The Battle for America 2008
Page 51
Kennedy, John F., Jr.
Kennedy, Kathleen
Kennedy, Mary Kerry
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.
Kennedy, Vicki
Kennedy School of Government
Kerik, Bernard B.
Kerry, John F.
Obama’s speeches and
Keyes, Alan
Kimball, Ray
King, Larry
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Clinton’s comments on
“I Have a Dream” speech of
Kirk, Russell
Knowles, Tony
Kopechne, Mary Jo
Kornblut, Anne E.
Kristol, William
Kucinich, Dennis
Obama’s trip to
Lacy, Bill
Lamont, Ned
Landon, Alf
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
Law & Order
Lazio, Rick
Lehman Brothers
Leno, Jay
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Ann
Lewis, John
McCain and
Liberty University
Lieberman, Joseph
as McCain running mate possibility
McCain’s relationship with
Palin and
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln, Abraham
Obama on
Lippert, Mark
Lizza, Ryan
Loeffler, Tom
Los Angeles Times
Lott, Trent
Love, Reggie
Lowry, Rich
Lynch, John
Macauley, Bob
McAuliffe, Terry
McCabe, Nash
McCain, Bridget
McCain, Cindy
daughter adopted by
McCain, Jimmy
McCain, John
acceptance speech of
ads of
African-Americans and
age of
Ayers and
background of
Bush and
campaign implosion
campaign structure
change and reform issue and
Clinton and
comeback of
concession speech of
in debate with other Republican candidates
in debates with Obama
economy and
Falwell and
father of
financial crisis and
Florida and
funding problems of
Giuliani’s endorsement of
immigration and
Iowa and
Iraq trip of
Iraq War and
Keating Five scandal and
Lewis and
Lieberman as running mate for
Lieberman’s relationship with
as maverick
Michigan and
negative campaigning and
New Hampshire and
nomination of
No Surrender tour of
Obama’s acceptance speech and
Obama’s foreign trip and
one-term pledge considered by
on Palin
Palin’s vetting as running mate for
percentage of vote won by
political career of
polls and
in presidential campaign of
press and
Republican Party and
as risk-taker
Romney and
Salter and
search for running mate
Shays and
South Carolina and
Straight Talk Express of
trips of
in Vietnam
voters’ opinions of
McCarthy, Joe
McCurry, Mike
McDonough, Denis
MacGillis, Alec
McGovern, George
McHugh, John
McInturff, Bill
McKinnon, Mark
McQuaid, Joseph W.
Madden, Kevin
Making of the President, The (White)
Maliki, Nouri al-
Manchester Union Leader
Mantz, Jonathan
Mao Zedong
Marcus, Ruth
Margolis, Jim
Martinez, Mel
Mastromonaco, Alyssa
Matsu Daily Frontiersman
Matthews, Chris
Meet the Press
Meissner, Doris
Mendell, David
Merkel, Angela
Meshell, Harry
Messina, Jim
Microtrends (Penn)
Miller, Leslie
Miller, Morgan
Mills, Cheryl
Mitchell, Andrea
Mondale, Walter
Monegan, Walter
Moore, Michael
Moral Majority
Moran, Terry
Moyers, Bill
Murkowski, Frank
Murphy, Steve
Murray, Shailagh
Myers, Beth
Nagourney, Adam
Napolitano, Janet
Nashua North High School
National Archives
National Constitution Center
National Enquirer
National Governors Association
National Press Club
National Review
National Republican Congressional Committee
National Rifle Association
Nelson, Ben
Nelson, Terry
Nesbitt, Marty
Netanyahu, Binyamin
New Deal
New Hampshire
Clinton and
debates in
Edwards and
Giuliani and
McCain and
Obama and
Romney and
Thompson and
New Jersey
Giuliani and
New Mexico
New York
Giuliani and
Obama’s rally in
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Post
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
Nixon, Richard
approval rating of
Obama on
Norris, Chuck
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North Carolina
North Dakota
North Korea
Novak, Robert
Obama, Barack
African-Americans and
African trip of
American identity of
on American people
anger from McCain supporters toward
Audacity of Hope
Ayers and
background of
Biden chosen as running mate of
campaign announcement of
campaign apparatus of
campaign assessed by
change message of
civil rights movement and
Clinton as running mate for
Clinton’s endorsement of
Colorado and
decision to run for president
Democratic convention and
doubts and misinformation about
Dreams from My Father
economy as key issue for
Edwards’s endorsement of
election of
father of
final campaign tour of
financial crisis and
flag pins and
foreign trip of
fund-raising of
drug use of
gasoline taxes and
grandmother of
grassroots support for
health care and
Idaho and
immigration issue and
inauguration of
Independent voters and
Indiana and
Internet used in campaign of
Iowa and
Iraq War and
Kennedy and
Lewis and
McCain’s ads about
on Meet the Press
Muslim identity attributed to
Nevada and
New Hampshire and
New York rally held by
nomination of
nomination by acclamation of
North Carolina and
offshore drilling and
Ohio and
Palin’s attacks on
Pennsylvania and
percentage of vote won by
polls and
Powell’s endorsement of
presidential candidacy announced by
race issue and
racial identity of
on Republican policies of
Rezko and
Richardson’s endorsement of
at San Francisco fund-raiser
in Selma
Senate campaign of
as senator
Solis Doyle and
South Carolina and
Super Tuesday and
tax plan of
tensions between Clinton and
terrorism and
Texas and
voters’ perceptions of
white working-class voters and
women voters and
Wright and
Obama, Barack, in debates
with Clinton
with McCain
in Myrtle Beach
in South Carolina
Obama, Barack, speeches of
at anti-Iraq war rally
at Concord High School
at Democratic convention of
election victory
inaugural address
Iowa victory
at Jefferson Jackson dinner
in Manassas
in Missouri, on patriotism
New Hampshire concession
nomination acceptance
in Philadelphia, on race
South Carolina victory
Obama, Malia
Obama, Michelle
New Hampshire and
Obama, Natasha (Sasha)
Obama, Sarah Hussein
offshore drilling
economy in
Orlowski, Janis
Palin, Bristol
Palin, Sarah
Biden’s debate with
blind quotes about
concession speech of
convention speech of
Couric’s interviews of
daughter’s pregnancy and
health insurance of
Obama attacked by
polls on
sexism and
vetting of
voters’ opinions of
wardrobe of
world knowledge of
Wright and
Palin, Todd
Palin, Track
Palin, Trig
Parcell, Emily
Parker, Kathleen
Patrick, Deval
Paul, Ron
Paulson, Henry
Pawlenty, Tim
Pelley, Scott
Pelosi, Nancy
Penn, Mark-
“American” message and
demotion of
Ickes and
memos of
Obama’s New York rally and
Perle, Richard
Perry, Kris
Petraeus, David
Pfeiffer, Dan
Philadelphia, Pa.
Plouffe, David
attempt to quit campaign
Palin and
Super Tuesday and
Poehler, Amy
Clinton and
McCain and
Obama and
Palin and
Powell, Colin
prescription drug bill
Puerto Rico
Purpose Driven Life, The (Warren)
Quad City Times
Kennedy on
Obama’s speech on
slavery and
racial violence
Radio Iowa
Rainey, James
Rangel, Charles
Rath, Tom
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
acceptance speech of
approval rating of
Obama on
Real Clear Politics
Red Cross
Reed, Jack
Reines, Philippe
Reiter, Fran
Obama’s comment on
religious right
Rendell, Ed
Reno Gazette-Journal
Republican Governors Association
Republican National Convention
McCain’s speech at
Palin’s speech at
Republican Party
Congress controlled by
congressional control lost by
financial crisis and
Iowa straw poll
McCain and
Obama’s comments on
search for nominees
Republican voters
in Iowa
Reynolds, Eliza
Rezko, Tony
Rhoades, Matt
Rhode Island
Rhodes, Ben
Rice, Condoleezza
Rice, Susan
Richards, Ann
Richardson, Barbara
Richardson, Bill
Obama endorsed by
Richetti, Steve
Ricks, Thomas E.
Ridge, Tom
Roberts, John
Robertson, Pat
Rodham, Dorothy
Rodriguez, Matt
Roe v. Wade
Rolling Stone
Rollins, Ed
Romney, George
Romney, Mitt
in debate
end of campaign
Giuliani and
Iowa and
McCain and
Michigan and
New Hampshire and
straw poll victory of
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rospars, Joe
Rouse, Pete
Rove, Karl
Rumsfeld, Donald
Runyon, Damon
Rush, Bobby
Russert, Tim
McCain and
Obama and
Ryan, Jack
Saddam Hussein
Saddleback Church
Saint Anselm College
St. Petersburg Times
Salinas, J. D.
Salter, Mark
Salt Lake City Olympics
Saltsman, Chip
Santorum, Rick
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Saturday Night Live
Savage, Lynn
Scarborough, Joe
nemann, Randy
Schiavo, Terri
Schmidt, Steve
Palin and
Schriefer, Russ
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Scully, Matthew
Selma, Ala.
Bloody Sunday voting rights march in
September 11 terrorist attacks
Bush’s approval rating following
Obama on
Wright and
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Shaheen, Billy
Shaheen, Jeanne
Shales, Tom
Shanks, Priscilla
Shapiro, Andrew
Shays, Christopher
Shear, Michael D.
Sheehan, Michael
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
Simon, Paul
Simon, Roger
Singer, Phil
60 Minutes
Smith, Adam
Smith, Ben
Smith, Jean Kennedy
Smith, Mark
Solis, Danny
Solis Doyle, Patti
Sorensen, Ted
Sosnik, Doug
South Carolina
Clinton and
debates in
McCain and
Obama and
Thompson and
South Carolina State University
South Dakota
Special Olympics
Spence, Roy
Spitzer, Eliot
Spradling, Scott
Springsteen, Bruce
Stanley, Matthew
steel industry
Stephanopoulos, George
Stevens, Stuart
Stevens, Ted
Stewart, Jon
Stewart, Mitch
stock market
Strand, Kathleen
Strickland, Ted
Strimple, Greg
Super Bowl
Super Tuesday
Supreme Court:
Palin and
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
Tancredo, Tom
Tanden, Neera
Tarrance Group
cuts in
terrorist detainees
Tewes, Paul
Thatcher, Margaret
This Week
Thompson, DeJuana
Thompson, Fred
Thompson, Jeri
Thompson, Tommy
Thune, John
Tibbetts, Ed
Tocci, Linda
Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The
torture policy
Trinity United Church of Christ
Truman, Harry
Tsongas, Paul
Tumulty, Karen
United Nations
University of Cincinnati
University of Mississippi
University of New Hampshire
University of Pennsylvania
University of South Carolina
University of Texas
USA Today
Values Voters conference
veterans’ care
Vietnam War
McCain in
Vietor, Tommy
Viguerie, Richard
Vilmain, Teresa