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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 3

by CJ Bishop

  “Yes,” Seth laughed softly, drawing back from Max. “Congratulations to you both. I’m so happy for both of you.”

  Jamie didn’t know the fine details of Max and Horatio’s relationship, or why it took them so long to get together, but he knew Seth well enough to know that his joy for them was genuine. He was jolted from his thoughts when Seth took hold of his hand and gently tugged him forward.

  “Horatio. Max. This is Jamie.” He looked at Jamie with warm love. “The love of my life.”

  Both men turned their eyes on him, and Jamie’s cheeks warmed a little. He’d never been comfortable being the center of attention—except with Seth. Horatio met his hesitant stare, and Jamie was instantly pulled into his hazel depths. The man smiled and held out his hand.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Jamie,” he said softly and clasped Jamie’s hand between both his palms. “Seth has told me a lot about you.”

  Jamie gazed into his eyes, transfixed. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, too,” he murmured and realized quite suddenly that it really was a pleasure, and he already liked the man.

  Chapter 4

  “So…” Grid lounged back in the limo, totally at home. “When do we get to visit the club?” His grin stretched beneath a cocked eyebrow.

  Horatio looked at him. “You’re aware it’s a gay strip club, right?” he chuckled. “No girl strippers.”

  “I know,” Grid smirked. “That’s the appeal.”

  Eyeing him doubtfully, Horatio asked, “Didn’t you have a girlfriend the last time we met?”

  “Yeah,” Grid nodded, smiling. “Now I want to try a boyfriend.”

  “You just want to try one, huh?” Max shook his head and laughed quietly. “Well, there’s plenty of boys at the Phoenix who might just take you up on that. Fair warning, watch out for the brat pack.”


  Horatio laughed. “Four of the strippers who share an apartment. We’re pretty sure the oldest, Ricky, is slowly building a harem.”

  “They all live together?” Grid leaned forward with interest. “As in live live together? Do they share each other, too?”

  “We don’t know for sure,” Max said with a low chuckle. “And we don’t ask. What they do behind closed doors…is too frightening to contemplate.”

  Grid sat back and grinned. “I like them already. Do I get to meet them?”

  “Of course,” Max nodded.

  Seth had met Ricky and Levi at Abel’s trial, but didn’t know them—or really any of the Phoenix boys—on a personal basis. Most of his time with Horatio had been spent abroad. Abel was special to him, and it was Horatio own attorneys who had been representing Abel, so they’d come back to New York for the trial. And to tell Max that he and Seth were moving overseas permanently. It would have been one hell of a good life. Seth laced fingers with Jamie; this life was pretty damn good, too.

  “We’ll get you set up in the Penthouse,” Horatio said. “You can relax a bit, then we’ll take you to the club this evening.” He smiled. “When things are a little livelier.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Grid replied.

  “You’re letting us stay in the Penthouse?” Seth asked.

  “Of course,” Horatio said. “I rarely use it anymore.”

  “Wow. Thank you.” Seth looked at Jamie. “You’ll love it. Our dorm rooms would practically fit in the bathroom. The place is huge.”

  Grid sighed. “Penthouse apartment. Sexy stripper boys.” He shook his head and grinned. “I may never leave.”

  Less than thirty minutes later, they were standing outside the Penthouse as Horatio unlocked the double doors and pushed them open. Seth remembered the place vividly, but it still left him in awe seeing it again.

  Jamie’s eyes widened. “Whoa,” he breathed.

  Grid was a bit more expressive. “Holy hell—are you shittin’ me?”

  An amused smile spread across Horatio’s face. “Think you’ll be comfortable here?”

  “Fuck,” Grid snorted. “If I never had to leave here again, I’d be fine with that. As long as you sent over a few of those strippers to entertain me.”

  “I guess that’s a yes?” Max smiled.

  “Oh yes,” Grid confirmed.

  Horatio gave Seth his pass card for the building and his key card for the penthouse. “You boys rest up. You’re going to need all your strength if you plan to spend the evening at the club.”

  “I’ll be sure and take a long nap,” Grid nodded.

  Seth laughed softly and looked at Horatio. “Thank you, again, for all this. You’re too generous.”

  “After what you and Carl did for us, Seth,” Horatio murmured. “I could never be too generous toward you.”

  Max smiled. “We are forever indebted to the both of you.”

  After the two men left, Seth kissed Jamie. “So, what do you want to do?”

  Jamie smiled and pushed up against him. “I’ll tell you in the bedroom.”

  Grid chuckled and wriggled his brow. “Rawr.”

  Grabbing Seth’s hand, Jamie narrowed his eyes at Grid. “Only Seth.”


  “Well, don’t you two look spiffy?” Carl whistled when Max and Horatio walked into the club. “What’re you all dressed up for?”

  The two men took a seat at the bar. “We just picked up Seth and his friends at the airport,” Horatio said.

  “Seth’s here?” Carl smiled. “Great. I’m glad he decided to come. Did he bring his boyfriend?”

  Horatio nodded. “Oh yeah. Sweet kid. Kind of quiet, but as adorable as hell.”

  “Poor kid,” Max murmured, suppressing a smile.

  “What do you mean?” Horatio looked at him.

  “You couldn’t tell when he got off the plane that he was completely intimidated by you?” Max nudged him. “You big meany.”

  Carl eyed Horatio. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing,” Horatio laughed. “I was completely sweet to the boy. And besides, he was over it by the time we got to the penthouse.”

  “Well, let’s hope so,” Carl chuckled. “We want him to have a great time while he’s here—and enjoy the bachelor party to the fullest.”

  Max and Horatio exchanged a glance. “You’re not even going to give us a hint of what to expect?” Max asked. “And keep in mind, I’m your boss. You boys embarrass me, and I might just fire your asses.”

  “I’ll be sure and pass that on to the others,” Carl smirked. “I’m sure they’ll be quaking in their boots.”

  “Smart ass,” Max muttered.

  “Who’s a smart ass?” Ricky appeared and dropped on the stool beside Max. “Not me.” He grinned.

  Max snorted. “Oh no, never you.”

  Ricky chuckled and looked the two men over. “Lookin’ snazzy. What’s the occasion?”

  “Seth and his boyfriend just arrived,” Horatio told him, then smiled. “Seth brought a third friend with him who is eager to meet you and the boys.”

  “Oh yeah?” Ricky’s interest was instantly piqued. “Is he a hottie?”

  “He’s a good-looking young man.”

  “You make him sound so prim and proper.” Ricky narrowed his eyes. “He isn’t, is he?” He laughed. “I mean, how prim and proper could he be if he wants to meet us, right?”

  Horatio nodded. “Exactly. And nothing to worry about, I don’t think there’s a prim and proper bone in his body.”

  “As long as that one special bone isn’t, then we’re good to go.”

  “Good Lord.” Max shook his head, and Carl laughed.

  “Just so you’re up to date,” Horatio said. “He very recently made the switch to our team. This will be his first official gay experience.”

  “Hot dog!” Ricky grinned. “Breaking in a new boy. That’s always fun. Is he nervous?”

  Max and Horatio looked at each other then laughed. “Oh, I don’t think so,” Max told him. “He seems quite eager to just dive right in. Nothing shy about him.”

  “Oh goodie.”
Ricky rubbed his palms together excitedly. “When do we get to meet him?”


  Ricky grinned. “I’ll be sure and tell the others to wear their best G-strings.” He stood up. “He’ll be here for the bachelor party, right?”

  Horatio nodded.

  “That’ll be an experience.” He winked at Carl, his co-conspirator for the bachelor party.

  “Indeed,” Carl confirmed. He looked at the two men and wondered with amusement just how they would react to the party’s “main event”…and how difficult they were going to be when it was their turn to participate.


  Max remained at the club to go over some things in his office while Horatio went back to the house. He had just opened one of the financial ledgers when someone knocked. “It’s open.”

  Darius entered. “Are you busy?” He appeared a bit anxious, though not troubled.

  “Nothing that can’t wait.” Max closed the ledger and slid it aside. “What’s on your mind?”

  The younger man glanced at the sofa. “Mind if I sit?”

  “Of course not,” Max smiled and left his desk. “Would you like a drink? You look like you could use one.”

  “Uh…” Darius sank down on the edge of the sofa cushion. “Uh, yeah.”

  Max poured them each a glass of scotch, handed one to Darius, then sat down in the high-backed leather chair by the sofa. “So.” Max sipped his drink. “What’s got you all fidgety? Everything all right with you and Riley?”

  “Yeah,” he said quietly. “We’re good.” He took a drink and swallowed it slowly then licked his lips and looked at Max. “Riley and I…we haven’t yet…” He paused.

  “Had sex?” Max smiled.

  Darius nodded.

  “I didn’t think it had happened yet,” Max admitted. “Is he starting to put on the pressure?” Max didn’t really believe that was the case, although he imagined Riley must have a serious case of blue balls. He didn’t suspect the boy had gone this long without sex since he first started having sex—which attested his serious commitment to Darius.

  “No. It isn’t him. It’s…me.” He tapped the edge of his glass nervously. “I think I’m ready. I feel like I am. Lately…” he shifted his eyes and smiled. “…it’s all I can think about.”

  “Have you talked to Riley yet?”

  “No,” Darius sighed. “I want to make sure I’m really ready before I…”

  “Get his hopes up?”

  Darius laughed softly. “Yeah. Exactly.”

  “Well, that’s good thinking.” He gazed at his younger brother. “Is there anything you’re worried about? You can talk to me, no matter what it is.”

  Darius looked down at his glass. “I guess I’m kind of nervous,” he admitted. “Maybe a little worried, too. I mean…” he looked up, eyes anxious. “What if I don’t like it? Or it…hurts too much?”

  Leaning forward, Max set his glass on the small coffee table and rested his arms on his knees. “I promise you, Darius…you will like it.” He smiled reassuringly. “And a good lover—like Riley—always prepares his partner beforehand, so there is very little, if any, pain. If that’s the only thing giving you pause,” he shook his head, and his smile stretched. “Don’t let it stop you from taking your relationship to the next level. You have my word—you will be glad you did. The experience will blow your mind and, trust me, after the first time…you won’t want to get out of bed for at least a week straight.”

  “Yeah?” Darius smiled hopefully.

  “Oh yeah,” Max laughed.

  Darius visibly relaxed. “That makes me feel better.” He looked at Max gratefully. “Thank you for easing my mind. I really, really want to move forward with Riley.” He laughed low. “I can’t believe he’s waited so patiently. I know it’s killing him.”

  “Understandable,” Max chuckled. “But it just goes to show how much he really does care for you. No man waits on sex if he isn’t one hundred percent committed.”

  Warmth filled Darius’ eyes. “I know,” he said softly. “He’s amazing. I think that…” he released a shaky breath and smiled. “I think I’m in love with him.”


  “I know I am,” Darius admitted, his green eyes glowing. “But I don’t want to just tell him. I want to show him, too.”

  “You certainly sound ready to do just that,” Max smiled. “But only you can know for sure.”

  Taking a deep breath, Darius released it slowly and nodded. “I am so ready.”

  Chapter 5

  Grid came out of the bathroom dressed and groomed as if he were heading out on a hot date. A light scent of musk cologne wafted off him, tantalizing Seth’s nostrils. “Cologne is a pheromone in a gay strip club. You better watch out.”

  “That’s okay,” Grid grinned. “Maybe I’ll attract a mate.”

  “A whole gaggle of mates, more like it,” Seth laughed.

  “Even better.”

  Seth shook his head. “Man, you have no idea what you’re in for. The Phoenix isn’t like any strip club you’ve ever been to, I guarantee it.”

  “I ain’t scared,” Grid drawled with a mock huff.

  “You might be before the night’s over,” Seth replied, amused. Of course, in truth, he was certain Grid would be right in his element. Grid was like those people who were into extreme sports—the more challenging, the better.

  “Where’s Jamie?” Grid looked around the spacious living room. “He’s coming with us, right?”

  “He’s trying to get out of it.”

  “No way,” Grid shook his head. “Not going to happen.” He turned back toward the hall. “Jamie! Get your sweet ass out here! You’re coming to the club with us whether you like or not!” He grinned at Seth. “He’ll go. So,” he added. “What’s the club really like?”

  Shrugging, Seth smiled. “I don’t know. I’ve never actually been to it.”

  “What? Then how do you know it’s not like any other strip club I’ve been to? I mean, besides there not being girls at this one?”

  “Horatio told me plenty about it. And he paints a vivid picture. And I’ve met some of the guys who work there. They have an energy that I can only imagine explodes when they’re inside the club.”

  “Do you know that Ricky guy?”

  “I’ve met him, briefly. But I don’t really know him. Though I think he’s a favorite among the customers.”

  Grid nodded. “Have you met any of the others from his harem?”

  Seth smiled. “Just Levi. Not the other two Horatio mentioned. They may have joined the club after I came back to college, not sure.”

  Glancing at his watch, Grid nudged Seth. “Go set a fire under your boy. Horatio will be here any minute.”

  In the bedroom, Jamie sat on the bed. He was dressed to go to the club but didn’t look at all ready. Seth stood in the doorway. “Horatio will be here soon. You ready?”

  “Not really,” Jamie mumbled. “Why do I have to go? This isn’t really my thing.”

  “How do you know it isn’t?” Seth smiled and walked over to the bed. “How many gay strip clubs have you frequented?”

  Jamie rolled his eyes. “None.”

  “Then you don’t know. Maybe it is your thing.” Seth sat next to him. “It’ll be fun. I’ll be there, and you said you always have fun with me. And besides, this will prep us for the bachelor party. Somehow I think we’re going to need the preparation,” he chuckled softly.

  Doubt pinched Jamie’s face. “Can I skip the bachelor party and just go to the wedding?”

  “What?” Seth stared at him. “No way, baby. It’s going to be awesome. Can’t miss it. Absolutely not.” He hugged Jamie against him and kissed his head. “We’re going to have the time of our life on this trip. And you can’t have the time of your life sitting here in the apartment…even if it is a penthouse apartment.” He grabbed Jamie’s hand and stood. “So, on your feet, sexy. It’s time to go rub elbows…or rub something…with the strippers.”

  Jamie groaned and rose from the bed. “You’re not helping.”

  Seth laughed and kissed him on the mouth. “It’s going to be fun.” He held him tight. “If nothing else, we have to go and watch Grid come out. That should be entertaining in itself.”

  Laughing softly, Jamie nodded. “True. I don’t really want to miss that.”


  The Phoenix Club was just beginning to fill up, and things had yet to get into full swing when Jamie walked through the entrance, clutching Seth’s hand. Even so, the place was overwhelming. At the moment, the stage was empty, but the gathering crowd suggested it wouldn’t be empty for long.

  Boys in skin-tight pants and skimpy shorts circulated through the customers, flirting and teasing, no doubt getting them worked up for the stage show. The boys had a classiness about them despite their scantily-clad bodies. The club reminded Jamie of what a posh Gentleman’s club might look like. All the customers were nicely dressed, and many wore expensive suits.

  Jamie looked at Grid. The guy was momentarily speechless and looked like a starving man standing before a buffet, trying to decide which entrée to sample first.

  “Good evening, boys.” Max came toward them, smiling. “Come in and make yourself at home. As my special guests, the drinks are on the house tonight.” He directed them in the direction of the bar and introduced them to the bartender, Riley, a gorgeous man in his early twenties. Grid looked him over with great appreciation. Chuckling, Max eyed Grid. “This one’s already taken.”

  “Damn,” Grid sighed and leaned on the bar, grinning at Riley.

  “Oh, don’t worry,” the bartender smiled. “A sexy guy like you will have plenty of hot boys swarming around you in no time.”

  Twisting around, Grid rested his elbows on the bar and surveyed the room. “Bring ‘em on.”

  “Ricky and the boys here?” Horatio asked Max.

  “In the back,” Max nodded. “They’re about to go on.” He looked at Grid and winked. “You won’t want to miss this. No better way to be introduced to those boys than to see them on stage first. Come with me.” He motioned to the three boys. “I have a VIP table for you down front.”


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