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Page 4

by Shana Gray

  She struggled to stand on suddenly weak legs when he turned and caught her gaze. “Good?” The smile on his face told her he was quite pleased with his drive, but all she could think of was them, together, straining flesh to flesh.

  “Oh, very,” she breathed, flushing when he gave her a crooked smile and winked. Was he as in tune to her as she was to him? His chocolaty eyes smoldered with an emotion she interpreted as arousal. A knowing looked crossed his face and a tingle rippled down her spine, settling an aching sweetness in her hips.

  What is it about this man?

  “Did you see where it went?” He didn’t break eye contact.

  How could she tell him that she hadn’t paid the least bit of attention to where his ball went and that she had been too busy watching him?

  Lexie nodded absently. “You did good. It was a good drive, and I’m sure we’ll find it,” she mumbled.

  He approached slowly and her lungs froze, refusing to suck in much needed breath. He reached for her, his fingers cradling her elbow, igniting an electrical current between them that shot straight to her pussy. She let him lead her to the cart, every step intensifying the raw desire that raged between her thighs.

  “Let’s go find that ball.” She heard the smile in his voice and was positive he sensed her arousal.

  It wasn’t until they were halfway to the next hole she realized he’d helped her into the passenger seat and was now driving. Just like that, he’d switched their roles. He was in charge now, and she liked it. Liked it a whole lot.


  Thunder rumbled in the distance. Lexie searched the sky. Ominous clouds on the other side of the ridge rolled with a vengeance, trying to climb their way over the peak. She didn’t want to end their lesson yet because that would mean they would have to part. She willed the storm to pass.

  Their delicious flirting, which had given way to teasing, was way too enjoyable. His pheromones were the perfect match for hers, and she homed in on them like a hungry female in heat. His little touches and innuendoes were driving her crazy.

  The last two holes had been a delight. He was in the driver’s seat both in the cart and in their sexual dance. Somehow their lesson had turned from teaching into enjoying each other’s company, almost like a date. She was in a slow burn of arousal and the little caresses he dropped on her when they sat in the cart were thrilling. Each bump the cart jumped over increased her passion.

  “Do you have a full day of lessons?”

  She shook her head. “No, you’re the last.”

  “Can I talk you into dinner later?”

  Lexie’s heart leapt into her throat. If she accepted then that would shift them from student and coach to… what? Did it really matter? She didn’t have to ponder long because she knew exactly what her answer would be. “Yes, I think you can talk me into it.” She turned her head and enjoyed the view of his profile.

  He nodded and smiled at her before giving his attention to the cart path.

  This step taken down a completely different path was unexpected, and yet she was very okay with it. Lexie glanced at him from under her lashes as he drove the cart. Her heart did a little tumble, and she enjoyed the flutters until they subsided.

  A shiver of delight rippled along her flesh when she allowed herself the luxury of wondering what might come after their meal. Would they have a goodnight kiss or a good night of sex? She hoped it was the latter. It had been a while since she’d slept with anyone and she was ready for a tumble. Jay was the perfect man to break the dry spell.

  Wind howled down the ridge and whined in the trees. Lighting flashed behind the rim and thunder echoed through the seething clouds. A wall of rain rushed toward them.

  “Think we’re in for it.” Jay slid his arm behind her back and snagged her up tight to him, stomping on the accelerator. A sheet of rain chased them.

  “Where’s a shelter?” he asked.

  “Over there.” She had to shout above the din of rain on the cart roof, rising wind and booming thunder. The roof of the cart didn’t offer much protection against the fat drops of rain. Not a fan of storms, Lexie edged closer to his protective bulk and pointed behind some trees.

  Ozone ripened in the air. Then a flash of lightening, so bright it was blinding, rent the sky followed by a crash of thunder that shook the cart. Lexie jumped, clutched Jay, her arms gripping his waist, and buried her face into his neck.

  “It’s all right, darlin’.” He hugged her tighter.

  He pulled up to the shelter, pressed the brake then hauled her out, tucking her under his arm. Jay practically carried her to the building trying to shield her with his body. They rushed under the roof and she clung to him, liking how his arms held her tight.

  “Lucky this was so close, or we’d be fending off Mother Nature all on our own.” He gazed at her with a sultry heat that seeped into her soul and chased the chill of rain from her.

  All she saw was his face. Gone were the majestic towering trees and the carefully clipped fairways, and no thoughts of golf lessons ran through her mind. The storm was a backdrop to her raging emotions. She was consumed with what she thought and felt for Jay.

  She stared at him, caught in the smoldering passion of his gaze. She didn’t want to leave the powerful shelter of his arms. Her breath snagged in her chest, and she pressed herself to him. Her breasts flattened against the broad expanse of his chest, his wet shirt dampening hers and cooling her fevered flesh. She shivered.


  Lexie shook her head. “No.”

  The sexy smile curving his lips and the passion radiating from him stoked a fire that burned her from the inside out. Suddenly, she was hot, but not the kind of heat that needed a cool drink of water, one that required more fuel for the fire. She laced her fingers behind his back, holding him firm, losing herself in sensation. Only aware of being wrapped in the blanket of his strength. His power. It overtook her.

  “You are gorgeous, woman.” The deep timber of his voice was barely audible above the wildness of nature.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Lexie barely recognized the husky tone of her own voice. It was raw and eager and encouraging.

  She smiled, straining toward him, silently begging him to ease the tingling of her lips with the press of his. No words were needed. He ducked his head and accepted the invitation she offered.

  When they were a hair’s breadth apart, with barely a whisper of air between them, he halted and stared deep into her eyes.

  Her belly liquefied into molten heat and wetness dampened her panties, her body ready for him. Would they take it as far as that? Would they have sex here in the wild remoteness of the mountain, under the crashing of nature’s fury?

  Oh god, I hope so!

  She inhaled, breathing in his wonderful essence that had been driving her wild. His scent now so hauntingly familiar, it would forever be ingrained in her senses. It lured her and mingled with the scent of the mountain and rain—wild, raw and intoxicating. Arousing. If he didn’t make a move soon, she would explode.

  Seconds later, their lips met with a violence of lovers denied. Her muscles trembled. She was shaken to the core by the intensity of their kiss. As much as she had longed for his touch, she hadn’t expected the impact he would have on her. He tipped his head and deepened the kiss, forcing her mouth open to receive his tongue, and she didn’t deny him. Lexie wanted him. Deep, dominant and strong, buried within her.

  He held her tight, and every delicious, hard inch, every contour of his body, drew her in as if he’d unzipped himself and slipped her inside. She couldn’t pull away. Didn’t want to.

  He etched a fiery trail down her spine with his hand until he cradled her ass. He bent her back like the sway of a willow. She arched, swooning when he deepened their kiss. Bold and sure, their tongues tangled, and he worked his lips over hers in the most erotic kiss she had ever experienced.

  Jay could kiss. Oh, God could he kiss.

  Every schoolgirl fantasy about being swept away
by a big, strong mysterious man was being fulfilled right here and now. It had taken nearly fifteen years of dating to be thoroughly and expertly kissed. The kiss drained every bit of strength from her until she needed him and him alone for sustenance. Life.

  The storm raged around them, matching their wild passion. Lexie’s fingers grappled with his shirt, pulling it from his waistband until she could slip her hands underneath and truly feel his heat. His flesh, firm and muscular, thrilled her, and she explored him, letting her hands glide over him frantically one moment and softly the next. She couldn’t get enough of his rippling muscles.

  He groaned into her mouth and his muscles quaked. She thrilled, knowing her touch caused this mountain of a man to tremble. She was putty in his hands too, so when he gripped her ass tight, squeezing and pulling her close so his hard cock pressed into her belly, Lexie sagged. If it weren’t for his hold she would have slid into a heap at his feet.

  Rain serenaded them, one minute light and mild and the next a symphony of chaos, a glorious song of nature echoing their own riotous play.

  Jay’s hand fell to her thigh. He explored her, climbing higher under her golf skirt until he had it pushed around her waist. His palm cupped a cheek then slid down the back of her thigh to cradle behind her knee. He raised her leg, and she hooked her heel around his hip, trembling when the hard length of his cock through the light fabric of his slacks pressed her heated pussy. The thin sport shorts she wore molded to her swollen flesh, and she felt him as if they were naked. Lexie’s head fell back. He blazed a trail along her chin, searing her with his lips and tongue before sucking an earlobe into the warmth of his mouth.

  How much longer could she take this assault? Lexie had no idea, but she wasn’t about to call a halt. She writhed in his arms, clutching and imprinting him into her brain so she could remember every detail—the feel of him next to her and his scent. She was a boneless mass of pure sensation.

  “Oh, my God–” A great crash of thunder shook the ground beneath them and she jumped, gripping his shoulders.

  “It’s right on top of us now.” He murmured into her ear before sweeping his tongue around the rim.

  Lexie trembled, her teeth chattered, and she couldn’t control herself. Nodding was all she could manage.

  A blast of rain blew under the roof and he turned his back to the rain to shield her. “Looks like we’re stuck here until it’s all over.”

  Until what is all over? Was he talking about the rain being over or them continuing down this passion path they were on? Were they stuck, or was it providence? He couldn’t possibly be considering stopping. Her passion clouded mind refused to make sense.

  “T-there’s no point... ah... shit.” Lexie sucked in a breath before she continued, “going anywhere. We’ll still get wet.”

  “Is that right?” He slipped his hand between her thigh and under the edge of her shorts to slide through her lips. “Do you mean like this? As wet as you are?”

  “Oh!” Her pussy walls quivered, anticipating the invasion of his fingers or his cock sliding deep inside to find her sweet spot. “Now. Oh, now.” She couldn’t take it any longer and thrust her hips toward him.

  He laughed, but it held a raw edge that spoke volumes. He was just as aroused.

  “Is this what you want?” He asked when he swirled his fingers around the edge of her entrance, sending tremors radiating to the very tips of her fingers and toes.

  Lexie nodded frantically. “Oh yes.”

  “Or this?” He tracked through her swollen folds to find her clitoris.

  A keening cry tore from her mouth and was swept away in the rage of the storm. He moved his fingers in slow, maddening circles until she couldn’t remain still. Her hips rotated as if they had a mind of their own, increasing the pressure of his fingers on her. Her body’s quivering rose to a violent tremble. He plunged deep inside, curling his fingers and pumping, forcing her to hover at the edge of ecstasy.

  Lexie grabbed her breast and squeezed, wishing it was his hand, not hers, massaging her nipple to an even stiffer peak. She pulled the low V-neck aside and exposed her breast. He leaned down and caught her nipple with his mouth then suckled until pain bordered on pleasure.

  “Come for me, coach,” he murmured against her breast.

  Lexie boiled. She wanted to. She wanted to orgasm for him, but something held her back. She couldn’t let go. Why? Her brain frantically searched for the answer as her body raced toward release then screeched to a halt.

  “I—” She panted. “—want.”

  “What do you want?” He pressed his lips to hers. “Tell me.”

  Lexie’s brain functioned at a very limited capacity. She needed to regroup to be able to tell him what she wanted. She opened her eyes and immediately drowned in his smoldering gaze, leaving her close to speechless.

  What do I want? Do I even know?

  Yes, she knew. She wanted him. All of him. Not just his fingers or his cock. There was something about him that she wanted more of. He reached a deep place within her that she thought she’d managed to keep guarded. Who was this man who’d swept her off her feet from the minute she’d laid eyes on him?

  She sighed with frustration and then relief when he removed his fingers. She stood on the wooden floor now slick with the rain. Her legs were like jelly, which, wanting to keep contact with him, gave her an excuse to clutch his forearms.

  He leaned down and whispered, “You’re trembling.”

  “I know.”

  “I like that.”

  That did it. She was a lost cause. She slid her arms around his neck and clung to him for dear life. “I want... you... here. Now.”

  He looked deep into her eyes and his lips curved into a smile, one side a little higher than the other. Lexie ran her hand along his chin and traced her thumb over his full bottom lip. Then she curled her hand behind his head and pulled him to her. At the same time, he lowered her to the bench and pressed his knee between her thighs. She opened for him and lay back.

  “How about we get these shorts off.”

  It was a statement, not a question, and Lexie let him pull them off. Her skirt, which had been pushed up around her hips, fell back over her thighs, so her nakedness was still shielded from him. But she ached, thinking what it would be like when he finally did gaze upon her.

  “Jay.” Lexie sucked in a breath. “I don’t have... didn’t bring anything.”

  “Well, darlin’, I did. Hoping that one day we’d find ourselves so inclined.” He leaned over her, and hungering for him like a starved a woman, she turned her face to catch his lips but they were a hairsbreadth away.

  “Then, what are you waiting for?”

  “I think I’d like to play with you a little more.”

  “Oh, God.” She closed her eyes and relaxed, loving the way he talked to her. The tone of his voice combined with his ordinary words and took erotic to a whole new meaning.

  “Would you like that?” He nibbled and licked a scorching trail down her neck, undoing the buttons on her top to expose her turquoise bra. She reached to undo the front clasp, and he swept her hands aside. “Let me. I want to discover you on my own.”

  He sat back and traced the back of his hand over her chest and the rise of her breast. With a quick flick, he had the bra open. He pushed it aside, exposing her hardened nipples. “Just as beautiful as I imagined.”

  Lexie was mesmerized as he caressed around her breasts, skirting her nipples. She ached for him, every nerve from her breasts to her pussy on fire, settling with a desperate quaking need in her clitoris. She couldn’t keep her hips still and began slow pulses. The age-old urge to mate flowed through her and she wanted him inside. “Hurry, I can’t–”

  She fell silent when he lifted her skirt, baring her to his heated gaze. “This is what I’ve been waiting for.”

  Lexie nearly leapt out of her skin when he pressed his lips to the crease of her thigh just below her hip bone. He pushed her legs apart and his hot breath ruffled the curls
she’d kept neatly trimmed.

  Her body’s trembling increased as his lips moved closer to her core, inching their way to her swollen and sensitive lips. She heard him inhale. Then she was rocked with excruciating heaven when he lapped her pussy. She cried out and arched as he swept his tongue through her vulva then found and latched onto her clitoris. His assault coincided with the heightened violence of the storm. Lexie moaned and slipped her hands over her breasts, cupping them as his mouth worked magic on her.

  He lifted his head and Lexie looked at him. His mouth glistened with her moisture, and a tremor coursed through her before she let her head drop back. She lay sprawled on the bench, not caring that the wind howled around them and the rain blew in under the roof. Her center of focus was this unbelievably sexy man bringing her delights of sensation. She relaxed, letting go as she never had before. Living in the moment and receiving the pleasure he bestowed upon her. There was no urgency to reciprocate. Time for that later. The thought was freeing.

  Jay slipped his talented fingers inside and stroked her while he teased with his tongue and lips, nipping her lips and clit. Sweet heat coiled low in her belly, and she sucked in little gasps of air, holding her breath until she needed to draw another one.

  “Come for me, baby.” The urgency in his voice told her he was coiled tight, and she had a moment of regret that he wasn’t fucking her as she came.

  But it was too late, and all thought escaped when she came apart under him. She grasped her breasts tight as her orgasm crashed around her. She didn’t hear any thunder, only the rushing of blood in her ears as the exquisite waves of intensity overcame her. Her body tremored, and slowly she came down, her pussy quivering in repeated pulsations.

  She licked her lips and blinked, trying to focus on Jay. He leaned over her, passion clouding his eyes and red suffusing his face. His breathing was staccato, and Lexie wanted to bring him the same delight he’d just given her. She struggled to sit, but he gently pressed her back.


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