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Abraxis Complex 4: Forging Aegis

Page 5

by Ben Winston

  "You took out a missile that was heading for Pilot Pursia. Unfortunately, you were too close when it went up, and you got caught in the blast. You got pretty messed up, Love," Jolene replied.

  "How bad? I can't feel anything below my waist," Greg said.

  Bella had tears in her eyes. "It's bad Greg, the doctors don't want us to tell you yet."

  "Am I dying?" Greg asked.

  "Not anymore young man," Greg heard and recognized the voice of Bella's mother, Beth.

  "Oh shit, it must be bad, if you're here, Doc." Greg replied. "I'm sorry I got messed up again."

  Beth smiled at him. "Don't worry about it Greg, it's just the price you have to pay for being a hero."

  Greg shook his head. "I'm not a hero, Doc. Now, how badly did I get messed up?"

  Beth looked at him strangely. "Before I get into that, do you know where you are and can you tell me how you feel?"

  "Not really, but because of these two little wonders, and the lady I saw a minute ago, we must be on the planet Harclen. I don't remember the events that landed me here, but I am slowly remembering who I am. My stomach really hurts, and I have a pretty good headache going. I can't feel anything below my waist," Greg replied.

  "You got hurt really bad, Fighter Greg," the left kitten said.

  "We're really sorry that you got hurt, Fighter Greg, but you saved Mama," the kitten on the right said.

  "Okay little monsters, you've bothered him enough for now, come on let's go get some lunch and let the doctor check Fighter Greg out," a very pretty Harclen woman with her left arm in a sling called.

  "Mama!" the little ones said in happy voices. From behind the woman, two older youngsters came forward to lift the little ones away from Greg.

  "Thank you for keeping me safe while I slept, little ones," Greg said in farewell to his bed-partners. "I had really good dreams thanks to you!"

  "You're welcome Fighter Greg!" One of them said.

  "Any time you need it, Fighter Greg!" the other said.

  Greg smiled and chuckled but it hurt. He winked at their injured mother and finally remembered her name. "Are you alright, Pursia?"

  "Yes I am, Fighter, thanks to you." She seemed almost overcome but came forward and gently licked his cheek. "Thank you." She turned and left the room quickly.

  It kind of choked him up. Just how badly was he messed up? He turned back to Beth. "Okay doc, enough dancing around, what's wrong with me?"

  "Are you sure, Greg? It's pretty bad," Beth asked.

  "Look, I've got to know sooner or later and all this drama is starting to worry me. I can’t start fighting it if I don't know what I'm fighting," Greg replied.

  Beth nodded. "You lost both legs. The left one at the hip, the right at the knee. You took what should have been a lethal dose of radiation from the missile and suffered extreme internal damage due to a failure of the sealing system caused by the damage to the sled, which is why your insides hurt so much. The Harclen had to do a lot of work inside you to repair the damage. I'll give you a pain killer in a few minutes that should help."

  "Okay, so legs can be regrown and my insides will heal given time, what's the big deal?" Greg asked.

  Beth bit her lower lip. "No Greg, your legs can't be regrown. Part of the internal damage was spinal. You're paralyzed from the waist down. We can't regrow your legs because of that damage. Marcus is already preparing the cloned tissues back home, but you need to know that there are no certain answers here. The radiation you were exposed to should have killed you, as well as the loss of atmosphere in the sled. We'll do our best, but you need to know that there is a better than average chance you'll never walk again." She paused. "Even if we manage to restore your legs, you may never be able to pilot a sled again."

  "Can I still father children?" Greg asked taking Bella's hand since she was the closest.

  Beth looked down and shook her head. "When your leg was blown off, it shattered your hip and pelvis. You genitals were destroyed as well."

  "Options?" Greg asked.

  "Like I said, Marcus is preparing the replacement tissues, and we will begin treatment as soon as we arrive. We'll do everything we can, but a full recovery from this much trauma is almost non-existent," Beth replied. "I wish I could give you better news, Greg, but you wanted the truth."

  Greg nodded. "When will I be leaving?"

  "Now that you're awake, and we have a better idea of your health, probably tomorrow," Beth replied. "I should mention that in addition to Delion, her team, and their kits, (children) there are a few others that would like to see you. Jarad and Mandi are here as well." She paused. "Before I let them in here though, would you like some time with you wives alone?"

  Greg looked up at her and she smiled down at him. "Who told you?"

  "Mandi did, but I already knew." She nodded at Bella and Jolene. "These two haven't been able to hide anything from me for years. I was just wondering how their relationship would fit into the one they had with you and Mandi. Now I know." She smiled back down at him. "I think they made a wonderful choice."

  She bent down and kissed him gently on the forehead. "I'll give you three some time to work this out. Just let me know when you're ready for those visitors." She stood back up and left the room.

  With the door closed, it was just Greg and the girls. "Sorry ladies, I guess I really messed up this time."

  Suddenly he had a crying girl on each side of him, hugging him as tightly as they dared. "You idiot. Do you really think this is going to come between us?" Bella replied.

  "We are still going to have your children, Greg. If nothing else, there is always the gene bank Abraxis had us create." Jolene said. "You're still the same guy we fell in love with, just because you’re hurt doesn't change that."

  "If there is any chance at all I can recover from this, I will fight for it," Greg said. "I might get grumpy or depressed from time to time, so can you two make sure I don't give up?"

  "You can count on it!" Bella assured him. "The Alliance is refusing to accept your injuries as well. You have lost your flight status, but no one is going to let you 'retire'. No matter what, you will always be listed as the Commander of the Rangers."

  "Whoa, hold it, what? When did that happen?" Greg asked.

  "Greg, you were in a coma for a week," Bella explained. "In that time, a few things have happened because of what we did here. One of them is that you got a promotion."

  "I guess I can understand things happening, but why make me the overall commander? I'm probably going to be out of it for a while, I can't take command!" Greg countered.

  Jolene chuckled. "Greg, Delion has asked her researchers to look into the possibility of interbreeding. I think she would like you as a mate!"

  "From the way this planet is acting, I don't think she's the only one!" Bella replied. "We're going to have to get you out of here just to save you from the mobs of adoring females!"

  "So, we're good?" Greg asked.

  "Love, we were never 'bad'," Jolene replied.

  "Okay, so now that I know that, I can handle whatever else life tosses at me. Should we let Beth know it’s okay to send in some of the others?" Greg asked.

  "One last thing before we do this," Bella said, frowning slightly. "I really wasn't kidding about the hordes of adoring fans. The only reason Delion hasn't been in to see you yet is because she's standing guard outside the door. The constabulary has a perimeter around the hospital, but there are a few that still sneak through. No one gets past her though. Hell, Jolene and I have had like five interviews each since we got back, I think both Jarad and Mandi have had a couple as well. I know Beth was asked, but declined because she was busy caring for you. Greg, you are very much a national hero to these people. Apparently, saving the life of a fellow Ranger is a very big deal to them."

  "It doesn't stop there either, you have hero status on the four major Alliance member worlds, and most of the minor members. The Greynus have assigned two additional hive clusters to the Sol system to complete the projec
ts there for the Alliance. As soon as transportation becomes available, six other systems will be receiving three hive clusters apiece; one for mining operations if needed, and the other two to build whatever needs to be built," Jolene said. "While you were out, two hive clusters arrived here, one of them a 'primary cluster' whatever that means. Their leader is one of the VIP's waiting to see you. The rest of the Greynus have already gotten to work.

  Greg was shocked, a Primary Hive cluster meant a Queen had been sent. The Greynus only had eight primary hive clusters and one of them was the overall head of the race, the other seven served as advisers.

  "Jolene, that Primary hive is one of eight that rule over the Greynus. What you just told me is a Queen has been waiting to see me," Greg replied.

  "Oh! I guess that certainly explains a few things," Jolene said. "Everyone was very differential toward her, so we were too, even though we had no idea who she was."

  "The Grand Matriarch of the Harclen First Tribe has been here daily as well. I'm pretty sure it's a publicity thing, but they do seem actually concerned for your wellbeing," Bella added.

  "I was meaning to ask, why did Mandi come? I mean I suppose she didn't give anyone a choice in the matter, but still…" Greg said.

  "Actually, Carl sent her along so she could brief the Harclen and Onarians on how to mass produce the sensor drones. They will be taking over the project from this point. The Onarians have also commissioned the Harclen to build twenty long-range shuttles for them until they can begin producing their own. In exchange, the Onarians are designing improved control and navigations suites for the Harclen ships." Jolene said. "I think she has a new best friend too; she and Delion's Fixer have been attached at the hip since Mandi got here."

  Greg chuckled. "No way, no one could replace the two of you in her eyes."

  "I don't know, they really do seem like kindred spirits at least. I'm supposed to be pretty good at physics, but listening to them talking, I couldn't even tell you what they were talking about! It was like it was a different language," Bella replied.

  "Well, I'd like to get that pain killer Beth mentioned, and then get these state visits out of the way so we can head home. The sooner I can get started on treatment, the sooner I can get back to being your husband," Greg said grinning.

  Stardust Medical Center

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Before Greg left the Harclen Medical Center, he was asked to give a short interview for the people of Harclen. He agreed, but was surprised when not only the Harclen reporter but also a Greynus and an Onarian arrived as well. All three beings began by thanking him for giving them some of his time.

  Greg was a little worried they might grill him with questions, but that wasn't the way the interview, if you could call it that, went. It was recorded yes, but it was really more like they just sat down and talked. It was refreshing; each of the reporters asked questions of each other as well as Greg. By the end of their time, he was actually enjoying their company and was a little sad it was over.

  Later, Greg found out that the interview had been broadcast on all of the worlds that had joined the Alliance and two that were still considering it. It had been a hit with everyone and approval of the Alliance grew as the people got to meet and hear the words of the human that was now the leader of their protectors. The interviewers had worked their magic on him, and got him to talk freely and honestly about his hopes and fears for the Alliance and the beings he had sworn to protect.

  The interview had been played after a reshowing of the incident that had gravely wounded him. Greg realized what had happened. The Alliance leaders had made him a hero in the eyes of the people and a symbol for them to get behind as a foundation for the new Alliance.

  Greg worried about that tactic, as hero's had a tendency to fall eventually, and that could hurt the Alliance.

  He expressed that concern to Carl when the two first got to talk. The older man nodded agreement. "You do have a valid point, Greg, and normally, I'd agree with you. However, while they did paint you as heroic, they did not make you 'larger than life'. They kept you as a remarkable young man that had done something heroic. To the people of the Alliance, you are now more ‘one of them’ than one of the revered and unreachable Rangers. Yes, you are a Ranger, and you are still revered, but that interview reassured a lot of people that were having doubts because of the way the other major races treated you. Let me ask you this; why did you pick Delion as your second in command of the Ranger forces? Why not Thrasixt, Joyce or Jarad?"

  "Honestly, because I thought she would do the best job. Then again, Thrasixt begged me not to name her, and while they are both very good, neither Joyce nor Jarad are actually Rangers yet," Greg asked. "I hate to admit it, but also by naming a member of another race as my second in command I wanted to send a message to the other races that we aren't trying to take over."

  "I can very much see that, especially after the interview you gave. You were honest to a fault; but I think you did exactly the right thing. I've been getting the feeling that a few of our more energetic members were considering bypassing us and making deals with the people of Earth directly. They are all used to doing business like that, but after your interview, I feel it made at least a few of them rethink that position, at least when dealing with humans. All in all, you did a good job, Greg."

  "Thanks, I was worried I'd said too much, and you'd be mad at me," Greg admitted.

  Carl shook his head. "Nope, you were honest and straight forward, nothing wrong with that. How's the treatment going?"

  "Far too slow for me, but Beth says I'm doing really well, we're still waiting to see if the magic they did to my spine works, but I guess the rest of me is doing pretty good," Greg replied.

  "I heard you've been trying to get some work done. I thought you have Delion for that?" Carl said teasingly.

  "Well, it's either that or sit around the medical center being bored! Besides, Delion is doing great; she's doing all the stuff for me that I can't do. Although sometimes I'm worried that I'm pushing her a little hard," Greg admitted. "I'm also worried that she's doing this out of some form of guilt about what happened to me."

  "Have you talked to her about it?" Carl asked.

  Greg shook his head. "No, there hasn't been time. I was thinking about talking to her about it when she arrives for the Council meeting."

  "That would probably be a good time to do it," Carl replied. "I was meaning to ask you, how is the sensor project going?"

  "Really well, the Harclen have one of their largest factories already producing the drones. The Onarians are doing pretty good too. The first shipments of the drone control systems left Onarus yesterday. The first of the new sensors should be placed as early as next week," Greg replied, grinning. "They aren't messing around."

  Carl chuckled. "They aren't the only ones. You should have seen the reaction of the Greynus mining teams when Amos told them of the idea Fixer Arliss had. Last I heard, they had plans in place to convert all of their own mining systems over to it. I know they plan on doing it here and in the Centauri System."

  "That reminds me that I wanted to talk to you about opening the Centauri System; you know we won't be able to protect it as well as everything else, right?" Greg said.

  "There are systems in our sector that don't have Ranger teams, Greg. But, if we find it does need to be protected, I can always ask you to temporarily assign a Ranger team there until our fleets start getting built. You might want to consider that it could be good training for new teams," Carl said and shrugged. "Really, the bottom line is that we are going to need the ores from there to build everything we're going to need built."

  "The ores here aren't going to be enough? I admit I haven't seen a survey of the system, but holy shit, Carl!" Greg said in disbelief.

  "It's not so much the amount of ores as the type. The Centauri system is rich in certain ores that our system is short on, and the reverse is also true. Beside
s, the addition of three potential colony worlds is hard to pass up," Carl replied.

  "Three? I thought there was only one Earth type planet?" Greg said.

  Carl grinned at him. "There is, but one of the planets is almost a clone of Greynus Prime, and the other is a very good candidate for our allies that prefer a lower temperature climate. Honestly, the Centauri system is a treasure trove for mining and farming. Of course, Earth is going to pitch a bitch, but they do that over just about everything we do anyway."

  "The President still giving you a hard time?" Greg asked.

  "Surprisingly enough, no. It's the other countries working through the United Nations. It's mostly the same drivel that the US was saying, so I just ignore it. Which reminds me, has anyone told you that the President has been trying to get through to you?" Carl asked.

  "What does she want to talk to me about?" Greg asked.

  Carl shrugged. "I dunno, ever since the report of your injuries was made public, she's been working hard to get through to you. We've been blocking it because you've been pretty out of it until recently. She's being really persistent. Since you're doing better, I thought I'd let you decide if you want to talk to her or not."

  "Well, I've got a couple of days before my next surgery, so maybe I should talk to her and try to get her to calm down. If nothing else, she'll stop harassing the comms people," Greg replied.

  Carl nodded. "Okay, well, I just stopped in to see how you were doing anyway. You had me worried this time; I was afraid you wouldn't make it back. I'm very happy to see you doing so well."

  "I'm not so easy to kill, Carl," Greg replied, grinning at the older man. "But I was worried about you as well, you know."

  "Me? Why?" Carl asked surprised.

  Greg chuckled. "I couldn’t believe you had the stones to tell my mother she couldn't go to Harclen! When I heard that, my next question was to ask how badly she'd hurt you!"

  "Well, I did have Jarad and Joyce there to protect me!" Carl replied and laughing, left the room.


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