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Page 9

by Delisa Lynn

  “Yes, well there are only five and then the master suite. Then there are two bathrooms.” He laughs.

  “Wow, this is beautiful,” I say as he opens the door to his master bedroom. The bed is huge. I mean huge. It’s a canopy style with black and white linens. The windows are floor to ceiling and look out over the ocean. He opens another door, which lead us into the bathroom.

  “In that cabinet there are shower gels and bubble bath. My step-mom has stockpiles of Bath and Body Works and Victoria’s Secrets products. She always sends me stuff. I can’t lie, I do use the bubble bath.” He laughs. “I’ll start the water if you want to pick out some.” He walks over to a ten-person tub, turns on the water, which comes from above the tub. Yeah, I could get used to this. I laugh to myself.

  “Pomegranate is my favorite,” I say as I walk toward him with my arms full of the bottles.

  “Make sure the water isn’t too hot. I like it hot, but I wouldn’t want you to get burned,” he says, pushing my hair behind my ear. I smile as I stick my foot in the tub. It’s perfect. I lift my other leg and step completely in and sit down, it feels great, soothing. I’m a little sore, the sex that he and I’ve been having is the most action I’ve gotten in months. My pussy is a little sore.

  “This is perfect, get in with me,” I say meekly. I’ve always been kind of loud and blunt, but with him, I feel a little shy.

  “Let me grab some washcloths and towels and I will,” he states as he walks toward the closet.

  I lean back, and realize my hair is getting wet. I pull it up on top of my head. I lie back and close my eyes. I feel him climb in behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. His touches soothe me.

  My body, has its own mind when I’m with him. I lean my head back, it’s laying directly on his chest. I can feel his heart beating against my back. I know he loves me, but I’m terrified of getting hurt. I couldn’t handle it, if I lost him.

  Leaning close to my ear, he places his mouth right above it. He says, “Do you realize how happy you make me? I can’t let you go, Alyssa, I’m scared shitless just thinking, I’ll lose you.” He sighs then kisses the top of my head.

  “I’m scared,” I admit “I’ve never felt this way before. I Lo…Like you so much Heath,” I say, realizing I almost confessed my love for him. I want to tell him back.

  I’m so fucking scared.

  “We’re in this together, I’ll never and I mean never hurt you Alyssa. You’re mine, forever,” he says, hugging me tight. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Someone actually loves me.

  “Heath…I love you,” I cry “I’m so fucking scared, everyone I have loved has left me. I’m so damn broken, I’m like a fucking puzzle, and I’m in pieces. Can you handle that?” I say, turning to face him. I look into his eyes and I see the unshed tears. I climb on his lap, so I’m closer to him. “Tell me how much you love me,” I say, kissing him.

  “I love you so fucking much it scares me. I want all of you, Alyssa. This,” he says, placing his hand on my heart. “Has captured my soul, I can’t see living a happy life without you in it,” he says as the tears, roll down his cheek. “You’ll be my puzzle, and piece by piece, I’ll make you whole again. I want to heal you, Lys. Let me love you, and make our puzzle complete.”

  I choke back a sob, and gasp as I see another one fall. I crash my lips to his. In one swift move, he’s back inside of me and we are making love in the tub. We aren’t fucking. It is love, because I can feel how much he loves me with every thrust.

  He loves me, Heath Mason, fucking loves me.

  After making love to Alyssa in the bathtub, we climb out and shower. She’s now wearing one of my t-shirts, lying on my media room couch. We just ate dinner and she picked Sixteen Candles to watch. She states that she loves all things 80s including the music. Which is another reason I love her. Although I was born in the very late 80s, I have an old soul, I guess. I stand there looking at how beautiful she is. Then I look at the picture of Seth and I a week after graduation. I smile thinking back to that day.

  “Hey, man, I can’t wait to party it up in Georgia. You should come out and hang with us sometime,” Seth says as he takes a drink of his beer.

  “I think I may, I decided to attend the University of North Carolina. I wish mom and dad would have just worked out their shit. Then maybe we would have picked the same colleges,” I say as I sit next to my twin.

  “No shit, man. I hate that they separated us. But I know that you had issues with mom and Bill,” he says matter a factly. Bill was our new stepfather.

  “Yeah, I like living with dad and Libby.”

  “Damn, look at us. We both have great girls and we’re headed off to college. Who would have thought, the Mason twins would catch such pretty ladies?” He laughs.

  “Hey, now. Speak for yourself, I know I have always been handsome,” I say, jokingly.

  “Shit, in your dreams brother. You do know I’m the more handsome twin. I think I’m going to ask Alyssa to marry me next year,” he says, taking another drink.

  “It’s that serious?” I question.

  “Yeah, man. I love her. She’s amazing, I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  “That’s great, yeah she sounds nice. My feelings for Josie are getting stronger. I can’t say where it is going though,” I say as I stand up and look out into the ocean.

  “You never know, give it time,” he says.

  “Heath, are you okay?” Alyssa asks as she places her hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m fine, baby, I was just thinking back to the last time I saw Seth. There is something I need to tell you. Okay?” I say as I pull her to the sofa. “He loved you, you know that,” I say, holding her hand.

  “I know he did, well, he said he did,” she says, wiping a tear from her cheek.

  “He was going to ask you to marry him. He told me the last time I saw him. We talked about you and Josie,” I say, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Feeling my own welling up in my eyes. Dammit, my man card has completely flown out the window. I’ve never cried this much.

  “What happened to her, Heath?”

  “Man, did I end up falling in love,” I say as I lean back and pull Alyssa onto my lap. “She was my girlfriend all through high school. Then a year of college.”

  “What happened?” she asks as she lays her head on my chest.

  “When she was twenty, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went in for a double mastectomy then three days later she died. The cancer had spread through her entire body before they could even catch it,” I say, choking back my tears. I don’t talk about her much, but when I do, it hurts. It’s been six years.

  “I…I’m so sorry Heath,” she says.

  “It was six years ago. I still see her family here and there. I loved her, but I honestly don’t think we would still be together. She was different. She was very smart. She wanted to travel the world. I’ve just always been comfortable here,” I say, kissing her cheek.

  “I can understand that. What about Jessika?” she says in a quiet voice.

  I sigh, I guess now would be a good time to tell her everything. I pull her into me closer, “She and I met three years ago through mutual friends. I hadn’t really ‘dated’ since Josie’s death. I played the field. Keeping my guard up. Ya’ know?”

  “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” she says, soothingly.

  “Well, after about six months. I let her move in with me. Things where good, so I thought. Then I found out she cheated. She stated it was one time, she was drunk and had done a few lines of cocaine.”

  “Jesus, Heath. She did drugs around you?” she questions.

  “Not around me, I’d had suspensions that she had been using. So she promised it would never happen again, I believed her, and let her stay.”

  “Wow, she sure is a piece of work.” She snorts.

  “Well, in January, I came home from a business trip and caught her and a golf buddy of mine together. I was so goddamn mad, I wanted to choke t
hem both. But then realized I deserved so much better than her. Long story short, she wanted to get married, she wanted my money, not me,” I state.

  “What a bitch, I’m so sorry. You have been through a lot.”

  “Yeah, love. I think we both have. What is your thoughts on our long distance relationship?” I ask, praying to God she would move here.

  “I need to go home then I’ll be back in a few weeks. We can Skype and Facetime. I just have some things at work I need to take care of then, I’ll…” she sighs, “I’ll move here Heath. I love you and want to see where this goes, promise me you won’t hurt me. I’m not sure my heart can take it,” she cries into my chest.

  “Alyssa, I will do everything in my power to make this work. I love you so goddamn much sweetheart,” I say, kissing her.

  “Good, because I couldn’t imagine living without you,” she says quietly. Running my left hand down the side of her face, I say, “I know you think you are broken, but I can heal you. I want to be your missing puzzle piece,” I say as I graze her lips with mine and she lets out a moan. I pull my shorts down then push myself inside of her, and I make love to the only woman who has made me feel human.

  I’ve been home for two days. I almost lost it on my flight back. Abby got the position there, and she and Brett are staying for a few days before they go back to Rhode Island. I had to come home because I have court all this week. I need to find a way to resign. I have to move to North Carolina. I just hope that Heath is sincere. After what he told me about Jessica¸ I hope I never see her. I will claw her fucking eyes out.

  Going back to work today was a disaster. Two of the cases I’ve been working on are killing me. One of my clients is in jail for something he didn’t do and I know he was framed so I just have to prove it. I have to get this taken care of before I can move. As I go through the files on my desk, I start thinking about my last night at the beach with Heath.

  “Heath, I wish we could stay like this forever. Being wrapped up in your arms, feeling your skin against mine. I feel wanted for the first time in my adult life.”

  “Alyssa, I’ll always want you. Do. Not. Ever. Think, you are not good enough for me. Truth is you are too good for me. I’ve been with a lot of woman, Lys. I can honestly say I’ve never felt such a connection other than with you. Being with you makes me feel alive, I actually don’t dread my days. Move in with me soon, I’m not sure I can survive without you here,” he says, before placing a kiss on my temple.

  “Hello, earth to Alyssa.” Mal snaps her fingers. “What are you thinking about?” she asks, crossing her arms.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just thinking about my last day in North Carolina,” I say matter-of-factly

  “Who is he? I’ve known you for a long time, please tell me it isn’t Evan?” she says, with her hands on her hips.

  “No, it isn’t him. You know he is getting married, I think to Zanders sister.” I laugh. “You slept with him too didn’t you?”

  “Who? You know I slept with Evan. It was your idea, but I’m glad I did. He was damn good, I can’t believe he fell for the virgin shit. Yeah, I did sleep with Zander, and Brody.” She laughs.

  Slut puppy…

  “You’re such a whore… I’ve changed, I was young and dumb. After I asked you to do that to Evan, I felt bad. I know it was wrong of both of us. I’m an awful person,” I tell her honestly.

  “It’s all good, I knew I was moving and he wouldn’t see me for a while anyways.”

  “Yeah, but it was still wrong,” I say, logging on to my computer.

  “So, Mark and I are having a get together. You should come,” she says sitting on my desk.

  “Mal, I have a boyfriend now. I don’t need fixed up with any of Marks friends.” I laugh.

  “I know the last one was a fluke… Wait, did you say boyfriend?” she practically screeches.

  “Lower, your voice. Yes, I have a boyfriend. Do you remember Seth’s brother Aaron? Well come to find out he is Brett’s friend Heath. He went by Aaron back then. I know it’s weird, but don’t freak okay?” I grab my phone, and open it to a picture of Heath and I. “Here this was a few days before I left the beach.”

  “Holy hotness, he is one fine man, and he looks just like Seth. It’s the eyes. How are you dealing with all of this? You know normally, when you have someone this hot, he’s just a one night stand.” She snorts.

  “I know, it was hard at first, but he’s different. His eyes are like Seth’s. But Heath… He is Heath, and he is so fucking sweet. And fuck you, we’re in love,” I say.

  “You’re in love? How is this going to work, considering that you are a million miles away from him?”

  “Shit, I didn’t mean to tell you like this… But I’m going to resign, and move to North Carolina,” I say, watching her mouth drop open. Mal is my assistant we’ve been friends for a long time, when she moved back, a few years ago when I needed an assistant, and she was perfect for the job.

  “So you’re leaving?” She gulps.

  “Yeah, I need to finish these cases then I’m going to go. I already found someone to buy my condo. I know that Vera needs an assistant. I’ll send her an email, stating how amazing you are. I won’t tell her about the threesomes though,” I tease.

  “Oh, please don’t tell her,” she jumps up “There is no way in hell I’m having one with her.” She giggles. Vera is a sixty-year old woman. I could only imagine her face, if she knew what whores Mal and I were.

  “No worries, our drunken escapades are safe with me. You know I don’t swing that way, and you are the only one it ever happened with.”

  “Oh, girl. Trust me, I know,” she sighs. “Well, I guess I better let you get back to work. I have some emails, which I received while you were on vacation, I’ll forward them to you,” she says and walks out of my office. For a second, I feel bad that I am moving. Then I think of my man. Yes, my man. I laugh to myself.

  Going about my day is going to be super hard. I need to see Heath, or at least hear his voice. I get up and make sure my office door is closed and that my blinds are pulled. I tend to smile like the fucking Cheshire cat when I talk to him. I pull his number up on my phone. It rings a few times then I hear his muffled voice.

  “Hmm, ‘lo.”

  “Good morning, handsome,” I say, smiling.

  “It’s not good, you’re there and I am here,” he says.

  “Yeah, I know. I miss you so bad,” I sigh. “I may fly back out this weekend. Or you could fly here?” I offer.

  “Yes, that sounds like a plan. Lys, what are you wearing, baby?” he all but whispers.

  “Oh, umm…a black blazer, with a red cami, black pencil skirt and red heels. You?” I ask.

  “Nothing,” he breaths. “I’m thinking about you and those sexy hips of yours. I’m so turned on right now,” he replies.

  I swallow the lump I feel in my throat before I say, “Me too. God, Heath. I miss you so much that, I am aching.”

  “Touch yourself,” he orders.

  “I’m in my office, Heath,” I say meekly.

  “So, lock the door.”

  “It…it is,” I say.

  “Good, now where were we? Oh, yeah, you were saying how much you missed me. Now rub your clit,” he orders. I slide my skirt up and pull my panties off. Looking at the door, to make sure no one is standing there. I do as he says, and I start massaging my clit.

  “Mmm…Heath, I need your cock in this wet pussy,” I moan.

  “Fuck…yes you do.” I hear his breathing getting rapid. “Now, stick a finger on my wet pussy, Lys,” he groans.

  “Are you touching yourself?” I ask

  “Touching is an understatement, I am jacking off to my beautiful girls moans. Now back to my pussy. How wet are you?”

  Holy hell, I’m having phone sex at work.

  “I’m fucking dripping,” I say as I slide my finger deeper inside of me. “Oh, my God. Oh, Heath…I’m going to come again,” I moan.

  “That’s it, baby, finger
yourself nice and hard. Do it hard, Lys.”

  I do as he say and I deepen my fingers, I can feel my walls clinch around my middle finger, I take my thumb and circle my clit, sending me over the edge.

  “Mmm…Heath, I’m…Oh God,” I say as I reach my climax. “What about you?” I ask

  “Almost baby, keep moaning. Tell me how much you miss me,” he says, I can hear his heavy breathing. “Goddamn, fuck. Yessss,” he groans. “Just the sound of your voice sends me on a fucking high.”

  “Mmm, yep… Yours does the same to me,” I say then I look down and see that my skirt is above my hips and my pussy has left its marks on my chair. I feel my legs shake as one last orgasm shoots through my core. I stand up, and look for something to clean myself with.

  “You there, babe?” he sighs

  “Yes, I kind of made a mess.” I giggle.

  “You aren’t the only one. I need to hop in the shower.” He laughs. “I’ll call you in a few, kay?” he asks.

  “Okay,” I say. “I love you Heath Mason,” I sigh.

  “I love you more baby, now get that work taken care of so you can come home.” Home, I like the sound of that.

  “Okay, bye,” I say.

  “Bye, baby. Thanks for the morning phone sex.” He laughs.

  “Yeah, anytime.” I say, pushing the red disconnect button.

  Trying to gain my composure, I finish out my day. I noticed that I had a text from Blake. Shit, I need to call him. I’ll let him down easy.

  “Hey, freshie.” He laughs.

  “I can’t believe after all these years, you still call me that.”

  “What can I say, I don’t like change. How was vacation? I’ve missed you.”

  “It was wonderful… Blake, I met someone,” I sigh. “So no more sex.”

  “Damn, that just ruined my day. I was ready for one of our lunch quickies. Mal never told me you found someone.”

  “You know, you’ll always be a good friend. She just found out also.”

  “Yep, I understand. You deserve happiness. I wouldn’t stand in your way, doll. Look, I have patients, but maybe dinner this week?”


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