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The Outlaw Biker's Betrayal: A Bad Boy MC Romance

Page 37

by Sienna Wiliiams

  “Yes you are, impure Emma is in love with the scoundrel cowboy.”

  Emma burst into harder tears, unable to deny her sister’s words. Ellen realized that she was right and that saying it was only hurting her sister more. Watching Emma crying in a small ball in the dark of the wood shed caused Ellen to feel guilty about her harsh words to her sister.

  “Emma…I’m sorry.”

  Ellen moved next to her sister and pulled Emma into her arms, squeezing her body tight as she rested her chin on top of Emma’s head.

  “I didn’t know you fell in love with him.”

  Emma sniffled through her response.

  “He was going to choose you anyways.”

  “Maybe not…”

  “Yeah right, they always choose you.”

  Emma continued to sniffle but stopped crying so hard, curling up against her sister for comfort.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, he’s gone and we are still here.”

  Emma nodded and snuggled in harder against her sister, feeling her heart break into a thousand pieces beneath her chest. They sat there curled up on the floor of the wood shed for what seemed like ages before the Madame unlocked and opened the door. She let the small light of the setting sun into the woodshed, but blocked the exit so the girls could not leave. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her mouth was flat and stern.

  “Ellen, you first.”

  “Yes Madame?”

  What took place between you and Mr. Dhelhare?”

  “What do you mean Madame?”

  “You know exactly what I mean, now answer me before I take away food privileges for a week.”

  Ellen sighed and looked at Emma, then returned her gaze to the Madame.

  “I pleasured him with my hand in the library. He tried to tell me we couldn’t, but I wanted to ensure he’d choose me.”

  The Madame continued to glare at Ellen for a moment before speaking.

  “With your hand, so your womanhood is still intact? Good. Go, before I change my mind.”

  Ellen glanced back at her sister to give her a reassuring smile before moving around the Madame and returning to the main house. Emma stood up and faced the Madame.

  “Now you Emma, what happened between you and Mr. Dhelhare?”

  “We made love behind the greenhouse during our picnic.”

  Emma hung her head in shame, her tears dropping down her cheeks onto her shoes. The Madame used her knuckle to push Emma’s chin up, forcing their eyes to meet.

  “Why on god’s green earth would you do such a thing Emma?”

  “Because he was nice, and I thought I’d never know the touch of a man.”

  Emma sniffled again and tried to look away from the Madame, but remained locked in her gaze by the Madame’s knuckle.

  “My dear Emma, you are a foolish girl. You are going to stay in this shed until the preacher can tell me what to do with you.”

  “But Madame, the preacher won’t be here for several weeks yet.”

  “I know.”

  The Madame removed her knuckle from Emma’s chin and turned around, not speaking another word to Emma as she closed the door to the woodshed and returned the lock to its place, ensuring that Emma could not escape the dark confinement. Emma collapsed onto the floor and burst into tears once again, letting her face press against the cold wood as she let herself get lost to the darkness. Her mind wandered to thoughts of Isaac and second guessed if it was the right decision to let him do those things to her, to take her womanhood. She knew she would never feel anything like it again, but begged god to forgive her as she curled up into the fetus position in a small corner of the shed.

  Her body was shivering by the time the sun had fully set, the heat of the bright morning gone and replaced with the cool breeze of midnight that slipped through the cracks between the wooden walls. Emma continued to repeat her apology to god over and over through the night, barely able to sleep for free of freezing while lost to the dream world. Her mind wondering if she should just let herself drift off and give into the cold, knowing the rest of her life would not get any better than it was in that single moment of pain and darkness.

  Chapter Ten

  Emma woke with a start. There was a loud banging against what sounded like metal outside the woodshed door. She wasn’t sure how many days had passed since she had been locked away in the shed, the Madame only fed her once every few days so it was hard to keep track. When the shed door opened up to reveal the bright light of the sun it stung her eyes, forcing Emma to crawl backwards until she was encased in darkness in the far corner of the shed.


  It was the sound of her sister’s voice echoing through the shed. Emma didn’t believe what she was hearing or seeing was real, she curled up into a ball and began to chant go away.

  “Is she in there?”

  This time it was Isaac’s voice, proving that she must still be dreaming, or the cold had finally taken her life and she was in the afterlife of heaven or hell, she wasn’t sure which she was destined to go to after what she had done with Isaac.

  “Emma, oh my dear Emma!”

  Ellen rushed into the wood shed and found Emma in her corner. She wrapped Emma up in her arms and squeezed her tight, resting her warm cheek against Emma’s frozen one.

  “Emma it’s me. It’s going to be ok, I’m here now.”

  Ellen began to cry as Emma continued to rock in her small ball, chanting for Ellen to go away.

  “Isaac, something is wrong with her.”

  Isaac walked into the wood shed and knelt down beside Ellen, trying to get a good look at Emma to see what could be wrong.

  “I think she’s in shock. Too cold for too long. We have to get her out of here.”

  “I can’t leave, the Madame will notice.”

  “I can take her, but I’ll need your help.”

  Ellen nodded and squeezed her sister tightly again.

  “What do I need to do?”

  “Go pack a few things for her, and meet me at the back of the house. Wait till everyone is asleep, including the Madame.”

  Ellen nodded and rose to her feet, running out of the shed and back towards the house to the bedrooms. Ellen tossed a few belongings of Emma’s into a tiny satchel and hid it under her pillow, then she returned to her chores, hoping the Isaac knew what he was doing and could help her poor sister return to her. Back at the shed Isaac had closed the door, returning the entire room to darkness. He wrapped Emma up in his arms and softly hummed for her, kissing the top of her head over and over again, reassuring her that everything was going to be ok.

  “Is this heaven, or hell?”

  “This isn’t heaven or hell, this is here and now. You are alive Emma, not dead.”

  “That can’t be right. Go away, don’t torture me anymore.”

  “Torture you?”

  Isaac was confused how his presence could be torturing her. He let out a deep sigh and continued to rock her, hoping that she didn’t continue to feel tortured as he tried to warm her body up and bring her back to a clear state of mind. He watched the small crack underneath the door and waited till the sun had long been set before rising to his feet. He picked up Emma and carried her in his arms, taking her out of the shed into the moon light night. Emma looked up at the sky confused, she stared at the moon for a long moment before turning her gaze to Isaac.


  “There you are.”

  “What…What are you doing? How am I out of the shed?”

  “I should have guessed it would be the moon and the air to bring you back.”

  “Bring me back?”

  Isaac nodded and smiled at Emma, continuing to carry her as he walked to the very back of the house to wait for Ellen.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m rescuing you…or kidnapping you. One of those.”

  Isaac chuckled and Emma looked even more confused.

  “I’ve been trying to see you for weeks. I only just was able to talk
to your sister without the Madame catching us.”

  “Me? Why me?”

  “Because you are my choice sweet Emma, I wish to marry you.”

  Emma shook her head in disbelief.

  “No, nobody ever chooses me. Everyone wants Ellen.”

  “Except me. I never should have done what I did with her.”

  “Or with me…”

  “No. With you I did exactly what I should have. I gave my wife exactly what she asked for.”


  “Soon enough, that’s exactly what you will be.”

  “But…but why me?Because we…please don’t stick yourself with me because of that.”

  Emma began to cry, causing Isaac to drop her down to her feet and grabbed both sides of her face with his hands, pulling her eyes up to meet his.

  “Emma. I loved you from the moment I saw you, from the moment I caressed your scar and saw you blush. I want to marry you, and only you.”

  Emma gasped and bit down on her lip, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Now, if only your sister would hurry up.”

  “I’m right here.”

  Isaac turned to see Ellen walking up to meet them, a tiny satchel in her hands.

  “I packed what I could, the Madame is a very nosey woman.”

  “Ellen? What is going on?”

  Ellen smiled and hugged her sister tightly, kissing each of her cheeks before pulling away.

  “I love you Emma, you deserve to be happy and in love.”

  “Can you please tell me what is going on!”

  “We are freeing you from the shed, so you can run away with Isaac. I thought that would be obvious by now.”

  Ellen grinned at Emma and nudged her towards Isaac.


  Emma still couldn’t believe her ears or eyes.

  “Truly sister, he came back for you and now you two are leaving together.”

  Isaac nodded towards Ellen.

  “Thank you.”

  “Just take care of my sister.”


  Emma started to cry again and hugged her sister tightly.

  “I love you Ellen, I hope you finally meet a man worthy of you.”

  “I will, don’t worry about me. I have to get back though, before Madame wakes to find me missing.”

  Emma nodded and hugged her sister one last time, whispering a goodbye against her ear before watching Ellen run off around the house back to her bed. Emma turned to Isaac and smiled softly.

  “Do you really love me?”

  “Absolutely. Now let’s get you home before Madame notices we’ve escaped that horrible shed.”

  Isaac smiled and laced his fingers in between Emma’s, leading her around the house and down the dirt road. The walked for miles in silence, while Emma looked up and stared at the stars, trusting Isaac not to let her wander off of the road. When they finally stopped pulling her she looked down to find a small farm in front of them, filled with animals and a small garden of crops.

  “Where are we?”


  Isaac spun Emma around and picked her up into his arms, carrying her the rest of the way to the house and dropping her back down to her feet once he was over the doorway.


  “Yes, Emma. Our home. This is where we are going to live out our lives, happy and together.”

  Emma could only smile, lost for words as she spun around to take in the small but wonderful house that was now her home. She let out a soft, content sigh once she stopped spinning.

  “Tonight, we shall get you cleaned up and in bed. Tomorrow I am going to make an honest woman out of you.”

  Emma jumped up and kissed him soft but deep. Isaac moaned against her lips and pulled away.

  “You keep that up woman and you won’t be rested at all for the wedding tomorrow!”

  Emma smiled back and grinned mischievously for the first time in her entire life.

  “I think I’ll be just fine.”

  Isaac shook his head and grinned, picking her back up into his arms and carrying her off to the bedroom.

  Tempting My Best Friend’s MILF

  By: Naughty Nicole

  Tempting My Best Friend’s MILF

  © Naughty Nicole 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return it to the seller and purchase a copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.


  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

  If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with adult content, please close this book now.

  Chapter One

  “Dude, your stepmom is HOT! How did your dad manage to score that one?” Dante smiled and punched Clint in the arm.

  “Stop it!” Clint punched him back. “I don’t want to think about her like that.”

  “But you do, don’t you?” Dante prodded.

  “Dude, come on. I can’t go there.” Clint protested.

  “It’s not like she is your real mom. Hell, she is like ten years older than you. Just ‘cause she married your dad doesn’t make her less hot. I have been beating off to her.” Dante laughed and made obscene hand gestures. “You ever see her coming out of the shower?”

  “Yeah, once,” Clint admitted shyly.

  “So, what was it like? How were her tits?” Dante’s eyes lit up.

  “Fuckin’ huge dude,” Clint cupped his hands near his chest to indicate the grandness of his stepmom’s breast.

  “Is she shaved?” Dante kept trying to complete his mental image of Stephania.

  “Dude, stop. I have to live with her. She is sleeping with my dad. But no, she has a landing strip.” Clint stared at the floor.

  There was a knock on Clint’s bedroom door. Both boys jumped at the sound. Stephania opened the door a crack. “What are you boys up too?”

  Both boys blushed violently and buried themselves in their phones. “Nothin’, just hanging out.” Clint prayed she would just leave.

  Stephania pushed the door open a little wider. She was dressed in a thin summer dress and both boys noticed she was not wearing a bra. Her large, remarkably perky breasts strained against the fabric and her nipples were highlighted in the thin cotton.

  “We are going to barbecue for dinner. Dante, would you like to join us?”

  Clint cut his eyes at his best friend and tried to transmit his thought “No!”

  “That would be great Mrs. Lowell. Thanks!”

  “Great! We will throw another steak on for you. How do you like it?” Her wide smile flashed at her new son’s friend.

  “Medium-rare, thanks,” Dante smiled back.

  Stephania closed the door and departed. “Dude, your mom is into me. Did you see that? She came in here all sexy and shit and smiled at me! I could totally see her nips!”

  “She is like that all the time. She walks around here showing off her tits and ass. She swims topless even when she knows I am home. Its awkward.” Clint flipped through his text messages so he wouldn’t have to look at his friend. As he looked at his screen his eyes caught a glance of Dante’s shorts.

  “Really man! You’re sporting a semi! You got to
get that shit under control if you are going to have dinner with us.”

  Dante laughed. “I think she wants it. I am sure I could give it to her good.”

  “Fuck off dude,” Clint pushed his friend back.

  * * * * *

  “Boys, we are going to eat in ten minutes. Come on down and join us!” Stephania called up the stairs at Clint’s closed door.

  Clint looked at Dante, “Keep your shit together tonight. I don’t want my stepmom to think you are some sort of perv.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t hit that until she asks me for my big ol’ dick,” Dante grabbed his crotch and pumped the air.

  The two high school seniors descended the staircase to the grand dining room. “Stephania, where we eating tonight?” Clint bellowed.

  “We will be on the back deck. The sunset should be amazing tonight.” She shouted back.

  The boys made their way to the back deck. It backed up to a private beach in Santa Monica. The main table sat near the barbecue and back door. They had a more casual dining area set up near the endless pool that appeared to spill over directly onto the beach. The main table was set with their casual white china, a couple of bottles from the private cellar, and hurricane lamps with lit tea lights.

  Stephania was pouring wine for each table setting. She had changed into a slinky black dress than ended at her mid-thigh showing the tail of the scorpion tattoo that began at the back of her knee. She had put on a bra, but this only highlighted her ample assets. Her deep cleavage spilled out of the top of her dress. The back of her skirt rose higher than the front due to her round apple bottom.

  “Fuck dude, you need to hit that,” Dante whispered to Clint.

  “I told you to keep your shit together,” Clint scolded.

  The boys reached the table. “Where do you want us to sit?” Clint asked.

  “Anywhere. I know you are underage, but I assume you both want a little wine with dinner?” Stephania indicated the filled glasses at each place setting.

  “Thanks!” Dante pulled out a chair and sat down. Clint sat next to him.

  “Hungry guys?” Stephania asked as she brought over a plate of steaks each labeled with a small silver marker indicating temperature they were done to.


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