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Apprenticed to Pleasure

Page 18

by Brandon Fox

  The mage closed his eyes and placed a palm against Nicolai’s chest. He slowly moved his hand in an expanding spiral over the injured area. After two minutes he sighed and rocked back on his heels.

  “Anyone but a tiger like you would have died. Something has tried to suck the anima from your flesh. We’ve got to repair the damage that’s been done. Otherwise the rot will spread.”

  “I’m ready,” Sorel offered. “Take whatever anima you need from me. We have to help him now!”

  Thane looked at Sorel thoughtfully before shaking his head. “No, I want you to stay linked with him. Help ease his pain and save some strength for the rest of the night. He’s going to need you later. Somebody else can help me undo the damage.”

  Nicolai stirred feebly. “Ander,” he whispered. “He has a healing touch. I’ve felt it.”

  Thane’s eyebrows rose in surprise, but after a few moments he nodded. “It couldn’t hurt to try. If you’ve already formed a bond with him, it’ll save time.” He turned to Ander, his expression serious. “Do you want to try this? It could be dangerous. But it might save his life.”

  Ander replied without hesitation. “Whatever he needs, anything, I don’t care. You’ve got to save him. This was done by a crystal from the leech. It’s still out with the horses.”

  Thane nodded. “If the healing works, it will be both of us doing it. Only true friends can heal each other. If you care deeply for him, your help will be invaluable.”

  “I’m ready to try. What should I do?”

  Thane rose to his feet and gestured for Ander to follow. “We’ll use the workroom. Sorel and I have shielded it against magical intrusions, so it will be safer there.” He pointed at two initiates, Skorri and his brown-haired friend. “Erik, you and Skorri bring Nicolai upstairs. Be gentle. You can see how hurt he is.”

  They nodded and commenced their task under Sorel’s careful supervision, linking their hands to make a seat for carrying Nicolai. Thane assigned the rest of the initiates to care for the horses and collect the deadly crystal. He was emphatic that nobody was to touch it and that it be placed in a silver box.

  They climbed the stairs to the top of the tower. The workroom was lit by oil lamps at each end of the largest table. Ander felt a slight dragging sensation as they entered, as if the air at the doorway was thick as soup. The sensation vanished as soon as they were inside. But the protective spell had an effect on Nicolai; he slumped as soon as Erik and Skorri carried him into the room. Sorel supported his limp body as it started to fall backward.

  Thane pointed to a leather cushion near the workbench. “Put him there. Sorel, stay with him. Let Skorri seal the door.” They all helped ease the limp body to the cushion.

  Sorel sat cross-legged on the floor, brushing his fingers through Nicolai’s hair. Thane retrieved a short knife from a workbench. After handing a lamp to Ander, he crouched beside Nicolai and used his knife to cut open the black shirt.

  Thane’s breath escaped in a hiss as he lifted the cloth. Nicolai’s chest, normally a tanned expanse of hairless skin, was a mass of livid bruises. The area beneath the pocket where he had carried the crystal was black and smeared with blood. Crusted blood pulled at the skin as Thane pulled the cloth back. Nicolai’s body jerked; Erik and Skorri jumped liked nervous cats at the sudden movement. The extent of the damage became clear as the rest of the cloth was pulled away.

  “Nicolai,” Thane murmured. “What have you done to yourself?”

  “He… he wouldn’t stop when he started feeling bad,” Ander stammered. “He thought it was too important to let you know what had happened.” Memory rushed back in a flood, reminding him why they had felt such urgency. “Thane, we had to use magic in Fochelis. The zamindar knows—”

  “Tell me later. Nicolai might have been right about the need for haste. But for now there’s no time for anything but trying to save him. Hold out your hands.”

  Ander put down the lamp and knelt beside Sorel, across the cushion from Thane. They linked hands above their friend’s torso. The mage’s hands were surprisingly warm.

  Quiet settled over the room. Ander closed his eyes and focused on the strong pulse in Thane’s fingers. After several minutes, his racing heart slowed until the flow of his blood matched the sorcerer’s. Soon he felt something more, a glow of benevolence, as if Thane’s compassion and unshakable loyalty to his injured friend was a tangible force.

  Loyalty and compassion were what defined Thane, he realized. It wasn’t his knowledge, or his beauty. It was his willingness to give his life for a friend if that was what was required. As this new awareness dawned, his fascination with Thane started to change shape. Admiration remained, along with a compelling physical attraction. But both those feelings were subsumed into an overwhelming desire to help him, to be with him always and fill the aching gaps in his heart.

  Ander’s breath caught as the emotion surged. He opened his eyes and saw their joined hands surrounded by golden light. The soft radiance bathed Nicolai’s body. Sorel leaned forward, his hands cradling Nicolai’s head, his cheeks wet with tears.

  A slight tightening in Thane’s grip made Ander look up. The mage was watching him with wide eyes. He clearly sensed some of what Ander was feeling.

  Blushing furiously, Ander closed his eyes and concentrated on the healing they were attempting. He poured his soul into feeling compassion for Nicolai. The sense of benevolence grew stronger until it throbbed with power, echoing back and forth between his heart and Thane’s. Exhaustion mounted until he could barely maintain his grip on Thane’s hands. He began to sway; his mind began to blur.

  Moments before blackness could overwhelm him, he felt Thane’s fingers tighten around his hands in an unbreakable clasp. There was a roaring sound, whether physical or mental he couldn’t tell. He opened his eyes. The workroom glowed as if afternoon sun poured through the windows, but the source was a vortex of golden light hovering above Nicolai’s motionless form. As he watched, the vortex descended and engulfed their friend.

  He trembled with exhaustion, but Thane held him fast. Moments later the golden light vanished in a fountain of incandescent white points that sparkled like diamonds.

  Thane released his hands, and Ander fell back, dazed. His dazzled eyes couldn’t make out anything for several seconds. Then he felt a warm presence beside him.

  “You did well,” Thane said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Better than I could have imagined.”

  Blinking, he glanced at Thane and then back at Nicolai. Sorel leaned over his lover, his face concealed by the cascade of his hair.

  “What about Nicolai? Is he—”

  “He’ll be all right. He just needs Sorel now. And rest. As you do.”

  “You’re right.” He sighed, elated despite his crushing fatigue. Contentment filled him, quiet joy at the successful healing. “I’ll go back to my room. I’ll tell you what happened in Fochelis in the morning.”

  Thane’s hand slid off Ander’s shoulder, down to his waist. “There’s no need to leave. If you’d like… spend the night here. With me.”

  Although the bond that had existed between them no longer burned with power, Ander still felt the warm core of emotion their link had kindled. He could no more decline the offer than he could voluntarily stop his heart from beating. Thane saw the answer in his face and smiled, happiness making him radiant.

  Ander’s heart melted as he basked in the tender gaze. He thought he knew how Lucian must have felt. What he didn’t understand was how it could have happened to him, who had done so little to deserve it.

  They left the workroom arm in arm. Thane’s chambers were dark and cold, but they soon curled against each other on a cushion with a down quilt covering them. Despite the day’s disasters and triumphs, and the consequences they would have to face in the morning, he fell into peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 17

  ANDER felt a damp cloth moving across his chest and smelled the fragrance of mint. Slowly and peacefully, he woke from the deepest slum
ber he had experienced in years. For a moment he lay with his eyes closed while grasping at a fading dream. All that remained was a memory of intense arousal, mingled with heartbreaking tenderness. Then the cloth moved lower, gliding across the muscles of his abdomen. The last shreds of the dream vanished, and he remembered where he was.

  Thane’s body pressed against his side. “Too bad you woke up,” he said as he dipped the cloth in a bowl of warm water. “It looks like you were having good dreams. I was about to make them even better.” He resumed washing, reaching lower and using the cloth to caress Ander’s aching erection. It twitched, gleaming in the morning light slanting through the window. The tan skin of Thane’s arm contrasted with the creamy whiteness of Ander’s flesh as he continued wiping away the sweat and grime of the prior day’s journey.

  Ander brushed hair out of his eyes. A fire in the hearth warmed the room. Green and gold curtains had been pulled open, and the sparsely furnished chamber sparkled in clear morning light. A square pedestal at their side held a vase of exotic flowers from the greenhouse. Apart from that, the only furniture was the leather cushion they shared and the rosewood chest beneath a window.

  Ander met Thane’s gaze. Once again he was disoriented by the mage’s appearance; it was hard to believe that such an innocent countenance masked so much knowledge.

  He lifted on an elbow and kissed Thane. To his surprise, Thane’s breath caught, and he looked confused. Realization came in a flash. He’d done it again, reminded him of Lucian. But there was no denying their bond the night before. He was convinced Thane shared his feelings, even if he wasn’t willing to admit it.

  “How’s Nicolai?” he asked, giving Thane a chance to recover. “Have you seen him this morning?”

  Thane nodded. “He and Sorel are still in the main workroom. They’ve been coupling since dawn. Anima is best shared when flesh is joined as well as the mind.” A corner of his mouth quirked. “I hope Nicolai doesn’t decide to get hurt more often. I’ve never seen them so tender. He’s loving it.”

  “But he was so hurt last night. I’m surprised he can move this morning, let alone make love.”

  Thane put the cloth down and stretched out on the cushion. “You’re thinking of how he looked before the healing. Our efforts were successful. He was right about you having a healing touch. And… there was something else. I want… you should know….” He looked away, breathing raggedly.

  The confused frustration in Thane’s voice was painful to hear. Ander took a deep breath. “About last night. I felt something wonderful, and… it seemed like you felt it too.” His face burned with embarrassment. He felt like a simpleton and didn’t know why it was so hard to just tell Thane he loved him. But he couldn’t bring himself to say it, couldn’t risk hearing a rejection of what he desperately wanted.

  Thane put a hand on his chest, and the silence stretched. His gaze held nothing but longing. Ander looked at him with pleading eyes, trying to think of a way to justify the validity of what they had shared.

  “You felt it too, didn’t you? Just tell me if—”

  “I can’t. Not now.” His voice was a whisper. He began stroking Ander’s skin again, his hand shaking slightly. “I need more time.”

  Ander felt compassion for his struggle. He felt his friend’s need and desire but also understood his profound loyalty and the depth of his love for Lucian. If he needed time, he would have it.

  Thane traced the clean lines of Ander’s torso. “I’m so confused,” he said softly, revealing again that his spirit remained as youthful as his body. “But I think I could show you what I feel. I… I’d like to make love with you. No test, just… being together.”

  He relaxed, relieved that Thane could demonstrate his feelings physically even though he couldn’t speak them. He rolled over and lay on top of the mage, pressing him into the soft leather. The wild beating of Thane’s heart and the urgency of his response as Ander kissed him made it clear he sought something more than simple release.

  Ander held tight, rubbing their erections between them. His eagerness seemed to lift Thane’s spirits. In seconds their embrace turned into a wrestling match. Ander took full advantage of his position on top, but Thane’s heavier muscles soon overpowered his lithe body. After a few minutes of enjoyable tussling, he lay squirming on his back. Thane straddled his hips and held his shoulders down, at his core still nineteen and filled with animal spirit. He growled softly and began to lick Ander’s ear. “I yield!” Ander sputtered. “That tickles!”

  Thane relented, moving his attention from ear to lips. Their tongues continued the wrestling match as Ander’s hands grazed over Thane’s back with a gentleness that signaled an end to the competition. The mage responded in kind, breaking the kiss and brushing his lips over Ander’s face, his breath warm on the sensitive skin.

  Ander was trembling beneath him before Thane rolled to the side and opened a door in the pedestal beside the cushion. Vials and jars filled two shelves. He selected a narrow blue bottle and removed its stopper. A sweet scent wafted out.

  “If you like wrestling, you should try it after covering yourself with this. It doesn’t affect your senses much, but it’s very slippery.” He sat back on his haunches, the crack between his buttocks pressing down on Ander’s erection. He poured oil on Ander’s chest, then put the bottle down and began spreading the oil with leisurely strokes until he was slick.

  Ander relaxed as the slippery fluid warmed on his skin. He raised his arms over his head while Thane’s fingers traced out his ribs and tweaked his nipples. The caresses were gentle but thorough, covering his flesh from neck to balls until all the oil had been used. He ached with arousal, a sensation magnified by the tenderness in Thane’s eyes. He knew that Thane was memorizing the feel of his body, making that knowledge part of himself.

  Thane leaned forward and gripped his wrists, pinning his arms while they kissed, then released him and slid his hands beneath his shoulders. He shifted position so their cocks were pressed between their flat bellies and rocked his pelvis in a slow fucking movement. Their erections slid and bumped against each other, slick with oil and oozing their own lubricants. Their lips met in a kiss that lingered and deepened. Soon their slippery bodies moved against each other in a steady rhythm, their cocks pressed side by side as they glided next to each other.

  Their movements grew more insistent, their breathing labored. Beads of sweat glistened on Thane’s skin. His eyes were closed, and his lips parted; he was lost in pleasure. The sight was galvanizing. Ander’s balls pulled tight against the base of his cock, and the oily friction of Thane’s skin against his own engulfed him. The feeling ached, as if they still shared a bond flowing with yearning and affection. “I’m almost there,” he whispered.

  Thane opened his eyes, a dazed expression on his face. “Me too. Come against me, whenever you’re ready.” He slid both his hands down to the small of Ander’s back and kept their flesh pressed together as they continued their thrusting.

  Ander’s body arched. He inhaled sharply as the intense pleasure became almost unbearable. His motions froze as he tried to prolong the sensation. Thane squeezed more tightly, rubbing their erections against each other one more time.

  Ander gasped as the orgasm jolted his body. His semen shot between them and spread warmly between their straining bodies as he bucked. He groaned softly, almost growling.

  Thane’s climax rushed upon him as Ander jerked in his arms, adding to the slick mess between their bodies. The musky aroma of their seed permeated the air as they clung to each other until their racing hearts slowed.

  Thane rolled onto his side and cupped his hand over Ander’s cock. “Thank you,” he said, smiling. He gently massaged the sensitive flesh, mixing the semen and warm oil. “This is what I needed. To just share with you, without any complications. It felt wonderful.”

  Ander grinned back, still lightheaded. “You’ll always be a sexy kitchen helper. And I’ll make you feel like this anytime you want.” He put his hand behind Tha
ne’s head and drew their lips together. He felt himself becoming aroused again, despite the intense orgasm he’d just had.

  “It will be better still once I learn to sense the kei,” he ventured after their leisurely kiss. “Sorel said that sex between people who’re linked is indescribable. I can’t wait to find out what it’s like.”

  Thane blushed. “I’m sorry. I forgot what you’re going through. And I never did thank you properly for not telling Nicolai and Sorel what happened in the greenhouse. They wouldn’t have understood.”

  Ander wasn’t so sure of that, though he appreciated Thane’s fears. The initiates held him in awe for good reason. Knowledge of his loss of control would shock them. He caressed Thane’s arm, wondering if he could help.

  “Maybe I should try with somebody else?” he asked. “Something started to happen when I was inside Nicolai. He said we were beginning to form a link. If Nicolai or Sorel could help me, I could join the lyceum and we’d have all the time you need to… to take care of the problem.”

  Thane nodded, looking glum. “Either of them could bring you enough pleasure to reach the kei. And you’re right, it’s important for you to start learning the art as soon as possible.” The lack of enthusiasm in his voice was unmistakable, despite his agreement with the suggestion.

  “There’s something else, isn’t there? I just wanted to make it easier for you. If it’s not a good idea, just say so.”

  Thane stared into the fire and sighed. “It’s just… there’s nothing like touching the kei the first time. It changes you; it’s something you’ll never forget. I was hoping to share it with you, that’s all. But I know that’s selfish of me. You must be eager. You already know so much about the art. There’s no reason you should wait.”

  Ander put a hand against his face and turned it away from the fire. “I’m sorry,” he said, peering into his eyes. “I didn’t know how important the first time is. I’d like for you to share it with me too.”


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