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The Outlaw Biker's Betrayal: A Bad Boy MC Romance

Page 36

by Sienna Wiliiams

  “You are beautiful Emma, and anyone who says otherwise is a fool.”

  Emma continued to blush but didn’t hide her face again; she continued to gaze into his eyes instead.

  “You are a very sweet man, Isaac.”

  “And you are a sweet woman Emma.”

  Isaac leaned in again and pressed his lips back against Emma’s, causing her to let out a soft whimper. Isaac smiled against her lips and leaned forward a bit more, wanting more of her lips against his, instead falling over and pinning Emma to the blanket. Emma started to giggle and bit down on her lower lip as their mouths pulled apart.

  “I don’t think Madame would approve.”

  Isaac chuckled in response, pushing himself up just enough to hover over Emma.

  “Apparently I am also a clumsy man.”

  “I don’t mind, you are most likely going to be the only man that is clumsy with me.”

  Emma smiled softly, but her mouth couldn’t maintain her smile as her mind wandered through the thoughts of her being alone.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  Emma wasn’t sure what came over her, but in that instant she truly believed he would be the only man to ever look at her without disgust. She wrapped her hands around his head and pulled him in for a deep kiss, letting the entire weight of his body pin her to the ground. Isaac groaned as her taste flooded his mouth, his hands pressed against the ground on either side of her body, one hand moving to caress along her side as the continued to dance their tongues. Isaac tried to pull away from Emma but her hands gripped his head tighter, and she arched her back to press her breasts harder against his chest. Isaac let out a small growl before giving into Emma completely, his hand moving down her side until it was caressing the side of her knees.

  Isaac lifted her knee up to wrap her leg around his him as he began to grind into her, causing her to moan and whimper, her hands moving down to his neck and lightly scratching at his skin. Isaac finally gained control of himself after countless minutes of grinding and thrusting his hips against Emma.

  “We can’t be doing this.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t want to soil you. You should be with a man only after you are married.”

  “But I’ll never be married.”

  Emma tried to fight back the tears in her eyes, she wanted so badly to feel wanted for just a short while.

  “Awl, please don’t cry.”

  Isaac felt a stinging pain in his heart as he watched the salt water form in the corner of Emma’s eyes. He knew that any man who would deny her was a foolish one, she was beyond perfect. He smiled softly and leaned down to press his lips against hers once more. Isaac had made his decision in that moment of who he was going to choose to marry.

  He snuck his hand up Emma’s dress and tore away her bloomers, his fingertips tickling against her pussy entrance. He rubbed them up and down, swallowing every single one of Emma’s moans as he readied her for himself. When he could feel the juices growing, Isaac dipped two fingers inside of her. Emma arched her back and groaned as she felt his fingers slip inside of her pussy, the sensation causing pain and pleasure all at once. She let out a whimper and rocked her hips against his fingers, wishing the uncomfortable feeling away. Isaac could feel her hips rocking against his fingers and smiled, pushing them deeper until he could feel them tickling against her g-spot.


  Isaac chuckled at her reaction as he wiggled his fingers inside her, grinding them against her g-spot until she was wet to his satisfaction. When he pulled his fingers out Emma pouted, pushing her hips against him asking for his fingers back inside her.

  “We can stop. We haven’t gone too far, we can stop and keep you pure.”

  “Please don’t stop.”

  Emma was panting and moaning, wanting more of the man gazing down at her.

  “This is going to hurt at first, but I promise the pain goes away.”

  Emma nodded to let Isaac know she understood as he moved his hand away from her and to his own pants, loosening them enough to pull his cock free of the cloth prison. He positioned the head of his cock directly at her entrance, rubbing it along her pussy lips to coat himself in lubrication. Isaac took one deep breath and thrust completely inside of her. Emma groaned and whimpered, biting down on her lip to stop herself from screaming, the pain almost unbearable.

  “Shh, I promise it will pass.”

  Emma whimpered and nodded. Isaac leaned down and kissed her sweetly over and over again before deepening the kiss. He let his tongue explore her mouth once more, letting her relax against his touch while her body grew custom to his size.

  Once her body was fully relaxed and the pain seemed gone from her muscles, Isaac began to thrust slowly in and out of her. Emma moaned and kissed Isaac harder in response, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly as he moved in and out of her. Isaac was shocked at how easily he had been ready to take her, especially after what happened in the library. He had to force those thoughts away, he didn’t want to taint his experience with Emma by thinking of another woman.

  Emma pulled away and tilted her head back, her moans growing deep and desperate as her pussy walls began to clench around his cock. Isaac knew she was already close, and thanked god for that because he was ready to burst the moment she asked him not to stop. Isaac moved his cock in and out of her faster, pounding the head against her g-spot until he could feel her inner walls clamping tight against his cock. Emma moaned loudly as her body shuddered, her pussy drenching his cock in her release. Isaac groaned at how wet her pussy became from her release, still pounding away at her until he couldn’t control it any longer and released deep inside of her. Isaac and Emma were both panting as the rode their climaxes till the end; Isaac collapsed on top of Emma when they finally subsided.

  “Dear lord…”

  Emma winced as she rolled onto her side and kissed Isaac’s cheek, her face glowing with the aftermath of orgasm bliss.

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter Seven

  Isaac continued to check on Emma every few minutes as the straightened themselves out and packed up the picnic. Reaching out to caress her arm or her leg every so often to ensure she wouldn’t flinch in pain.

  “Are you sure you are alright.”

  “I’m wonderful.”

  “And you’re sure?”

  “Yes, please stop asking.”

  Emma giggled at how concerned Isaac was for her. It made her heart pound faster at the thought that he may truly enjoy being around her, and touching her. She felt as if there was hope that he may chose her, and not have to be rejected from the house with no bride at his side.

  “We need to get back. The Madame will wish to know your decision.”

  “How is that done? Is it a formal sort of thing or do I just run away with my bride?”

  “You tell the Madame and she lets the one chosen know, so that they may pack and say their goodbyes. After that you get to do with whatever you wish with Ellen.”


  “Well yes, since you only met with me and my sister, I can only assume you will insist on having her.”

  Emma smiled softly, but Isaac could see the pain that was hidden behind her smile.

  “Your sister?”

  Isaac had to shake his head and stop staring at Emma long enough to register the words, he thought he had heard them wrong. Emma simply nodded.

  “Yes, Emma is my sister. We came here together.”

  Isaac stood in shock as he tried to understand what he had experienced that day. Sisters, and he had soiled them both, at least somewhat. His eyes grew wide and his heart filled with guilt, rendering him speechless as Emma continued to talk.

  “Well, I should get back. Would you like to escort me back to the house?”

  When Isaac didn’t respond, Emma sighed and headed back to the house on her own. Her mind telling her that it was a mistake, that now he would never even speak to her again. She blamed herself, mentioning his future b
ride to be, and telling him she was her sister was a big mistake. He probably felt guilty about what they had done, and wished to take it back. When Isaac finally came out of his guilty trance, he didn’t notice Emma was missing right away.

  “I can’t believe that she is your sister. Emma?”

  Isaac called for Emma over and over again, but she was already long gone. Isaac shook his head again and strode back to the house. He went directly to the Madame’s office, sat down in one of her more comfortable chairs and waited. He hung his head between his legs for a few moments, trying to understand how he could have been so stupid, to have allowed himself to touch both sisters.

  He sat up and placed his elbows on his knees and let his head fall into his hands. He couldn’t imagine what the girls would say when the shared their experiences with each other; but he knew that his wife to be would never allow him to touch her after she knew the truth of what happened between him and her sister. When the Madame entered the room and noticed Isaac sitting there with his head between his hands, she closed the door behind her and took a seat at her desk.

  “Is everything alright Mr. Dhelhare?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Tell me about the sisters.”

  “You mean the two women you met with today?”

  “Yes, them.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  The Madame was smiling at him the entire time, giving Isaac an unsettling feeling.

  “Why wasn’t I told they were sisters is a good start.”

  “Would it have made a difference Mr. Dhelhare?”

  “I’m not sure, but I should have been informed that I had sisters on my list.”

  “I’m very sorry Mr. Dhelhare, I didn’t think it would matter that much to you.”

  “Well it does.”

  “Is that all?”


  “What else can I help you with?”

  “How did Emma get that scar? Was it from Ellen?”

  “Dear lord, no. Emma had an accident as a child, too adventurous and not enough balance I’m afraid. Poor girl fell down a cliff, cutting her face on a large jagged rock.”

  Isaac nodded. He knew he should have asked Emma, but he was too distracted and then found out that she was sisters with the beautiful seductress from the library.

  “Anything else?”

  “No, that is everything.”

  The Madame nodded.

  “Have you made a decision then?”

  “Yes I have.”

  “And who would you like to marry?”

  “I don’t want the other girls to know until after we are gone.”

  “But she needs to say her goodbyes.”

  “I wish to speak to her about that.”

  “May I know who she is?”

  “Can I have your word that you will not announce it, that you will allow her to announce us or not?”

  Madame nodded her head once to accept Isaac’s terms. Isaac nodded to conclude their agreement and then straighten up against the back of the chair.

  “Then I will tell you who she is.”

  Chapter Eight

  Emma was back in the rooms with Ellen, sitting in silence as her sister stared at her.

  “Did you enjoy your time with him?”

  “It was alright.”

  “You’re dress seems dirty.”

  “Setting up the blanket, must have gotten dirt on myself.”

  “Ah, you should be more careful next time.”

  Emma smiled and nodded towards Ellen, her hands running through her dress to dust off all the dirt.

  “Will you accept?”

  Ellen looked at Emma with a confused look on her face when she heard Emma’s question.

  “What do you mean will I accept?”

  “When Isaac asks for you to marry him, will you say yes?”

  “Why would I say yes?”

  “I don’t know…you looked so happy after your time with him. I’ve never seen you smile like that before.”

  Emma tried not to seem too curious as she talked to her sister, but she needed to know for herself if Ellen was interested in leaving with Isaac.

  “We did have a wonderful morning, but I suppose I’ll only go if he refuses to leave without a wife.”

  “At least you will have a husband who is as handsome as you are beautiful.”

  Emma sighed, she could tell Emma was considering it, but she didn’t understand why. Her sister always stuck by her side, Emma couldn’t think of a single reason that would convince Ellen to change her mind and finally choose a husband.

  “I suppose, and he has a large member sure to be pleasurable on our wedding night.”

  Ellen hadn’t meant to say the second part out loud but she was so caught up in her own mind she forgot that she was talking to her sister. When Emma gasped and stared at her in horror, Ellen knew she had to try and take back her words.

  “I mean…”

  “You were already intimate with him?”

  Emma was trying to seem chocked but instead her anger was fueling her words. Her sister had lied to her, and more so had been intimate with the man. Ellen could tell that Emma was angrier than she should be about her immoral actions. Emma never cared what Ellen did, she always assumed it was for a good reason and to better their lives in some way.

  “What has you so upset? It’s not like you were intimate with him too.”

  Emma tried to deny it and pretend she wasn’t asked any question, but her face blushed and her body trembled at the very thought of when Isaac was inside her.

  “Dear lord, you pleasured him!”

  Ellen was yelling at Emma now. Ellen stood up and leaned over towards her sister and slapped her clear across the face. Emma could feel the mix of pain and angry growing inside her as Ellen’s hand collided with her cheek, and Emma decided to retaliate by slapping her sister right back.

  “You were the ruined woman who touched him first. I will never marry, what is your excuse!”

  That was when the sisters began to go at each other. Ellen continued to slap and claw at Emma, while Emma was pulling on Ellen’s hair and trying to tackle her to the ground. They screamed at each other in between the grunts and groans of pain and anger, everything muffled and mumbled together as the fought each other. Due to their kicking, scratching and screaming, the girls didn’t realize that both Isaac and the Madame had entered the room.


  Ellen was the first to stop, her chest heaving as she panted, trying to catch her breath. Emma was on the floor gasping for air as she reached for the edge of her bed to pull her up to her feet. Both of the women looked down at their feet as they waited for the Madame’s next words.

  “Why in the grace of heaven are you two tearing each other apart?”

  Emma and Ellen both stayed silent, not wanting to admit anything to the Madame.

  “Mr. Dhelhare has chosen a bride, but if you two don’t speak up right this instant I will send him away and nobody will be allowed to marry this man.”

  The women both gasped at the same time and moved their heads up to stare at each other, both women raising a hand to point at the other one, as they spoke in union.

  “She let him soil her!”

  All three women gasped. Ellen and Emma were both shocked that their sister would tell on them, and the Madame was shocked to hear two of her women were impure after only a short time with Isaac. The Madame turned to Isaac and glared at him.

  “Tell me that isn’t true Mr. Dhelhare.”

  “Well umm…”

  Isaac coughed to clear his throat, unable to form any words. He couldn’t even think of a way to defend himself against the accusation, because it was true. Both women had tarnished themselves in some way with him.

  “Get out! Get out of my house right now!”

  The Madame slapped Isaac across the face and made her demand for him to leave. Isaac caressed his stinging cheek and took one last look
at the sisters before scrambling out of the room and out of the house. Once Isaac was gone the Madame turned to the sisters and glared at them.

  “Do you have any idea how hard it will be to marry you two off now? Especially you Emma. No man wants a woman touched by another man. Both of you, go to the wood shed, and do not come out until I have called you.”

  The sisters hung their heads in shame and walked out of the room.

  Chapter Nine

  Emma curled up in the corner of the basement, crying against her knees as Ellen paced back and forth in front of the woodshed door.

  “Why are you crying Emma? It’s not like you were going to ever get married anyways.”

  Emma looked up at Ellen, her face bright red and covered in salt water.

  “What? Why are you being so mean? You’ve never said that before, you were the one saying we’d find someone to marry me some day. You were the one that believed I could!”

  Emma began to cry harder, causing Ellen to walk up to her sister and bend down to be eye to eye with her sister.

  “Maybe it’s time to make you face reality. I mean really Emma, you let that man destroy any chance you had…”

  Ellen sighed and let herself drop the rest of the way to the ground, getting more comfortable as she spoke to Emma.

  “I just wanted to know what it was like…I knew I’d never get married, and he was so nice.”

  Emma was sniffling and crying as she tried to explain herself to her sister, but all Ellen did was shake her head and disbelieve her sister.

  “That’s no excuse.”

  “Well why did you do it?”

  “To ensure he had to marry me. “

  “I thought you said you’d refuse him.”

  “I know, but I’m tired of waiting around for a man to come and whisk you away. Isaac is gorgeous…and large.”

  Ellen made a grunt, causing Emma to flinch from the painful thought of them together.

  “Oh my lord.”


  Emma looked confused, wondering what Ellen was thinking.

  “You’re in love with him.”



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