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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 4

by CJ Bishop

  “All right,” Grid grinned and eagerly followed along.

  “Right down front?” Jamie murmured anxiously.

  Horatio laughed softly and touched his back. “Trust me, you will enjoy it. The boys are amazing. Our customers praise the club boys for inspiring the best sex of their lives when they get home.” He winked at Jamie.

  Warmth seeped into Jamie’s face, but he wasn’t entirely opposed to the notion. He and Seth joined Grid and Max. The VIP table was set apart from the others and situated on a slightly elevated platform to allow the perfect view of the show and was actually connected to the stage itself.

  “Customers who pay for this table,” Max said. “Get special treatment from the dancers.”

  Jamie’s nervousness came back; he didn’t want to be singled out. He was quick to slide into the circular booth seat between Seth and Grid, making him the least accessible to the strippers.

  The music that pumped through club suddenly faded away. Max grinned. “The show’s about to start. You boys enjoy yourselves. I’ll have some drinks brought over.”

  “Thank you,” Seth smiled.

  Max chuckled. “Have fun.” He walked down into the crowd and headed back to the bar.

  “Fuck.” Grid stretched his arms along the back of the booth. “This is the fucking life.” Seth laughed. Jamie kept quiet, his stomach flip-flopping. Grid dropped his arm around Jamie’s neck and squeezed. “What’s wrong, babe? You’re not scared of some sexy strippers, are you?”

  “No.” Jamie squirmed a little beneath his strong arm.

  “You kind of look like you are,” Grid teased.

  The stage went dark for a moment then two small floor lights came on, illuminating a figure that hadn’t been there just seconds ago. Shadows encased him, making it hard to see what he really looked like. He spoke low into a microphone, his voice deep and ominous. “It’s midnight on the high seas, and the pirates are out—and they want your booty.”

  A myriad of colored lights snapped on around the perimeter of the stage as smoke rolled out from under the back curtain. The guy with the microphone glided into the background and disappeared into the smoke and through the curtain as four more figures appeared then began to move forward as music pumped from the speakers in a slow building crescendo.

  For a moment, Jamie was too mesmerized to be nervous as he watched the dancers—dressed in pirate outfits, swords and all—steal around the stage in an erotic rhythmic dance, scoping out the crowd as the customers howled and shouted, offering up their booty.

  One of the dancers paused, his head snapping around, his masked eyes looking straight at the VIP table. He raised his sword, pointing it at the three young men, and the other dancers took his cue as the four of them gyrated in their direction.

  Jamie sucked back against the seat, trying to make himself as small and invisible as possible.

  The “leader” of the band of pirates sidled up to the table, studied each of them as his lean, supple body held its rhythm, slim hips swaying to the strong beat of the music. “I am Ricardo,” he spoke with emphasis. “Lord of the high seas.” He raised his sword and aimed it around the table. It came to rest on Jamie and Ricardo’s lips twitched. “And I demand your booty.” The sword swept to Seth suddenly, the tip grazing Seth’s neck. “Surrender your booty,” he told Jamie. “Or I shall behead your boyfriend.”

  Jamie stared at him wide-eyed, heart pounding—and Ricardo winked, amusement radiating forth from his dark eyes.

  “What’ll it be?” Ricardo pressed. “Your booty—or his head?”

  The crowd began to chant “Booty!”

  Grid laughed and joined them.

  “Save me, Jamie,” Seth pleaded as his head craned to the side, neck exposed to the tip of the fake sword.

  Jamie hesitated but knew he was trapped in this little scenario. Ricardo cocked his head, a dark smile curving his lips, his eyes beckoning with a force Jamie was suddenly helpless against. “Booty,” Jamie mumbled—and was immediately hoisted over the table and into the hands of the pirate.


  “Oh shit,” Seth laughed as Jamie was whisked away by the band of pirates. “He’s going to fucking kill me for making him come here tonight.”

  “Nah,” Grid shook his head, a huge grin on his face. “By the time they’re done with him, all he’ll want to do is fuck your brains out.” He laughed. “Of course, that might kill you.”

  Out on stage, the “pirate” strippers backed Jamie against the pole. Seth noted that amidst their erotic dance, they handled Jamie with gentle hands, not actually applying force but rather coaxing him along. His hands were tied behind his back, around the pole, with silk scarves plucked from the dancers’ bodies.

  “Lucky little shit,” Grid snorted.

  Once Jamie was secured, the dancers stepped up their routine, peeling away more and more of their costumes until they wore only their colorful bandana masks and black G-strings, each with a small white skull-and-crossbones on the crotch.

  “Holy fucking hell,” Grid choked as the strippers rocked their hot bodies all around Jamie, rubbing against him, their sensual hands caressing all over. Grid groaned and squeezed his junk. “Fuck.”

  The nervousness was steadily draining from Jamie’s face as a look that Seth was quite familiar with crept up. Jamie’s head pressed back against the pole, eyes upward, as he swallowed hard. His chest rose and fell rapidly, and Seth could practically hear his ragged breath puffing from his parted lips.

  Oh shit, baby—I wanna fuck you so bad right now!


  Behind the bar, Riley shook his head and chuckled. “They better be careful, or they’ll give the poor kid a heart attack.”

  Horatio sighed. “They were supposed to take Grid, not Jamie.” He laughed low. “Though I don’t think Jamie will be complaining too much. Looks like he’s about to have a meltdown.”

  “Shit,” Riley laughed. “I’m about to have a fucking meltdown from way over here.”

  Max suspected that was probably true in Riley’s case. Max had no idea how the young man “sustained” while on sexual hiatus and working in a strip club. The sexual tension that pulsated through the club every night—not to mention the endless flow of propositions he received from horny customers—had to be driving him mad. It was surely a good thing that Darius was ready to move forward, or Riley might literally expire from the sheer need to fuck.


  The sounds of the crowd faded to a dull hum in the back of Jamie’s mind. His hazy eyes skipped from one masked face to another as the strippers’ fingertips grazed his body. Ricardo sashayed up close and swirled his hips, rolling his junk teasingly against Jamie’s throbbing crotch. He plucked open Jamie’s shirt and danced his fingertips over the surface of his hot, sweaty skin.

  Jamie shuddered and his skin prickled. The dancer pushed in a fraction closer, his face just centimeters from Jamie’s, his lips nearly brushing Jamie’s mouth, puffing out warm breath. A couple of the others fanned out, focusing on the crowd, gathering their bounty as the men practically threw money at them.

  Ricardo grasped the pole above Jamie’s head, and his body began to ripple with serpentine grace, feeling much too much like when Seth fucked him standing up. His cock turned to granite in his pants, and he clutched the pole behind him with damp, slick hands as he willed his body not to gyrate with the stripper. Wetness seeped from his dick and into his shorts, and a powerful ache knotted his balls. His head dropped to the side, and he squeezed his eyes shut as he began to pant unsteadily.

  A tight whimper pushed up his throat when Ricardo and another of the strippers sank down before him, caressing his legs, lips gliding feather-light across his bulging package. He half-expected them to strip off his pants and knew if they did—that was it; he would fucking come.

  But his clothing remained intact, and he was suddenly free of the pole and being ushered off the stage through the back curtain. A quick glance toward the VIP table and he saw two of the stripper
s latch onto Seth and Grid and bring them along in Jamie’s direction.

  Jamie was guided through the backstage area, weaving around other half-naked boys, and finally led into a dressing room where Ricardo stripped off his mask, revealing a gorgeous face and deep dark eyes that hinted at a dusting of Puerto Rican heritage.

  His head finally clearing a bit, Jamie got his first real look at the guy; lightly tanned skinned, lean strong muscles, the most perfectly rounded ass he’d ever seen…which had felt insanely good rubbing up against him. The boy was beautiful.

  “I’m Ricky,” the guy grinned and stretched out one hand while the other swept through his damp, black hair.

  Jamie grasped him with a shaky grip. “Jamie,” he mumbled, his breath uneven.

  The second stripper was unmasked and shook Jamie’s hand as well. “I’m Levi.” He was slightly shorter than Ricky, though his muscles were tighter, more defined. He was equally as lovely.

  “We didn’t freak you out, did we?” Ricky chuckled.

  Starting to relax, Jamie smiled. “No,” he laughed softly. “Well…maybe just a little. But it was worth it.”

  Chapter 6

  Seth and Grid were led into the back of the club by the two strippers and taken to a dressing room where they found Jamie. He was remarkably relaxed and drinking a chilled bottle of water. The two stripper boys with him had shed their masks, and the three of them were engaged in pleasant conversation.

  The scene was somewhat surreal as the two strippers had yet to dress as they chatted casually with Jamie, their perfect bodies nearly naked.

  The two accompanying “pirates” with Seth and Grid entered the room and stripped away their masks as well. Both looked fairly young—eighteen or nineteen at the most. “Did you have fun?” one of the younger boys asked Jamie with a grin.

  Jamie smiled and nodded. The two boys introduced themselves as Tommy and Gavin. When introductions were passed all around, Ricky approached Grid and flashed a flirtatious smile. “I hear you’ve been eager to meet us. So what do you think? Do we make a lasting first impression?”

  “Oh hell yes,” Grid grinned. “That first impression is going to last me to my grave. Fuck,” he snorted. “It almost put me in my grave.”

  Ricky sighed. “In that case, I probably shouldn’t invite you into the VIP room like I’d planned.” He winked. “I would hate to be the death of you.”

  “I always wanted to die happy.” Grid looked him over with hungry eyes. “What do you do with your customers in the VIP room?”

  Ricky sidled closer to Grid and dragged his fingers down his chest and stomach and snagged the snap of his pants. “You’ll have to wait and see.” He leaned closer, his lips gliding along Grid’s cheek to his ear. “But I promise, it will be the most erotic experience of your life…so far.”

  Grid’s chest heaved, and his breath surged through his nostrils. “Sounds like a room I want to visit.”

  “What about you boys?” Levi asked Jamie and Seth. “You want to join us in the playroom.” When Seth hesitated, Levi added, “You call the shots. And you’re free to leave at any time.” He came toward Seth, his sexy hips swaying just enough to Jack up Seth’s heart rate. “You can’t visit a strip club without at least receiving one lap dance. You’re Max’s special guests, so it’s on the house.”

  Seth glanced at Jamie. “It’s up to you.”

  The other two boys, Tommy and Gavin, flanked Jamie and rubbed up against him. “What do you say, sexy?” Tommy cooed. “Want to play with us some more?”

  “Uh,” he laughed nervously. “I…I guess…sure.”

  Warm tingles skittered through Seth, and he smiled at Jamie, pleasantly surprised by his answer.

  “So is it true?” Ricky asked Grid. “Is all this new to you? The whole gay thing, I mean.”

  Grid nodded. “Yes.” He gazed heavily at Ricky. “So I guess I need someone to teach me the ways.”

  “A tutor?”

  “Uh-huh,” Grid swallowed hard.

  “I can teach,” Ricky breathed against his lips.

  A shudder rippled through Grid. “I don’t doubt it.”

  Seth was beginning to see what Max meant when he said to watch out for these boys—they were truly hypnotic.


  Grid eagerly followed along when Ricky took his hand and walked him out of the dressing room. Behind them, Levi latched onto Seth, and Tommy and Gavin each grasped Jamie’s hands and like an erotic caravan, they journeyed to the VIP room.

  It shocked the shit out of Grid that Jamie had agreed to go along. Apparently, the experience on stage had encouraged him to try new things.

  The VIP room was large with plush furniture and a soft carpet. Ricky turned down the lights to a soft, romantic glow and gave Grid his full attention while the other boys tended to Seth and Jamie. “Do you like to dance?” Ricky asked.

  Grid nodded. “I love to dance.”

  “Good.” Ricky walked over to the small stereo system and stood with his back to Grid. His perfect ass glistened with sweat and Grid’s eyes followed the line of the black string to where it disappeared between his firm cheeks. His hands tingled with the need to handle that ass. Ricky turned around after starting the music – a strong beat that still allowed for slow sensual dancing – and returned to Grid. “Hold my hips,” he said quietly. “And let your body follow along.”

  Grid tentatively rested his hands on Ricky’s hips as instructed. His skin was soft and damp and hot to the touch. Grid’s cock jumped the instant his hands made contact. Ricky drew him a fraction closer until their crotches lightly grazed with each gentle sway of their hips.

  “Does it feel good?” Ricky murmured with an engaging smile. “To touch a man? Do you like it?”

  His breath uneven, Grid replied, “Yes.” He squeezed Ricky’s hips for emphasis, aching to slide his hands around and grip his lovely rounded rump. “Feels like heaven.”

  “With the right man…” Ricky ran his lips along Grid’s jaw line. “…it can be.” He shifted closer still and flattened his hands on Grid’s chest, fingered the buttons of his shirt, then slowly popped them loose one by one, exposing his chest. “Very nice,” Ricky murmured and caressed his thick pecs, squeezing the muscles. “You’ll be very popular in our pretty rainbow world.”

  Grid shivered beneath his touch. “I sure hope so.”

  Peeling off Grid’s shirt, Ricky trailed his fingertips down his rippled stomach. “You’re very sexy.” His eyes traveled lower to Grid’s pants. “Do you wear briefs? Jockstrap? Or do you go commando?” Ricky smiled hopefully at the latter.

  Grid chuckled quietly. “Jockstrap.”

  “Mm. So sexy.” Ricky played with the snap of his pants as their bodies rocked rhythmically. “You ever dance in just your jock strap?”


  “Well, one thing you should know about gay boys…” Ricky unsnapped the button. “…we like to show off our bodies.” He traced a single fingertip along Grid’s jaw. “And your body was made for show and tell.” His other hand lingered at the top of Grid’s zipper, waiting.

  Smiling, Grid reached between them and slid the zipper down.

  Ricky’s smile stretched, and he danced around Grid, slowly shoving Grid’s pants off his hips and down his legs. Grid slipped his shoes off and stepped out of his trousers. Ricky caressed his bare legs and sidled up behind him, rocking his crotch on Grid’s exposed ass. Grid moaned and moved with him, his hard cock stretching the front of his jock strap.

  “That’s it,” Ricky breath against the back of his neck. “Just go with it.” His rubbed his hands down Grid’s ribs and clamped his hips as they swayed and gyrated in perfect sync. Ricky nipped his earlobe. “You have a beautiful ass.”

  Another deep groan rolled up Grid’s throat. “So do you.”

  In a quick, graceful move, Ricky was suddenly in front of Grid, his ass pressed firmly to Grid’s crotch; rolling, circling, swaying.

  “Fuck,” Grid choked and grabbed his slender wais
t. His bulge pushed between Ricky’s hot, damp cheeks as the guy drove him fucking mad with lust and desire. He nuzzled Ricky’s dark hair, panting unevenly. “Are these guys your boyfriends?”

  Ricky leaned back against him. “Only Levi,” he murmured. “But we all play together.”

  Just a few feet away, Levi had Seth in a large plush leather chair, kneeling over his crotch, dipping and swaying and making Seth sweat and pant. Close by, Jamie was in much the same situation, yet receiving twice the attention from Gavin and Tommy.

  “Do you like how we play?” Ricky rolled his ass around on Grid’s throbbing dick.

  Shuddering fiercely, Grid rasped, “Fuck, yeah.”


  Levi’s nimble hands had Seth’s shirt open and stripped from his body in a matter of moments. His hard crotch grazed Seth’s chest, gliding down his stomach, as he rode Seth’s lap with expert skill. Levi ran his hands up Seth’s neck and into his hair, dipping his head down until his lips touched Seth’s face. “It’s much more fun if you take off your pants.”

  Glancing uncertainly at Jamie, Seth watched the two boys submerge him in ecstasy as they steadily peeled away his shirt and pants. Seth looked at Levi and nodded. The young man smiled and slid off the chair, sinking to his knees between Seth’s legs, unfastened his pants and dragged the zipper down with his teeth. Seth whimpered as Levi’s hot breath blasted his briefs, then he was stripped of his pants and left in only his boxer briefs—his erection stretching the cotton fabric to the max.

  Levi brushed his lips over his bulge and rose up. He locked his fingers behind his neck as his body swayed with feline grace and he slowly turned, undulating his ass down on Seth’s crotch; rubbing and rocking.

  “Oh my God…” Seth shuddered and clutched the chair. His eyes clamped shut as his cock jumped against Levi’s sexy ass.



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