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Broken: A New Adult Paranormal Bully Romance (Hellfire Academy Book 2)

Page 8

by Alice Wilde


  I look up from my place on the floor, my stomach instantly twists into a tight knot.

  It's Thorne.

  Well, at least it's a version of the Thorne I knew. An even taller, more defined adult version of him... At least physically.

  From his expression, he is just as surprised to see me. But it doesn't take long for his face to contort with anger.

  "What are you doing here?" He asks.

  I open my mouth as though to answer him, but nothing comes out. He is still staring down at me, the hatred in his eyes unmistakable, when Fenn and Rhys appear on either side of him.

  They too have changed, and was terrified as I am to see them, I can't help the carnal thoughts that weasel their way through my mind at the sight of them. As horrible as they are, I can't deny that they are the most gorgeous beings I've ever seen… And that's including Leah. I certainly never expected to think that of anyone.

  "What's taking so—"

  Fenn stops short, as soon as he notices me lying on the ground.

  "What's she doing here?" Rhys asks viciously.

  "That's what I'm trying to find out," Thorne says, his eyes never leaving my face. "So?"

  "I… I was told to stay here," I stammer. "They said they'd move me before the new semester started, but so far no one's done so."

  I don't know why I feel obligated to answer his questions, it's not like I owed him anything. Especially not after the way they treated me the last time I saw them.

  "Do not belong here," Rhys says in a low grating voice. "Thorne?"

  "Don't worry, I'll take care of this," Thorne says darkly. "We'll deal with the other thing another time. Come on."

  Relief starts to wash over me, but the feeling is short-lived as Thorne reaches down and yanks me to my feet is tight grip painful and unyielding.

  "As for you," Thorne starts to say, "I thought I made myself clear—"

  "Hey," Fenn suddenly interrupts, "my schedule isn’t blank anymore."

  Thorne releases his grip on my arm as he pulls out his own schedule to look at it.

  I take my chance, before they have time to notice, I slip past them through the barrier on my own. I don't look back to see if they're following me, and instead I hurry through the common room and out of the dormitory and back toward the main buildings. Suddenly, I stop short and loop back around to head in the opposite direction.

  There are still a couple of hours before midnight, and I prefer to spend this time somewhere where I'm sure they can't get me. I can't help but check behind my shoulder a few times before I reach my destination, the bathhouse. It doesn't seem like they are following me, but I'd rather be too careful.

  Slipping through the barrier into the female side of the bathhouse, find a place to sit in the dressing room, and pull out my own schedule.

  It's just as Fenn had said, all of the sudden my schedule is no longer blank. However, there is something still a bit off about it, and it takes me a moment to realize what it is. I reread my class schedule several times to make sure I'm not seeing things, but it remains the same every time.

  Eden’s Academic Schedule

  Second Blood

  Humans: A History with Professor Thoth

  The Art of Song with Professor Taliesin

  Illness and Epidemics with Professor Babaluaye

  Divining and Prophecies with Professor Cerridwen

  The Virtues of Seduction and Lust with Professor Freya

  Realms and Rifts with Professor Portunes

  Torture and Terror: Useful or Useless with Professor Formido

  Spells and Speechcraft with Professor Hecate

  I don't understand. Yes, the year had been changed to the top of my schedule, otherwise all the classes were the same.

  Is this normal?

  Checking below the list of classes, I noticed the timing is different for each one. So, perhaps that the same topics, but at a higher level. I can't deny that I'm somewhat disappointed at the thought of continuing to study the same things, but there has to be a reason for it. Rereading the school one more time, my eye catches on something I've missed before, my mouth goes dry. No, it can't be. I read the line again.

  Class study and final exam partners: Thorne, Rhys, Fenn

  How had I missed this? Of course, I knew the answer to this question. The line was tucked away at the bottom of the school, small and barely noticeable. Had last year's final exam solidified our bond for the rest of our time here? Surely, after what they did to me, I would really expect me to partner with them again… Right?

  We had been assigned class partners last year, so why this year? A thousand questions keep racing through my mind, and I can barely keep up with them. Hopefully this is just a mistake, but I can't help feeling that it is not.

  I stay hidden away in my corner of the bathhouse for as long as possible, it remains completely empty the entire time much to my own relief. But all too soon, I know that I can wait no longer to leave if I'm going to make it to the initiation ceremony on time.

  Making my way cautiously across grounds back to the ceremonial hall, I try not to think about the new information I have just learned. Maybe it was nothing more than a suggestion, and I'd somehow be able to avoid them for most of the year… But I know that would be a lie.

  I'm one of the last to make it to the hall, and I find an empty seat as quickly as possible before the initiation ceremony can begin.

  "By now, you should have all received your new schedules," Headmistress Parthenos says. "First Bloods, this will be the class schedule which you will adhere to for the coming year. Be sure to study hard, the very future depends on it. As many returning students will tell you, the final exams at the end of the year are far from easy. Few, if any, students pass them each year. Do not be surprised if it takes you many years to rise in the ranks of the student body. You are all here for a reason, and much of that reason has to do with your parentage."

  There are a few chuckles of laughter as she says this, but secretly we all know it's true. Hellfire Academy is a school for only the most privileged of supernatural beings, and I know this is part of the reason why so many people dislike me being here. I'm nobody, an unknown, and for that very reason I shouldn't be here.

  "As is customary," Headmistress Parthenos continues, "we begin each year with the initiation ceremony. This year, will begin with the new blood. First Bloods, and I mean the ones new to this year, please come down to the front of the hall."

  A nervous group of new students who had first seen earlier rise from their seats, and make their way down to the front of the hall. I am more than a little curious over what is about to happen, seeing how this should have been me a year ago when I first arrived at the academy.

  Standing in a row, Headmistress Parthenos makes her way down the line, carefully inspecting each and every one of the new students.

  "It seems we have a very healthy set of new blood this year," Headmistress Parthenos says, in the crowd murmurs excitedly at this. "Who would like to do the honors?"

  I wonder what she means by this, until she turns toward the professors behind her. Several steps forward in response to a question, and she cocks her head to the side as if an effort to decide.

  "Hmm, yes… Freya, I think you’ll do nicely."

  Freya giggles at this, like a giddy schoolgirl and steps forward. She gives the new students a mischievous look as she slowly walks over to a table I had noticed before at the side of the room. Various items are strewn across it including crystals, herbs, more than a few torture devices I become all too familiar with, in a fair number of items I had no name for.

  Freya glides her fingers across the various items before finally deciding on several handfuls of herbs. She tosses them into a mortar, and begins grinding the ingredients together with furiously intensity all the while keeping her eyes on the new students who are growing more nervous by the second.

  She abruptly stops grinding and tosses the pestle aside as she picks up the mortar and
once again begins walking along the line of students. This time, however, as she passes each student she takes a pinch of the mixture she's made and flicks it into each of their faces. When she's done this to all of the students, she returns the mortar to the table and takes her place back among the other professors.

  I keep my eyes focused all the students, waiting for something to happen. But there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary.

  "You may return to your seats," Headmistress Parthenos says. "Initiation has been completed, but the games begin. Welcome to your new year at Hellfire Academy."

  The students stand and cheer, and then begin to file out of the hall back to the preparations for classes the following day. I try not to look confused as they follow them out, wondering what just happened… what kind of an initiation was that?

  As I'm walking back to the dormitory, I overhear one of the other student's conversations.

  "I can't wait to see what happens," one of the students says.

  "Me too, and Freya? Seven Hells, those First Bloods aren't going to know what hit them tomorrow," the other students says. "We really had it easy during our initiation."

  "You got that right."

  The two students walk off in another direction, and I'm half tempted to follow them to hear more, but I don't. I hurry over to the library to collect the items I’ll need for classes the following day, eager to get everything ready and back to my room before I happen to run into the Demigod Trifecta.

  "Show me your schedule," one of the librarians says, reaching an open hand out toward me.

  I hand her my class schedule, and she looks it over with a frown that only deepens the more she reads. "The same schedule you had last year, isn't it?"

  "Yes, it is," I say, wondering how she knows this.

  "It's my job to know these things," she says, as if reading my mind. "And yes, I can read some things on your mind."

  I laugh nervously at this, and make a note to keep more personal thoughts to myself while inside the library next time.

  "You don't have to worry about that," she says. "I have no interest in young supernatural beings’ relationships and intimate workings."

  I blush deeply at this, realizing I've already gone and broke my own resolve.

  "Sorry about that," I say. "I… I don't normally think like that…"

  The librarian chuckles at this, and then walks into the back still holding onto my schedule. I wait patiently for her to return, and try my best to keep my own thoughts and check in the meantime. Fortunately, I don't have to wait long. She returns within a matter of minutes, her arms practically empty save for a small, red notebook.

  "Here," she says placing the notebook down on the desk in front of her, and indicating for me to sign for it on a sheet of paper.

  I look around for a pen to sign with, but there aren't any.

  "Do you happen to have--"

  Before I can finish my question, the librarian grabs my right hand and pulls out my index finger picking it with a sharp pin, and then pressing my finger to the paper. It takes me a moment to gather my thoughts together, surprised by the sudden action and my bloody fingerprint now pressed into the parchment. I look back up at her, still in a state of some confusion, but she seems not to notice.

  "I hope you still have your textbooks from last year, you will not be getting any new ones," she says. "If you lost them, or damaged them, then it's up to you to find replacements or figure out how to deal with that. We don't give out books willy-nilly to students who don't know how to take care of them."

  "Oh, okay. Don't worry," I say, my voice faltering. "I still have all my books from last year, but what is this notebook for? And why don't I get new books? I thought for sure that my classes would require higher-level learning… After all am I not a Second Blood this year?"

  "They’re still the same classes," the librarian says, her voice tight as though explaining this to me was causing her great pain. "You may have passed the first year for each of them, but it seems there is still a great deal for you to learn as is made apparent by your repeated schedule."

  "Is it common to have the same schedule, I mean… I supposed I would if I didn't pass, but since I'm a Second Blood now..." I trail off at this, realizing that my words are tumbling out of my mouth far faster than I can put that in the correct order, much to the obvious annoyance of the librarian. I feel guilty for cutting her off, and realize that a summer alone may not have been the best idea for maintaining my manners.

  "No," she answers curtly. "This is the first year I've seen so many repeat schedules, but that could be due to any number of factors… No… Actually, this the first year I’ve seen any repeat schedules."

  Her brow furrows at this realization.

  "Do you have any idea what it might mean?" I ask.


  "Okay, thank you," I say. "And I do apologize for cutting you off, I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just so excited to finally have someone who can answer some of my questions, and I let my excitement get the better of me."

  "I know," she says. "As for the red notebook, it's the notes."

  "What kind of notes?"

  "Notes on your partners. Be sure to keep the honest, concise, and well hidden from their prying eyes."

  "Does that--"

  "Yes, now go. No more questions, I have a lot to do today and many students to deal with. I can't spend all day reading one person's thoughts."

  I bite my tongue to keep from asking anything more, although I really want to. Taking the little red notebook in hand, I tuck it away in my own bag and head back across grounds to the dorms as quickly as possible.

  It was a little unnerving to know that someone is able to read your thoughts, not that it's the first time I've experienced it… At least on some level. At the same time, had felt so great to finally get a few answers, and with such speed. Perhaps on another less busy day, she'd be more willing to hold a conversation with me. I have to keep that in mind.

  As I walk across the common room toward the fireplace, I debate trying to find somewhere else to sleep. I know it was against the rules, now that school is back in session to be out past curfew, but what if I happen to stay in the bathhouse? Would anyone even check?

  I shake the thoughts from my head.


  I am not going to allow them to drive me from my room. As much as I hate to admit it, Hellfire Academy...this dorm room is my home on Earth, and as such I have as much of a right to live here as they do. At least until I'm finally asked to move to a new dorm room.

  Several of the students have started to shoot dirty looks at me by the time I've worked up my confidence enough to step through the barrier. But it seems it wasn't necessary, is the secret dorm wing is completely empty. I allow myself to climb the stairs in a as confident and slow a manner as I can manage, but the slightest sound behind me sends me scurrying up the rest of the steps and into my room as quickly as possible.

  I toss my bag onto a nearby table, the latch comes undone causing the little red notebook to spell out onto the floor. Walking over to pick it up, I turn it slowly over in my hand. Although the librarian had told me the purpose of the notebook, I can't help but wonder what the reason is behind taking notes on our partners.

  Supposedly, we all have our own notebooks which means they'll be taking notes on me just as I will be taking notes on them. It didn't seem quite fair, seeing how they hate me and all. But then again, nothing had exactly been fair since I got here.

  Replacing the notebook, I pack the textbooks I'll need for the following day in my bag before setting it once again on the table, more carefully this time.

  This year is already turning out to be far more trying than I had expected, and it technically hasn't even begun yet.

  Welcome to second year.



  "This is completely unacceptable," I say, trying my best to keep my tone in check.

  "I'm sorry you feel that way," Headmistress Parthenos says,
not looking up from her desk. "Do you all feel the same way?"

  "Of course, we do," Rhys says. "We wouldn't be here if we didn't."

  "And you, Fenn?"

  "I mean, I can handle myself, but this doesn't make any sense to me either."

  "You have to fix this," I say through gritted teeth. "Someone must have made a mistake. Isn't it your job to make sure things like this don't happen?"

  "Tread carefully, Thorne," Parthenos says, giving him a stern look. "You know very well I'm not in control of such things. Your class and partner assignments will not be changed. I suggest you find a better way to deal with your little personal problem instead of wasting my time."

  "Fine. Then don't be surprised when you don't like what happens next," I say.

  "Is that a threat?" Parthenos asks.

  "I don't make threats," I answer slowly. "Only promises."

  "Don't force me to get your parents involved."

  I chuckle darkly at this.

  "Go ahead and try, as long as I'm at the school my father couldn't care less what I do with my time here. And I doubt he has much patience left to listen to you whine about protecting some little harpy."

  "You may be a demigod, but I'm still the headmistress of this school, Thorne," Parthenos says fiercely. "Don't test me on this. Man up, and deal with this like an adult. There must be a reason why the fates paired you and chose this schedule. I suggest you find a way to deal with it, now get out of my office. All of you, and do not approach me with this matter again. Am I understood?"

  I snort in response to this, but say nothing. Instead, I wave a hand dismissively at her and the next moment all three of us are left standing outside her office.

  "Well, that went better than I expected," Fenn says sarcastically.

  "Damn it, Fenn, can’t you just shut up for once in your life," Rhys says. "What are we going to do now?"

  "I don't know," I say. "I need time to think."


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