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Dragon Knight's Axe

Page 29

by Mary Morgan

  Duncan ran a hand through his hair. “How can ye be so sure they will listen? Ye do ken that I will have to call forth the Great One.”

  “Excuse me,” interjected Aileen. “I have been communicating with the Fae for months.”

  Stephen shrugged when he saw the look his brother gave him. “It is true. Ye forget she has the gift.”

  “Well, Brigid will need my help…”

  “Nope,” she interrupted. “I’ve been speaking with her every month on the full moon.

  Duncan threw up his hands. “We might as well leave Urquhart, since the women have taken over and no longer require our assistance.”

  “You’re just now realizing this?” Shaking his head and chuckling, Stephen took hold of Aileen’s hand and led her to the stables.

  Brigid wrapped her arms around Duncan, forcing him to look at her. “I will always require your assistance.”

  Before he took her lips, he uttered softly, “Then let us go seek the Great Dragon, my leannan si.”

  Chapter Forty-Four

  “To heal the wounded knight, the maiden had to use the greatest magic of all…love.”

  Fiona’s hands trembled as she stood behind the doors of the great hall. Duncan and Stephen had escorted her down from her chamber telling her to wait for Desmond. Then they sealed her inside with only Merlin. Nervous and anxious to see Alastair made her giddy. She must have paced the large hall fifty times while Merlin trotted alongside her.

  Twirling in her gown, she gasped, “This is my wedding day, Merlin. Can you believe it?”

  Merlin gave a slight bark, and she ruffled the fur on his head.

  Standing by the giant hearth, Fiona’s mind raced through the last few months. So much had happened. It would take a lifetime to thank the Guardian for entrusting her on this journey. One that led her to this very day. Rubbing her fingers over her bracelet, her thoughts turned to her parents. Her memories consisted of only flashes of images, but she imagined them standing here with her on this special day.

  Glancing up, she whispered, “Walk with me as I make my journey to Alastair, Mom and Dad. He is a good man, and I love him with all my heart. I pray I have made you proud of the woman I have become.”

  “They are verra proud, Fee.”

  Merlin gave a low growl as Fiona turned around slowly, not believing her ears. Choking back a sob, she ran and flung herself into Niall’s outstretched arms.

  “My Fee…I am so happy to see ye are well.”

  “Do I get a hug, too?” Grinned Brian coming through the door.

  “Brian,” she squeaked as she reached out to him.

  “I can’t believe you’re both here,” she said as he crushed her to his chest. Laughing, she wiped away the tears of joy and then frowned. Stepping back, she looked at one and then the other. “I’m confused. When did you leave Eire?”

  “This morning,” replied Niall giving her a lopsided smile.

  Her eyes went wide. “What? How?”

  “Hello, Fiona,” said Rory stepping around her brothers. “I brought them.”

  “One hell of a trip, too. I believe I shall journey by ship and horse the next time,” said Brian, shuddering.

  Fiona clasped Rory’s hands. “You used magic to bring my brothers to my wedding? How did you know I was getting married?”

  “I suppose it had to do with the prayers of two very important women,” replied Rory.

  “Oh my…” Fiona clutched a hand to her chest. “Brigid and Aileen.”

  Rory’s eyes twinkled when he added, “One asked the permission of the Great Dragon and the other from the Fae. Their requests were immediately granted and I was called forth. It is their wedding gift to you and Alastair.”

  Grinning through her tears, Fiona looked at Desmond as he stepped through. “I fear Alastair will not be pleased at seeing all my brothers.”

  “It is not true, Fiona,” stated Niall placing an arm around her shoulder. “He felt your family should be here with ye on this glorious day.”

  “You’ve spoken with Alastair?” gasped Fiona.

  “Aye. We met early this morn. He asked my permission to marry ye. In truth, he sought permission from the three of us.”

  Fiona blanched. “Even you, Desmond?”

  “Even from me little sister. I would want no other to have ye. Obviously, ye are in love with the man, and he has stated his love for ye, as well. He is a…good man, though a lunatic at times.”

  “Desmond, those are kind words,” laughed Fiona.

  He pointed a finger at her. “Not a word, or I’ll disown ye.”

  Fiona tapped a finger to her mouth. “My lips are sealed. Though, I can’t vouch for the others in this room.”

  They all burst out laughing.

  Finally, Niall held out his arm. “Shall we proceed?”

  Before Fiona took Niall’s arm, she turned to Rory. Hugging him fiercely, she had no words for the Fenian warrior. He had been a huge part of her life—taking her from her home as a child, watching her grow, and now using magic to bring her brothers to Scotland. She had yelled and even slapped him.

  It was Rory who finally spoke, his voice low. “There is no need, Fiona. This is what I am. This is who I am. I will always be here for you, if you should ever need me.”

  “I love you, Rory,” whispered Fiona. When she looked up at his face, she saw his confusion. “What? No human has ever told you they love you?”

  “Nae,” he answered, his voice gruff.

  “Then it’s a long time overdue. Walk with me and my brothers. In fact, I would prefer to have all of you give me away.”

  Her brothers smiled and nodded in agreement.

  When she glanced back at Rory, she noticed his eyes had changed to silver. He bent his head and placed a feather light kiss on her cheek. “I would be honored to walk with you, Fiona O’Quinlan.”

  Taking Niall’s arm, they all walked out of the great hall. As soon as they passed through the open gate, Niall looked about. “Do ye ken where ye are going?”

  Fiona shielded her eyes. “No.” Hearing Desmond groan behind her, she added, “However, Alastair told me last night to look for the path of heather and foxgloves. They will lead me to our wedding place. Besides, all we have to do is follow Merlin. See him off in the distance? He’ll lead us, too.”

  As she and Niall kept on walking, she didn’t have to wait long for Desmond to snap. “Ye saw him last night? I suppose ye care to tell me when that was? Ye were supposed to stay with the women.”

  “Why, when he came to say good-night outside of my chambers,” she stated firmly.

  “Bloody bastard,” he hissed.

  Feeling Niall’s quiet rumble of laughter, Fiona glanced sideways. “What?”

  “Ye should not tease Desmond so. His temper can be fierce.”

  “Tell me something I don’t already know, Niall.”

  Fearing that Desmond would take a fist to Alastair the moment he saw him, she quickly added, “Don’t worry, Alastair was the proper gentleman. He stood outside of my chamber, as I stated, and told me what to look for.” However, she would never divulge that once he told her, she welcomed him inside, where he made love to her, leaving when only a few stars remained.

  “Gentleman, my arse,” grumbled Desmond. “If he’s a gentleman, then I am Brian Boru!”

  Niall roared with laughter along with everyone else, save Desmond.


  As Alastair stood in front of the ancient oaks, he cast his gaze out at the gathering of people. His brothers and their wives stood next to him chatting quietly with each other as they waited for Fiona and her family. Nell sat on the ground with Merlin, and Finn was in charge of the horses, speaking quietly to them. Matilda was sitting weaving a wreath for Fiona. With his blessing, Kevan and Cathal went beyond the trees to the small clearing to bless the area.

  His family.

  He could not remember the last time he felt this happy. Joy infused each step as he had climbed the hill to the place that would be
their wedding grove.

  In truth, he would always have to battle his inner demon. Especially each time he gazed into Fiona’s eyes and saw the love she bore him. His demon once told him he was undeserving of her love, and he almost believed him.


  Now, Alastair stood proudly waiting for the woman who claimed both him and his beast. Fiona. Their souls would be joined by the land and blood, and the emotions swelled within him. A ritual as old as time.

  The Dragon Knight and his Lady.

  He heard her laughter before he saw her, and his heart beat faster. When she stepped into view, his vision blurred. By the Gods, she was a Goddess. He sucked in a breath when she turned her face in greeting to him. The instant their eyes met, she gave him a broad smile, and he reached for her hand. When her fingers touched his, he intertwined them with his. We are linked forever.

  Kissing her fingers, he leaned forward, “Your beauty steals my breath, fair maiden.”

  Tilting her head up, she cupped his cheek, “Is my handsome knight blinded by love?”

  He took her hand and placed a kiss into the palm. “Your glow blinds me, my love.”

  Alastair placed her hand in the crook of his arm and looked at each of her brothers. “I thank ye for joining us here today. It is important that family…” Alastair paused, and looked at his own brothers before continuing. “…stay strong together. It is a bond that should never be broken.”

  “Agreed,” stated Duncan and Stephen in unison.

  “The area has been blessed and cleansed, Alastair,” said Cathal, greeting the newcomers with a nod. “If ye will follow me, I will escort Alastair and Fiona inside. Once there, the others may watch from another place we have set up.”

  As Alastair and Fiona followed Cathal, Brigid leaned close to Duncan. “What does he mean watch from another place?”

  “We are not permitted inside the grove. It belongs to Alastair and considered sacred. He sought out this place when he was young.” Duncan sighed. “He required holy ground to cleanse his body and soul after using his powers.”

  “Do you have a special place?”

  Duncan slowed their pace and let the others pass. “Nae. Ye might as well ken that among us, Alastair’s powers are the strongest and when he uses them, he feels the pain of the land, especially if he has to split it apart.”

  Tightening his grip on Brigid, he gazed off in the distance. “I now understand why he took to the seas when Margaret died.”

  “Why?” she whispered.

  “Because he would have broken the land apart in his agony.”

  “But what about Fiona? Why didn’t he tear apart the land when she almost died?”

  “I feared he would have, if he had not gone on his final quest and healed.”

  Feeling her shudder against him, Duncan shook his head of past thoughts. “Enough of the past. Today is a celebration, and we should not be discussing sadness.” After giving her a slow kiss, they made their way toward the others.

  When Alastair saw Duncan and Brigid emerge to stand next to Stephen and Aileen, he turned to Fiona. “I have a gift for ye.” Holding out his hand, Kevan gave him a small pouch.

  “I don’t require any gifts, Alastair. Your love is all I ask. Besides, I have nothing for you.”

  “If I had not rescued ye, I fear I would never have made my peace. In a strange way, ye were the one that rescued me.” Reaching down, he brought forth his axe.

  Fiona gasped. “What happened?” She ran her fingers over the handle and then quickly looked up. “The blade is the same, but the handle isn’t. Even your stone is different. Is this amber?”

  “In my attempt to destroy the relic in the waters of the loch, the Great Dragon tossed it back to me in splinters. She told me to mend not only the axe, but also my soul. When searching for a new stone, I came across the amber lying by an ancient oak. Mayhap, the Fae left it there for me to find, I cannae say for certain. All I ken is this small piece next to the larger one was meant for ye.” Opening the pouch, he pulled out a silver chain with an amber piece attached. Placing it over her head, he added, “I had to wait until I returned to Urquhart to finish the design.”

  Fiona’s lip trembled as she clutched the amber and ran her fingers over the smooth edges. Narrowing her eyes, she squinted at the piece. Stunned, she snapped her head up. “There is a bit of green in the middle of the amber. How can that be?”

  Rubbing his finger over hers, he replied, “What is left of the Dragon stone. It now belongs to ye, Fiona.”

  “Why me?” she asked as tears streamed down her face.

  “Why not ye? ’Tis our gift—mine and the Great Dragon. Ye are now the keeper of a new relic. We shall be seeing her soon, so that she may thank ye.” Taking her face in his hands, he kissed her brow before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

  “It’s beautiful, Alastair. Thank you.”

  As they turned around, Cathal placed his hands on each of their heads, giving them his blessing. Afterwards, Alastair silently walked over toward Duncan and Stephen. Taking his axe, he knelt. In an ancient language as old as time, he recited the words to seal them inside and with the final word, slammed the axe onto the ground. The blast of energy shimmered around them and then settled back into the ground.

  He stood and reached for Fiona’s hand. “Ready to be joined my love?”

  Her smile was her answer, and as she placed her hand in his, they walked slowly to Kevan.

  “Greetings, Alastair Colum MacKay, and Fiona Kathleen O’Quinlan. Ye are in the sacred place to pledge your vows to one another.” Bending his head to each, he waved a hand to Alastair.

  Alastair took Fiona’s other hand and held both against his heart, saying, “I am the land beneath your feet. I am the tree ye can lean on. I am the branches that will always protect ye. I am the meadow where ye can slumber.”

  Taking his hands, Fiona placed them against her heart. Her voice was low, but strong when she said, “I am your compass when you are lost. I am the roots you can call home. I am the woman who will love you both forever.”

  Alastair’s voice shook with emotion as he added, “And when we are lost, we will look to the stars to lead us home to our heart.”

  “Our one joined soul.” She smiled.

  Kevan stepped forward, and Alastair held out his hand. Using his dirk, Kevan made a small slice in the palm of his hand. Turning to Fiona, she held up her hand for him to do the same. “Ye may now join your hand with Alastair’s.”

  Wrapping a crimson cord around their joined hands, he said, “With the binding of your hands, so, too, I bind the bonds of your love on this day. Ye are of one heart, one soul. Please kneel.” After they knelt, Kevan placed a hand on each of their heads, saying, “By the element of air, bless this union. By the element of fire, bless this union. By the element of water, bless this union. By the element of the Mother, bless this union.” Removing the cord, he took a few steps back.

  His heart soaring, Alastair took their joined hands and placed them on the ground. “By the Mother, I ask ye to give your blessing and seal our bond.” Feeling Fiona shiver, he released her hand. “’Tis a bit ticklish in the healing, aye?”

  Gazing at her hand, she gave a short intake of breath. “You healed me?”

  “Nae. When our blood was mingled and with the blessing of Danu, ye now carry some of my healing qualities.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she said, “You are full of surprises today, my husband, my love, my life.”

  As he wiped a curl from her face, Alastair’s heart soared. “I love ye, Fiona.” He never gave her a chance to respond as he captured her mouth with a soul-searing kiss. When he heard the sound of clapping and cheers, he slowly released her lips, bringing them to standing.

  “How soon can we leave?” she asked seductively.

  He leaned near her ear. “Not soon enough.”

  “There isn’t a back way out of the trees?”

  “Your brothers would surely kill me.”

bsp; Smirking, she corrected, “No, just Desmond.”

  Alastair tossed his head back and roared with laughter, before lifting Fiona high in the air. She squealed with delight.


  October 1206

  “Open your mouth, my love,” whispered Alastair holding a morsel of cake in one hand as his other hand caressed Fiona’s bare bottom.

  “No more,” she murmured, her eyes half closed. “I’m full.”

  “Are ye tired?” he asked as his hand continued its exploration of her body.

  Finally opening them, she just stared at him. “I will never tire of you, but I do require sleep from time to time. Even if it’s in the form of small naps.” Seeing the last of the honeyed almond cake in his other hand, she added, “You can eat the cake.”

  “True, I have kept ye up for two days.” He chuckled low into her ear. “Cake is not what I want to eat at the moment.”

  “Excuse me? I believe it was me on one of the nights that woke you.”

  Using his teeth, he nipped along her neck. “Ye need food to keep up your strength.”

  “Oh, Alastair, trust me. I don’t need help in that department.”

  “Would ye like me to take ye into the cottage?”

  She shook her head. “It’s too beautiful out here to go inside. What with all the flowers you created and the warm breeze. It doesn’t feel like autumn, more like spring. I’m so happy we came out to the island. Our private getaway. With all the people roaming around, it gets loud in the castle.” She shook her head, but could not prevent her laughter.

  Alastair cradled her next to him. “Then rest my love. Ye can finish your meal later, and I shall finish mine.”

  Moments later, she started to play with some of the flowers on the edge of their blanket, and he turned her toward him. Tweaking her nose, he arched one brow. “Ye are supposed to be resting.”

  “I was just thinking.” Her tone pensive, as she twisted more flowers.


  “My talk with Kevan before he left with my brothers.” She sat up, brushing the petals away. “Did you know that Kevan has been writing down stories of your adventures?”


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