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You Belong With Me

Page 3

by M. R. Joseph

  “Uh, we are going to take a short break. Grab a drink and don’t forget to tip your waiters and waitresses.”

  He jumped off the stage in search of the girl. The girl with long, beach wavy blonde hair. Huge smile, and sun kissed skin. Definitely a Floridian. The sight of her took his breath away. He searched through the crowd anxiously. People stopped him every few feet to tell him how good the band was and that they would be coming next week again to hear them play. The manager stopped Carter to talk about possibly adding one more night into their schedule, because of so many bar patrons coming up to him to tell them how good they were and that they would come and see them anytime. His temporary detainment kept him from searching any further for the vision in a tight denim skirt.

  Nikki met Casey in the bathroom while she was on her way to vomit in one of the toilets from too much alcohol. Casey held back her hair and Lyla and Noel we close behind to check on their friend. Casey turned to the girls.

  “Well, I think she’s had enough. We better haul ass out of here before we get caught.”

  “Aw man.” Lyla said disappointed. "I wanted to see the rest of the band. They are seriously good and incredibly hot!”

  “Ly we can come back next week. They are playing again. I promise we will. We just really need to get Nikki home.”

  They were all in agreeance and they left to return to their dorm.

  After the show Carter, Tommy, and Jake hung at the bar waiting for their pay.

  “Did you see all that ass here tonight. That was more than last week.” Tommy has a way with words.

  “Fine, grade A ass.” Jake added. “Looked like a lot of Bayshore people. Don’t you think Lond? Lond? Hello, are you here?”

  “Oh, uh yea. Lots.” Carter sipped his beer.

  “What’s the deal man? You go smoke without us or something?”

  “No, just tired. We should talk about next week's set. We need to do a little more reggae maybe. Let's do some Dirty Heads stuff. We should practice a lot this week.”

  “Dude, we were talking about chicks and all you can think about is next week's set? You are high aren’t you?”

  Carter wasn’t high. Yet. What he was really thinking about was the girl. This week in between classes he looked for her. He didn’t even know if she definitely went to school there but he’d find out. Sooner than later.

  That whole week in between classes and rehearsals Carter looked for the Converse wearing, blonde haired angel. No such luck. Sunday was fast approaching and soon the band would be performing at Beach Bums again. The thought of her possibly being there made his palms sweaty and his dick twitch in his shorts. Sunday could not get there fast enough.

  Casey did what she promised Lyla she would do. She went back to Beach Bums. Because they weren’t sure if the same bouncer was going to be there, Lyla told Casey and the rest of the girls to really spruce themselves up extra tonight so they looked older. Casey decided to wear her white short shorts which showed off her tan, muscular feminine legs, and an Emerald green halter top which accentuated her golden hair color and skin tone. She polished it off with long, dangling silver earrings and a large green and brown cuff bracelet. She wasn’t all that into tons of makeup on her face, so she added just a sweep of shimmering tan eye shadow to her ensemble and shimmering nude lip gloss and of course her white Converse trimmed in green. When Lyla got a look at her, she shook her head. "Really, Case. Your Converse? I told you to spruce up. What's the deal?"

  "I'm comfy, Ly. I have a pair in every color so they go with everything." She smiled up at her friend and Lyla returned the smile knowing that Casey never tried to be something she was not.

  The same bouncer was at Beach Bums and he let them in if Lyla promised him that she would meet him after the bar closed. She agreed of course. He wasn’t bad looking. Just a big burley guy. So not her type but she did what she had to do for the sisterhood. The girls walked in just as the band was about to go on. They grabbed drinks and made their way towards the stage. The place was extra packed tonight. The crowd in front of the stage was much bigger than last weeks. No doubt it was because of the up coming entertainment. The guys took the stage and began their set with Bob Marley’s, Is This Love. Perfect song for the start of the night.

  The weather was gorgeous with smell of the ocean and the breeze setting the mood. The girls swayed to the music and Casey's eye snapped to one hot as hell lead singer. She noticed him last week but tonight she REALLY noticed him. Carter was dressed in camouflage cargo shorts, black combat boots, and an aged Rolling Stones T-shirt. The more he sweat, the more it clung to his perfect body. Casey became hot and bothered not because of the crowd but because of this singing God standing before her. Holy hell she was turned on. They played at least five more songs before they had a break. The girls strolled up to the bar for another drink. Casey leaned on the bar and felt a presence beside her.

  “You look like a Malibu and cranberry type of girl.”

  She turned and saw before her the singing God. He smiled at her as he motioned for the bartender to come over. When he did, the singing God spoke.

  “I’ll have a Corona and the lady will have a Malibu and cranberry.”

  "Wait what?" She said quietly trying to figure this guy out. He ordered her a drink not even knowing what she drank. Who was this handsome jerkoff?

  “Uh, excuse me but I don’t care for rum and who are you to order for me?”

  “I’m sorry. Did I offend you? I was just trying to be nice.”

  “Well, go be nice to someone else.”

  He chuckled and grabbed his beer and told the bartender to bring her whatever she was previously drinking.

  “I’m sorry, I think we got off on the wrong foot.” He extended his hand to her. "Carter London.”

  She reluctantly took his hand in return. “Casey Colbert.”

  “Nice to meet you and I’m sorry. You just didn’t look like a beer drinking type of girl is all.”

  “I happen to love beer. I’m not into wine and all that girly foo foo drink stuff.”

  “Huh. That’s unusual but I think I like it. Do you go to school at Bayshore?”

  “Yes, I’m a Freshman. How about you?”

  “Yes, I am too. I live in Dalton Hall. Where are you?”

  “Mitchell. We have a quad. It’s nice.” Lyla strolled up on the other side of Casey.

  “Hey, Case. Who’s your new friend?”

  She turned to Lyla as she sipped her beer.

  “This is Carter.” Lyla reached over and shook his hand as she flipped her auburn hair over her shoulder.

  “Very nice to meet…. Wait aren’t you the lead singer for the band?”

  He smiled at her but more like through her. He smiled at Casey with his eyes still concentrating on her.

  “That I am.”

  Casey turned and looked at the bar and took a long pull of her beer seemingly disinterested.

  “I wouldn’t know. I wasn’t paying attention.”

  Oh, she played dumb good. Real good. It was almost comical. She shifted her weight from facing the front of the bar towards where Lyla was and rolled her eyes. Carter inched closer to her leaning his fore arms onto the bar.

  “So, what are you majoring in, Casey?” He was interested in what her answer was? This girl was in his thoughts every waking minute for the past week. Why wouldn’t he want to know what she was majoring in?

  “Oh lord! Do you say that to all the girls you buy foo foo drinks for? That’s a hell of a line. Go try it on someone else.” She casually and sarcastically said. She turned back to him to see his reaction.

  “Well, it’s no line. If you think that, then that’s your problem. I was being polite and trying to engage in an adult conversation. We go to the same school. I haven’t seen you around campus and I was just…you know what? Never mind. Nice to meet you Casey. Have a nice life.”

  Carter strolled away felling defeated. She was a total bitch! As soon as he walked away, a swarm of giddy woman approached hi
m. One already weaving her red nail polished nails into his hair. He was already getting quite the following.

  Lyla just stared at Casey as she sipped her beer. Her glare demanded an explanation.

  “What?” She turned to Lyla

  “What do you mean what? He obviously is interested in you and you got all cocky and smart ass with him. He’s fucking hot in case you didn’t notice.”

  “Ly, all he wanted was to get in my pants and did you see the groupies pining away for him. I wouldn’t be surprised if I hear tomorrow that there was an orgy in Dalton Hall tonight.”

  “Fine, but I kind of think you didn’t give him a fair chance.” Lyla looked towards the stage.” He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you Casey, even with the amount of women around him. I think maybe you should apologize. I don't think you gave him a fair chance. Even if you don’t have any interest in him. Sorry to say, but maybe you jumped the gun on this one.”

  Lyla's words stung Casey like a bee. Was she too harsh? Was he genuinely interested in what she wanted to do with her life? She needed to make amends. She looked over at the lead singer and he met her gaze. He almost looked as though his eyes were pleading with her to give him a second chance not to be such a jerk. She looked away from him and he felt as though he got his answer from her. Their eyes abstained from catching each others for the rest of his performance.

  She waited till they were through performing and she told her friends, who were still hanging at the bar, that she would be right back. She felt nervous but didn’t know why. She talked to lots of guys, but did they have the caliber of looks and talent that Carter London did? She thought not.

  Carter was putting his guitar back in it's case. He was sitting casually on the floor of the stage. His shirt full of sweat clung to him like taffy. His almost black as night wavy hair glistened with sweat and the sea air blew it around. She went to the front of the stage.

  “Nursing," she said. He looked up to her non chanlantly then dropped his head back down to concentrate on his task. Without looking up he spoke to her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nursing, It’s my major. You asked me what I was studying. My major is Nursing.”

  He didn’t speak. Just continued to wrap his guitar up and snapped the case. He rose to his feet and picked up the case.

  “Business.” He began to walk off the stage.

  “Wait!” She called to him and hurried towards the exit to meet him. “ So you mean your major?”


  “ What kind of business are you studying?”

  “Why don’t I take you out tomorrow night say to Nick’s for burgers and then I’ll tell you?”

  She paused but only for a moment.

  “Mitchell Hall. Second floor. Room 6.”

  “Is six ok?”

  “Fine. See you then.” She walked away.

  Casey didn’t realize why her heart had sped up after walking away from Carter but he knew why his felt that way. Carter glanced back to the blonde headed angel walking away before hurrying off the stage. He made his way to his car to find Tommy and Jake waiting for him.

  “What the fuck dude? We’ve been waiting here forever. What were you doing?” Tommy stood against the car with his arms folded annoyed.

  “Talking to a girl. I wasn’t that long.”

  “Which one? I saw a ton of hotties all over you tonight. Why you focusing on one chick?”

  “Cause I have the feeling she is not just some chick and don’t even call me a pussy. I don't know how to explain it but there is something about her. She's different. Carter unlocked the car door and placed his guitar in the back seat. They all climbed in and Carter started the car back to the dorms.

  “So this chick, what’s her name and does she go to school with us?” Tommy asked.

  “Her name is Casey Colbert and she lives in Mitchell Hall.”

  Carter looked straight ahead as he drove. Just saying her name made him smile and Tommy and Jake looked at one another confused by the unusual giddy grin on Carter's Face.

  That night Carter tossed and turned unable to get the vision of the girl in the tight white shorts and converse out of his head. He had never been this perplexed over a girl before. His nervous energy had him up, and he needed to get some rest if he was going to show Casey Colbert what he was all about. He went about his business and practiced with the guys for a few hours. He went to the mall and got a new shirt and some new cologne from Hollister. He went to the barbers for a haircut. On the way home he smoked a tiny bit of weed in his car just to calm his nerves. He didn’t want to screw this up. Carter showered and put on his new shirt. He spritzed himself with his new cologne and rinsed with mouth wash. Twice. He was still feeling the effects of the weed he had smoked an hour before and when he glanced at his watch he rolled his eyes when it said 4 o’clock. What the hell was he doing? He was so anxious for this date that he was ready two hours beforehand? His palms started to sweat and he needed to relax. So he decided to smoke a little more weed. Just a little to calm him down. Her dorm was only a short walk away so he would be ok if he smoked now then left to get her at a quarter to six. That was enough time.

  Tommy entering their dorm room and startled Carter from a sound sleep. Tommy looked at him laying on his bed.

  “Dude, didn’t you have a date tonight?” Carter looked at him disoriented.

  “Huh? What time is it?”

  “6:40.” He jumped up and scrambled to grab his cell phone. When he didn’t see any missed calls he realized he never gave Casey his number. He grabbed his wallet and another spritz of cologne to cover up the smell of weed still lingering on him. He knew he was royally screwed. He got stoned and fell asleep. Carter didn’t know much about Casey yet, but he knew she would not tolerate this. He spun around the room and made a gesture with his arm for Tommy to give him a once over. Tommy rolled his eyes and gave him a thumbs up and with that Carter was out the door running towards Mitchell Hall. When he got to the front door he was a total fucking mess. He was panting and sweat dripped from his brow. The cologne he put upon himself earlier defeated the purpose. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and made his way inside to the lobby. There was a security desk as he made his way through the doors. Carter strolled up to it, still out of breath. He leaned his hands onto the counter, a curly headed blonde girl with wire rim glasses looked up at him from her book.

  “May I hel…. “She stopped speaking as her jaw slacked at the sight of him.

  “Yes, can you please buzz Casey Colbert for me?” He gave her an exhausted look and waited for her to shut her gaping mouth to at least acknowledge his request.

  “Uh, um, uh… aren’t you Carter London of Dare?” She stuttered speaking to him and he politely gave her a small smile and nodded his head. She pressed a button on a phone key pad in front of her and buzzed Casey’s room. Carter began feeling a panic rise in his chest as he wondered why she wasn’t answering the call. She left. Why shouldn’t she? He never showed up. He fucked up. Finally, a voice answered.


  “Hey Lyla, it’s Chrissy. I have ah, um, I well I have Carter London here for Casey and um, he is standing in front of me.” The last part she whispered into the speaker.

  He anxiously paced back and forth at the desk waiting for the reply.

  “Oh, he is now. Well, you can tell him, she is gone. Didn’t have the time to wait around for him. She’s not too happy, Chrissy.” Lyla knew she was on an intercom system and that Carter was hearing everything she was saying, but she wasn’t sure if Carter was aware of that. He laced his fingers together and put them behind his head and looked up to the ceiling, still pacing. Shit! Well, he blew it. Defeated, he rushed air out of his lungs and headed towards the door when he heard Lyla speak again.

  “Oh well, Chrissy. I guess Casey will just have to move on and deal with her heartache by drowning her sorrows in a milkshake down at Nick’s. Poor Case. Down there all by herself.”

  He stopped dead in his t
racks and gave a head turn towards the girl at the desk and grinned. Lyla was good. Sneaky but good.

  Carter darted out the door and headed back to get his car so he could get down to Nick’s Burgers to see if Casey was still there. Would she even talk to him if he approached her? That was the question. He was about to find out.

  Carter made his way into Nick’s Diner and looked around for Casey. As soon as he made his way down where all the tables were lined left and right, he was approached by four giddy girls. He couldn’t even move due to their proximity. One spoke as the other giggled.

  “Oh. My. God. You are Carter London from Dare! We have seen you guys perform the last few weeks. We can't get enough of you guys,” the leggy blonde said to him winking. One of the girls put her hand on his ass and he jumped slightly at the unexpected touch. He moved out of the way of the over-friendly entourage. He saw out of the corner of his eye Casey sitting with her arms folded glaring at him biting the inside of her lip. Another girl stood in front of him and brazenly grazed her hand across his crotch. He shuttered at the feeling and knew he needed to get out of this situation before he missed any chance to make things right with Casey. He stepped back away from them, eyes still focused on Casey.

  “Girls, I have to go meet someone but we are playing next Thursday and Sunday at Beach Bums. Come out again and we can finish where we left off.” He had no idea why he said that. He could kick himself. He had no intention of starting anything with them, or finishing anything with them for that matter.

  Carter squeezed by the girls and approached Casey who had fire in her eyes and not the good kind, full passion or desire. Dagger, angry type fire. He stood at the other side of the booth and closed his eyes tight and opened them before he spoke.


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