sabrina thought. I guess since my friends aren’t like that “ I thought, just maybe, that those women were only in the movies.” She said aloud.

  “But anyway, back to what we were saying. Ummm, what were we saying?” He asked.

  Sabrina wasn’t sure herself, but she told Brandon she needed to get home. All that screaming and crying had left her exhausted

  “Ok. I’ll follow you to the crib and make sure you get there ok. Unless you think you’re not ok to drive?” he asked.

  “Naw, I’m good. You sure you feel like following me?”

  “Of course. I wanna make sure you make it home ok. I’ve gotta go over that way anyway,” he said as he opened the door to get out. He looked at Sabrina with such passion as he got out of the car. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn’t.

  “I’m right behind you,” was his response before closing the door as he went to his vehicle.

  Damn, I always do this, Sabrina thought. Fall for a dude entirely too soon. What if he doesn’t like me and was just being nice? Sabrina watched him walk across the street and get into his car, a brand-new, all black Camaro.

  Ughhh, that made it even worse. She thought as she turned her car on and merged into traffic as he pulled out and got behind her.

  She wasn’t sure why, but her pussy always got wet for nice cars and fine men. She took one hand off the steering wheel. It was time for some relaxation. She looked around at the other cars to see who was watching her. Luckily, it was dark and no one was paying her any attention. Sabrina slide her hand down her sweatpants to touch her throbbing wetness.

  At times like this, she couldn’t help but play with her pussy. Weaving through traffic and stopping at red lights, she looked back and saw the man that could be the one.

  Been a while since my Sleeping Beauty had seen a Prince Charming. The thought made her play with her clit even more.

  * * *

  Brandon was in the car, following Sabrina, but he wanted to slap himself. Why I even fucked with that dumb-ass broad, LaTonya, I don’t know, he thought. Now, whenever she saw me, she had to act up.

  This wasn’t the first time she saw Brandon out with a woman and caused a scene. The bitch just wouldn’t quit. He thought as he followed closely behind Sabrina. Last time, he was on a movie date with the beautiful Katrina.

  Katrina had ass for days and going to the movies was our first date, Brandon reminisced. They were in the line, trying to get some snacks before the movie. I was whispering in Katrina’s ear, trying to set up for some movie theater head, when this bitch popped out of nowhere.

  Of course, that night didn’t end the way he wanted. Brandon didn’t get the movie theater head. Actually, they didn’t watch the movie.

  Unlike Sabrina, that girl didn’t believe Brandon when he told her that LaTonya had been lying about the baby.

  Oh well. Brandon thought as he thought back on the date from hell. Sabrina seemed unfazed by it all. She was up ahead of him driving fast. S

  he weaved in and out of lanes and almost side swiped a car. This made Brandon nervous. At least we aren’t far, Brandon thought.

  Once they made it to the house and they stood outside talking for awhile. Everything from their high schools and jobs came into the conversation. She told him she was going to school and trying to start an online business. He told her about his job and his aspirations to do freelance marketing. She seemed to listen and be interested.

  "It's getting cold," she said as she rubbed her arms. "I think I'm gonna head in and get some rest."

  Damn, I really don’t want this night to end, Brandon thought. I wish I could stay over, but I’m not going to ask. It’s probably too soon for that.

  "Well, ok. I'll talk to you later. Give me a call," he said as he walked slowly back to his car. Brandon felt defeated. Nothing bad had happened but he wanted her now. Even in the car as she cried and her eyes were puffy, he thought she was beautiful. He wanted to hold her and protect her.

  What the fuck was wrong with me?

  "Goodnight, and thanks again," she said. He looked back and she was slowly making the walk to her door. He didn't want to walk her all the way up and possibly make the wrong move and ruin all of his chances. He wasn't old, but he wasn't young either.

  A young Brandon would have jumped all over her and tried to kiss her. The now, more seasoned, Brandon would take his time.

  He got in his car and watched her walk inside. He waved as he drove away and went to the gas station around the corner. Tonight, I’m going to spend some time at home. He was serious about leaving the other women alone. If his plan went right, he would eventually have Sabrina anyway.

  He was about to get out of the car and fill up his tank when his phone started buzzing. Damn, it was Sabrina, he thought and pressed talk as fast as he could.

  "What’s wrong?" he answered. There
was no reason for her to call him this soon.

  "Brandon, I'm gonna try something different, ok? If you don't like it, just decline and hang-up and we can forget this happened. Do you accept?"

  "Ummmm, yeah." He was unsure but he agreed.

  "I don't know why or how, but I like you. I...I...I want you and, if you’re not busy, I want you to come back over here."

  Brandon almost dropped the phone. Who the fuck does this? he wondered. Never had a woman said these things to him. He started the car back up and began pulling out of the gas station parking lot.

  "Hello?" she said.

  "Sabrina, are you serious? Cause I really don't..." She cut him off before he could finish.

  "Look, B. I saw something in your eyes tonight. The way you looked at me and the things you said. I tried to let you take charge by saying I was ready to go in the house but you just left. I would wait weeks and play back and forth, but why do we have to do that if were grown?" She had a point and he guessed there was a first time for everything.

  "Corey isn't home for the first time in weeks and I don't want to be alone," she whispered.

  Hell, I could handle change, he thought. Brandon pressed the gas pedal down to the floor.

  "Unlock the door. I'm on my way."

  Chapter 15

  In the few minutes of prep time, she had showered, rubbed her body with delicious, intoxicating oils, and prepared her pussy for devouring. She took deep breaths, inhaling the smells of the jasmine and lavender oil that she had rubbed all over her body.

  Her juices marinated as she lay in the bed waiting for him to return. Being obedient, she did as she was told and left the front door unlock. Listening to her R&B mix cd, she realized she hadn’t been romanced in a while. Its gonna feel good having sex to some music and wine instead of being rushed.


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