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Dragon Knight's Axe

Page 28

by Mary Morgan

  Keeping his arm extended, Alastair added, “For Fiona?”

  Finally grasping Alastair’s forearm, he almost snarled when he said, “If I catch ye touching her before ye are married, I will take my blade to your balls.”

  Alastair cocked a brow. “Ye have to catch me first.”

  “Stop, both of you!” Fiona arrived, and Stephen gave her a smirk as he helped her off her horse. “What?”

  Stephen coughed into his fist. “This is Alastair. He loves a good challenge and will leap without thought.”

  “Don’t you mean a prankster,” she corrected with a warning glance.

  “Och, she loves me, so dinnae fear,” Alastair stated and started to reach for her only to be met with a blade at his back.

  “I said no touching,” snapped Desmond.

  “What the hell is going on,” asked Brigid running out into the courtyard. Pushing the men aside, she grabbed Fiona in a hug. “I can’t believe you’re here.” She turned to Alastair, and added, “And you, too!” Turning to Desmond, she placed her hands on her hips. “If you lower your sword, I can give you a hug, too.”

  Alastair tried to hide his smug look as he waited for Desmond to lower his blade.

  “What? Do you think he’ll ravish Fiona in the courtyard? With us watching?” Brigid stood and glared at him.

  “By all that’s holy,” muttered Desmond. Dropping his sword arm, he came around and gave Alastair a warning look.

  “Let’s get out of this cold air and into the hall. I’m sure you must be hungry and tired,” said Brigid, grabbing Duncan’s arm and propelling him forward.

  “’Tis grand that they have returned,” Duncan murmured against her cheek.

  Alastair swept his arm out for Fiona to proceed, and she gave him a secretive glance in passing. He watched her backside, until Desmond blocked his view as he followed her into the castle.

  “And how long are ye here this time?” asked Stephen stepping alongside Alastair.

  Wrapping one arm around his brother’s neck, he replied, “After the snows, Fiona and I will travel to her homeland. For now, ye must endure my presence.”

  Stephen halted. “What are ye saying?”

  Alastair placed his hands on his brother’s shoulders. “Fiona and I are to be married. We plan to make Urquhart our home.”

  “Sweet Mother Danu,” he said in a shocked tone. “I thought I would never witness the day. Now, all we need is Angus.”

  Alastair rubbed a hand across his face understanding that until they were all together, none of them would truly be settled. “No news?”

  “A traveler passed by several moons ago telling us of a tale about a great knight at one of the tournaments in France. On his shield he had a fire dragon and his reputation precedes him, especially when he was known to use fire as a weapon.” Stephen let out a long sigh. “For now, let us dwell on your good news. We can discuss our older brother later.”

  Embracing Stephen, Alastair then stood back. “Then let us go forth and tell the others.”


  Long after their meal and the news of their impending marriage, Alastair sat back and watched Fiona. She chatted with the women as if they had known each other their entire lives. Seeing the blush on her cheeks, and the light in her eyes, he knew his heart had truly found a home. Hearing her sultry laughter, his groin tightened. Did she know the power she had over him? Only Fiona saw beneath the man and reached out to the beast. And she loved them both.

  “If ye continue to look at Fiona as if she is your feast, I fear I cannae hold off Desmond,” said Duncan, his voice low as he refilled Alastair’s mug.

  Alastair’s chest moved in quiet laughter. “I told the man he could take first swing at me in the lists tomorrow morning.”

  “With fist or blade?”

  Taking a swig of mead, Alastair rubbed at his chin in thought. “He did not say.”

  “Should I be worried?” asked Duncan as he reached for a slice of honeyed cake.

  “Nae.” He waved his hand casually through the air. “Furthermore, Desmond has every right considering he is her brother.”

  “So, ye have made Fiona your feast,” stated Duncan.

  Alastair choked on his drink, sputtering the contents everywhere.

  Duncan smacked him hard on the back. “Ye best get married soon. She might be with child.”

  “Child?” he rasped out between continued fits of coughing.

  “Is everything all right with Alastair?” asked Fiona.

  “Aye,” replied Duncan. “I was just regaling him with tales…”

  “Not another word,” hissed Alastair reaching for a knife to cut out his brother’s tongue.

  Oblivious to his own demise, Duncan continued, “Of Nell’s recent wounded stray.”

  As Alastair heaved a heavy sigh, he sat back in his chair. “I had not thought to consider…” His voice trailed off. What a fool he had been not to even realize that she could be carrying his—their child. His heart swelled at the possibility.

  He was about to wipe that bloody smirk off his brother’s face when Duncan leaned close to his side. “From what my sources tell me, meaning my lovely wife, ye have nothing to fear. She is not with child.”

  Clenching his fists on the table, he glared at his brother. “Why would ye spout such nonsense, then?”

  “To make ye tremble with the idea, which it did, aye?” Duncan poured some more mead into their mugs, adding, “Also, to repay ye for scaring all of Urquhart with that fine display of horsemanship earlier this evening.”

  Alastair moved so swiftly, Duncan had no time to react. Dumping the entire pitcher of mead over Duncan’s head, he gently put it back down on the table. “’Tis your move, Brother,” and casually walked out of the great hall.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  “One soul can live a lifetime. Two souls joined…can live on for eternity.”

  “Give me a kiss, fair maiden,” he commanded, his voice breathed low along the corridor.

  “Do I know you, Sir Knight?”

  “Ye ken me from afar. One kiss is all I ask.”

  “But how do I know you won’t take more? Suppose your lips make it down to my breast?”

  His breathing labored, he took a step closer. “Would ye let me have a kiss along the tops of your breasts?”

  Her eyelids fluttered. “Would you stop there? Or would you pull down my gown and trace your tongue around the tips?”

  He stalked her and she kept retreating. “Ye would let me taste them?”

  The fair maiden placed her hands under her breasts, teasing him with a view of her pert nipples.

  “Would you taste both? Or would you want more, perhaps you would like to tear my gown from my body and delve your tongue into more hidden places?”

  Grabbing her hands, he placed them behind her back crushing her body against his and pressing his erection into her. “Do ye feel how much I want ye, Fiona?”

  “Kiss me hard, Alastair,” moaned Fiona. “We don’t have much time.”

  Growling low, he took her mouth with savage intensity. Releasing her arms, he slowly backed her against the wall. His hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs pressing over her nipples. Swallowing her cry of pleasure, he deepened the kiss. Her hands slid down to his painfully swollen cock, she squeezed, and he threw back his head.

  “Are you sure a kiss is all you want?” Her silky voice held a challenge.

  He stilled her movement. “A few more strokes and ye will unman me.” Kissing her hard one last time, he shifted and took a few shaky steps back.

  “I could meet you later, say in your chambers? In the woods? Down by the loch? You name the place.” Her voice a husky whisper of sound. Alastair had to fight the urge to shove her gown up and take her swiftly against the stone wall.

  “Do not tempt me, vixen.” Running a hand through his hair, his fingers twisted through one of his braids, causing it to unravel. “Argh!”

  “Here, let me,” she said moving away from the wall. �
�Bend your head down, my love.”

  Instead of bending down, Alastair knelt on one knee to make it easier for her. When she finished, Fiona brushed her hand over his face, and he clasped it placing a kiss inside her wrist. “Leave now, before I change my mind on wanting to take more from ye.”

  She batted her eyes again in a mock display. “You aren’t afraid of my brother, are you?”

  Quickly standing, Alastair tilted her chin up, his face mere inches in front of hers. “This Dragon Knight fears no man.”

  “Then take me to this island in the loch that Brigid and Aileen keep talking about. We could call it a pre-marriage getaway.”

  Swiftly turning her around, Alastair placed her hands on the wall and ground into her back. “Shall I take ye here?” he asked trailing his tongue down her neck and inhaling her scent. Hearing muttered voices in the distance, he released her quickly. He certainly did not want to run into Desmond.

  When she turned around, he pointed. “Take your leave, fair maiden. I have claimed my kiss.”

  Her eyes smoldered with desire as she slowly backed away. Chuckling, she bunched up her gown and ran off down the corridor.

  Alastair smiled and made his way in the opposite direction.

  No sooner did he wander out into the courtyard then he was greeted by his brothers. His purpose was to take Gawain out for a long ride to cool the fire burning in his body. He decided to ignore them and gave them each a passing salute as he continued to the stable.

  As they turned and stepped alongside him, he snarled.

  “Going somewhere?” asked Duncan twirling his sword.


  “Would ye care for company?” Stephen asked as he waved to the guard to raise the portcullis.


  “Sure ye would,” interjected Duncan. “It has been ages since we went out riding.”

  “Are ye daft? We were out yesterday.” Alastair picked up his pace. Unfortunately, so did his brothers.

  Duncan looked at him with a shocked expression. “That is my point. Ages!”

  Halting in front of the stables, Alastair placed his hands on his hips. “If ye are attempting to follow me around to keep me away from Fiona, ye will have to come up with a far better plan than stating ’tis been ages since we’ve ridden.”

  “Oh, but they have, Alastair,” interrupted Desmond as he clamped a firm hand on his shoulder.

  Clenching his jaw so hard, Alastair thought it would snap, he glared at Duncan and Stephen. His brothers would pay dearly for this prank.

  “What was that saying ye told me the other night?” Duncan raised his sword in front of him. “Wait, I remember.” Leveling it back down, he winked at Alastair. “Your move, little brother.”


  Curling up on the pillows on the window seat, Fiona peered out at the loch below. She smiled when she saw the men riding out earlier. However, her eyes sought out only one man. He had stirred her blood to boiling in the corridor, so much so, her hands ached to strip off his trews and have him take her there against the wall. Alastair’s correct. You are a vixen.

  “What about this color?” inquired Aileen, twirling the dress out in front of Fiona. “I believe this color would be positively stunning with your dark curls and pale complexion.

  “I suppose,” mumbled Fiona, leaning her head against the cool stone.

  “It would help if you looked at the color before making a decision.”

  “Huh?” Fiona frowned but looked at Aileen. “Oh. That’s pretty.”

  “Oh my stars! Look at your face,” exclaimed Aileen as she placed her hand on Fiona’s head.

  Fiona batted her away. “I’m fine.” Seeing the concerned look across Aileen’s face, she softened, “Honestly. I was just…thinking.”

  Aileen laid the gown across the chair. “About?”

  She gave her a look of disbelief. “You have to ask?” she huffed as she stretched her legs. I certainly do not feel like discussing my sexual cravings out loud.

  “You long for Alastair,” stated Aileen placing a gentle hand on her arm.

  “Ummm…you can say that,” she snorted loudly, embarrassed Aileen had guessed. She should have lied.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Fiona scrambled off the pillow. “Gosh, no!” Her cheeks now burned like fire.

  Giving her a wicked smile, Aileen replied, “The MacKay men sure do bring out the wanton woman in us, don’t they?”

  Biting her lip, Fiona tried to control the outburst of laughter only to finally shake her head and look away. Feeling more in control, she asked, “Does it ever stop? This longing all the time?”

  Aileen got a far off look on her face and then exhaled a heavy sigh. “No. But mind you, Stephen and I have only been together five months. However, the passion has never dimmed, only gotten stronger.”

  “How long for Brigid?”

  “How long for what?” interrupted Brigid strolling in with a tray of food and drink.

  “Fiona wants to know if the urge to have sex with our men is constant,” answered Aileen, reaching for a warm roll. “You’ve been with your husband the longest. So, do tell.”

  “Hells bells,” muttered Brigid her face turning red.

  Fiona waved her hands about to stop the conversation. Reaching for the jug, she prayed it was water and not ale. Relieved to see it was, she poured a hefty amount and drank it down quickly.

  “It doesn’t,” answered Brigid. “All…the…time. The castle is a great hiding ground full of secret passageways, so feel free to roam everywhere.”

  “Really?” Aileen gave Brigid a queer look, and Fiona cupped her hand over her mouth to squelch another hysterical outburst.

  Brigid laughed. “You and Stephen are nature lovers, so I don’t believe you’ve taken the time to…explore.”

  Aileen stepped forward. “And you’re not?” She tapped a finger to her mouth in thought. “There was that time when Stephen and I ran into you both several miles from the castle, emerging from a secluded place and looking very much disheveled.”

  “Disheveled? You’ve been listening to your husband’s vocabulary.” Brigid popped a piece of roll into her mouth and winked at Fiona.

  Aileen placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes “At least I don’t go around saying Lugh’s balls. You’ve even mastered Duncan’s inflection.”

  Fiona couldn’t contain it any longer. Her outburst exploded into fits of uncontrollable laughter. The two women looked at her as if she sprouted horns, especially when she started hiccupping. As they waited for her to gather her senses, Fiona stood. Hugging them both, she said, “Thank you. Nothing like a good dose of laughter to shake away the other…you know.”

  “Your lust for Alastair? Your soon-to-be husband? Nothing wrong with those feelings, Fiona,” reassured Aileen.

  Giving them both one last hug, she grabbed the gown off the chair. “This rose color is beautiful.”

  “Go try it on, so we can see how much we need to take it in and alter the hem,” said Aileen. “Have you spoken with Cathal about your vows? What kind of ceremony do you and Alastair want?”

  As Brigid helped her with untying her laces to try on the gown, Fiona hesitated. “We’ve decided to ask Kevan to officiate. He and Desmond are the only family here, and I want them to be a part of the ceremony. My only regret is that Niall and Brian won’t be here. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “Are you crazy? Of course we don’t mind, right, Aileen?” Brigid’s eyes went wide.

  Aileen nodded her head in agreement.

  Brigid continued, “Besides, I love the idea of Kevan performing the ceremony. Have you asked him?”

  “No. He’s been busy with Cathal.”

  Brigid tossed her braid over her shoulder and began to relace Fiona’s dress.

  “What are you doing?” Fiona asked holding her arms out as Brigid worked furiously.

  Aileen let out a moan. “Oh no, I have come to anticipate that look very well over the past
few months.”

  “What look?” frowned Fiona.

  “She is scheming up a plan,” answered Aileen, handing Fiona her shoes. “Her eye color actually changes to a darker green.”

  Brigid rubbed her hands together in glee. “The perfect wedding present for you and Alastair. Though, I don’t believe he will consider it a good one, but what the heck. Hurry up and put on your shoes. We’ll go find Kevan and Cathal. If I’m correct, they’re down by the loch. Aileen and I have something else to work on.”

  “And would you care to explain to me?” demanded Aileen.

  Opening up the door, Brigid waved them out. “I will after we locate Kevan. You’re going to love it!”

  As usual, Fiona had to keep up with the taller women and stumbled twice on the stone steps. Brigid kept muttering that it would be perfect and whispering to Aileen. If anything, they sure kept her busy. The doors to the castle were already opened and as they ran outside, they almost collided with the men coming in from the courtyard.

  Duncan caught Brigid as Aileen slammed into her back. Fortunately, Fiona was able to sidestep out of their way and into Alastair’s arms.

  “Happy to see us, wife?” Duncan nuzzled her ear.

  “Always,” she beamed up at him. “But that’s not why we were running. Fiona needs to speak with Kevan. Did you see him by the loch?”

  “Aye, we did see him and Cathal.” Alastair tipped Fiona’s chin up. “Speak to Kevan?”

  Fiona stared into his eyes. “I would like him to perform our ceremony.”

  He leaned close to her ear. “Good choice, my love. I shall take ye.”

  “And I shall escort ye both,” drawled Desmond grinning at them both.

  Alastair grumbled a curse, but still managed to smile at Fiona.

  When the three of them had left, Duncan and Stephen turned toward their wives. “What are ye up to?” asked Duncan.

  “I’m going to take a ride down along the loch to speak with the Great Dragon,” replied Brigid. “You may come along if you wish.”

  “I am going to the faery well,” stated Aileen, squeezing her husband’s outstretched hand.

  Duncan rolled his eyes. “For the love of Danu, why?”

  “Did they not say they wanted to help and for us to always remember them? Well, I am going to them to ask a favor. It will be our wedding gift to Fiona and Alastair.”


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