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Love's Dilemma (Sixty Minute Romance)

Page 8

by Naomi Davies

  Aaron held on tight to Cora pretending to keep his emotions inside, while Cora freely let a few loud wails in the moment. Clair sang her heart out with tears freely running down her cheeks. The rest of the audience sensed that something more was going on with this performance than normal, and stood in appreciation at the end. Clair left the front of the stage and kissed Max passionately. He was slightly limited by being in a wheelchair but made a good job of responding to Clair’s wonderful performance. The relief and joy on everyone’s hearts was palpable.

  Chapter Twelve - Finale

  Sandy had planned her Maldives holiday with Anne many months ago. Now that it had arrived and they were due to fly out this evening, the issue of looking after Max had finally been resolved. Max was going to stay with the Holding family and Cora would liaise with the nurses and other medical staff, to make sure that Max was looked after properly.

  Max was nearly mobile now and was walking most of the time with crutches. Sometimes he was forced to use a wheelchair but he hated it. Walking was better. He left leg was now considered fit. His ribcage was better, if a bit sore on some days. His internal injuries were now recovered fully. His right leg had taken a lot of work and a fair bit of metalwork to repair in the knee and hip. This was a long term injury that had to be worked with over the next year to make it good. There was a long road for Max to follow to get back to full fitness. He would never run again, but walking should not be a problem. He had to take a cup full of pills each day for various ailments and issues with his body.

  Clair and Max had definitely become an item over the last seventeen weeks. They had sat for hours and talked and joked with each other. Clair had nearly got used to the outrageous things he said. She could even guess when he was serious and when he was joking. More than that, Clair had stopped fighting the way Max was, and started to enjoy it. She loved Max and loved being with him.

  Max had overstayed his welcome at the hospital due to the fact that he didn’t have a home of his own. It was Cora who came up with the idea of having him stay with them for a few months while he needed meals provided and regular physiotherapy visits from the rehabilitation staff. So Clair had her new boyfriend ensconced in the small back garden lounge. He would be living with her in her house for the foreseeable future.

  Aaron Holding had set up a strict ‘No nookie’ rule for Max and Clair. Max asked him at the outset to define the limits of this new house rule. Aaron fortunately realised just in time that he was joking, before saying anything too embarrassing.

  “You will know you have stepped over the line when I throw you out on your backside, young man!” Aaron had come to like Max over the last few months. But he didn’t fully trust him with his favourite and only daughter. Clair liked the new rule but found it hard to stick to some days. Max was what Jo called ‘Deelish’. She sometimes felt like eating him alive. She could find out more about Max in due time. For now a good kiss and a cuddle gave her time to settle in to life with Max.

  On departure day for the Maldives, Sandy said goodbye to Max and Clair. It was a huge relief, that she could set her mind on her holiday of a lifetime in the Maldives. She didn’t need to look after Max anymore. Max and Clair watched Sandy and Anne’s taxi drive off. They kept waving even though they had lost sight of the taxi. Then they closed the front door.

  “Who is going to look after me now?” Max asked.

  “I will, if you will let me.” Clair responded immediately.

  “I was hoping you would say that.” Max was at home and at peace.

  Also By Naomi Davies

  Love in the Maldives

  A holiday romance where no one is quite who they say they are!

  The first novella in the Sixty Minute Romance Series

  A romantic story set in the sunshine and the splendour of a Maldivian island. A holiday Romance where no one is quite who they sat they are. Follow the flight from London to the magnificent holiday island that Sandra and her best friend Anne take. This tropical paradise was made for romance.

  Description from back cover of the print edition.

  Sandra Wrighton was having a bad year. This included breaking up with her boyfriend after catching him in bed with someone else, and losing her job. Her solution was to go on a fabulous, all inclusive holiday to the Maldives with her best friend.

  Even before she took the flight from Heathrow, she was hoping to meet a nice guy for some holiday romance and a bit of fun. The reality was far more unexpected and exhilarating.

  For The Love of Music – Naomi Davies

  A Romance Where Love Overcomes Appearances

  The Second Novella in the Sixty Minute Romance Series.

  Anne Richardson was beautiful and alluring. She didn’t even have to work at it. She always looked good. This tended to stop all but the bravest of men approaching her. Ed was that bravest of men.

  But he was brash, unshaven, unkempt and with straggly uncut hair. More than that, he had been severely injured in Afghanistan and was now recovering from multiple wounds and a missing right leg. There is no way that these two people could fall in love, was there?

  The Welsh Victorian Dolls Mystery

  Where Love Blossoms in the Midst of Danger

  The Third Novella in the Sixty Minute Romance Series

  Fiona Makin loved her little antique shop. It was in a sleepy English village and it was her whole life. There was no room, or time, for love in Fiona’s life. She was far too busy. That was until she was saved from being run over by a car. Her rescuer was the mysterious William Ayres. He pretended to be interested in Victorian Welsh Dolls, but he wasn’t. He was enigmatic, evasive and always in the midst of trouble. This quickly became a major problem for him, because he had fallen in love at first site with Fiona. How could he win her heart over?

  Look out for more romance titles from Naomi Davies coming soon.

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