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by Sherill Tippins

  “pensive page”: Mann, Turning Point, 187.

  131 sexual affairs: Carr, Lonely Hunter, 172.

  at the ballet: Ibid., 162.

  “You’re not to go”: Ibid.

  hard time understanding: McCullers, Illumination, 53.

  132 Country Captain: McCullers, [article on Georgia], HRHRC (Series I, b1, f2).

  “Here, precious”: Carr, Lonely Hunter, 132–33.

  132 her daughter’s brilliance: Ibid., 132.

  “The trouble”: McCullers, “Loneliness . . . An American Malady,” Mortgaged Heart, 260.

  “On this night”: McCullers, “Night Watch over Freedom,” Vogue (January 1, 1941): 29.

  133 “magnificent, incredible”: In Mitchell, “Origins, Evolution and Metamorphoses,” 130.

  “It is a spring”: Auden, Paul Bunyan, in Auden and Kallman, Complete Works, 10.

  134 “Now that”: Auden, “Opera on an American Legend,” New York Times, May 4, 1941, Section 9, 7.

  “America is what”: Auden, Paul Bunyan, in Auden and Kallman, Complete Works, 46.

  135 “the man of speculative”: Auden, “Opera on an American Legend.”

  “It was out in the sticks”: Paul Bunyan, in Auden and Kallman, Complete Works, 23.

  “It isn’t because”: Ibid., 24.

  136 “O but where”: Ibid., 549.

  repeatedly unzipping zippers: Havoc, More Havoc, 224.

  “Anyway, now”: Ibid., 227.

  137 largest nightclub: Preminger, Gypsy and Me, 57.

  “working-class Joes”: Ibid.

  “straight from 2500”: Ibid., 58.

  “Everything’s going out”: Drutman, Good Company, 105.

  “like being all”: Lee to Charlotte Seitlin, January 4, 1941, BRC (Series VI, b45, f18).

  “if I have night lunch”: Lee to Lee Wright, July 21, 1941, BRC (Series VI, b45, f18).

  138 “Dammit, I love”: Lee to Lee Wright, February 26, 1941, BRC (Series VI, b45, f18).

  139 “got plastered”: Davis to Lee, December 26, 1940, BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  “You have learned”: Davis to Lee, “Saturday Night,” [ca. December 28, 1940], BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  “The Victim”: Davis, “The Victim,” WLRC (Series 37, b3, f491).

  “There’s no use”: Davis to Lee, December 26, 1940, BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  “That talk”: Ibid.

  140 “Dixie Darlings”: Edward Jablonski interview, April 14, 2003.

  periodic lynchings: Ibid.

  she began longing: Virginia S. Carr, in “Exotic Birds of a Feather.”

  “Being home again”: McCullers to Muriel Rukeyser, “Sunday Night,” [ca. December 1940], Berg.

  Carson sent George: Davis to Lee, December 26, 1940, BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  “fantastic old house”: Ibid.

  141 “Never before”: Buhite and Levy, FDR’s Fireside Chats, 165.

  “I’m sitting here”: Davis to Lee, “Saturday Night,” BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  Chapter 6

  142 “Ideas vibrate”: McCullers, “The Flowering Dream” (1959), typescript, August 28, 1958, HRHRC (Series 1, b8, f14).

  142 “common people”: Verne Marshall, “America Always,” New York, WABC, January 1, 1941, MTR.

  Roosevelt made a detour: Buhite and Levy, FDR’s Fireside Chats, 163–64.

  “We must be”: Ibid., 173.

  143 “war gloom”: “New Year’s Revelry Downs War Gloom”: New York Times, December 31, 1940, 1.

  “This year is going”: Isherwood, Diaries, Vol. 1,132.

  return briefly to Brooklyn: Davis to Lee, January 15, 1941, BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  “All our reflections”: Auden, “New Year Letter” (formerly “Letter to Elizabeth Mayer”), Collected Poems, 199.

  wave of outrage: George W. Caldwell, “Ohio Mayor Bans Life picture, comments,” Life, January 27, 1941, 2.

  144 “One glance”: “Decisions and Revisions,” Decision, 1/3 (March 1941): 90.

  “all culture”: Saroyan, ibid.

  “subscriptions and flattering comments”: Mann, Turning Point, 341.

  “oddly enough”: Cyril Connolly, “Commentary,” Horizon, January 1, 1941.

  145 “a row among”: Mann, “Issues at Stake: Horizon,” Decision, 1/3 (March 1941): 8.

  helped raise money: Auden to Mrs. Weschler, April 30, 1940, Berg.

  146 “no use for mercy”: Reich-Ranicki, Thomas Mann, 142.

  “liked each other”: Carpenter, W. H. Auden, 295–96.

  emotional blackmail: Reich-Ranicki, Thomas Mann, 144.

  “If I fear”: Isherwood, Diaries, Vol. I, xiii.

  drinking all the cream: Carr, Lonely Hunter, 123.

  finally asked Auden: Carpenter, W. H. Auden, 297.

  147 the theologian whose book: Mendelson, Later Auden, 173.

  personal experience: Ibid., 174.

  “quite suddenly”: Auden, “The Protestant Mystics,” Forewords and Afterwords, 69–70.

  “I recalled with shame”: Ibid.

  148 “To be saved”: Auden, “The Wandering Jew,” Complete Works, 2:112.

  sold a poem: “Drafts and Lists of Contributors’ Fees,” Decision papers, MAY (b1, f9).

  grandmother, “Bobby”: Farnan, Auden in Love, 24.

  never to let Bobby: Ibid., 23.

  cheerful, urbane: Norse, Memoirs, 25.

  mixed sidecars: Farnan, Auden in Love, 25.

  149 “There’s wine”: Auden, “To Chester Kallman, b. Jan. 7, 1921,” in Farnan, Auden in Love, 25–27.

  an almond-eyed: Mendelson, Later Auden, 177.

  150 shot out of a cannon: In Farnan, Auden in Love, 54.

  He didn’t realize: Ibid., 56.

  “We rarely”: Norse, Memoirs, 73.

  151 “When I do”: Kallman to Norse, July 11, P1940], Berg.

  subway tearooms: Kirstein to Kallman, October 14, 1972, HRHRC.

  George often talked about: Norse, Memoirs, 90–91.

  believed he was: Ibid., 56.

  “malicious dignity”: Denis de Rougemont, in Savigneau, Carson McCullers, 76.

  152 maternally fond: Murray, Darlinghissimna, 97.

  representative of their age: Auden, “The Wandering Jew,” 110.

  hand over fist: Preminger, Gypsy and Me, 58.

  planted a woman: J. P. McEvoy, “More Tease Than Strip,” Variety, June 4, 1941, 55.

  “I never try”: Ibid.

  soak off: Lee to Lee Wright, January 13, 1941, BRC (Series VI, b45, f18).

  “If you kid”: Davis to Lee, January 15, 1941, BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  “I’ll do my specialty”: Lee to Lee Wright, January 20, 1941, BRC.

  153 “I thought the blue ribbon”: Lee to Lee Wright, February 19, 1941, BRC (Series VI, b45, f18).

  “Gypsy thinks June”: In Vanity Fair, March 2003, 210.

  “I’m delighted”: Davis to Lee, January 15, 1941, BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  “I am aware”: Davis to Lee, “Saturday Night,” [ca. December 28, 1940], BRC (Series

  I,b3, f2).

  154 leads’ solos: Mitchell, “Origins, Evolution and Metamorphoses,” 121–23.

  stayed overnight: Seebohm, “Conscripts to an Age,” 19.

  “They are very”: Britten, Letters, 727.

  155 one of those things: Mitchell, “Origins, Evolution and Metamorphoses,” 148.

  156 “Young Trees”: Auden, Paul Bunyan, in Auden and Kallman, Complete Works, 7, 544.

  “Look at the moon!”: Auden, Paul Bunyan, 17.

  Bali-inspired tones: Mitchell, “Origins, Evolution and Metamorphoses,” 100.

  “But once in a while”: Auden, Paul Bunyan, in Auden and Kallman, Complete Works, 7.

  “petted by everyone”: McCullers, “Brooklyn Is My Neighbourhood,” Mortgaged Heart, 219.

  157 struck with a vision: McCullers, “The Flowering Dream: Notes on Writing,” Esquire (December 1959), 163.

  “a dark, tall woman”: Ibid., 198.

sp; “Miss Amelia ate slowly”: Ibid., 204.

  “It is clean”: Ibid., 203.

  158 “a terrible character”: Ibid., 198.

  “There are the lover”: Ibid., 216.

  Chapter 7

  159 “Living is quite”: Britten to Antonio and Peggy Brosa, December 20, 1940. In Britten, Letters, 899.

  “These Northern skies”: Carson McCullers to Reeves McCullers, January 17, 1945, HRHRC (Series II, b24, f9).

  Frankie Abbe: Kathryn Abbe interview, March 16, 2004.

  Chinese boxes: Moulton, “Remembering George Davis,” 289.

  160 “Well, it takes”: Ibid., 29.

  several guests: Victor Guarneri interview, June 26, 2003.

  a hundred or more: Robert James Lowry to Peter Davis, July 23, 1959, PD.

  160 “all that was new”: Denis de Rougemont, Preface, Le Coeur est un Chasseur Solitaire (The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter), Paris: Club des Librairies de France, 1946. In Carr, Lonely Hunter, 123–24.

  “open to the world”: Jan Balet to Kathryne Abbe, June 2004. In Kathryne Abbe interview, June 18, 2004.

  161 lunch at the Café: Bowles, Without Stopping, 110.

  “I was considerably”: Ibid., 220.

  “meant to sound”: Ibid., 230.

  Kirstein heard: Bowles to Peter Davis, August 25, 1959, PD.

  162 Tallulah’s midget: Drutman, Good Company, 106.

  first thing that popped: Dillon, Little Original Sin, 63.

  a small strip of adhesive: Ibid., 86.

  had escaped: Carr, Lonely Hunter, 137.

  163 new relationship with God: Davenport-Hines, Auden, 215.

  “the love of God”: McCullers, “The Flowering Dream: Notes on Writing,” Esquire (December 1959): 164.

  father threw the book: Broadcast interview of Carson McCullers and Tennessee Williams, 1945, HRHRC (Series I, b2, fn).

  telephone threat: McCullers, Illumination, 31.

  164 “a more tightly bound tale”: Rose Feld, New York Herald Tribune, February 16, 1941, 8.

  “most compelling”: Louis Untermeyer, Reflections in a Golden Eye (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941), jacket copy.

  “it is perfectly true”: Kansas City Star, February 15, 1941.

  “In its sphere”: “Books: Masterpiece at 24,” Time, February 17, 1941, 96.

  rising and dressing: Margarita G. Smith, Introduction, Mortgaged Heart, xvii.

  165 “We have broken”: Winston Churchill, “Do Your Worst,” February 7, 1941, MTR. Pavel Tchelitchew decided: Carr, Lonely Hunter, 126.

  166 “I’ll get you for this”: Dillon, Little Original Sin, 93.

  “Dalí’s Living Liquid Ladies”: Schaffner, Salvador Dalí’s Dream of Venus, 32.

  167 “Surrealist babes”: “Surrealist Babes,” New Yorker, July 22, 1939, 13.

  “Avida Dollars”: Schaffner, Salvador Dalí’s Dream of Venus, 60.

  “It is man’s right”: In The Collected Writings of Salvador Dalí, ed. Haim Finkelstein (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 332.

  “Come and See Gypsy”: Schaffner, Salvador Dalí’s Dream of Venus, 74.

  168 “At the age”: Dalí, Secret Life, 1.

  “Very rich people”: Ibid., 339.

  “As a child”: Ibid., 399–400.

  “a new classicism”: Gibson, Shameful Life of Salvador Dalí, 467.

  “Fame was as intoxicating”: In ibid., 422.

  169 “Je veux être”: Bowles, Without Stopping, 220.

  rarely smiled: Gibson, Shameful Life of Salvador Dalí, 454.

  “the petrifying saliva”: Dalí, Secret Life, 1.

  Gala complained: Nin, Diary, 40.

  “good feelings”: Seebohm, “Conscripts to an Age,” 26.

  170 “just one hectic rush”: Britten to Peggy Brosa, February 24, 1941. In Britten, Letters, 906.

  170 “just staggering out”: Britten to Beata Mayer, December 15 p], 1940. In Britten, Letters, 892.

  attended the opera: Farnan, Auden in Love, 27.

  “I am so anxious”: Auden to Britten, June 8, 1939, Berg.

  171 “our menagerie”: In Carpenter, W. H. Auden, 304.

  “Oh, Bubbles”: In Dillon, Little Original Sin, 86.

  “I have never met a surrealist”: Auden, “Honest Doubt,” submitted to Grigson’s New Verse, n.d., HRHRC.

  “Do you speak”: Asako Kitaori, “Charles Henri Ford: Catalyst Among Poets,” Rain Taxi Review of Books (Spring 2000).

  172 they now met: Bowles, Without Stopping, 233–34.

  washing dishes: Jack Anderson, “Oliver Smith, Set Designer, Dead at 75,” New York Times, January 25, 1994, B9.

  “slightly Dickensian”: Jennifer Dunning, “Oliver Smith’s Vision of Ballet Theatre,” New York Times, April 22, 1991, C13.

  173 “At that time”: In Britten, Letters, 865.

  “One might say”: Ibid.

  “less than friendly”: Interview, Vivian Fine with Frances Harmeyer for Oral History, American Music, Yale, June 28, 1975, Bennington, Vt. In Copland and Perlis, Copland, 192.

  “It might have been”: Bowles to Peter Davis, August 25, 1959, PD.

  174 “O ride till”: Auden, Paul Bunyan, in Auden and Kallman, Complete Works, 22.

  Pears brought him: Mitchell, “Origins, Evolution and Metamorphoses,” 128.

  “Chester . . . should”: Auden to Isherwood, [ca. 1941], HL (CI 2991).

  175 “For the youth”: Auden, “Yale Daily News Banquet Address,” March 6, 1941, Complete Works, Prose, 119.

  176 “Each lover has”: Auden, “Alone,” Collected Poems, 312.

  meet Chester in the office: Farnan, Auden in Love, 58.

  few men were likely: Ibid.

  wanted to be punished: Ibid., 61.

  “O my love and punishment”: Kallman, Notebook 4, August 20, 1941, HRHRC.

  “Speak louder”: Kallman, poem, Notebook 3, HRHRC.

  177 Barker reacted: Farnan, Auden in Love, 56.

  Part III. The House of Genius

  179 “Once we could”: Auden, “Domesday Song” (“Ten Songs, VII”), Collected Poems, 270.

  Chapter 8

  181 “Can we make wounds”: Bowles, “Scene VIII,” Next to Nothing, 59.

  “We’ve got a roast”: In Bowles, Without Stopping, 233.

  182 “slow marching”: Britten, program note. In Britten, Letters, 909.

  “rather like”: Britten to Peggy Brosa, [April 1941]. In Britten, Letters, 909.

  182 completely tone-deaf: Ibid., 146.

  “All but heroes”: Auden, “Paul Bunyan,” in Auden and Kallman, Complete Works, 45.

  “Pressure Group”: Ibid.

  “entertainments neither true”: Ibid.

  “Paul, who are you?”: Ibid., 46.

  “Where the night”: Ibid.

  upbeat, patriotic finale: Mitchell, “Origins, Evolution and Metamorphoses,” 107.

  “I don’t want”: Ibid.

  184 musical mentor: Britten, Letters, 923.

  “one of those”: In Drutman, Good Company, 273.

  “I am definitely”: Britten to Beth Welford, May 12, 1941. In Britten, Letters, 919–20.

  “monstrous in his”: Dillon, Little Original Sin, 54.

  foot infection: Seebohm, “Conscripts to an Age,” 26.

  185 “Adelaide, tenez-vous”: Dillon, Little Original Sin, 95.

  last words: Auden, “Last Words,” Harper’s Bazaar (October 1941): 83, 118–119.

  “There’s Miss God”: In Ibid.

  “Je déteste”: Bowles, Without Stopping, 234.

  feathers up and down: Bowles to Peter Davis, August 25, 1959, PD.

  suitcase that had been: Ibid.

  “one of the plagues”: Britten to Peggy Brosa, [April, 1941], in Britten, Letters, 908.

  case of measles: Edmiston and Cirino, Literary New York, 352–53.

  series of headaches: Carr, Lonely Hunter, 139.

  186 stay with him: Ibid., 140.

  friends one made: Kirstein, Mosaic, 186.
br />   “You’re not important”: In Dillon, Little Original Sin, 95.

  form of corruption: Davis to Lee, “Saturday Night,” [ca. December 28, 1940], BRC (Series I, b3, f2).

  “a work of art”: Auden, “Review of Open House by Theodore Roethke,” Complete Works, Prose, 125–27.

  187 “on all fours”: Auden, “New Year Letter,” Collected Poems, 240–41.

  debate with Klaus: W. H. Auden and Klaus Mann, “The Function of the Writer in the Political Crisis,” Forum, WEVD, New York, radio broadcast, March 19, 1941, Decision archives, MAY.

  188 with Annemarie: Carr, Lonely Hunter, 197.

  “raging everywhere”: Cyril Connelly to Klaus Mann, April 3, 1941, Decision archives, MAY.

  no point: Carpenter, W. H. Auden, 292.

  his “regret”: Stephen Spender, “Letter to a Colleague in America,” New Statesman and Nation, November 16, 1940, 490.

  Lord of Death: MacNeice, Strings Are False, 128.

  disgusted him: Spender, World Within World, 100.

  “for the expatriate”: Louis MacNeice, “Traveller’s Return,” Horizon 3/14 (February 1941). In Stallworthy, Louis MacNeice, 288.

  189 “Dearest Stephen”: Auden to Spender, March 13, 1941, Berg.

  “The carriage will depart”: In Carr, Lonely Hunter, 124.

  190 descend in slippers: Carpenter, W. H. Auden, 304.

  190 “George: 21.06”: Auden, “Commonplace Book,” n.d., Berg.

  forbade personal arguments: Bowles, Without Stopping, 233.

  “uh . . . uh . . .”: Peter Pears, in Tony Palmer, director, The South Bend Show, “A Time There Was,” BBC broadcast, 1979, BPL.

  191 “nearer to becoming”: Bowles, Two Serious Ladies, 201.

  “gone to pieces,”: Ibid., 197.

  “Not very much”: Ibid., 9.

  physical model: Dillon, Little Original Sin, 104.

  192 could no longer hide: Auden, “Wandering Jew,” Complete Works, Prose, 2:113.

  “hypnotized by the problem”: Mann, Turning Point, 226.

  “But that’s nonsense”: Dillon, Little Original Sin, 94.

  “A neurosis is”: Auden, “Wandering Jew,” 113.

  “Oh get back”: In Dillon, Little Original Sin, 94.

  193 world was too complex: Bowles, Without Stopping, 262.

  “natural” form of surrealism: Dillon, Little Original Sin, 93.

  “It was painful”: Bowles, Without Stopping, 210.

  primitive mind: Wayne Pounds, “The Subject of Paul Bowles,” in Edward Butscher and Irving Malin, eds., Twentieth Century Literature, 307.


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