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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

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by CJ Bishop

  Darius shook his head, laughing. “No, it is not irrelevant. You haven’t, have you? And you’re trying to get me up there? No way.”

  “We’ll see,” Carl smiled slyly and winked again as he stood up. He looked at Riley. “I’ll take the late shift tonight. Lex is out of town for a couple days so I won’t be having any nighttime fun at home until he returns.”

  “All right,” Riley chuckled.

  “But when he gets back,” Carl nodded. “I may need a few days off. He’s rather…enthusiastic when he comes home from a trip. And when that boy gets enthusiastic…” he grinned. “I definitely need a day or so of recuperation…possibly a wheelchair.”

  Riley laughed. “Yeah, I’ve heard the rumors. Completely understandable.”

  “See you later,” Carl chuckled and headed out of the club.

  Darius had heard the rumors as well of Lex Roaman’s endowment. He didn’t mind if Riley wasn’t packing as much, though he had no doubt that Riley had plenty to be proud of.

  As if reading his thoughts, Riley rested his elbows on the bar and leaned over again, kissing Darius on the mouth. “Does it disappoint you that I’m not as…decked out as Lex?”

  Darius kissed him back. “Disappointed? No.” He smiled. “Relieved? Yes.”


  “Mail call.” Grid handed three envelopes to Seth when he entered the dorm room, then walked over and flopped down on his bed and thumbed through his own mail.

  “You going out tonight?” Seth asked.

  “Nah.” Grid tossed the mail on the nightstand and looked at Seth. “You and Jamie doing something?”

  Seth shrugged. “Maybe.” He flipped to the last envelope and stared at the decorative font. “You haven’t gone out much since you and Chelsea broke up. Are you pining over her? You said it was a mutual decision, right?”

  “I’m not pining over her,” Grid chuckled. “It’s nothing like that. I’m just taking a moment to reflect on my life.”

  Seth glanced at him. “Reflect?” he snorted. “You?”

  “I can reflect,” Grid smiled.

  “Okay,” Seth murmured and looked at the envelope again. “What’re you reflecting about?”

  “I don’t know. Like whether or not I even want another girlfriend right now.”

  “So you’re just going to have meaningless sex with random chicks?”

  Grid laughed quietly. “That isn’t exactly what I meant, no.”

  Seth cast him an amused, skeptical look. “Going to try celibacy?”

  “Fuck no.”

  “Well, if you’re not going to do girls, and you’re not going to do without,” Seth said. “I’d say you were out of options.” He snorted. “Unless you plan on doing guys.” He chuckled low. When he got no response from Grid, he turned around. The guy lay on the bed, propped on his elbows—a shit-eating grin on his face as he wriggled his eyebrows at Seth. “What…” Seth frowned and stared at him.

  Grid sat forward, his grin holding. “Maybe I want to try something…new.”

  His eyes narrowing, Seth’s frown deepened. “You’re shittin’ me, right? You’re not serious…”

  “What?” Grid hopped off the bed. “Maybe I’m not entirely hetero. I mean, it kind of gets me going when I see you and Jamie do your thing.”

  Seth cocked an eyebrow. “When have you ever seen Jamie and I do our thing?”

  “Not your thang thing,” Grid laughed. “But, you know…your lovey-dovey stuff.”


  “Yeah,” Grid grinned. “It’s kind of hot.”

  “And that makes you want to…what?...experiment?”

  “Maybe it does.” Grid smiled. “Since you and Jamie have been a thing, it’s made me take notice of other things.”

  “What other things?”

  Grid sighed, his lips quirking. “Other guys. I mean, fuck, every time I turn around, I catch myself eyeballing some guy’s ass or his junk. Feeling very appreciative of what I see at the gym…all those hard bodies sweating, muscles flexing. Shit, I can’t even workout anymore without getting a raging hard-on. Hell, I look at myself naked in the mirror and start to get turned on.”

  Shaking his head slowly, Seth started laughing. “Oh my God, that’s hilarious.”

  “You think so, huh?” Grid smiled darkly and advanced on Seth. “It’s your fault. Remember that kiss you gave me? I think that’s what flipped my switch.”

  Seth stared at him. “I didn’t kiss you!” he laughed. “You kissed me—to prove that kissing was just kissing, and it didn’t matter if you were gay or straight.” He held out his hand defensively, warding Grid off. “So don’t get any crazy ideas. Jamie will kick your ass.” Seth struggled to keep a straight face, considering the glaring differences in Grid and Jamie’s physical statures.

  “He’s pretty cute,” Grid snickered. “I might just let him.”

  “Are you serious about all this?” Seth asked skeptically. “Or you just yanking my chain?”

  “Are you offering?”

  Seth laughed. “Shut up. You know what I mean.”

  Shrugging, Grid chuckled. “Well, yeah, I’m serious. I mean, I at least want to test it out, see how I like it.”

  “You’re nuts,” Seth smiled and rolled his eyes. “You don’t just decide one day that you’re gay.”

  “I didn’t,” Grid said. “My mind and body decided for me.”

  Seth laughed. “Your mind is you, dummy.”

  “Well, then me likes what I sees when I look at dem hot boys.”

  “Oh God,” Seth groaned. “Lord have mercy on the gay boys.” He sighed and laughed softly, then looked at the envelope in his hand and slowly opened it, removing the card inside. His eyes narrowed with mischief, and he cast Grid a sidelong glance. “If you’re really serious about wanting to test it out…” he handed the card to Grid. “This is the place to do it.”

  Taking the card, Grid read it then looked at Seth. “This is an invitation to Horatio Kaplan’s wedding.”

  Seth nodded, smiled, and pointed at the lower section of the card. “And his bachelor party.”

  “Bachelor party…for a gay couple.” Grid grinned. “I like the sound of that.”

  “And there're three other couples getting married as well,” Seth told him. “So they’re going to have one huge collective bachelor party for them all.”

  “Where does it say that on the card?” Grid asked.

  “It doesn’t,” Seth said. “Horatio called me, to personally invite Jamie and me. This here is just the official invitation sent out.”

  Grid eyed him doubtfully. “And Jamie is cool with all this?”

  “Why wouldn’t he be?” Seth asked. “He’s coming with me. And besides, it’s Horatio’s wedding. It’s not like he’s trying to get me back. Shit, he’s marrying the love of his life, the man he’s been in love with since he was like thirteen or something.”

  “Even so,” Grid murmured, staring at him intently.

  “Okay,” Seth mumbled. “So Jamie is a little anxious about us going. But it isn’t because he’s worried about anything. He’s just…intimidated by Horatio. But that will change once he meets him in person. I mean, you’ve met Horatio, you know how cool he is and down to earth. Jamie will totally feel at ease around him. You’ll see.”

  Seth really hoped that was true. He’d downplayed Jamie’s anxiety to Grid. But surely once they were there, Jamie would relax.

  “So?” Seth asked. “You want to come along with us? I guarantee you, if you want to tap into the gay scene—the Phoenix Club is the place to do it. And the guys there are very cool. You’ll love them—whether you’re gay or straight.”

  Grid smiled. “Hell yeah, baby. I’m in.”

  Chapter 3

  Two days later, Jamie walked across the tarmac with Seth and Grid. Horatio Kaplan had sent his private jet to pick them up. Approaching the plane, Jamie was speechless. Upon boarding, he was awestruck as they entered the spacious interior. It looked more like a home than an

  “Cool, huh?” Grid squeezed his shoulder. “Imagine flying all over the world in this thing. Fucking awesome.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure.” If Jamie had gotten over his intimidation—which he hadn’t—it would’ve come rushing back in now. This is what Seth gave up…for him? He looked at Seth as the other guy moved slowly through the plane, a faint distant glaze in his eyes. You miss this, don’t you? Do you miss “him”, too? Was Seth beginning to regret giving up the rich life? From what Jamie gleaned from that relationship—Horatio Kaplan practically worshiped Seth, gave him everything, denied him nothing. In all honesty…why the hell had Seth let him go for someone like Jamie?

  He didn’t let him go for you. It had nothing to do with you. If Horatio Kaplan hadn’t had emotional ties to someone else, he and Seth would still be together, living it up in France or Italy or some other far away exotic land. You were not a factor; you’re just his second choice.

  Jamie hated himself for thinking that. These last three or four months with Seth had been amazing. Seth loved him, and he knew it. But how did a person like Jamie not feel like a weaker second choice to someone like Horatio Kaplan?

  “This is really nice,” Jamie murmured.

  Seth smiled. “Horatio likes his luxury.”

  “I like his luxury, too.” Grid plopped down in a plush leather chair and grinned. He rubbed his hands up and down the armrests. “I got to find me a sugar daddy.”

  It had come as a bit of a shock when Seth had informed Jamie of Grid’s new sexual ventures. He was stunned at how comfortable Grid was with it all. Typically, it traumatized formerly straight guys to learn that they weren’t so “straight” after all. Not Grid. He embraced it as eagerly as if he were simply trying out a new flavor of Coke.

  Having great, supportive parents, Jamie had come out at a young age. Yet even he hadn’t been as easy going about it as Grid was now. Jamie envied his self-confidence.

  “Well, don’t be surprised if you encounter a few at the club,” Seth laughed. “The Phoenix is pretty high-end. It attracts a lot of the high-class crowd.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Boys with the big bucks who have a taste for hot young studs.”

  “Great. Time to put on my game face.”

  “Just slap on a G-string and that should do it,” Seth grinned.

  Grid nodded vigorously. “I can do that, too.”

  Glancing down the hall to his left, Jamie asked, “What’s down there?”

  Seth followed his stare. “A small conference room. Bathroom. Bedroom.”

  Bedroom. Jamie’s anxiety heightened. How many times had Seth and Horatio made love right there, in that very bedroom? He didn’t ask. Didn’t want to know.

  “You okay?” Seth asked softly, taking his hand.

  “Yeah,” Jamie lied. He smiled. “This really is pretty awesome. It was…it was cool of Horatio to send the plane for us.”

  Seth gazed at him, reading him like an open book. “I promise you, Jamie,” he whispered. “Once you meet him, you won’t worry about anything anymore.”

  Averting his eyes, Jamie mumbled, “I didn’t say I was worried.”

  “You don’t have to say it.” He kissed him softly. “I love you, Jamie. Yes, I have fond memories of Horatio, but I’m not sorry how things turned out. We both ended up with our true loves.”


  “What time will they be arriving?” Max stood in the bedroom doorway and watched while Horatio picked out a suit. His eyes roamed Horatio’s body, clad only in white cotton briefs that gripped low on his hips and shaped his ass quite nicely.

  “About an hour.” Horatio chose an Armani number and laid it on the bed. He looked at Max. “You’re coming with me, aren’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  Horatio returned to the large closet and retrieved another suit; for Max. “You look great in this one,” Horatio said and smiled at Max.

  “Works for me.” Max wore just the robe he’d put on after his shower, and he untied the belt, letting the front fall open. Heat filled Horatio’s eyes as he gazed at Max’s nude body underneath…and his growing erection.

  Looking away, Horatio chuckled. “Don’t get me started.” The swelling bulge in Horatio’s shorts, though, indicated it was already too late.

  Max walked over and pushed up behind him, hands on Horatio’s hips. He kissed the nape of his neck. “We have an hour,” he whispered. “We can do our thing and still have…fifty-five minutes to spare.”

  Horatio shook his head. “Well, that’s incentive.” He pulled Max’s arms around him and pressed his ass against his hard member. “At least give it to me for fifteen minutes.”

  “A marathon session, huh?” Max grinned.

  “We have to keep up with all these young guys.” Horatio directed Max’s hands lower to cover his hard crotch. He moaned as Max began to rub and massage him. Horatio shoved his briefs down his thighs, and Max immediately grabbed his rigid shaft. “Mmm…”

  “You always were the horniest of us,” Max smiled against his ear.

  “Sure I was,” Horatio breathed with a small laugh and pushed his cock through Max’s fist.

  “You were.” Max gently urged him forward, and Horatio leaned over the bed, hands planted on the comforter, one knee sliding up on the mattress. Max kissed his back then wet his own member with spit and slowly entered his fiancé.

  Horatio’s breath caught stiffly, and he clutched the satin spread. “Fuck…”

  The two of them had made love too many times to count since they’d gotten together, but every time sliding into Horatio’s warm, willing body…it was like experiencing heaven all over again. “Oh my God,” Max groaned and rubbed his hands up Horatio’s back and gripped his shoulders. He pushed in deeper, and Horatio gasped. Max tightened his hold and began to thrust with a slow, smooth motion.

  “Yes…” Horatio shuddered. Max’s pace steadily quickened, pumping harder, rocking Horatio back and forth. “Yes, Max…uuhh…fuck…”

  Panting faster, Max fucked him with added urgency. They had already made love once this morning, but apparently they hadn’t gotten it out of their system because the sexual need surging through them now was escalating rapidly.

  “Uuh—fuck!”Max choked out, breath erratic. His fingers dug into Horatio’s shoulder muscles, gouging his hot skin, as he thrust into him harder and faster, smacking against his ass with only a shred of control. “Uuh! God! Fuck, yeah, baby…”

  Horatio dropped to his elbows and dragged his other knee onto the bed, arching his ass to Max, opening himself up a little more.

  Fuck yes! Max let loose of his shoulders and grabbed his hips, pounding him deep and furious.

  “Uh-uh-uh!” Horatio cried out and shoved his face against the bed. “Fuck-fuck—yes…yes…fuck me, baby…fuck me!”

  Max’s ass cheeks knotted with tension as he drove into his lover wildly. His orgasm coiled in his groin, clenching his balls, straining every muscle in his body. “Fuck…Horatio…I’m gonna come, baby…turn over…turn over.” Max pulled out, and Horatio twisted onto his back. Max shoved back in and leaned over the top of him, dropping down to kiss him hard on the mouth as he grabbed Horatio’s rock hard cock and pumped him fast. He fucked him relentlessly, panting hard against his lips. “I love you…”

  “Uhh—I love you!” Horatio yelled and came. He clutched Max’s ass with both hands and fucked him erratically. “Come, Max!”

  A strained cry wrenched from Max, and he thrust in hard and emptied himself.

  “Oh fuck, yes…” Horatio whimpered and pulled him in a fraction deeper, his body arching. “Uuhhh…fuck…it feels so good when you come inside me.”

  Max gasped hard and sank down on top of him. “Feels good to me, too,” he panted, grinning, and kissed him with a strong passion. He blew out another shaky breath and rested his head on Horatio’s shoulder, eyes heavy. The scent of sex hung heavily in the air. He smiled tiredly. “I guess we better shower one more time before we go pick up the boys.”
r />   Chuckling softly, Horatio nodded. “Probably be a good idea.”


  Jamie clutched Seth’s hand when the door of the plane opened, and they stepped out into the late morning sunlight. Jamie squinted against the brightness and had to blink a few times before his eyes adjusted, and he spotted the limo parked across the tarmac. Two men stood by the rear door, both wearing suits.

  “Max is with him,” Seth said with a smile. He had spoken of Max to Jamie and had expressed much respect for the man.

  They descended the portable stairs with Grid right behind them. The two men by the limo came forward, walking their way. Jamie’s heart pumped wildly, and he squeezed Seth’s hand a little harder as if he might suddenly go flying into Horatio Kaplan’s arms…and never return.

  “Seth.” A warm, affectionate smile spread across Horatio’s handsome face as he neared the three younger men.

  “Horatio,” Seth grinned, and his hand slipped from Jamie’s grasp as he stepped into Horatio’s embrace. Their hug wasn’t brief as they held one another for an extended moment. When they finally drew apart, Horatio kissed Seth’s cheek. Jamie’s eyes flickered to the other man – Max – and detected no uncertainty or jealousy in him. Should that make Jamie feel better? It didn’t, really.

  “You look incredible,” Horatio told Seth, holding his hands. “Life’s been good to you, I see.”

  “And you,” Seth replied softly and looked at Max. He stretched out a hand to the man. “It’s really good to see you again, Max.”

  “A handshake?” Max cocked one eyebrow and grinned. “Get over here and give me a hug.”

  Seth laughed and eagerly complied. Their embrace lasted as long and seemed filled with as much affection and emotion as Seth and Horatio’s hug.

  “Grid?” Horatio smiled. “It’s been a while. Glad you could make it.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” Grid nodded and clasped Horatio’s hand. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”


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