A Little Bit of Trouble

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A Little Bit of Trouble Page 32

by A. E. Murphy

  The female in question is sat on the sofa with a wriggling Evelyn in her arms. Marie is sat beside her laughing at something James has said. “Hey dude,” Marie smiles and shifts herself up the couch so I can sit between her and Loryn. Loryn gives her a wide eyed look but says nothing.

  “Hi Lucas,” she murmurs and goes back to playing with the baby.

  “Hi,” I sit as close as possible to her without making her uncomfortable and lean forward to kiss my niece on the cheek. As usual she swings for me with her tiny little fist. “Monkey.”

  “You tell him,” Loryn coos at the little girl. “Next time don’t miss.”

  Evelyn just gurgles and claps her little hands.

  Marie suddenly stands, “Shit. I completely forgot, I’m supposed to be helping Summer with this baking thing she’s insisting on entering.” Summer doesn’t start that until tomorrow, I spoke to her last night. What’s Marie up to? “Can you give Loryn a lift home James?”

  James shrugs and looks at Loryn for confirmation, “sure. No problem.”

  “I can get a cab it’s…” Loryn begins to say but James gives her a look that tells her not to argue. “Okay, thanks. I thought you said that was tomorrow?”

  Marie shrugs, “You must have misheard me. See you later.”

  Loryn sighs but says nothing, she just continues playing with the baby. Maya joins us in the room with Amelia on her back. She places Amelia on the couch as her phone rings. I don’t catch much of the conversation as she leaves the room.

  “James!” Maya shouts as she reenters the room. I’m getting whiplash from following all of this movement with my head. “James!”


  “You know that huge shipment we were supposed to receive before midnight? There’s been a problem and a huge spill in the warehouse.” She shakes her head and stamps her foot on the ground. “This is going to cost a fortune.” She starts pulling her jacket on.

  “I’ll go,” James stands and places his hand on her arm. “You relax here.”

  “Like I’m going to trust you with that by yourself.” Uh-oh, this is about to get nasty.

  “Are you kidding me? I could handle this better than you!” James scoffs and glares at his woman whilst pulling his jacket on.

  “Please, you can’t even handle Evelyn, let alone a half a million dollars’ worth of chemicals.”

  “They’re organic Maya, hardly chemicals.”

  “Now you’re just being argumentative.” They head to the hall still shouting. “LORYN! WATCH THE BABY!” James mumbles something and I hear the front door click open. “You’re and idiot James, I did not say that.”

  “And you fell over that crate.” And then the front door closes.

  “Did they just leave?” Loryn asks around a little laugh.

  I nod, “Yep.”

  She sighs and shakes her head, “What a crazy couple.”


  “Where’s Auntie Maya gone?” Amelia asks and stares at the door that leads to the hall. I shrug and glance at Loryn who has just placed Evelyn in her bouncer and is now heading to the coat closet.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home. You can handle the girls.” She doesn’t meet my eyes. I dash from the couch and place my hand on her arm, she tenses. “You don’t need me here.”

  “Maya clearly stated that you were to look after Evelyn. Not me.”

  “She probably forgot you were here.”

  I shrug, “I’ll go if you want me to.” Lies.

  “Okay, good.”

  “But Amelia would be heartbroken,” now I’m using emotional blackmail. Talk about sinking low Lucas!

  Loryn scowls at me and stomps back to the couch. With a triumphant smile I follow and fall next to her, “Was this all done on purpose for your sake?”

  “If it was?”

  “Then I’d need to slap a few people.”

  “No, I don’t think it was.”

  “It all seems a little too coincidental if I’m honest.”

  “I’m agreeing with you,” I shift closer, she moves away. So I move closer again and she moves again until finally she’s pressed against the arm and my thigh is against hers.

  “Do you mind?” she hisses and glares at me.

  I turn on some cartoons for Amelia and shake my head, “No, I’m great thanks. Do you mind?”

  “Yes actually. I do.”

  “Would you like me to move up?”

  “That would be awesome.”

  “Well tough.” I grin mischievously at her and place my arm along the back of the couch so it’s only inches from the back of her head. Then I lean in so my side is pressed against her completely. She tenses and sits forward so her elbows are resting on her knees. My eyes catch the sight of a lacy pink thong poking over the top of her jeans. I reach down and run my finger over the edge. “These are new.”

  “You ripped most of my others remember.” Though she doesn’t sound annoyed, only a little out of breath. What’s amazing is the fact she doesn’t pull away.

  My lips touch her ear, “yeah, I remember.” My finger continues to follow the edge of her thong. Back and forth, back and forth again and again until I hear her physically gulp and watch her body shiver. “I’d love to rip these too.” And I just ruined it.

  She goes to stand but I capture her waist with my free arm and tug her back down, “You’re an ass.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that,” I sigh and slip to the floor so I can kneel in front of her. “I’m sorry. Forgive me?”


  My eyes meet hers after a few seconds of waiting for her to look at me rather than everywhere else, “I’m sorry.”

  “Okay, you can get up now.”

  “We need to talk. Will you listen?”

  Her jaw clenches but she relents. My entire body loosens with relief.

  “Thank you.” Now where to begin. “I wouldn’t have forced you to terminate the pregnancy Loryn.” She stiffens and tries to move away. “You could have told me.”

  “And you wouldn’t have been mad?”

  “I would have been furious, I would have been sad, angry, messed up and confused but I would have accepted it.”

  “And you know this for a fact?” She doesn’t believe me. I don’t blame her.


  “What’s done is done. It’s gone now.”

  “I know,” it’s a harsh reality, but she’s right. It’s gone now. “And I’m so sorry for that.”

  Her lower lip trembles and her eyes drop to look at her laced fingers, “It’s not your fault Lucas.”

  “No, I can’t control your insides but I should never have left you,” dipping my head I search for her eyes once more. “I should never have let you walk out that night.”

  “Don’t, it was inevitable. We both knew it was going to happen sooner or later.”

  “It shouldn’t have happened. I’m a stubborn man, I kept convincing myself that I didn’t want anything from you, that we were just two adults having fun.”

  “What do you mean?” I wipe away her tears with my thumbs and slowly lean closer.

  “I mean I…” A loud screeching sound cuts me off. We both look at Evelyn who appears distressed… and then the pungent smell of poop fills our nostrils. “I’ll let you get that.”

  “Nuh-uh,” Loryn laughs and darts away. “She’s your niece.”

  “You’re really going to make me do it aren’t you?” This woman has no sympathy for a man with a fear of poop. It wasn’t so bad when she was tiny because it didn’t smell as bad. Now the kid is on solids it’s like sloppy adult poop and by god it fucking stinks.


  Being a Gentleman

  I drop Amelia off at school and pick up my phone, the last few days me and Loryn have been texting. It’s a huge improvement and for once, since all of this bullshit life crap happened I actually feel hopeful for a brighter future.

  Lucas: Breakfast?

bsp; Please say yes!

  Loryn: That actually sounds really good. I’ll meet you at the place Marie goes. I’m addicted to their chocolate chip pancakes.

  Lucas: Great! See you in fifteen.

  My smile doesn’t leave my face as I drive through the busy city. I feel emotionally invincible. Nothing can bring me down right now.

  When I walk into the diner Loryn stands and waves me over, I smile and pull her in for a tight hug before giving her a chance to talk, “Hi.”

  “Hello,” she says softly and clears her throat when I release her. “You look great.”

  “I feel great,” I sit beside her.

  “Aren’t you going to sit opposite me?”

  I glance at the empty looking bench and then back at her, “Nah.”

  The waitress comes over, I order two plates of chocolate chip pancakes with cream and sauce. “Lucas, it’d be easier to have a conversation if I could see your face.”

  I turn my body so she can see me, “Loryn. I haven’t sat this close to you in ages…”

  “Three days to be exact.”

  “Whatever, I like being next to you. Stop moaning.”

  She suddenly becomes tense and her eyes become soft, “I heard you umm…”

  She doesn’t continue, I wait a moment before prompting, “Go on.”

  “You remember the accident.”

  Good mood gone. “Loryn…”

  “I shouldn’t say anything and I’m not asking about it but I just want you to know that you can talk to me about it… if you want to. No pressure.”

  I lean forward and press my lips to her forehead, “I’m trying not to think about it and the night in question is still a little hazy but I will tell you… one day.”

  “Okay.” She smiles reassuringly and places her hand over mine, I turn my hand so my palm faces up and lace our fingers. “When you’re ready.”

  “Thank you,” she stares at our hands and gives my fingers a gentle and reassuring squeeze. I smile and bring her hand up to my lips before our food is placed in front of us.

  “So, Maya has asked me to do her hair and makeup for the wedding. Isn’t that awesome?”

  I nod, “Yeah babe. That’s brilliant.”

  “She wanted to pay me but she’s paying for my ticket, my accommodation, and my dress so I told her no. We’re still arguing over it. Marie finds it hilarious.”

  My eyes roll of their own accord, “Marie finds everything hilarious.”

  “She’s apparently considering going to see Jacob soon. He’s offered to send her a ticket. He’s filming in London for the next couple of months, how awesome is that?”

  “Those two need to get their shit together,” I say with affection in my voice. “There’s no sky is up with those two. They seem to be on their own planet.”

  “Agreed, but I can see it from both sides I guess.”

  Taking a bite of my food, I chew and swallow. “My god this is fantastic.”

  “Better than sex?”

  “Never better than sex with you,” I wag my eyebrows playfully, she slaps my arm and laughs a little. “Thanks for coming today. It means a lot.” I wonder if she realizes just how much.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry for what I said after the… incident.” Meaning her time in hospital I assume. “It’s not your fault.” This is a relief to hear.

  “How are you? After all of that?” It’s difficult to word such a tragedy. I don’t want to trigger anything and upset her but at the same time I want her to know that I’m here just like she did with me only moments ago.

  “It’s hard but… I’m getting there.” Her face falls, that beautiful smile I adore suddenly replaced with a look of pure anguish. “It’s stupid. Women miscarry all the time. I shouldn’t act like I’m the only one who has experienced it.”

  “Hey,” I move closer and place my arm around her. “It was a part of you. You be as sad as you need to be Loryn.”

  “What about you? Are you okay?”

  “I won’t lie, it hurts. I wish you’d told me. I didn’t get a chance to really experience the whole thing before it was taken away.”

  She shakes her head, “Now I just feel worse.”

  “No, baby. I don’t mean to make you feel like shit. I get why you didn’t tell me. Truly I do. I just wish you had. But what’s done is done. I’m here for you if you need me.” I wait a moment, there’s something I do in fact need to know. “Can I ask?”

  “Sure,” her large brown eyes search my face.

  “How did you umm… I mean, when Crystal got pregnant with Amelia the pill failed because it was a bad batch.”

  She places her fork down and frowns a little, “You want to know how it happened?”

  I nod.

  “I was sick a little bit. When I was helping Greg out at the shelter a couple of days before we umm…”

  “Failed to use a condom.”

  “I’m guessing I threw up my pill.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I just wanted to know. What’s done is done. And I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  “What’s done is done. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  We finish eating in silence, there’s not much left to be said. When we finish I walk her to her van, it’s the first time I’ve seen her drive it and my heart swells with pride. “So.”

  “So,” she repeats and hooks her thumbs through her belt loops. “I’ll see you around.”

  “I’m going to the Playhouse with Amelia tonight. Do you want to come?”

  Her face lights up a little and then falls again, “Shit. I can’t. I already have plans.”

  I don’t like this. “What plans?”

  “I’m going to Greg’s for dinner. His mom is coming over too.”

  Remain calm and impassive Lucas, “Tomorrow then?”

  She opens the door to her van, “I’ll text you.”


  Apparently my mood wasn’t as indestructible as I thought. With a sigh I head home.

  Time to up my game.

  I’m on my own all night, apart from Amelia of course but she’s been busy doing her own thing. We went to the Playhouse for a little while, that was fun for her. I was bored out of my mind. Helen got in touch a couple of hours ago, she’s doing well. I told her about everything that had happened, she was very sympathetic about it. Unfortunately it triggered a memory, one I should have told James but completely forgot.

  So I texted him and told him to meet me for lunch tomorrow. He’s agreed so here I am, sat in the same place I sat yesterday with Loryn. Except I let James sit opposite me.

  “I know who keeps taking those flowers to Maya’s, dad’s grave.” Is the first thing I say when he sits and his eyes go wide, “Who?”

  “Her mom.”

  “Yeah right. You must have seen someone else.”

  Frown. “I’m not kidding, I know what her mom looks like.”

  “Even I don’t know what her mom looks like. How do you?” he sits back and his eyes narrow.

  “When she moved into her dad’s place. When you two weren’t together I helped her decorate and such. Under her bed in the room that’s now Evelyn’s is a trapdoor with a tiny cubby hole in the floor. There’s a shoebox filled with pictures of Maya’s mom before she had Maya. I’m surprised she didn’t tell you,” I’ve really landed myself in it now. I can tell by how angry he looks, “She never fucking tells me anything.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “This is just great. You’re sure it’s her?”

  “Yup. I know it’s her, she was only about fifty feet away, and I had a perfect view of her face.”

  He sighs and shrugs, “Well, I guess I’ll have to tell her and hope it doesn’t bother her.”

  “Why do you think the woman is leaving flowers and shit now? When she had no contact all of Maya’s life?”

  “I don’t know but it’s something I want to find out.”

  “Well if you need me…”

  He waves me off and sips his coffee, “Thanks for telling me first.”r />
  “No problem.”

  We lapse into silence for a brief moment, “I didn’t know she was pregnant. Maya never told me. If she had… I would have told you. You know that right?”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Maya is worried you’re angry with her. She said you’ve been a bit standoffish as of late.”

  “Not at all, I don’t blame anyone but myself in this case. I’ve just been all over the place.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. How are things going with Loryn?”

  Shit, crap, garbage… “Okay. For now. I’m stuck, still trying to get her to acknowledge me.”

  “I thought you said you were both talking again?”

  “We are, we even met for breakfast yesterday but I haven’t been able to talk to her properly. Whenever I ask her out she’s always busy. With Greg, or Marie, or Maya or the salon. She just doesn’t have time for me… either that or she doesn’t want to make time for me. It sucks.”

  He hums a little and leans back in his seat, “Why don’t you just turn up?”

  “Because she doesn’t want me to.”

  He raises an eyebrow, “She’s female. They all love being chased.”

  “And how did that work out for you and Maya?” he blanches a little and I start sniggering. “So remind me again why I should take relationship advice from you.”

  “Point taken.” Pause. “But I still think you should just show up. Don’t let her forget about you. Keep forcing the issue until you get a chance to address it properly.”

  “You know what?” I place my cup on the table. “I think that is a good idea and for once I will in fact follow your advice.”

  We bump knuckles and head our separate ways. I have an invasion to plan.


  “Lucas, what are you doing here?” Marie asks a little breathlessly. What has she been doing? “Everything okay?”


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