The Battle for America 2008
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382 Women still fall far behind: Recent research from Catalyst, a nonprofit membership organization, with offices in the United States, Canada, and Europe, which studies women’s experiences in business.
385 “It’s complicated, but here it is”: Tim Graham, “WaPo’s Magazine Mocks O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Even Olbermann,” Media Research Center’s, March 25, 2008. Weingarten’s article was published in the Washington Post Magazine, March 23, 200
Abdullah, King
Abedin, Huma
Giuliani and
Lieberman and
Palin and
Abu Ghraib
Achenbach, Joel
Obama in
African-American voters
Clintons and
McCain and
Obama and
Age of Reagan, The (Wilentz)
AIG (American International Group)
Palin and
Albright, Madeleine
Alito, Samuel
Allen, George
American Council on Education
American Enterprise Institute
American University
Annenberg Public Policy Center
Armed Services Committee
Armstrong, Lance
Associated Press
Audacity of Hope, The (Obama)
Axelrod, David
background of
Bhutto assassination and
Obama’s foreign trip and
Palin and
Russert and
Solis Doyle and
Ayers, William
Bai, Matt
Baker, James A.
Baker, Peter
Balz, Dan
Barnes, Fred
Barnett, Bob
Barnhart, Dave
Batchelder, David
Bayh, Evan
Bear Stearns
Belmont University
Benenson, Joel
Bennett, Robert F.
Berman, Jeff
Bernanke, Ben
Berrier, Jonathan
Bhutto, Benazir
Biden, Joe
Kennedy and
Palin and
Palin’s debate with
selected as Obama’s running mate
Biegun, Steve
Bin Laden, Osama
Bird, Jeremy
Black, Charlie
Black Entertainment Television
Blair, Tony
Blitzer, Wolf
Bloody Sunday voting rights march
Bloomberg, Michael
Boehner, John
Bounds, Tucker
Bradley, Bill
Bradley, Jeb
Bridge to Nowhere
Bristol, Joey
Brown, Campbell
Brown, Gordon
Brownback, Sam
Brownstein, Ronald
Bryan, William Jennings
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Building and Construction Trades
Burson Marsteller
Burton, Bill
Bush, George H. W.
approval rating of
at Obama inauguration
Bush, George W.
approval ratings of
in campaign of
financial crisis and
Hillary Clinton and
Iraq War and
McCain and
at Obama inauguration
Obama’s acceptance speech and
Obama’s candidacy and
reelection of
tax cuts of
Bush, Jeb
Byrd, Robert C.
Cahill, Mary Beth
Giuliani and
California Nurses Association
campaign spending
Campion, Chuck
Carbonetti, Tony
Carson, Jon
Carter, Jimmy
approval rating of
Carville, James
Casey, Bob
Castellanos, Alex
Clintons’ attitudes toward
in Iowa
Cecil, Guy
Census Bureau
Cheney, Dick
at Obama inauguration
Chicago Annenberg Challenge
Chicago Tribune
Childs, Edith
Christian Coalition
Citerone, Fay
Civil Rights Act
civil rights movement
Clinton’s comments on
Civil War
Cleland, Max
Clemons, Nick
Cleveland State University
Clinton, Bill
acceptance speech of
African-Americans and
approval rating of
as Comeback Kid
at Democratic convention
Grunwald and
Iowa and
Iraq War and
Kennedy and
negative campaigning and
in New Hampshire
at Obama inauguration
Obama’s acceptance speech and
and Obama’s comments about Republican policies
Penn and
phone calling and
primaries and caucuses as viewed by
Richardson and
role in Hillary’s campaign
scandals and impeachment
Solis Doyle and
in South Carolina
Clinton, Chelsea
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
ads of
African-Americans and
on Armed Services Committee
autograph signing of
Baltic trip of
Bosnian trip of
Bush and
campaign breakdown
campaign withdrawal proposal and
change issue and
Chicago summit meeting
on civil rights movement
concession speech of
consecutive losses of
Coulter and
in crying incident
in debates
decision to run for president
at Democratic convention
end of campaign
evil men question and
focus groups and
fund-raising and spending of
gasoline taxes and
gender issue and
health care and
Henry’s memo to
housing crisis and
immigration issue and
Indiana and
Iowa and
Iraq War and
at Jefferson Jackson Dinner
Kennedy and
Lewis and
lobbyists and
McCain and
Maine and
Middle East trips of
negative campaigning by
Nevada and
New Hampshire and
Obama endorsed by
at Obama inauguration
Obama on
as Obama running mate
Obama’s acceptance speech and
and Obama’s nomination by acclamation
Ohio and
Palin on
Penn’s memo and advice to
Pennsylvania and
phone calling and
political identity of
polls and
presidential candidacy announced by
primaries and caucuses as viewed by
problem-solving message of
race issue and
Richardson and
on Saturday Night Live
Senate campaigns of<
br />
as senator
Solis Doyle’s relationship with
South Carolina and
speeches of
Super Tuesday and
tensions between Obama and
terrorism and
Texas and
voters’ views of
Clyburn, James
Cody, Ken
Cohen, Alan
Coll, Steve
Collamore, Tom
college students
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Commission on Presidential Nomination Timing and Scheduling
Concord, N.H.
Concord High School
Concord Monitor
Contract with America
Cook, Rhodes
Cooper, Ann Nixon
Coulter, Ann
Council on Foreign Relations
Couric, Katie
Palin interviewed by
CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference)
Craig, Greg
Crawford, Jerry
Crist, Charlie
Crocker, Ryan
Culinary Workers’ Union
Culvahouse, A. B.
Cummings, Jeanne
Cuomo, Andrew
Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The
Daley, Richard J.
Daschle, Tom
David, Matt
Davis, Fred
Davis, Rick
Palin and
Dean, Howard
death penalty
debate, in democracy
Clinton in
Huckabee in
in New Hampshire
Obama in, see Obama, Barack, in debates
problems with
between Republican candidates
Romney in
in South Carolina
Delgado, Robert
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)
Democratic National Committee (DNC)
Democratic National Convention (2004)
Democratic National Convention (2008)
Democratic Party
Clinton and
Congress controlled by
congressional control lost by
in Iowa
Iraq War and
McCain and
in Nevada
Obama and
in South Carolina
Democratic voters
demographics of
and Obama’s comments on Reagan
Dennehy, Mike
Dennehy, Sarra
Denver Post
Depression, Great
Des Moines Register
Diaz, Danny
DiBartolomeo, Lisa
Dillon, Jen O’Malley
Dobson, James
Dodd, Chris
Kennedy and
Douglas, Stephen A.
Douglass, Frederick
Dowd, Maureen
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Draper, Robert
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (Obama)
DuBois, Josh
DuHaime, Mike
Dukakis, Michael
Dunham, Madelyn
Dunn, Anita
Durbin, Dick
Easley, Mike
financial bailout plan
financial crisis
McCain and
Edwards, Elizabeth
Edwards, John
affair of
candidacy announced by
Iowa and
Iraq War and
Kennedy and
McCain and
New Hampshire and
Obama endorsed by
South Carolina and
withdrawal from race
Eisenhower, Dwight
election results, predicting
election day
electoral map
electoral process
Emanuel, Rahm
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill
energy policy
Eskew, Carter
Eudy, Carla
Exxon Valdez
Fallows, James
Falwell, Jerry
Family Research Council
Fannie Mae
Farrakhan, Louis
Favreau, Jon
Federal Reserve
Feingold, Russell
Feinstein, Dianne
Ferraro, Geraldine
Ferry, Christian
Fey, Tina
Fiasco (Ricks)
financial bailout plan
financial crisis
First Amendment
Fischer, Gordon
flag pins
McCain and
Flournoy, Tina
focus groups
by Clinton campaign
Focus on the Family
Ford, Gerald
Forrestal, USS
Forti, Carl
Fowler, Don
Fowler, Mayhill
Fox News
Freddie Mac
Freedland, Jonathan
free speech
Friendly, Kelly
Frist, Bill
Frum, David
Gage, Alex
Gallup Poll
Galston, Marygrace
Galston, William
Gang of
Garin, Geoff
Garrett, Major
gasoline prices
gasoline taxes
Gates, Bill
Gates, Robert
gay rights
gender barrier
Gephardt, Richard A.
Gerson, Michael
Giangreco, Pete
Gibbs, Robert
Gibson, Charles
Gilmore, James
Gingrich, Newt
Ginsberg, Ben
Giulani, Judith Nathan
Giuliani, Rudy
abortion issue and
end of campaign
late-state strategy of
London trip of
McCain endorsed by
New Hampshire and
scandal stories and
Goeas, Ed
Goldwater, Barry
Gonzalez, Alberto
Good Morning America
Goolsbee, Austan
Gordon, Phil
Gore, Al
in election of
at Obama inauguration
Gosselin, Bob
role of
spending by
Graham, Lindsey
Gramm, Phil
Gravel, Mike
Great Britain
Great Society
Green, Joshua
Grisham, John
Grisolano, Larry
Grunwald, Mandy
Obama’s comments on
Hagel, Chuck
Halperin, Mark
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Lee
Hannity, Sean
Hannity & Colmes
Hardball with Chris Matthews
Harkin, Tom
Harris, Todd
Harstad, Paul
Hart, Gary
Hart, Peter
Harvard Law Review
Harvard University Institute of Politics
Haus, Bob
Hazelbaker, Jill
health care
Clinton a
Kennedy and
Obama and
Sicko and
Henderson, Kay
Henninger, Daniel
Henry, Mike
Hicks, Karen
Hildebrand, Steve
Hoa Lo Prison
Hofstra University
Holder, Eric
Holland, Steve
Horton, Willie
housing and mortgages
Huckabee, Mike
ad of
in debates
end of campaign
Iowa and
Huffington Post
Hull, Blair
Hund, Nate
Hunt, Albert R.
Hunter, Duncan
Hurricane Gustav
Hurricane Katrina
Hynes, Dan
Ickes, Harold
Penn and
Ifill, Gwen
college scholarship program and
driver’s license issue and
McCain and
Meissner on
inauguration day
Independent voters
in Iowa
Obama and
Palin as viewed by
Indian community
International Association of Fire Fighters
International Monetary Fund
in Obama campaign
caucuses in
Clinton and
Edwards and
Giuliani and
Huckabee and
McCain and
Obama and
Republican straw poll in
Romney and
Thompson and
Iowa Democratic Party
Iowa Historical Museum
Iowa State Fair
Iraq, Obama’s trip to
Iraq Study Group
Iraq War
Clinton and
Edwards and
Kennedy and
Kimball on
McCain and
Obama and
spending bill on
troop surge in
troop withdrawal from
Ivins, Molly
Jackson, Jesse
James, LeBron
Jarrett, Valerie
Jefferson Jackson Dinner
Jindal, Bobby
Joe the Plumber
John Birch Society
John F. Kennedy High School
Johnson, Lyndon
approval rating of
Clinton’s comments on
Johnson, Mary Kate
Johnson, Robert
Jones, Brian
J.P. Morgan Chase
Kaplowitz, Karen
Karzai, Hamid
Kaufman, Ron
Keane, John
Keating, Charles
Keating, Frank
Keating Five
Keene State College
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,”
cancer of
Clintons and
at Democratic convention
Obama and
Romney and
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Kennedy, John F.
acceptance speech of
Bill Clinton and