Book Read Free


Page 8

by Delisa Lynn

  I just don’t know if she feels the same, hell, it’s only been a few days. I feel like I’ve known her a lifetime. We come from two different worlds. She’s used to the big city, I’m used to the ocean. One thing is for certain, we both have used sex as a way to forget our hurt. We have both been broken. I need her to heal and she needs me. From what she tells me she hasn’t made love in years. That is all going to change. I’m going to be completely honest with her, I’m going to tell her that I’m in love with her. I don’t think I can handle the distance.

  I decide to text her. I know I will see her tonight, but I miss her already.

  Me: We need to talk tonight. Not sure of your plans, but I can’t go without seeing you for weeks at a time.

  Alyssa: I’ve been thinking the same thing. We can discuss it tonight, if that’s okay?

  Me: Yes, that will be great. I’m showing a house tonight, you want to join me?

  Alyssa:Yes, sounds fun.

  Me: See you soon, baby.

  Alyssa: Not soon enough. Skydiving tonight!! Right?!?!

  After looking at my text, I look like a fucking school boy with his first crush. I slide my phone back in my pocket and see Brett staring at me. I have known this dude half my life I know exactly what he is thinking.

  “What’s that smile for? I haven’t seen you smile like that in years.” He nudges my shoulder. “It wouldn’t have anything to do with that soon to be sister-in-law of mine would it?” He gives me a fist bump.

  “Brett, this woman and I do mean woman because she is all woman. I’ve never met anyone like her. The sucky thing is, knowing that she was in love with my brother when he died. But I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. I feel like Seth has sent her to me…. I know it sounds cliché but, I have never felt this way with anyone. Not even Josie. Oh and we’re all going Skydiving tonight,” I say as I sit down, opening my water bottle.

  “Well, my friend I do believe in all that stuff and insta-love. You got the Sommers’ fever dude. They’re amazing women, they come from good people. Now if you hurt her, I will have to de-ball you, because that would put me in the doghouse with my woman. Y’all can go, I’ll watch from below,” he says, slapping my back.

  “I do love her, fuck, who wouldn’t love her,” I say, smiling. Just thinking about holding her in my arms makes me smile. Not sure if she knows that I’m actually showing the house to Brett and Abby. I just found out today. “And yes, you are going too.”

  “I know exactly what you mean, I felt the same way about Abby.”

  “Do you know if Alyssa knows you all are moving here?” I question him.

  “I’m not sure if she does or not,” he states.

  “Okay, well I won’t mention it. She will be with me tonight, so I guess she’ll know soon enough.”

  “Has she seen your house yet?”

  “No, she hasn’t we have been spending time at the beach house next to the one they are occupying.”

  “Well, once she sees your house. I’m sure she will want to move to North Carolina.”

  “I can only hope. I don’t know how it will be when she leaves. Hell, I miss her already and she is in the same city. I don’t think I can take it once we are states away from each other.”

  “It will all work out my friend, just have faith. Don’t rush her either, because she’s been through hell. She was raped, and it took her years to tell Abby. But finally she opened up. Did she tell you about that guy that just slept with her when it was convenient for him?”

  “Yeah, I would love to kill those motherfuckers. I can’t believe someone would do that to her. Yes, I know about him. I don’t see who wouldn’t love this woman. I do know, she is mine now and I will not lose her, even if I have to give up everything else in the process.”

  “That’s my dude, I like the way you’re thinking. Now let’s go get some food and find the Sommers men.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I say, following him.

  We’re meeting the girls at Skyways or Highways. It was the only skydiving place in the area. Brett is still shaking. He swears he isn’t doing it. I spot Alyssa as soon as we pull in. She’s wearing a pair of light blue jeans with, a pair of silver Chuck Taylors, and a silver and black tank top. I laugh aloud, she’s always matching, even after the long drive from New York, she looked like a million bucks.

  “Damn, you look hot,” I say as I kiss her.

  “You’re mighty handsome yourself,” she winks. “You ready to do this?”

  “Yes, are you? You can back out now if you want.” I laugh.

  “No way, I’ve wanted to do this for a while and doing it with you is perfect.” She smiles as she leans into my side.

  “How the hell did I get so fucking lucky?”

  “Come on, enough already,” Brett shouts. “Let’s get this shit over with.”

  “He’s being a huge pussy. He’s scared.” Abby laughs.

  “No way, Brett afraid of heights?” I chuckle. “Just as I thought, you’re a fucking sissy.” I say as I nudge his arm.

  “Welcome to Skyways or Highways. My name is Ed, I’ll be your instructor today. May I suggest if you’re afraid of heights, you may want to sit this one out. We will begin shortly if you have a partner and you would like to jump hand in hand with them that is fine. If you would like to jump with one of the instructors then, you’ll need to let us know now,” he says, looking around. It looks like everyone was partnering up. “Okay, let’s get this party started shall we?”

  Walking toward the plane, I’m so damn excited. Alyssa is glowing. I know she said she wanted to do this for a while now, and I knew she wouldn’t back out. Walking onto the plane, they have us all harness up. I watch Lys the entire time she’s getting ready.

  “Hey, let’s have Brett and Abby go first.” She laughs.

  “Okay, we can go after them.” I know Brett is going to shit himself. Watching as they join hands, they both jump with no hesitation. “We’re up, baby, you ready?” I ask.

  “Let’s do this.” She smiles. We both stand ready to jump from the plane. I squeeze her hand. On the count of three, we both fall from the plane, and I can feel the adrenaline kicking in. This is amazing, very different than flying. As I hold onto Lys, I can hear her laughing and screaming. Once our destination comes into view, I release our parachutes.

  We land in the grassy field. I see that Brett and Abby are lying on the ground. I know they are fine, but I think Lys needs a little reassurance.

  “Hey, they’re okay,” I say as I help her remove all the gear that is hiding her beautiful body.

  “I know, I just feel a little sick,” she states. “Remind me to never eat before doing this again.” Then she runs the other direction. I follow and I could hear her puking. Walking up behind her, I place my hand on her back. I move the pieces of hair that has fallen from her ponytail.

  “You okay?” I ask as I pull my t-shirt over my hand and hand it to her. “Here, let me clean your face.” I say as I lift the shirt and wipe the corners of her mouth.

  “Oh.My.God….You must love me to clean puke from my mouth.” She laughs. “I’m a mess, we ate at the mall. I think it was just too much, I should have known not to eat before doing this. I’m good now.” She smiles. “Have any gum?”

  “I do love you, more than you could imagine,” I say as, I take my gum from my mouth and place it in hers. “Sorry, that’s all I have.”

  “Thanks, this will do. Let’s go check on the chickens.” She snorts.

  I’m picking Alyssa up and we’re meeting Brett and Abby at the home they want to purchase. Which is located next to mine. I’m bringing her back to my place for the first time and I need to make sure everything is perfect. I’ve ordered Chinese take out to be delivered at eight o’clock. We should be finished by then. I take a walk through my house. Looking through every room, making sure it is perfect. I want her to fall in love with this house, hell whom am I kidding. I’m sure she’ll love it regardless of the decor. It is decorated
nicely, I hired one of the best.

  After completing my walk through, I set some wine in ice. I carry it into the media room. I haven’t used this room much lately. I look through my movies, making sure there are some chick flicks, I know women love those sort of sappy movies. I come across Hope Floats, In Her Shoes, Sixteen Candles, and The Family Stone. I’ll admit, I have no clue where these movies came from, I have never seen any of them. Laying those out, I make sure there are CD’s in the stereo. Yes, I’m going all out. I want this night to be perfect.

  Going into the garage, I let the top down on my Mercedes. I just purchased this car last year. I saved up for it for years, so I could pay cash. I open the garage door and hit the road. I’m a little nervous, considering Alyssa may not know that her sister is moving here, and also the fact that she hasn’t seen my house. I hope she doesn’t think it is too extravagant. I try not to flaunt the fact that I have money, I’ve worked very hard to get where I’m in life. I know that she has also, I can tell that she does lead a certain lifestyle. Which is fine with me. I like that she likes the finer things. Turning into Holden, I let out a sigh.

  Pulling up in front of the beach house, I see her standing on the patio. She is wearing, a black dress with a pair of black heels. She was rocking it, her hips are a perfect curve. I get out and walk towards her, whistling, she laughs. As I reach her, I place my arms around her waist, pulling her in and kissing her. She lets out a small groan as soon as my lips graze hers.

  Kissing her has my dick so hard. I know she can feel me pressing against her. Pulling away, she smiles. I wipe her lipstick from the corners of her lips, and as my finger touches her lips, she slides her tongue over my left thumb. Looking into my eyes, she gives me a small wink.

  “So, Mr. Fancy car. What are we doing after you show this house?” she asks as she places her hand in mine.

  “I figured we would just have dinner at my place. I ordered Chinese. I hope that’s okay,” I say, opening the door for her.

  “That’s perfect. I hope what I’m wearing is okay?” she says, fastening her seat belt.”

  “Baby, what you’re wearing is fucking hot,” I say, leaning over and kissing her.

  “I’m glad you like it. Now about this car, are all of your cars like this?” she asks meekly.

  “No, I have cheaper cars.” I laugh. “I saved up for this one for years. I have two more cars and a truck. I also have a boat and jet skis.” I say, shifting gears.

  “Oh,” she gulps. “Sounds like you like variety.” She smiles.

  “I do, I like to switch it up a bit. Does this bother you?” I ask, not knowing what she would say.

  “Hell no, I love the fact that you see what you like and go after it. I came from money, Heath. I have money, this doesn’t bother me. The house you are showing, is it the one that Abby and Brett want to purchase?”

  “Good, because I plan on buying you very nice things. Yes, that is the house, I wasn’t sure if you knew or not. I didn’t want to say anything until they did,” I say, justifying why I kept it from her.

  “I understand. Abby told me earlier. She thinks I should move here as well.” She sighs. “I’m not sure if I want to pack up and leave my position at my firm. I know I can practice anywhere, but I love it there,” she states matter-a-factly.

  “I understand, I’m sure it would be hard. I would like to talk more tonight about our future plans. To be honest, I’m not sure that I can deal with you being so far away,” I say as I place my hand on her thigh.

  “I know, I’ve been thinking about this since the first time we were together. Heath, I feel something with you that I have never felt before. I feel alive, wanted, and loved,” she says with tears in her eyes. I had to choke back a lump that formed in my throat. Man card, think man card before you start crying Heath.

  “I know exactly what you mean, baby. I don’t know if you are ready for this, but Alyssa Danielle Sommers, I fucking love you. I don’t want to scare you off by saying it. But I speak from my heart and I love you.” I say, clearing my throat. She is silent.

  “Thank you, Heath.” Is all she said…?

  Fuck, I knew it was too damn soon.

  “This house is absolutely beautiful, Heath.” Abby says as she walks through the kitchen. “I can see us living here many years,” she says, holding Brett’s hand.

  “Well, if y’all want it. Then it’s yours.” I say, looking at Alyssa standing in the corner smiling. I walk over to her, she is staring out the window.

  “Hi,” she says.

  “What are you over here smiling about?” I ask as I kiss her neck.

  “I was just wondering which house is yours. They’re all amazing. But I think that brick one with double doors is yours.” She says, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Am I right?” she questions.

  “Damns baby, you are awesome at guessing. You’re right. That one is mine. I’ll be neighbors with Brett and Abby,” I say, kissing her again.

  “That’s an awful big house just for you,” she says with a questioning look.

  “I got a great deal on it. I couldn’t pass it up.” I say, winking.

  “Umm, excuse me love birds. I want this house. Should I write you a check, and just send you on your way?” Brett says, laughing.

  “We will be on our way, you can just send me the check later. All the forms are on the breakfast bar in the folder,” I say, grabbing Alyssa’s hands and pulling her toward the door.

  “See you all later,” she calls out over her shoulder. I hold her hand as we walk quickly across the street. I stop in front of the doors, kissing her I pick her up and open the door. She lets out a small gasp.

  Being carried through Heath’s front doors bride style is pretty damn sexy. We walk in and I gasp. This house is stunning. The outside is brick, with white double doors. The foyer is huge, it looks larger than my condo. The two columns that separate it from another room go floor to ceiling. We walk to the right and it’s a formal living room. Then to the left is an office.

  “Heath, this place is breathtaking,” I say as he sits me down.

  “You really like it? There is plenty more, come on, baby, I’ll show you the rest,” he says, leading me into a massive kitchen. It was the largest kitchen I’d ever seen.

  “This is just, wow. Just wow,” I say as I run my hand along the marble counter tops. I could bake my ass off in this kitchen. There are four double ovens, a huge gas stove with a grill built in. The cabinets go floor to ceiling.

  “I know this kitchen is huge, isn’t it?” He laughs.

  “Very, but it’s beautiful. I can see myself baking cupcakes in that oven,” I say as I open the top oven looking in.

  “Well, I think we need to make a trip to Piggly Wiggly. Red Velvet?”

  “I can make you any flavor you like,” I say, walking over to him. “I do make a bad-ass homemade cream cheese frosting.”

  “God, you are so beautiful, Alyssa. Take your dress off.”

  “Right here?” I question.

  “Yes, I want to fuck you on the counter,” he says, un-buttoning his pants. I’m so wet, the way he talks turns me on more than any man has. Ever…

  I pull my dress over my head and I’m standing there completely nude. I’m not wearing panties. With Heath, I’ve learned that he will fuck me anywhere he can. I walk toward him and drop to my knees, pulling his pants down. His cock springs forward. I lick my lips then place my mouth around the tip. He is very large, his thickness scared me the first time I saw him naked. I place my free hand on his balls, massaging them gently. He lets out a groan as his hands fist through my hair.

  “Up, I need to fuck you baby,” he says, picking me up and sitting me on the counter. In one swift move, he’s inside of me. I wrap my legs around his waist. Lifting my ass a little, letting him go deeper “So fucking ready for me baby,” he groans.

  “Oh…God… Heath, harder. Fuck me harder,” I scream. “Yes…Yes. Oh god, bite my nipple,” I yell.

  “Is that what you want
baby?” he groans then takes my right nipple between his teeth. Gently pulling and nipping it. As his teeth scraps my pink flesh, my body is rocked. I can feel my orgasm rushing through my core.

  “Harder, please,” I cry out as I feel his balls smacking my ass. The deeper he goes, the louder I scream. “I…oh… Fuck, I’m coming, Heath,” I moan as I feel my pussy clench around his cock.

  “Mine… My pussy, baby. I’m coming, squeeze my cock harder with my pussy. I love you baby,” he groans as I feel him pouring him-self in me. Oh shit, he didn’t wear a condom.

  “That was amazing. I love how you fuck me, the way you talk to me turns me on so fucking much,” I say as I catch my breath. I look into his eyes and I see something, something I’ve never noticed before. “Heath, you didn’t wear a condom.” I giggle.

  “I know, baby, are you on the pill?” he asks as he runs his hand along my jaw.

  “I have an IUD, it’s a form of birth control. So we’re good,” I say, kissing him.

  “Good, because we’re never using a condom again. When I fuck my pussy, I don’t want anything between us. Nothing at all, just my skin inside of you,” he says, kissing me harder. I let out a small sob, no one has ever talked to me like that before.

  “I’m going to miss you so much, Heath Mason,” I say as I lay my head on his chest.

  “That’s what we need to talk about, we have about an hour before the food is delivered. Let’s go take a bath,” he says, helping me off the counter. He walks over to what I thought was a closet, but it’s an elevator? I laugh as the door opens.

  “Why, do you have an elevator? I know you aren’t lazy.” I laugh.

  “It was already here when I bought the house. When we remodeled I kept it.”

  “Oh, I see that makes sense.” I say as the door opens. We walk out into a huge hallway and all I see are doors. “Are these all bedrooms?” I ask as I follow him, down the long hall.


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