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Page 3

by Shana Gray

  “But it all looks so good.”

  “Excuse me.” The waitress held a tray with two martini glasses. “With permission.” She set the glasses on the table.

  “I’m sorry, but we didn’t order those.” Val glanced at Ty, who shrugged, and then looked back at the waitress. “There must be some mistake.”

  She smiled. “No mistake. It was sent by that couple across the room.” She nodded toward a corner table by the bar.

  Val didn’t recognize anyone at the tables near the bar.

  “Do you know someone over there, Ty?”

  “No, can’t say as I do.”

  Just then, a dark-haired man met Val’s gaze and smiled. A tingle curled around her spine and she narrowed her eyes. He seemed so familiar, yet she knew she’d never met him. He said something to the woman with him and she turned. They nodded, smiled, and held their martini glasses aloft in a toast.

  Oh. My. God.

  Val’s cheeks flamed.

  Ty chuckled. “I guess we do know them after all.”

  Val nodded and gave a small smile back to the couple. “I can’t believe it. What are the odds that they’d be in the same café? And recognize us, too?”

  “Pretty slim, I’d say. But there you go. It really is a small world.”

  “It sure is.”

  The strange thing was she didn’t feel the least bit embarrassed. In fact, excitement raced through her belly and set her blood pumping faster through her veins. Val glanced over at the other table again.

  Disappointment filled her when she saw it was vacant.

  She sighed and turned back to Ty, who sat relaxed in the chair, his arms crossed over his chest and a big grin curving his lips. He nodded his head to her other side. Val turned.

  And gasped.

  “Hi, I’m Mara, and this is Dmitri. Mind if we join you?”

  Clearly, this was the couple she and Ty had watched have sex just a little while ago. They didn’t look embarrassed in the least, so Val took her cue from them.

  “Of course! Nice to meet you. I’m Val and this is Ty.” Val slid her chair over to make room. “Oh, and thank you for the martinis.”

  Mara sat beside Val and leaned toward her. “It was our pleasure.”

  They met each other’s gaze and burst out laughing.

  Sexy Short #2

  Playing Through

  Lexie steered the cart along the path and stared straight ahead. If she looked at the man sitting next to her she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off him any longer. He was her student and the last three lessons had been excruciating. Jay Teller was anything but easy to ignore.

  He was exactly her type. Tall, muscular, dark-haired and quiet. To top it off he was a cowboy too. He’d told her all about his ranch, the horses, cattle and riding for a living. Her perfect man. It was like fate had thrown him at her, right after she had given up on men, and laughed while doing it. Her withdrawal from the search-for-a-mate melting pot had been spurred by numerous disappointments. Lexie had a drawer full of batteries and a couple of favorite toys that eased her ache. Self-fulfillment was not near as good as the real thing and it left her feeling hollow and lonely.

  Beside her, Jay sat quietly, one foot propped on the dash and an arm casually draped across a knee. Intensity radiated off him in waves she felt as clearly as if his hands were on her. Touching, teasing, stroking and evoking a raw, primitive passion for him that lurked in her deep, secret place. She’d been so careful to keep her feelings tightly under wraps, desperate to keep their student/coach relationship just that. But with each session, it was getting harder.

  Lexie sucked in a quiet, controlled breath and curled her fingers around the steering wheel in a tight grip. If only she could calm the staccato beating of her heart and ease the heat suffusing her. She prayed to God Jay didn’t have some kind of sixth sense that enabled him to know the emotions he roused in her.

  When she’d been offered a job at the Banff resort, she was glad to make the change. Coming west to the Canadian Rockies had been an adjustment, but she’d quickly learned to love the majestic mountains, and the men. Cowboys and wilderness.

  She was glad she’d taken the position. Even more so when Jason had called to book private lessons.

  She’d picked up on his energy and raw sexuality the minute they met. He cast an aura that embraced her and made her feel feminine. Even before she heard him speak for the first time, she hummed for him. But his voice had tipped her attraction into a whole new category. The liquid honey and drawl turned her inside out and she quivered, her belly pulsing at the deep timbre of his voice.

  She was more hot and bothered today, before they began their lesson, than she’d been after they completed their first one. After that, she’d been horny as hell and dying to show him how to grip more than a golf club. Holding his hand and positioning his fingers had bordered on erotic. Once or twice she could have sworn he’d purposely played stupid so she had to show him again. That night he’d been the object of her fantasy when she pulled out her trusty toy.

  Lexie sighed and briefly glanced to her right, taking in his profile. Today he wore a ball cap, not a cowboy hat like the first time he came. His free hand gripped the roof of the cart and his pants stretched taunt over powerful thigh muscles. Her belly quivered. He was gazing toward where the mountain forest met the rough.

  She hit a bump and was about to switch her glance back to the path in front of her, but he turned his head and caught her stare. His gaze dipped to her chest before meeting hers again, a slow smile widening his lips. Did he just lick his lips? His simmering gaze transfixed Lexie. Normally, she would be annoyed if a guy looked at her boobs, but not this time. Did he feel the same sexual energy she did? Heat bloomed between her thighs and her nipples tightened.

  Holy shit! Would she be able to get through this lesson without jumping him? She took a deep breath, smiled and switched her gaze to the path, trying to forget this delectable hunk of man sitting next to her and how brazenly he’d looked at her—how badly she wanted to fuck him.

  They still had a bit of a drive down the cart path to get to the back eighteen. The front had a tournament and their fourth lesson was to take him on to the course. The first ones had been all about short game and driving. Now he needed to get the feel of the tee-blocks, fairway and greens.

  God, how she wanted to get the feel of him while out here.

  Get a grip, Lexie. He’s a student.

  She bit her lower lip and tried not to let her thoughts go to the erotic, but she feared it was way too late for that. Another quick glance at him, and damn if he wasn’t looking at her. He laid his arm along the back of their seats. Under her pale peach golf shirt, the flesh between her shoulders rippled, anticipating his touch. Would he run his fingers down her spine or up to her neck and into her hair? She felt the presence of his hand at her back as clearly as if he touched her. She willed him to and was disappointed when he didn’t.

  The sun went behind a cloud, and she glanced up. Doppler had shown a chance of rain or thunderstorms. Wouldn’t that be great—a crashing storm during the lesson would really screw things up.

  “It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it?” His words startled her, but oh how she loved to hear him speak.

  Keep talking, cowboy. “Yes, it is.”

  “Have you been west before?”

  The magic of his voice cast some kind of sexual spell over her until she could barely think straight, let alone form cohesive words. “Ah, no.” Lexie concentrated on her driving and her words, which seemed to vanish on her tongue. “First time.”

  “What brought you out here?”

  “Fluke, really. They offered me a position and I was ready for a change.”

  “Lucky me.”

  She glanced at him to see if he was teasing and nearly swallowed her tongue. His dark gaze bored into her. Her intuition screamed he would be receptive if she just said the word.


  “Well, I hope you are getting something o
ut of your lessons.” That wasn’t what she wanted to say at all.

  Gah! How inane. She looked back at the path. She wanted to keep gazing at him and lose herself in the heavy-lidded, big brown eyes. A wave of heat flushed through her and nearly melted her into a puddle of passion.

  “I have been. Thanks.” He paused for what seemed like an eternity. “You’re a very good teacher, and I hope there’s a lot more in your lesson book.”

  Desire flared between her thighs and rushed in flames up her spine to settle with aching need in her breasts. Holy shit, he was smooth talking her into distraction. Focus, girl, focus. What the hell could she say that wouldn’t sound stupid? “I’m sure there’s lots more I can teach you.”

  Eeesh! She briefly closed her eyes. How could something so dumb come out of her mouth?

  “I bet there is.”

  “Uhm, we’re almost there.” Jay hadn’t seemed to mind when she’d explained they’d start at the tenth hole. It was farthest away from the hubbub of the tourney. He’d simply smiled and assured her in his quiet, syrupy voice, not to worry.

  “Take your time. I’m enjoying the scenery.” His drawl slipped like hot honey around her and left her all sticky and warm.

  How delightful his tongue would be on her, wet and soft, easing the ache and heat boiling in her right now. She nearly groaned. In her peripheral vision she could tell he was looking at her. Was she the scenery he was talking about?

  His gaze was heavy on her, leaving her breathless and sitting on pins and needles. Goose bumps rose along the backs of her arms and dizziness made her grip the wheel tight again. She couldn’t resist the powerful draw of his gaze and faced him. Her foot slipped off the accelerator, letting the cart coast, and she drove like that for a few moments.

  No words formed. She simply stared, taking him in—his broad shoulders, his large square hand resting easy on his knee, his powerful chest, unmistakable under his shirt. She inhaled, hoping to catch a whiff of his delicious scent. It carried on the mountain breeze. Mixed in with the freshness was a hint of rain and his delicious male essence. She’d picked up on it the first day they met and it homed right in on her as if there pheromones were perfectly matched. He was everything male.

  His tapered waistline and slim hips were imprinted in her brain from their first lesson. She’d stood behind him to see his stance and wet, searing heat had bloomed between her thighs at his magnificence. It had been all she could do to keep from sidling up and rubbing on him like a purring cat.

  “I’d like to get there in one piece, Lexie.”

  Her name rolled off his tongue, and she sure loved the way it sounded. “Huh?”

  “The cart-path.” He nodded in front of them. “Not a bad idea to watch where we’re driving.”

  Heat flashed up her neck and into her cheeks. She turned to watch where she was going, feeling utterly stupid.

  They drove in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again, “Ah, darlin’. You drive damn fine, and I’d go with you just about anywhere.”

  She nearly leapt out of her skin when his fingers pressed on her back. She’d forgotten his hand was behind her on the seat. He slid it up her spine and gently squeezed her shoulder. Goddamn if a moan didn’t slip from her lips.

  Horrified at her reaction, she refused to look at him. He chuckled as he removed his hand. She was a bundle of raw nerves and tried to keep herself together. She couldn’t fall apart here in the cart. She had to remain the Pro.

  The tenth hole appeared over the rise, and she stopped the cart at the tee-blocks and stepped on the brake, praying her body would do as she instructed. Lexie faced Jay, staring at him dead on. “Here we are. Time for your lesson.”

  She slid out of the cart hoping her legs would support her. Her knees wobbled and she clutched the roof. She took a deep breath and ran her fingers along the lip as she walked to the clubs in the back of the cart.

  Jay joined her, and she looked up at him, running her palm over the club heads. He watched her hand seek out her driver, and damn if the simple selection of a club turned into an erotic caress. Feeling her way and watching the smoky arousal bloom in his eyes, she curled her fingers around a shaft and pulled the club free.

  He seemed captivated by every move she made. Slowly, Lexie let the hard cold steel slide through her fingers until the head of the club rested on the grass. She reached into a pocket and dug out a tee. Then she pulled on her golf glove, waiting for him to make his move. He stood just a little bit too close. Not that she was complaining. She liked him being close. But it was dangerous. His body heat enveloped her and his essence filled her nostrils like an illicit drug, heightening her awareness of him.

  She struggled to keep her cool. “Pick your club.”

  He looked in his bag and repeated what she had just done. His hand roamed over the club heads. Every move he made a sensual act of seduction. He curled his fingers around the driver and pulled it from the bag. She met his hot gaze.

  “You first.” He smiled.

  Relieved to have something to take her mind off him, even if only for a moment, Lexie turned and positioned her tee in the turf. She addressed the ball. This hole was a fairly easy drive and under normal circumstances she would have no trouble getting it close to the green. The sign at her back cast a distracting shadow on the grass in front of her. Knowing Jay stood behind her was a greater distraction. A sheen of perspiration broke out on her brow.

  The scent of mountain pine blew past her on the breeze, mingling with the scent of him. Suddenly she couldn’t care less about the ball, her driver or the yardage. All she wanted was to bury her face in his powerful neck and feel his corded, muscled arms hold her tight.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  She shook her head. I’m a pro goddamn it. I don’t get flustered. But she was and took a breath. She had to hit this ball better than she ever had before. Normally she could tune out everything around her, she was unable to accomplish it entirely now.

  She took another deep breath and focused. Tick tock. She mouthed the phrase her coach from long ago ingrained into her. A way of keeping her tempo. With her eye on the ball, Lexie began her back swing and then brought the club down. The head connected perfectly. She smiled during the follow through. The ping told her she’d hit the sweet spot dead on, and the ball was gone.

  Jay whistled. “Whew, very nice.”

  “Thanks.” Lexie bent and retrieved her tee. What a fucking relief to hit a good one when she was all atremble with nerves and turned on. “Your turn, cowboy.”

  She cringed. Did I really just call him cowboy? Holy God. How cheesy.

  He stepped up to the block just as she passed him and their gazes locked. Did he hesitate a brief moment? Lexie’s mouth went dry and she suppressed the urge to lick her lips. What if she did? Would he reach out for her?

  Lexie’s toe caught on the grass and she stumbled. Jay’s arms snaked out and caught her around the waist. She dropped her club and the tee went flying as she tried to regain her balance. She curled her fingers into the solidity of his forearms, gripping for purchase.

  “Easy there, darlin’.”

  He pulled her against his chest and time screeched to a halt. Gone was the song of the birds in the trees, and the whisper of the mountain breeze through the forest had faded into silence. Her vision darkened and narrowed until all she saw was him, and she hung in his arms. As if they were magnetized, she was drawn to him until her breasts pressed against the iron-hard planes of his chest. It wasn’t normal, this reaction, and it intrigued her. What was so special about this man that he succeeded in getting her in such a dither?

  “Ah, thanks.” But she didn’t move out of the circle of his arms. Lexie ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders then hesitated close to hooking her fingers around his neck. His power was so wonderfully intoxicating she craved more.

  “All right now?”

  She nodded and reluctantly let him go. He ran his fingers around her sides, igniting her until she simme
red, fantasizing about him possessing and taking her. Her knees wavered as she imagined him filling her, and she longed for him like nothing before.

  “Okay, then.” Lexie dropped her gaze to the grass and ran her fingers along the back of her neck. Exactly where he had touched her moments before. She cleared her throat and pointed to the tee block. “Set your tee then and let me see what you’ve got.”

  She shook her head to clear her addled brain. Focus girl. You’re his coach for crying out loud. They’d done some driving on the range and the first sessions she’d taught short game. He had picked it all up quite easily, and she’d been impressed with his progress. She almost wondered if he had played before, and wasn’t quite sure what to expect of him now.

  She’d never asked him though. He’d said he was interested in tips from a pro. Who was she to question if he had played before? He wanted lessons, was paying for them, and she was going to give him the best she could.

  Oh! How she wanted to give him more than golf lessons.

  He set his tee. He swung left, so his back was to her and she could watch him, appreciate his stance and natural ability. His feet were spread shoulder-width apart and planted firm. He held the club at the ball then began the backswing. His hips moved properly, his knee bent just right, and his down stroke was a beautiful arc, striking the ball perfectly then following through. It was a thing of beauty. Even if he wasn’t so damn hot, that swing alone would get her blood running like liquid fire through her veins.

  Who said golf couldn’t be sexy? She could watch him all day.

  Lexie hadn’t realized she held her breath until she let it go. So distracted by his fluid movement, she hadn’t even seen where his ball went. All she could think about was being in his arms, under him while he drove deep into her. Her arousal was becoming more than she could bear and Lexie was having a hard time controlling it.

  She hugged herself, doing what she could to keep herself under wraps. Lexie didn’t trust herself not to jump all over Jay. Her eyelashes fluttered and her nipples ached when she imagined his mouth, hot and demanding, tugging and drawing the hardened tips between his lips. She bit her lip, hoping the pain would help, but it only made it sweeter. She moaned softly, hoping her hadn’t heard. Wet heat warmed her thighs, leaving her antsy, frustrated and feeling reckless.


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