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Apprenticed to Pleasure

Page 19

by Brandon Fox

  “You’d wait for me?”

  He hesitated before answering. Fear of causing pain made his throat dry, but he knew Thane wouldn’t be healed until he listened to his own heart.

  “I’ll wait for you, because of what I felt last night. But waiting will be easier if I know whether you felt it too. If I know that I’m not dreaming about what we share.”

  Thane began to tremble. Ander pulled him into an embrace, hugging him tightly.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Thane said in an anguished whisper. “I never want to hurt you. And… and you’re right about what you felt last night. But it’s wrong!” His chest heaved, and hot tears fell on Ander’s shoulder. “I loved him so much. I still do. Knowing that I’ll never touch him again—”

  Sobs choked off his words. Ander rocked him gently, waiting for the storm to pass. Everything Thane said rang true, fit perfectly with the love and loyalty he’d felt the night before. Admitting the depth of his feelings must seem like an abandonment of Lucian.

  Thane’s distress made it hard to think, but Ander’s intuition told him the mage would only be capable of grappling with his feelings when his defenses were down. And he remembered that Lucian had chosen him, had believed Thane would accept him. Hesitantly, holding him close, he began rubbing the back of Thane’s neck.

  “I know you’ll always love Lucian. Remember, I’ve felt your heart. But maybe you should cherish him for the happiness he brought. Isn’t that how he’d want to be remembered? What was he like?”

  The question seemed to take Thane by surprise but had a calming effect. He took a deep breath and answered, his voice soft.

  “His soul flowed with music. Innocent joy and passion. He could always make me laugh.” He paused, breathing raggedly. “Lucian… was a lot like you, in some ways.”

  The yearning in his voice made Ander’s chest tighten. “I can never replace him. But maybe I could help you have the kind of life he’d want you to have.” He swallowed painfully, then decided to say what the mage already knew but was afraid to face. “I love you, Thane.”

  There was no reply, but the fierceness of Thane’s embrace was answer enough.

  Chapter 18

  AN ADVANTAGE of sharing meals with Thane was the speedy service. No sooner had they taken seats in the dining hall than Erik appeared with a pot of tea and a mug containing an opaque black brew for Thane.

  “What’s that?” Ander asked, wrinkling his nose at the scent of the evil-looking beverage.

  “Coffee,” Erik replied. “It comes from the east.” He bent, pretending to whisper in Ander’s ear. “He likes it because it keeps you hard. Not that he needs any help with that.”

  Thane snorted. “If anybody needs help keeping an overworked cock stiff, it’s you. I’m surprised Skorri keeps his hands off you long enough to let you get through a whole shift of kitchen duty.”

  Erik raised an eyebrow. “Who says he does? But you don’t really want to know what goes on in the kitchen, do you?”

  “I suppose not. Bring us food, Erik. Ander and I are hungry.”

  “I’m sure you are,” he murmured, smirking, before turning and ambling back to the kitchen.

  Thane sipped his coffee, clearly distracted by the report on the trip to Fochelis that Ander had provided while they were bathing. The incongruity between the sorcerer’s appearance and the seriousness of his affairs was less stark than it had seemed when they first met. Still, Ander couldn’t help feeling that he needed relief from his worries. In body and spirit, he was still less than twenty years old. Anyone could see how responsibility burdened him. He put down his tea and touched Thane’s hand.

  “I didn’t tell you about Nicolai’s first try at being a companion. He has the looks for it, but his style needs some work.”

  Thane glanced at Ander, a hint of playfulness already returning to his eyes.

  “Nicolai’s style? What’s to improve? He’s got to be one of the most charming people in the world.”

  Ander nodded fervently. “No doubt about that. But you should have seen him trying to coax Lady Calcagno into leaving the banquet. First he made eyes at her for an hour and breathed so hard I thought he’d pass out.”

  The corner of Thane’s mouth lifted. “I know that look. He’s always coaxing me into joining him and Sorel for a tumble.”

  Ander grinned. “Then he said she was making him so hard he’d go lame if we didn’t all leave soon.”

  Thane’s low laugh was the reward Ander sought. “No doubt Sorel would think that’s very romantic. How did your aristocratic customer take it?”

  “She looked at Nicolai like he’d just pissed himself. But she was so drunk, she must have decided she’d imagined it.”

  The tension had eased from Thane’s shoulders, and he was still smiling when Erik brought them bowls of oatmeal and a plate of sizzling sausages. They were just starting to eat when Katy appeared at the door. She saw them and waved.

  “Looks like more work,” Thane whispered. He picked up his coffee and tried to pretend he hadn’t seen her, but she was already crossing the room in their direction. As she neared their table, Ander saw that she carried a silver box the size of an orange. She dropped the box in front of Thane, the heavy thud of metal against the table emphasizing its weight. Then she crossed her arms and looked at the mage sternly.

  “Don’t try to play innocent with me. I know you’d rather be making sparks with Ander, but this can’t wait. Whatever that crystal is, it’s dangerous. Putting it in the box made me sick, even though I used tongs to handle it. It felt like a worm was trying to wiggle into my mind.”

  Thane put his hands around the box, all levity forgotten. “Thanks, Katy. Don’t worry. We won’t take any chances with it.”

  She sniffed. “Well, maybe you can wait until you’ve finished breakfast. Though it’s late for breakfast. What were you two doing this morning, anyway?”

  “Don’t answer that,” Thane advised Ander. “She just has a lecherous mind.”

  Katy’s severe expression turned merry. “Who around here doesn’t? It never hurts to ask. See you later, boys.” She turned and left.

  Ander leaned across the table and ran his fingers over the box, brushing Thane’s hand. A green and red snake painted with bright enamels decorated the lid. It was coiled to strike and conveyed the impression of danger. The cold metal seemed to vibrate. “I hope this is worth the price Nicolai paid for it,” he said.

  “The trip was worth it. Do you feel how the crystal makes the silver tremble? That’s a sign of its power. But the silver will contain it. And prevent the zamindar’s sorcerers from using it to find us.”

  “How can you study it if you have to keep it in a box?”

  “We’ll make something else to keep it in. A barrier woven from the kei itself. Like the seals Sorel and I put around the workroom, but stronger. I’ll need both Sorel and Nicolai to create the anima for it. They’re a potent combination.”

  Ander continued with breakfast, looking at the box thoughtfully. “Can I help? Like I did with the healing last night? Maybe it would help me learn the art.”

  Thane regarded him seriously. “Are you sure? Last night took a lot out of you. I don’t want you to get into something you’re not ready for. It will be demanding.”

  “I can be ready. And I want to help. Just give me a chance.” He brushed hair out of his eyes, eager. “Besides, you said Sorel and Nicolai will be powering the spell. Seeing them together would be, um, interesting.”

  “Well, I admit I’ll need help. I’d been thinking of asking Skorri. It’d be good experience for him. But maybe you’d be a better choice. Since you’re not attuned to the kei yet, you wouldn’t be affected as strongly.”

  “I did all right last night,” Ander persisted. “It made me tired, that’s all. Let me try.”

  “This won’t be like last night. We’ll be manipulating the kei this time. There will be strong disturbances to contend with. That’s why I need help with the physical parts of the p
rocess. At the end, I’ll need all my attention on the kei.”

  Ander sensed Thane’s resistance weakening, and his spirits soared. “What do I need to do?”

  “Finish breakfast, then get some rest while I make preparations. You’ll need stamina when it’s time for your task. I’ll tell you what to do when the time comes.”

  Cheered by the prospect of helping with the day’s work, he spent the rest of breakfast entertaining Thane with stories of life in Lady Tayanita’s House of Companionship. By the time they left the dining room, Thane had caught his buoyant mood.

  They entered the foyer, and Ander turned toward the stairs to the dormitory. Thane’s hand on his shoulder brought him to a halt.

  “You don’t need to stay here.”

  “Didn’t you say I should rest? Is there something else you’d rather have me do?”

  “You can rest in my room, if you’d like.” He paused, then leaned close and lowered his voice. “I’d like to have you near. Katy was right. I’d rather be with you than do anything else. But for now, having you close is the best I can manage.”

  The awkward confession filled Ander with warmth. He nodded, and they returned to the tower together.

  HE ARRIVED at the workroom at noon as Thane had instructed. As he entered, he saw Sorel and Nicolai in hushed conversation on the far side of the granite pool. Both wore long white robes made of thick cotton. Steam spiraled up from the water. The dimly lit chamber was as warm and humid as a midsummer night. Thane stood at a cluttered trestle table, where he was taking a handful of slender dried leaves out of a glass jar and putting them in a small brass bowl in two piles. He wore moccasins and brown leather pants, nothing else. All three glanced up as Ander circled the pool to join them.

  “You’re looking well, Nicolai,” Ander said. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’d never been injured.”

  The northerner swept an arm around his shoulders. “I spent the morning resting in Sorel’s arms, so you can imagine how good I feel. You should try it sometime.”

  Ander took the suggestion in stride. “Can Thane come too? I hear it takes a lot to keep Sorel satisfied.”

  Nicolai tightened the embrace before releasing him. “I don’t know what Thane’s been telling you, but it’s probably all true. How about it, Sorel? Can you handle both of them?”

  “I’d be happy to try. But you’re getting ahead of yourself. We have a job to do first.” He gestured to a pile of black leather pads. Two of the cushions, one atop the other, made a base about two feet off the floor. The other pads were folded and stacked on the base with a gap between them.

  Ander walked over to inspect the pile. “I don’t remember seeing anything like this in the gramarye curiosa.”

  “It’s a new technique,” Thane explained. “We’re still perfecting it.” He put down the bowl of dried leaves, then patted one of the doubled-over pads. “The spell we’re using is delicate. It will work better if Sorel and Nicolai are in a trance while I weave it. These cushions will hold them in place while they’re immersed in the kei.”

  “How can they use the art if they’re in a trance? Don’t they need to make love to reach the kei?”

  “We’re counting on you to give us a hand,” Sorel said. “But we’re not worried. A sexy beast like you knows how to keep a cock hard. Am I right?”

  Ander blushed crimson as he realized what his role in the procedure would be. Apparently Thane hadn’t been talking about fetching and lifting when he had referred to the physical part of the procedure.

  Thane came to his rescue. “Don’t be embarrassed. Think of it as a chance to bring pleasure to your friends.” He returned to the table and selected three bottles. One contained pale blue oil, and the other two glistened with a deep gold. He brought the bottles back to the cushions and placed them beside the bowl of dried leaves.

  “These mixtures will increase their sensitivity, so we’ll have to be careful. As you know, the hard part isn’t creating pleasure. It’s making it last.”

  Ander nodded nervously, beginning to suspect that his task might be more challenging than he had anticipated. After a few seconds, Thane’s words sank in, and he glanced up.

  “We’re both, um, going to be helping them?”

  Thane was too occupied to reply. He leaned on the workbench while adjusting a curious device. Four silver columns were mounted at the corners of a wood square covered on the top by a thin sheet of silver. A small granite block rested at the center of the square, and the silver box containing the zamindar’s crystal was centered on it. Thane carefully moved the assembly to the floor near the cushions.

  Finally, he added a lit beeswax candle and a bundle of small sticks to the collection of materials beside the cushions. He looked at his preparations with satisfaction. “Everything’s ready. Sorel, seal the door while I pour the wine.”

  Sorel crossed the room and swung the door shut, then placed engraved brass rods in brackets on each side of the frame. Nicolai drew curtains over the one window that was still uncovered. The only light in the room came from the candle next to the cushions.

  Thane turned to the trestle table and poured red wine from an amphora into a silver chalice. They formed a circle next to the table. Ander stood motionless, sensing the air of ritual. Thane raised the chalice.

  “Together, we embark on a journey. Together, we will return. Our bond is our strength.” He handed the cup to Nicolai, who drank before handing it to his partner. After Sorel drank his share, he gave the cup back to Thane.

  The mage took a small box of brown powder from the table and emptied it into the cup, then handed it to Ander. “The powder will counteract the trance smoke. Drink half of what remains.”

  Ander took the cup and put it to his lips. The wine was cool and smooth, with a slight hint of pepper. He handed it to Thane, who finished it and put the chalice on the table.

  “Use the gold oil first,” Thane said. “Apply it generously. I’ll take care of Nicolai; you attend to Sorel.”

  Sorel stepped close, his expression seductive. “I’m all yours.” They embraced and kissed, their breath spiced by the wine. Ander slipped his hands inside the robe and caressed the warm torso. Then he slid his hands upward along Sorel’s back and eased the robe off his broad shoulders. Sorel dropped his arms enough to let the robe slip off and fall to the floor behind him.

  “I’m looking forward to this,” he said, cupping a hand over Ander’s genitals. “I hope you enjoy it too. Like you did in the cave. You’ll be a lot closer this time.” Then he spread his arms, offering his lithe body.

  Ander poured oil into his left hand and began to apply it to Sorel’s chest. He spread a thin sheen over the hard flesh while Sorel turned and stretched. By the time Ander’s hand reached his crotch, Sorel’s cock was curving up with masculine power.

  Ander slid his fingers along the bottom of the thick shaft in a light caress. Sorel closed his eyes to slits and arched his back. “You have skilled hands,” he said. “I knew you would. You were made for love.”

  “You’re inspiring me. I could spend the whole day feeling you. I hope you weren’t kidding about accepting Nicolai’s suggestion.”

  Sorel fixed him with a seductive gaze. “Don’t worry, stallion! You haven’t had my tail yet. That’s something I want to remedy soon.”

  Smiling, Ander poured more oil onto his palm and continued with his task. Soon Sorel was coated from his neck to his feet. His body gleamed in the candlelight.

  Thane finished with Nicolai a few seconds later. The nude lovers linked their hands and stood before each other for a moment, then eased into a slippery embrace. Ander was mesmerized as he watched them kiss, their bodies rubbing together slowly. A red glow took form around them as their arousal increased.

  Thane knelt next to the cushions and picked up one of the small sticks. “It’s time. Make yourselves ready.”

  Sorel and Nicolai stepped into the pile of cushions and nestled down in the space between the folded pads. They face
d each other, their bodies touching at the crotch and their legs crossed. As soon as they were seated, they resumed their embrace.

  Thane held the stick in the candle’s flame until one end was burning, then used it to start the pile of dried leaves smoldering. Pungent but strangely sweet smoke swirled upward. Ander sniffed curiously. He was intrigued by the rich fragrance but couldn’t detect any effect other than a slight sense of detachment. Then he stopped watching Thane and turned to the lovers.

  Nicolai and Sorel still leaned against each other in an embrace, but their caresses had slowed to a crawl, and their eyes were closed. Within seconds they were as still as statues, although the red halo still sparkled around their bodies.

  After crumbling a few more leaves into powder and sprinkling it on the burning pile, Thane moved to the pad and gestured for Ander to join him. He took up a position behind Nicolai, resting his hands on the northerner’s shoulders.

  “Help Sorel to lean back,” he said. “They’re deeply linked, all their attention on strengthening the bond. We’ll help them create anima, and I’ll gather the power that results.”

  Ander imitated Thane, crouching behind Sorel and pulling until he leaned back against a pile of cushions. His oily body was warm to the touch, almost hot. But his features were peaceful, his lips slightly parted as if in ecstasy. And his slickened cock was as hard as ever; Ander could see it throbbing in slow pulses. He looked up, waiting for guidance from Thane.

  The mage crouched beside Nicolai, his face ruddy in the red glow coming from the lovers. He shifted Nicolai’s position so his balls pressed against Sorel’s. When he was satisfied, he knelt on the edge of the pad.

  “Now we help them create energy in the kei. I’ll take care of gathering and shaping it, when the time comes. For now, I’ll help Nicolai while you stay with Sorel.”

  “What should I do?” Ander asked.

  “How do you make yourself feel good? Try it on him and see how he reacts. You needn’t worry about giving him pleasure. He’s one of the most passionate creatures you’ll ever meet.”


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