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Abraxis Complex 4: Forging Aegis

Page 4

by Ben Winston

"Yes please, if she sees a problem with it please let us know," Greg added.

  "I will Commander," Abraxis replied.

  "Okay, so now that we have a little bit of time, can we finally go over the Christmas lists?" Bella asked.

  "Didn't we just have Halloween?" Greg asked.

  "Yes we did, which means we're running late!" Bella said, seriously.

  Jolene chuckled. "Bella, I don't think that's what he meant."

  Bella growled. "Men!"

  Harclen Democratic Consortium

  Outer system

  Harclen System

  "Drop out in one minute, Greg," Bella said.

  "Once we separate and get into the asteroids, be careful you two," Greg replied.

  "You too, be careful, both of you!" Jolene said.

  Greg winked at her as the canopies reformed prior to splitting apart. They wouldn't split up until after they dropped out of hyperspace, but it would happen immediately after they did, so they got the ships ready for it.

  Greg watched as Bella finished counting down and the sleds returned to normal space and split apart. It took a moment for the flight computers to get their location, and Bella called into Harclen control just as if she were actually a freighter entering the system.

  "Harclen Control, this is Terran Special. We have arrived and request permission to enter your space, over."

  The traffic control center on Harclen was in on the ploy and played their parts. "Terran Special, welcome to Harclen. Traffic is light in your area. Proceed on approved flight plan, will advise on entering inner system."

  "Understood, Harclen Control. Talk to you again soon," Bella replied grinning. "Terran Special, out."

  Over their special short range whisper comm, Bella said. "You heard the lady, let's get after it."

  "Let's go," Greg agreed. "Abraxis, are Delion and her team in position?"

  "They are on course, but slightly ahead of you. They will arrive at the target location twenty seconds before you," Abraxis replied. "Shall I ask them to slow down?"

  Greg thought for a second. "No, we'll try to make up some of the time, but it might be better if they arrive first. The Drellian team might just turn right into us."

  "Intercept in ninety seconds, Greg," Bella informed him.

  "Okay, try to pick it up a little, but be careful of these damn rocks! It's like flying through a damn mountain!" Greg replied.

  "Some of these rocks are bigger than most mountains," Jolene replied as all three of them increased speed.

  Greg didn't reply as flying was taking up most of his attention. That didn't last very long as his sensors warned him of an explosion not very far ahead.

  "We're here, keep your eyes open, Ladies!" Greg said and cut his speed. He had already armed his weapons, but would try to avoid using the missiles if he could.

  "Rangers are engaged!" Delion's voice was heard over the open comm channel. "Three hostile targets hiding in the outer belt!" She reported as if they had stumbled across the Drellian team.

  "Understood Ranger One! Issuing the alert to the local traffic," the controller replied.

  "Enemy attempting to flee, we are pursuing!" Delion said letting Greg and the girls know what was happening.

  "Here they come ladies, get ready!" Greg said with quiet urgency. "Engage as you get them."

  Just as he finished speaking one of the enemy craft shot out from behind a large asteroid in front of him. Greg opened fire and watched as the Drellian tried to evade and crashed into an asteroid.

  "Splash one," Greg replied on the open channel.

  "Another is gone!" one of Delion’s team reported. Greg could actually see her craft as she flew past the wreckage. He could also see the last Drellian ship had targeted her with a missile.

  Without thought, Greg shoved his power all the way forward and shot forward, firing continuously at the Drellian. The enemy exploded in a ball of expanding plasma, but the missile had been launched. Greg continued on, firing at the missile but in his haste got too close; when his beams destroyed it, the explosion smashed his ship sideways, knocking him unconscious.

  "Greg!" Bella screamed and recklessly rushed forward, Jolene fast beside her.

  However, it was Delion herself that 'caught' Greg's spinning sled before it could hit an asteroid. There was still no response from the pilot.

  "Harclen Control, we are inbound with a medical emergency. The human Fighter has been injured. Prepare the medical facility to receive us," Delion ordered. "Pursia, get us a jump point back as fast as possible."

  "All Rangers, turn to heading one-zero-four by three-six by two-four-four. Proceed with caution, we will be going through the heaviest part of the field." The Harclen Pilot said.

  "Bella, Jolene, He is alive, but badly hurt," Delion said. "Help us get him back to the medical facility."

  "Yes Ma'am," Jolene replied. Bella didn't reply. They saw the damage to Greg's sled. The right front portion of the nose had been blasted away. The same part of the ship where Greg's legs would have been.

  The sled itself was badly damaged, but it was keeping Greg alive.

  "B-Bella, Jolene, I am very sorry your mate was injured. He saved my live and that is a debt I can never repay. Thank you," the Harclen Pilot said softly.

  "There is no debt, Pursia. Any of us would have done the same," Bella replied getting herself under control. "You and all of our fellow Rangers are our family. There can be never be debts between us."

  "Jump plotted Delion. We will be clear to jump in fifteen seconds," Pursia reported to her leader.

  "Harclen Control we need clearance for six hypersleds at the medical facility, we will be arriving in four minutes. Clear the area, we're jumping in."

  "All six? A… at once Ranger Fighter!" came the reply.

  "Uh, Delion, I took damage as well." Pursia replied.

  "Are you injured?" Delion asked.

  "Yes, shrapnel from the explosion penetrated the hull and is lodged in my left shoulder." The Pilot replied. "I am unable to land my craft."

  Jolene, moved up near her sled and locked her tractor onto her. "Drop the controls, Pursia. I got you. We'll get you down safely."

  "Harclen Control, we have two injured. Ranger Pilot Pursia has taken damage to her left shoulder," Delion reported. "We are jumping back now." Delion switched back to the intership comm. "All Rangers, jump on my mark; three, two, one, mark!"

  As one, all six ships jumped into hyperspace.

  Office of the Governor

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Sometimes Carl really hated his job. Luckily, the three most important people he needed to talk to were all still here. The forth just happened to be on the base since she was taking a break from the system patrols Greg had ordered before he left. Jarad and Mandi had already arrived, and as Sharon and Joyce took seats Carl stood.

  "The reason I called you all here is to let you know Abraxis reported the Rangers mission a success. The Drellian team was destroyed in the Harclen system," Carl said.

  "Why do I hear a 'but' coming?" Sharon asked.

  Carl frowned. "There were two casualties."

  "Oh no!" Mandi said as tears began to form in her eyes. "Please Carl, tell me they aren't dead."

  Carl shook his head. "No, no one has died yet. Ranger Pilot Pursia of Harclen sustained a severe injury resulting in the loss of the use of her left arm. She is being treated at the main medical center on Harclen and is in 'serious but stable' condition." He paused and swallowed the lump in his throat. "Ranger Fighter, Commander Greg Albright of Earth sustained heavy damage to his hypersled when a missile exploded too close to him. He is also being treated at the main medical center on Harclen.

  "He is currently undergoing emergency surgery to stabilize him for transport home. He is currently listed in critical condition with an unknown prognosis. His left leg blown off and his right leg had to be amputated at the knee. He sustained considerable internal damage as a
result of the explosion. That's what the Harclen doctors are working to repair right now.

  "I have already requested one of our freighters to make the jump to Harclen to retrieve Greg and his hypersled. Both Beth and Carla have already volunteered to go. I hate to do this to you, Joyce, but at least for the time being, you are Greg's second. I say that, because I want to send Jarad to Harclen to take charge of the girls." When Sharon opened her mouth Carl cut her off.

  "I know exactly what you're going to say Sharon, but you have to stay here for a number of reasons. The biggest of which is that after Bella, you are the only other Ranger Pilot we have. Joyce will need you here."

  "Carl, he's my son!" Sharon said in tears.

  "Damn it! I know that, Sharon! This is killing me to order you to do this, but you have to stay here! Without you at this base to be Joyce's Pilot, this base will be open to attack; I can't let that happen!" Carl said in frustration.

  "Sir, forgive me, but will Greg be able to continue as a Fighter?" Joyce asked, worried.

  "We simply don't know yet, Joyce. Alliance technology can repair many things, but I'm led to believe his injuries are very bad. Abraxis told me that even with the emergency stasis unit in the sled, he should not have survived the trip back to the medical center. That combined with the loss of his legs might very well end his active career, we simply don't have enough information at this point."

  "I'm going too," Mandi said in her bull-headed way. "You can punish me later, but I will be on that ship."

  "Actually, I was going to ask you to go, Mandi. The Harclen and Onarian leadership will be sending their specialists to meet you on Harclen. There, you will give them the schematics and a technical briefing on the new sensor system you developed. They will be taking over the manufacture and deployment of the drones," Carl replied.

  "How can you worry about those damn drones at a time like this?" Mandi asked.

  Carl looked at her sadly. "Those 'damn drones' will help prevent a situation like this from happening again and could very well save the lives of the next Rangers that will have to go out and fight."

  "When will we be leaving sir?" Jarad asked softly.

  "Within the hour. The Harclen have requested human medical personnel to, and I quote, 'properly care for our military leader'. I think Greg's actions have elevated him in the eyes of our Allies," Carl replied.

  "What do you mean?" Jarad asked.

  "Greg was hurt protecting the Harclen Pilot from a missile that had been fired at her. He saved her life but not from injury. According to the battle report, he did so without thought or consideration for his own safety; he acted on reflex. That action meant a great deal to not only the Harclen but the Greynus and Onarians as well. The Onarian Ambassador said that for a human to act without forethought of his own safety, to defend another not of his own species, is in the truest and most honorable traditions of the Rangers. As illogical as his actions were, they were perfectly in line with Ranger doctrine. As I understand it, that is very high praise coming from an Onarian," Carl said.

  "How are Bella and Jolene taking it?" Mandi asked.

  "I haven't had the opportunity to speak to them, but Fighter Delion requested their assistance with a planetary emergency and they accepted. It seems the fighting dislodged a lot of asteroids and whatnot. The mining companies are having a lot of difficulty catching them and asked for Ranger assistance," Carl replied.

  "I'll try to call them before we leave, then," Mandi replied. "If Greg is that bad off, they have to be pretty upset."

  "Is there something going on that we don't know about?" Carl replied.

  "Governor Hollister, because of the depth and type of bonds needed between Rangers, it is not unusual for them to form a more… personal relationship. Although it is not generally accepted by your culture, the commander and his team have grown into this level of intimacy," Abraxis replied. "To go into more detail would violate the Ranger's privacy."

  "Oh!" Carl said in surprise. "I had no idea." He looked thoughtful. "I don't think it’s a good idea for a commander to be intimate with those under his command. There is simply too many ways that can end badly. What happens if they ever decide to split up? It could form a rift in the team."

  "It could, but that situation is so rare that it almost never happens. The three members of a Ranger team, by definition, must form bonds that are very deep. There has to be absolute trust between them in any situation. The current situation is a prime example of that trust and understanding. Even though Greg is in critical condition and may not survive his injuries, his mates are still assisting the Harclen in protecting their world. I believe it is because they know that is what Greg would want them to do. They are one of the best examples of true Rangers. They may have a physical relationship with each other, but their relationship encompasses us all. By defending the Harclen, they are defending each other," Abraxis explained.

  "You're saying the feelings they share are not just for each other, but for all of us?" Joyce replied, Carl didn't miss the furtive glances she kept shooting at Sharon and Jarad.

  "That would be a very good way to explain it, yes," Abraxis replied.

  Carl nodded. "I can't understand it, but I can accept it. After all, it's really none of my business unless it affects their duties. Jarad, Sharon, I am sorry I had to give you this news. Additionally, I am sorry to rush you, but the ship is waiting for Jarad and Mandi."

  "Who's the pilot?" Sharon asked.

  "Captain Albion Stephandropolis and his crew. They got one of the first freighters we built," Carl said, but Sharon was nodding.

  "I know Al, he's been making bulk runs to Earth. I didn't know his ship was hyperspace capable," she finished.

  Carl nodded. "It was one of the first ones we built, and the design included a hyperdrive. The ship isn't really that big as far as freighters go, but they should suffice for what we need done, we dropped in one of those habitat modules but still left enough room for Greg's sled in the hold."

  Jarad stood and took his daughter's hand. "Come on Peanut, we need to get going."

  "We'll see you off," Joyce said and stood with Sharon. She turned back to Carl. "If you'll excuse us, Sir?"

  "Safe journey you two," Carl said to Jarad and Mandi, but nodded to Joyce.

  After his visitors left, Carl sighed. "Abraxis, I think those bonds you spoke of earlier are starting to form between Joyce and Sharon. I couldn't tell if they included Jarad or not. That kind of uncertainty can't be a good thing in this situation."

  "It is difficult to say, Governor. This situation is so rare there is little to no data available. However, interference at this point might make matters worse. I am confident those involved will work it out," Abraxis replied.

  Carl nodded agreement. "I just don't want to see any friends hurt."

  Abraxis took a moment to reply, and Carl was beginning to wonder if that was an end to the conversation, but the old AI finally did. "Of the humans I have knowledge of, your race seems to feel their emotions more deeply than those I have data on. At first I thought this might become a problem, so I tried to do more research on it. It is because of the depth of your emotions that your race stands out among most others.

  "I will admit, it seems to have increased the predilection for violence, but it also has increased your compassion and will. The capacity for emotion seems to be at the root of your abilities to continue when others would give up. This is both good and bad. Anger and rage are far more pronounced in your race than others; leading to prolonged fighting and more horrific atrocities. Conversely, the depth of your compassion and love grants you the will to continue to fight when others would simply surrender. I feel it is the greatest strength of your race, but also its greatest flaw. It is a most interesting paradox."

  "I think I will have to agree with you on that, my friend. Humans are very difficult if not impossible to define or comprehend in the best of situations," Carl replied. "Please keep me updated on Greg's condition and let me know if there is anything I c
an do for Bella and Jolene."

  "I will, Governor," Abraxis replied.

  Medical Center

  Castinim City

  Harclen System

  Harclen Democratic Consortium

  Faint beeping and humming. He was floating in a soft, warm, warmth and those noises were becoming irritating. Slowly he realized the humming was more like a soft purring and that wasn't so bad, in a way it was also comforting, but that beeping… like a heart monitor, was really grating. It was loud. He didn’t really want to wake up, but that beeping was keeping him from resting.

  Before he opened his eyes he took stock of his body, his head hurt, but it was a dull pain. His stomach really hurt and as he woke it was getting worse. But below that…

  He opened his eyes. He was lying in a soft bed, and he was holding two soft furry bodies close to him. Slowly it dawned on him he was in a medical facility. He must have been hurt again, but couldn't remember anything about it. He slowly turned his head to see the tiny face of a small cat-person. His mind labeled it a Harclen, but he didn't know how he knew that. Beyond that tiny head was the worried form of Bella looking out a window. Beside her, in a chair with her head on her crossed arms, Jolene rested.

  His attention was drawn by a Harclen he did not recognize standing near a window. When she saw he was awake, she moved toward him. "Bella! Jolene!" She said softly.

  In a moment all three woman were beside his bed. "How do you feel, Greg?" Bella asked.

  "I'll get the doctors," the Harclen woman said and quickly left.

  Greg? Yes, that was his name. He was Greg. "I’m pretty dazed. What happened?"

  "You saved Mama!" the little bundle under his right arm said softly. He couldn't tell if it was male or female though.

  "I did huh?" Greg replied. "That's good, then."

  The little bundle on his left hugged him tighter, it hurt a great deal, but Greg tried to ignore it. "Thank you Fighter Greg! Thank you so much!"

  Greg tried to smile tenderly. "It was my pleasure, little one."


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