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Broken: A New Adult Paranormal Bully Romance (Hellfire Academy Book 2)

Page 7

by Alice Wilde

  "This is the worst storm I've ever seen."

  "Really, why do you say that?"

  "Yes, definitely. I don't know what's going on. I mean, I'm not usually one to care or believe that the weather is caused by something supernatural, but this storm is far too out of the ordinary to deny it."

  "What do you think it means?"

  "Well… I don't want to get anyone riled up, but do you think that maybe this is some kind of punishment from God?"

  "Hush," the other person whispers fiercely, glancing nervously around the room. I can feel their eyes on me for a long moment, but I don't move, forcing myself to stare ahead as if I'm not hearing anything, but secretly watching them out the peripherals of my vision.

  "You know I didn't mean anything by that," the first voice says. "It's just… It's just that I've heard even the humans are saying this is the worst storm they've ever seen here, at least in recorded history. They've never seen anything like it, especially not at this time of year. I've heard the flooding is so bad in the human realm that a number of people have already died."

  "Huh. Even if that's true, you don't want anyone thinking that you were afraid of God. You know that is punishable by death, right?"

  "Yeah, I know, but I've never understood that law."

  "Well you should. If you're afraid of God and that means you don't believe in Lucifer's power."

  "Okay fine, but can I be honest with you?"

  "Haven't you been open enough with me already?"

  "Sure, but… I just need to get this off my chest, okay?" The first person says. "You know were both pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to hierarchy, so don't ever make you wonder?"

  "Wonder what?"

  "You know, where all these rules come from? It's not like we actually had a choice to be here, we were created and came into existence as part of the darkness. We've never had the option to choose light."

  "So, what," the second voice says, "it's not as if God put us here, right? So why do we owe him our allegiance? He abandoned us before we even existed, so why should I care?"

  "If we’re going by that way of thinking, then we should all owe our allegiance to the human mortals who thought us into existence."

  "Nonsense. You think too much, just be happy we exist and have powers far greater than those of the human beings. I mean just think about that, they were created with God and were given the ability to do so much… And yet look at them. Pitiful, forgetful, disgusting little bags of water and dust who have forgotten everything that they come from and all but let go of every single power they were given."

  "I suppose you're right, perhaps I'm just fed up with this kind of lifestyle. I want more choice in my life, I don't want to be so invisible."

  "Then prove yourself worthy," the second voice says. "The way you're speaking it seems like you've been alive for a thousand centuries, but we have barely existed on earth long enough to make any kind of impact, let alone show the Fallen that we’re worthy of their acceptance. Give it some more time."

  "You're right," the first person says. "Let's just keep this between us, okay?"

  The two of them stop talking, continuing to eat in silence. I steal a glance in their direction, curious to see if I recognize either of them from around grounds. But I don't, and part of me understands what the guy means by being so invisible. It's almost literal.

  Although I can make out their outlines, I can still see through them to the wall on the other side. I don't know if I’ve seen them before, but as I shift back in my seat I notice that at certain angles I can't see them at all.

  I wonder what they do around the school…and what they are. One of them mentioned they haven't been around that long, although I suppose length of time is quite relative, perhaps they are some kind of spirits or ghosts? Not that it should matter too much to me right now, besides I am far more interested in what they had to say about the storm.

  I have no way of knowing what a bad storm is compared to a good one, this is the only one I've ever experienced firsthand. Although I’d seen a fair number of storms from up above the clouds before my fall, there wasn’t much to be seen. So, I hadn’t spent much time actually watching them very closely.

  I'm almost blown over as I stepped back out of the hall toward my dorm. The storm seems to be growing fiercer and fiercer with each passing day, and I can't help but replay the conversation I just overheard in my head.

  I barely managed to shut the door of the dormitory building behind me as I finally make it back. Shivering, I walk over to the statue of Bacchus and grab one of the clean mugs beside him.

  "A dark hot chocolate, please," I say.

  The statue shifts and then pours a thick dark stream of steaming liquid into my mug before returning to it still state. Taking the mug with me, I step through the flames and into the secret wing of my dorm. Looks like another night for a hot bath and an early rest.

  By the time the storm is finally passed, I've read at least half of the books in the private library. My body is aching from restlessness. So, when I finally wake one morning to find the sun streaming through my window, I nearly rush outside in my nightgown. I dressed hurriedly, and step outside into the sweet morning air, lifting my face toward the sky as the sun gently caresses my face.

  Without a second thought, I head off into the gardens. I wasn't wasting any more time. It doesn't take me long to find the secret entrance to the path, but when I pull aside the wet branches to slip behind them, my heart drops into my stomach. The path that had once existed is now blocked by a number of trees that have been blown over, making it completely impassable.

  I can't keep myself from bursting into tears, and I sink onto the wet ground as I give way to my emotions. When I'm finally able to collect myself, I returned the way I've come and spend the rest of the day slowly walking through the gardens. I try my best to figure out where the path might lead, but it's impossible. Outside of the hidden entrance there's no way to get around that part of the garden, I can't help but feel there must be some kind of magic that keeps it that way.

  I spend the remaining weeks of the holiday in some sort of crazed routine. Every morning, as soon as I wake, I head over to the Hall of Antiquities to see if it's been opened, and every morning I found that it is not. I can't help but wonder and worry about Janus, but there's nothing that I can do and no one that I can ask.

  The rest the day I spend wandering about the gardens when the weather is nice, or tucked away in the window seat rereading one of the books. I'd attempted to visit the secret door to the Feasting Hall, but no matter how many times I tried to find the way back into the portal it had become impassable for some reason. Yet another one of my little victories taken away from me without any reason or explanation.

  With nothing else to do, I work on resetting my schedule as the remaining days of holiday grow shorter. At first, I can hardly wait for the new semester to start, and as the day draws near I keep an eager eye out for Umbria to return. Almost anything would be better than being alone on grounds at this point, if I somehow managed to stay at the academy I have no intention of ever spending another holiday on grounds.

  The day before the Summer Solstice, I watch quietly from my room in uncomfortable surprise as I realize that many of the returning students have already begun to filter on to the grounds. I stay tucked away in my room, anxiously jumping up from my perched position at the edge of my bed whenever I hear any kind of sound outside my door, but Umbria never comes. So, I remain in my room, patiently waiting for her or any kind of sign of what to do next… Well, that and out of fear of running into unwanted company.

  I sleep frightfully that night, knowing full well the new school year is about to start the following morning.

  If this year turns out to be anything like my holiday...

  I'll never survive.



  I get up and make my way out of the dorm building long before any of the other students are awake. Hopefully, they'll be so
me indication as to what to do next.

  It’s the first time I'm starting a school year on the very first day of the semester, and I have no idea what to expect. I don't even have a new schedule yet, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have it already.

  I make my way to the Feasting Hall, and pick out a plate of breakfast foods as I wait for the day to begin. Little by little other students start streaming in, the noise of the room growing louder and louder as friends recognize each other and excited conversations start. From what I can gather, no one else has their schedule yet either. At least that's somewhat comforting.

  I recognize a number of the faces from classes last year, but I don't see the three I'm looking out for in particular. However, I can't help but notice Nyx. As soon as she enters the room, nearly everyone's heads turned toward her as if drawn to her by some magic power.

  She's even more radiant than before, and my stomach knots at the sight of her. I hadn't thought it possible for her to get any more beautiful, but she's proved me wrong. Even her movements seem more graceful, more alluring than before… And then my heart sinks. Walking with her, as expected, her two best friends Tink and Trixie, but it isn't them who cause my reaction. No, it's the girl walking just behind her.


  I can't quite tell what's different about her, other than she seems to be more woman than girl now. But there's something off in her expression, and I can't tell if it's just because I haven't seen her for so long or if something is actually wrong. I wish I was close enough to her that I could ask, but I doubt she’d take too kindly to my questions.

  I continue to stare as they each get their breakfast and move to sit at a table on the other side of the room. Suddenly, Kate looks up in my direction and our eyes meet briefly. I quickly glance away as my stomach twists with a surge of butterflies. I can feel my face flushing hot, and I only hope she doesn't think more poorly of me for staring at her.

  Training my eyes on my plate, I forced myself to continue eating as I wait to hear what everyone plans to do next. It doesn't take long to find out.

  "Happy Solstice," a familiar female voice echoes across the hall, and I look up from my plate toward it.

  I hadn't noticed how federal the staff table was, but it's full of familiar faces. Headmistress Parthenos is standing at the head of the platform, looking out over the student body. She looks as stunning as ever, even close in the academy's robes.

  "I take it you all had a wonderful holiday, and are ready to begin your studies once again. After you're finished your breakfast, please proceed to the ceremonial hall. The new year ceremony will begin promptly at seven. I shall see you there."

  And with that, she vanishes from site followed by the other members of the Academic Council and then the professors. It takes me a moment to realize I still hadn't seen Umbria, and all I can hope is that she's okay. Worry is soon dripping from my mind as the students soon rise and we all make our way toward the Ceremonial Hall.

  By the time we get there, the professors, academic Council, and headmistress are all waiting for us at the head of the room. There are also a number of other students sitting in the crowd already, it doesn't take me long to figure out that these are the new First Bloods, meant to fill the roles of those who have graduated to Second Blood.

  They look just as nervous as I felt the first day that I arrived, and honestly hadn't stopped feeling since. I try to smile comfortingly at them, but it only seems to make them more anxious. So, I focus on finding a seat and keeping to myself.

  The doors are shut tight as the last student stream in and find their seats. I carefully look around at the other students, against my better judgment. But I still cannot find the three faces that I’m most dreading to see, and I can't help but wonder why they aren't here. As much as I worry about running into them, it's far worse when I don't know where they are.

  "First," headmistress Parthenos starts, "I'd like to welcome all of my returning students back once again."

  Cheers arise from those around me at this, and the headmistress smiles.

  "Secondly, I'd like to welcome our new First Bloods who will be taking over the spots of those who managed to elevate to Second Blood status last semester."

  More cheers rise from the students.

  "For those of you who are not new, this will not come as a surprise. Your new schedules for this year have been delivered to your rooms. Once we have finished here, I expect you to return to your dorms and open them within the hour. You are all expected to collect your supplies before classes start tomorrow. New year initiations will begin at midnight, all of you must attend. No exceptions. First Bloods, old and new, stay where you are seated. The rest of you may go, and do not be late to initiations."

  As I stand to leave, I realize that the number of first bloods greatly outnumbers those of us who are second and third bloods. I also can't help but notice that Kate does not move to leave, but Nyx is no longer seated beside her. How did Nyx manage to become one of the Second Blood, but Kate, Trixie, and Tina didn't? I would've thought for sure none of them had risen to second blood… At least, not after what happened during the final exam.

  I decide to worry about that later, for now I need to get back to my room and see if there's a schedule waiting for me. I just hope I don't run into anyone else in my wing with the dorm.

  The common room is brimming with students headed to their own dorm rooms by the time I get back, I'm thankful that Umbria showed me how the secret entrance tricks people into believing you go somewhere else and I manage to slip through without any trouble. Not that anyone is paying much attention to me anyway.

  I'm relieved to find the common room on the other side of the fireplace empty when I enter, but I can see light streaming out from beneath some of the doors upstairs and I decide not to wait to be found out. As soon as I'm in my room, I lean against the shut door, and let out a sigh of relief. Sometimes it seems like all I do is sigh days.

  Pushing away from the door, I look around the room in search of my new schedule. Part of me hopes there isn't one here, at least that would mean that I was supposed to be somewhere else… Like a different dorm room. I checked each of the tables, but there's nothing there. If I only had an hour to find my schedule, and it isn't here, and what am I supposed to do?

  Did anyone besides Umbria or the headmistress know that I am still here… Did Headmistress Parthenos even know? Perhaps she thought Umbria had already taken care of me and didn't know that I was still waiting to be shown to a different room.

  I walk over to my bed, ready to curl up in defeat, when I see a scroll lying on the center pillow. Snatching it off the bed, I break the seal and unfurl it to see my name written at top.

  Eden’s Academic Schedule

  Second Blood

  Well, at least they haven’t forgotten I existed or where I was staying, not that it was very much comfort seeing as they still hadn’t moved me to a new dorm room, yet…

  Sitting down on my bed, I stare at the blank parchment waiting for it to reveal my new schedule to me. But, just as before, the scroll remains blank. How can this be possible? It's not as if this is my first year at the school, they already know enough about me to know what classes I should be in this year?

  I fall backwards onto the bed, trying to keep myself calm, when a deep, viciously angry voice shouts from somewhere outside my bedroom makes me sit up.

  "What the hell is this?"

  It sounds like Thorne.

  "Is yours blank to?" A low, husky voice says.


  "So… Does this mean we don't have to go to school anymore?"

  Just by the ridiculous phrasing, I know this one is Fenn.

  My heart has practically stopped beating in my chest, and I hold my breath for fear of them hearing me. But I continue to listen, intrigued by the fact that their schedules seem to have the same issue as mine does.

  "Has this ever happened to you before?" Rhys asks.

  "Never," Thorne says. "There must be
some mistake. Come along, we'll go check with the headmistress about this right away."

  "Can't we just, you know, let this one slide," Fenn says. "I mean, if our schedules are blank that's not exactly our fault now is it? Just think about it, we could spend the whole year messing around. No homework, lots of sleeping in, and whatever the hell else you want to do. It's not like anyone would know any better."

  "I would know better," Thorne growls. "Stop being such a pain in the ass and get your stuff. You are coming along whether you like it or not."

  I can't quite make out what Fenn mumbles under his breath, but it must have been particularly offensive because the next thing I know he cries out in pain.

  "What the hell Thorne," Fenn says. "It was just a joke."

  "This isn't the time for jokes, just get your stuff and come on."

  The boys stop talking, and I hear their footsteps slowly fade away as they tread downstairs. Removing myself from the bed as quietly as possible, I sneak over to the door and listen with baited breath, straining my ears against the quiet and effort to hear any sound. Everything is quiet.

  I quickly snatch my red bag from one of the chairs, momentarily hesitating as I remember the day Kate gave it to me. No, I don't have time for reminiscing. Stuffing my blank schedule into the bag, I sling it over my shoulder and then carefully open the door to my bedroom, surveying the room for any sign of the Demigod Trifecta. The room is empty, perfect.

  Making my way quietly down the stairs, I hurry for the exit, saying a silent prayer under my breath as I do so. Just as I'm about to step through the barrier, I run smack into something solid and fall backwards onto the floor.


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