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You Belong With Me

Page 4

by M. R. Joseph

  “Casey, I can expla…” She put her hand up to stop him even before he said the rest of his sentence.

  “Save it, Carter. For the sake of me and your little gang of groupies. I obviously rank even lower than them.” She picked up her strawberry shake and sipped it then looked back down to the celebrity trash magazine she was reading.

  “Groupies? What? You mean those girls? That’s not why I’m late. I fell asleep. I was ready early and I sat on the sofa and fell asleep.” She still didn’t move. “ Do you think I was with a girl and that’s why I didn’t show up? Casey, please look at me.”

  She looked up reluctantly. “ It really doesn’t matter what I think you were doing. This isn’t going to work.” She motioned her hand back and forth between the both of them.

  “I got stoned. Fell asleep. Got woken up by my roommate, ran to your dorm, then to my car, then drove here. I’m sorry. I screwed up.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.

  “Stoned. Nice. Couldn’t you stand to stay clear headed on our date? I mean I know you're some rock star but really? Give me a break.” She said it sarcastically. They stayed silent for a bit. She couldn't help but look at his pleading eyes. Then she spoke.

  “ Business major, huh?”

  He looked up dazed and confused. Was she taking this where he hoped it would have been taken, if he hadn’t been so stupid as to be late for their date?

  “You mean about me being a business major? Oh yes, that's what I’m studying. If this music thing doesn’t work out I need something to fall back on. I mean, I’d like it to work out.”

  “You love music a lot don’t you?” she asked.

  “It's… well it’s my life. I live and breathe it. I have since I was a kid.” He paused and sat back in his booth. He looked around Nick’s. It was a 1950s style diner with bright neon signs that flashed “Burgers and Fries." Music blared from the jukebox and red, shiny stools aligned the counter. The smell of grease hung heavy in the air and a waitress came up with her hot pink uniform, black apron, and pad of paper. She took one look at the gorgeous creature in front of her. The ability to speak escaped her as she ogled him. It seemed like she stood there forever. Casey looked at Carter; he looked at Casey, and they both looked at the waitress. Carter spoke.

  “Hi. Can I get a chocolate cherry shake, extra thick?” He smiled tight lipped up at her.

  The waitress broke out of her gaze and regained her senses.

  “ Aren’t you Carter London from Dare?”

  He nodded. She wrote down his order never bothering to inquire if Casey wanted anything, walked away and headed behind the counter to speak with a few of her female co-workers. Casey shook her head.

  “So, do you have any idea what sort of business you would like to study? I mean if the whole rock star thing doesn’t happen for you.” She rolled her eyes and did quotes with her fingers as she said rock and roll thing. Casey really didn’t want to lead on that she cared, but she also didn’t want an uncomfortable silence settling on them either. She thought he was sincere in his apology.

  “I have no idea, but all I know is that it has to be something in music. I need music in my life. I’ve played piano since I was 7. I was classically trained. Guitar since I was 10.”

  “What about the voice? Have you always been able to sing?”

  He smiled at her. “I guess. My mom always said I used to sing in the shower and it was either the acoustics were really good in there or I was.”

  That made Casey chuckle but then she quickly recovered giving him a stern look. Carter wasn't off the hook as far she was concerned but he was making an effort and she wanted to appease him for the time being. He looked puzzled at her new expression and he thought she was trying to play tough guy, so he thought he’d change the subject and focus on her.

  “So nursing. What made you want to do that as a career? You like blood and guts?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. I actually am fascinated with the human body. How it works, how it heals itself, how people can heal it.” He looked at her adoringly and marveled just at the way she talked about it. He asked her about what speciality she planned to concentrate on and when she would begin her clinical classes which wouldn’t be for another whole year of her prerequisites. All her anatomy, math, science, and English courses. She amazed Carter with her passion for learning and he loved how she became so open with her words. The waitress came over and brought him his shake and again ogled him. Casey was annoyed. She blew a strand of hair away from her face. He knew she was aggravated and he needed to come up with something quick before she ran out the door.

  “I hate blood and guts. Especially in horror movies. Can’t watch ‘em. I keep my hand in front of my face and look between my fingers if I need to.”

  Casey almost shot her just sipped milkshake out of her mouth and Carter’s revelation. A twenty year old guy afraid of horror movies? It was crazy but she also thought adorable as well. She laughed out loud after she swallowed the contents of her shake. He laughed along with her. Her smile and laugh made his heart burn. His palms started sweating again but he enjoyed sharing in her contagious laughter.

  They talked about her being from Sarasota and how he was from Clearwater. They described their families to one another and he told her how him and Tommy were friends since they were kids and how they met Jake when they were all enrolled in an after school music program senior year of high school. He spoke of how they formed Dare and how they took "music appreciation" together at Bayshore and how he and Tommy and Jake were lucky enough to all be roommates at Dalton Hall. She told him how like him and Tommy, her and Lyla were best friends since Middle School. He loved the way she talked. He loved that as she got more comfortable with him, she became more expressive and animated. She was fun and creative and the most adorable and intellectual woman he had ever spoke to. She enjoyed the way he talked about music and about his mom. He described her as over protective and always in his business but how fun and creative she was and how he talked of how she was the most influential and important woman in his life. Casey thought that was a total turn on when a guy described his mother like that. It made him appear to be real and down to earth.

  The conversations were going great and they were there for hours. Sharing shakes and desserts like old friends. That was until a group of girls walked in, went to the counter and Carter and Casey’s waitress whispered something to them. They turned towards their table and sauntered their way over looking like a pack of cheetahs hunting for food. Carter was their meal ticket. They were dressed to the nine’s with short skirts and shorts, high heels, hair flowing and tanned skin. They walked right up to the booth and one sat right down and whispered something in Carter’s ear. He closed his eyes and blushed. Another girl made her way to the other side of the booth and did the same thing. This one though had balls. She actually grabbed the side of his face and stuck her tongue in his ear. With Casey sitting right there. Did they not realize what was going on here? Did they think she was his buddy? A pal? His sister? Another girl sat next to Casey and she felt the girl beginning to rub her foot on something across the table, Casey looked under the table curious and saw the girl with her bare foot rubbing Carter’s crotch. Carter looked almost like he was high again. Mouth open, eyes heavy, and breathing hitched. They asked him about the band and told him how sexy he was when he played with the band. One girl told him that her and another girl would totally have a threesome with him. Casey was officially annoyed and grossed out. She abruptly got up from the table spilling the contents of her milkshake when she did so, she woke Carter up from his clothed ménage a trios. He suddenly became aware of the situation and tired to rise out of the booth, adjusting the uncomfortable bulge in his pants. Casey turned to him, grabbing her purse.

  “Don’t even bother, Carter. I wouldn’t want to spoil your fun.” And with that she stormed out of Nick’s and headed back to her dorm. She took a different way home because the last thing she wanted was Carter follo
wing her. She knew it wasn’t his fault that those girl tried to seduce him, but it was his fault that he allowed it to continue with her sitting there. Casey felt a stinging in her chest. She stormed into the lobby of her dorm to find Carter standing there out of breath waiting for her.

  “What the hell are you doing here? Don’t you have business to attend to?” He approached her cautiously.

  “Casey, can we please go outside and talk?” She remained there with her arms folded over her chest.

  “Why should I?”

  “Because I thought we had a really good time and I want to apologize for what happened back there.”

  She put her head down and took a few cleansing breaths.

  “Fine.” She started towards the door with him trailing behind her. He held the door open for her to pass first.

  “You have two minutes.” Was she serious? He stood in front of her and pleaded his case.

  “I’m sorry and I know I have said that a lot tonight but I mean it. As soon as I saw those girls I should have told them to get lost. I’m not sure what happened. I’m confused myself. This thing with girls approaching me has been happening more and more lately. I can’t control it but I can stop it from happening. I really thought we hit it off tonight. You are so easy to talk to and I had a really nice time. I’m just… sorry.” He hung his head in defeat.

  There was total silence between them.

  Casey seemed deep in thought. She was very attracted to him but she couldn’t get over what happened at Nick’s and that if he continued with the band and they got more popular and noticed, it would happen more often than not. Her insecurities would keep her from trusting him or others if what ever would happen between them, happened. He was gorgeous and charismatic and girls would be crazy not to notice that and be attracted to it. He had a force behind him. It was strong and it pulled you in. Casey tended to be insecure with relationships and her heart didn’t know if she could handle it.

  “Carter, I think you are a great guy and super talented but I don’t know if I could handle what happened tonight again. I can sit back and watch it if we weren’t involved, but if we take this relationship somewhere else, I don’t think I could do it. I’m not strong enough.”

  He could have pleaded with her and begged her and continued to convince her that they could be something but he didn’t. He royally fucked up tonight and he didn’t expect her to give him a second chance. He lost the battle. She was strong willed, but insecure and she had every reason to be if the relationship turned into something. Girls would always be there. The temptation would as well.

  “I understand Casey and I’m sorry. You are such a great person and I haven't enjoyed a conversation so much in my life. I had a great time. Again I'm sorry. If you change your mind about me, you know where I am.”

  She felt the same way. She enjoyed talking to him and she felt at ease when she was with him. There was something about how open she felt when they talked. Almost like an older brother. Weird as it seemed, that was her feelings. The lust part may still have been present but maybe a friendship could work out and eventually the lust would go away. He began to walk away when she called his name. He turned around and she was by the front door to the lobby.

  “I’m sorry too Carter, but I don’t see why we couldn’t be friends. If you want to. I’m willing to give that a shot.” He smiled at her warmly.

  “Yea that could work.”

  Carter thought that if that’s the way it had to be then so be it. He wanted Casey to be a permanent fixture in his life. In what ever capacity she would be present in.



  The next morning Carter woke to the smell of coffee and bacon and the sounds of the stereo. He rubbed his hands across his overly stubbled face and swung his legs towards the side of the bed. He shook his head as he heard what sounded like someone killing a cat but then he realized it was his best friend's singing. He grinned and stood to put on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. He made his way down the steps when he stopped in the door way of the kitchen to spy on Casey dancing around the kitchen in a pair of hot pink boy shorts and a gray t-shirt sans bra. She bounced around singing into a spatula one of her favorite songs that her and Carter frequently danced to through the years. Marvin Gaye's "Got To Give It Up." They loved R & B. That was something they found they had in common. They were into the older stuff. Earth, Wind, & Fire, Aretha, Smokey, and of course Marvin. Carter watched her blonde haphazard bun flop on her head as she moved her tiny body around the kitchen. Her singing was well.... HORRIBLE! She knew it, but it never stopped her from belting it out. She had the biggest grin on her face as she continued to sway her hips. Carter thought she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and he fantasied about their unborn daughter looking like her. It was a thought he entertained in his mind more frequently than not and as much as it pleased him to think about it, the reality of what will never happen hurt so much more. She was apparently in love and it wasn't with him. He shook his thoughts and jumped into the entrance of the kitchen surprising her and joined her singing and dancing. They danced the routine they had rehearsed the summer going into Sophomore year while they were drinking one night and realized how much they both loved old school R & B and some of the classics.


  Carter and Casey grew close the end of Freshman year. They discussed keeping in contact and hanging out once they went back home. Carter started to see a girl who frequented Beach Bums and came to almost every single show they did on Thursdays and Sundays. Her name was Toni. They began dating in May right before summer break. She went to a neighboring college but they began spending a lot of time together more in a group setting than anything else. She was very pretty, exotic looking. She had long, dark straight hair, and medium height and an athletic build. She came to Beach Bums with her friends. He noticed her in the crowd and they began striking up conversations more and more. He still had his wondering eye. The more popular the band became, the more girls came around. When he was at the microphone, he became the object of many women's desires and he knew it and went with it. He knew he didn't stand a chance with Casey but there was always this unexplainable pull he had towards her. No matter who he hooked up with or how often he saw Toni, Casey was always in his mind. It confused him because they were just friends.

  One Sunday night, after Dare's set, Casey, Lyla, Nikki, and Noel were at Beach Bums and she spotted Toni and a few of her friends. Casey thought Toni was a nice girl. She liked the fact that Carter didn't stray away from her when they were together. They waited for Carter to pack up his stuff and join them. When he made his way down with Tommy towards the bar, Toni threw her arms around his neck and bought him a beer. They introduced Lyla and Tommy to one another and it seemed like the two had instant chemistry although Lyla knew Tommy was nothing more than a bad boy. Carter went up to Casey and gave her a peck on the cheek. Toni glared at Casey with an air of warning and wondered if Toni was jealous of Casey? Her and Carter were friends. They hung out everyday and studied together. What was the big deal? The D.J. at Beach Bums came on and they all decided to go on the dance floor. A hot song came on and they all gyrated to the music. When Carter made his way behind Casey and began grinding against her in an innocent way, he could smell the Magnolias on her and he bit his bottom lip hard to try to steady himself from the intoxicating scent. Sexual tension became evident when Casey felt Carter's erection on her back side. She spun around and looked into his blue eyes.

  "Christ, Carter, do you have any control over that thing?" She stopped dancing, shook her head and made her way to the bar. Carter internally cursed himself and the bulge in his pants.

  He turned to Toni who wasn't looking in their direction while they were dancing. He whispered in her ear " Wanna get out of here?" She shook her head and he made his way back to Toni. Her dorm was on the other side of town. Once back at her dorm, she tried to get the key to her room in the hole but Carter's hands were on her ass and his wa
rm breath and tongue in her ear detained her from turning the knob. She finally turned it and they made their way into her room. Carter spun Toni around and gave her no time to breathe. His lips crashed into hers and he jammed his tongue deep into her mouth. She kneaded her hands through his thick black hair. He slipped his hands around to cup her ass and lift her onto his hips. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he ground his erection into the front of her short shorts. The friction caused a moan to escape Toni's lips. Carter backed her against a wall and steadied her so her could reach down and take off her shirt. He pulled it off with one swift move. He began licking the hollow of her throat and she continued to grind the front of his shorts where his dick was hard beneath the material. He pulled down one of her bra straps and caught her nipple in his hand and then proceeded to lick it. It hardened at the first contact and she began to shake her head in a back and forth motion mimicking almost a seizure. Carter had his one strong arm holding her ass up and the other made it's way inside her already soaked panties.

  "Oh fuck yea baby. You are so wet. You want me to fuck you right here or on the bed?" He tongued her ear waiting for her reply. Toni found it difficult to speak so she just motioned towards the bed. His fingers entered her and she gasped at the contact. He began moving them in and out of her and she arched her back and her head fell back. He knew she was close and frankly so was he. He made his way to the bed and with drew his fingers from inside her. He quickly took off his t-shirt, shorts and boxers. Toni laid there sprawled out on her bed with her shorts and panties still attached to her one ankle. Carter sauntered his way up her thighs with his hands then slowly pulled the remaining clothes off of her. She was spread out for all of Carter to see. He could see her wetness glistening and she bucked her hips up and down in anticipation for him to be inside her. He gazed down at her and thought about what a hot piece of ass she was. Perfect body, perfect face, great personality. She was the whole package. Could he possibly see this turning into something more?


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