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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 31

by CJ Bishop

  What would stand in their way? Gabe wondered, but didn’t ask. If it was something Cole could tell him, then he would have done so.

  “Our life together is going to be amazing, Gabe.” Cole kissed him deeply. “Don’t doubt that for one second.”

  “Never have.” Gabe kissed him back. “Never will.”


  “Why didn’t you tell us about Noel when we came to get you?” Devlin asked Noah.

  Noah kept his eyes downcast. “He was scared,” he whispered. “He thought everyone wanted to hurt him.”

  “Did he know we were coming there?” Abel asked quietly.

  Noah nodded. “I called him after I talked to you on the phone the first time,” he told Abel. “I tried to get him to tell me where he was, but he wouldn’t. He was hiding and too afraid to come out.”

  “How did you call him?” Devlin wondered.

  Clint watched the boy from across the room, taking note of the times he lied, and what it was he was lying about. His next answer had the even tone of the truth.

  “Noel took our mom’s cell phone when he ran away, so he could call me, and I could call him.”

  “The battery won’t last forever,” Devlin said. “Does he have a way to charge it?”

  Noah shook his head. “He only turns it on at certain times, and we never talk very long.”

  “You said you were going to run away,” Devlin recalled. “Was that true?”

  “Yes.” Noah wiped his eyes. “I was going to tell Noel to meet me somewhere. I was too scared to stay with Jim. When Noel left, that’s when Jim got really mean with me. He thought I knew where he was, and he…he would beat me with the belt, trying to make me tell him.”

  Devlin glanced quickly at Clint, a shadow of confusion in his eyes, then addressed the boy. “Why was he so fixated on Noel? I don’t understand why he would do those things to Noel but leave you alone. You don’t have any idea why?”

  The instant tension in the kid grabbed Clint’s attention.

  “No,” Noah whispered, a tremor in his voice.

  Another lie. Or rather, the previous one re-told. The boy did know why his stepdad wanted his brother and not him, Clint was certain of it. So why would he lie about that one thing when he was telling the truth about almost everything else?

  “I found the cordless phone in your room last night,” Devlin said. “Did you call Noel?”

  The boy looked at him nervously. “Yes.”

  “It’s okay,” Devlin assured. “I’m glad you did. Do you think you can get him to tell you exactly where he is? We need to get him off the streets. It isn’t safe for him out there alone.” He combed his fingers through Noah’s hair. “This is his home, too, now. He’ll be safe here.”

  Clint watched the boy’s face crumble with both relief and anguish. “He…he wants to come here. But he’s still scared. He thinks…” A distinct hard pause. Something shifted in Noah’s tone when he continued. “He thinks it isn’t safe for him anywhere. After what Jim did to him, he’s afraid of everyone but me.”

  “But he trusts you, right?”

  “Yes,” Noah whispered unsteadily.

  “He will believe you if you tell him it’s safe for him to come here?”

  “I did tell him,” Noah murmured. “Last night. He’s really scared out there. He wants to be here with me.”

  “And we want him here,” Devlin said softly. “Can you call him now?”

  “I…I don’t know if the phone will be on. We have certain times for me to call.”

  “Can you try?” Devlin urged. “If the battery in his phone dies, there will be no way to find him. That phone is his lifeline, Noah. And we have to find out where he is while it’s still working.”

  Noah stared at him, the fear in his eyes deepening at Devlin’s words.

  Clint moved away from the window and returned to the sofa, taking his seat again on the coffee table in front of the boy. “Look at me, kid.” Noah blinked and met his stare as tears drained down his flushed face. “There are people on the streets who will hurt your brother even worse than your stepdad did. The city streets are not safe. I want you to get on the phone and call him. Can you do that for me?”

  Noah swallowed and nodded.

  “Get the phone,” Clint said to no one in particular, his mind already devising just what he planned to do to the fucker who turned these boys’ lives into a living hell.

  You don’t know what hell is, motherfucker.

  Chapter 9

  Please, please pick up. Noah clutched the phone to his ear. The call wasn’t going to voicemail like it did when Noel turned it off, but…he wasn’t answering either. Please, please, God…let him be okay. Let him answer. Noah looked at Clint who sat in front of him, drawing strength and courage from the cowboy. Yet with each ring of the phone that went ignored, Noah’s fear heightened a little more, making him feel sick to his stomach. Tears seeped into his eyes. “He…he isn’t answer-”

  “Noah?” Noel’s soft, quiet voice suddenly pushed through, shaky and thick with tears.

  “Noel,” Noah choked, relief gushing through him. “A-Are you okay? Why weren’t you answering?”

  “I-I didn’t hear it,” he whispered. “It was on vibrate.” His voice crumpled and he choked on a sob. “I miss you, Noah. It’s so scary at night. I-I’m too afraid to sleep. If someone finds me…”

  Noah blinked to clear his swimming vision as tears rolled down his face. “It’s gonna be okay, Noel. We’re gonna come and get you. You have to tell me where you are.”

  The line went quiet a moment, then, “Are…are you sure they want me, too?” his words trembled and cracked. “You…didn’t tell them…did you? You promised.”

  “No,” Noah mumbled and averted his eyes, his voice lowering. “I didn’t. But…but it’ll be okay. It will. Please tell me where you’re at.”

  Abel rubbed Noah’s back then stood up. “Keep him on the line,” he told Noah. “And make him tell you his location.” He tugged his own cell phone from his pocket.

  “Who’re you calling?” Devlin asked, puzzled.

  “Horatio,” Abel said. “I have an idea.” He made his call and pressed the phone to his ear as he walked out of the living room.

  Noah gripped the cordless receiver a little tighter. “Noel, where are you? You have to tell me.”

  “Will he talk to me?” Devlin asked quietly.

  “I…” Noah stared at him, uncertain. “Noel…Devlin wants to talk to you.”

  “Who’s that?” Noel whispered unsteadily.

  “The one I’m staying with,” Noah said. “A friend of our stepbrother. He’s…” he looked at Devlin. “He’s a good guy…and nice.”

  “I-I don’t…” Noel stammered, tears in his voice.

  “It’s okay, Noel,” Noah assured softly. “He’s our friend.” Without waiting for a reply, Noah handed the phone to Devlin.

  Devlin smiled warmly and cupped Noah’s head then spoke into the phone. “Noel? This is Devlin. Son, I know you’re scared, but you’re not safe on the streets. Please tell us where you are so we can come and get you and bring you home.” He paused as he gazed at Noah and stroked his hair, wiping tears from Noah’s face. “This is your home, too, Noel. And we very much want to meet you. It’s safe here for you, for both you and Noah. You don’t have to worry about men like Jim anymore. We will never let anyone hurt you or Noah again. Please let us help you, son.” His arm curled around Noah’s shoulders. “Noah needs you here, with him.”

  Noah leaned against Devlin as his damp gaze drifted back and forth between Clint and Axel, deep concern in both men’s eyes. It was all real. This was really home. People really cared about him and Noel. Not just “people”...Family.

  Devlin tensed and looked at Clint—then recited Noel’s location as the boy relayed it to him from the other end of the call.


  The entire morning since leaving Nolan’s apartment had been torture on Grid. His recent memories of Nolan played mercile
ssly on a loop in his head. Everything about the man lingered in vivid detail; the taste of his kiss, smell of his breath, feel of his skin, scent of his body, the look in his eyes as passion took him over, the look in his eyes after the passion had been sated, the fullness of his cock stroking deep inside Grid.

  Grid shivered. He lay stretched out on the bed, incapable of doing much of anything but drown in his thoughts of Nolan. He needed a distraction—anything to get his mind off the man—even if it was only temporary. If he didn’t get a reprieve from the ache twisting him up inside, he was sure he would go insane.

  Maybe what got to him the most was the reality that Nolan liked him. The man wanted to be with him, Grid would bet his life on it. Yet “something” was pulling him away, and pushing him into marriage with a woman. Whatever it was, it’s hold on Nolan was solid; the man wouldn’t budge from his course…no matter how much he desired Grid.

  What is it? Grid wondered in agony. What does she have over you?

  He knew he had to let it go, had to let Nolan go. Whatever was going on in Nolan’s life, it was none of Grid’s business and he had no right to interfere and possibly cause the man problems between him and his fiancée. Grid was already one secret that Nolan had to keep from the woman—and they weren’t even married yet. He didn’t take Nolan to be the type of man who rested easy with secrets. Whatever the reason he had chosen to cheat on his fiancée, Grid still believed the man to be honorable and good. And should he enter a relationship he actually wanted to be in, Grid was convinced that it wouldn’t cross his mind to be unfaithful…not if he truly loved his partner.

  Grid groaned and gripped his head. “Just stop thinking about him. Fuck.” He had nothing else, though. All other thoughts were obliterated by his recent “sleepover” at Nolan’s place. Maybe going back to the club would distract him…maybe go home with Ricky and the guys. Surely the four of them together could give him something else to think about.

  He sighed and closed his eyes. His body wasn’t entirely rejecting the idea, but his heart and mind were.

  A ringtone went off out in another room. Not his phone, it was in the bedroom with him. He heard Seth answer but his voice was distant, muffled by the closed door and the short hall beyond. Probably Horatio calling. The three of them were supposed to have dinner at Max and Horatio’s place tonight.

  Grid tuned Seth out and turned his head on the pillow, staring out the window. It seemed a waste of the New York trip to just lay around, pining over one man when there was a club full of hot boys eager to raise his spirits…among other things.

  He flinched when Seth knocked on his door. “You awake?”

  “Uh, yeah,” Grid snorted. “Isn’t quite my bedtime yet.”

  Seth entered. “Well, you’ve been holed up in here practically since you got back this morning.” He walked over and smacked his foot. “But it’s time to get up and focus.” his humor faded and he became serious. “Get Jeff on the phone.”

  “Jeff?” Grid frowned and sat up. Why the hell did Seth want him to call the star running-back of Grid’s football team?


  The boy huddled deep in his jacket, the hood pulled over his head and casting his face into dark shadows. He’d crammed himself into the narrow space between the tall dumpster and the brick wall, well out of sight of anyone who might venture into the alley. The dull, muffled thump of the loud music inside the bar pumped through the bricks and into the boy’s back, vibrating through him, making his upset stomach feel even worse.

  He hugged his aching gut and could puke if there was anything inside him to puke out. But he was empty. And it hurt too much to try and vomit when nothing came out. He drew his knees to his chest and hugged his legs tight, his face shoved against his worn and dirty levi’s. The cell phone sat heavily in his jacket pocket. The battery was almost dead. It wouldn’t last for another call.

  A part of him didn’t believe anyone would come for him. Maybe Noah’s voice on the phone was just his imagination and the cell battery had been dead all this time. Maybe he went crazy the first time Jim had…

  His mouth pressing against his knees, Noel stared blankly at the grimy concrete. Warm tears welled up and ran over, draining into his jeans.

  It’s safe here for you, for both you and Noah. You don’t have to worry about men like Jim anymore.

  The voice on the line…he sounded so sincere, so…real. Like Noah. Every night Noel dreamed of him and Noah finding a real home, a real family. Was he making all this up in his head because he wanted it so bad?

  Noel squeezed his eyes shut and cried quietly, hugging his legs harder.

  The backdoor of the bar opened and Noel froze. He held his breath, his heart pounding. Shakes gripped his thin, cold body when he heard the scrape of feet on the concrete—coming his way. Noel pushed back against the wall, sucking his legs up tighter, as if he could absorb into the bricks. But there was nowhere to go; he was trapped. He clamped both hands over his mouth as sobs began to rise in his throat.

  Please go away! Don’t find me!

  The feet halted and Noel caught a glimpse of worn leather work boots as one foot stood in a shallow puddle of gross water. The unseen man cleared his throat and unzipped his pants, then pee splattered the ground. Noel watched the stream as it began to drain under the dumpster, trickling his way. He tried to scoot away but he was wedged in.

  The man coughed and shook himself then zipped up again and walked back into the bar.

  Noel hurriedly grabbed a wad of old newspaper and stuffed it under the edge of the dumpster. The urine reached the paper and began to soak into it, stopping it from reaching Noel.

  He wiped his face and dirt smeared his fingertips with the tears. He felt like a piece of garbage, sitting there with all the other garbage. A dirty, smelly piece of trash to be thrown away.

  Why would anyone want to take him home? He was gross and dirty and…

  Not normal.

  That’s what Jim said.

  An unnatural little freak.

  Noel’s chin trembled and he buried his face in his arms, sobbing. Jim was right. The others would think so, too, and throw him away. It doesn’t matter, they aren’t really coming for you. It’s all in your head. Your crazy. Just a crazy freak!

  He went rigid again as someone entered the alley. Not just one—a lot. He could hear them coming down the alley. Shoes scraping across the dirty pavement, splashing through the small puddles. Voices growing louder—all of them men.

  Noel began to shake, shoving his face hard against his knees. He pulled his hood further over his head. Maybe they would just think he was a pile of dirty clothes, tossed into the corner to be hauled away with the garbage.

  His fear swelled as the men came closer and his mind cried out for the only one left in this world who loved him—Noah!

  He didn’t look up when someone stepped into the narrow opening where Noel huddled against the wall, his terror escalating, heart racing too hard…too fast. He couldn’t breathe as his throat knotted closed and panic swarmed him. His breath wheezed as he frantically tried to suck in air as sobs stuck beneath the ball in his throat. He started to convulse as his panic took over and his head lifted a little, his vision blurry and shadowed.

  One of the men were right there and Noel choked on a strangled cry, shoving against the wall in terror.


  The alley swam through his wall of tears and he froze against the wall, staring wide-eyed at the man.

  “Don’t be scared.” His voice was low, calm…friendly. He slowly squatted to his heels and gazed at Noel. “My name is Jeff. Your brother Noah sent us to come get you.” He reached out his hand cautiously. “It’s okay, Noel…” emotion strained the man’s voice. “You’re safe now. We’re here to take you home.”

  We. Noel trembled as others appeared behind the man. All of them big. And all looking at him with nothing but concern and sympathy…no threat in their eyes.

  Jeff remained unmoving, his hand outstretched, w
aiting for Noel to meet him halfway.

  “Noah…sent you?” Noel whispered as his chin quivered and tears spilled down his face.

  Jeff nodded and smiled softly. “He’s on his way from New York. He’ll be here real soon.”

  Noel bit his lower lip, another flood of tears pouring out as he slowly scooted forward and tentatively took Jeff’s hand.

  I’m not crazy. They’re really coming for me.

  Jeff stood and helped Noel out of the cramped space. A wave of dizziness hit Noel and his legs buckled. Jeff caught him, deep concern in his voice as he spoke to his friends. “He’s so skinny,” he whispered, then scooped Noel into his arms and Noel’s head dropped against his shoulder, his eyes closing. “Don’t worry, kid,” Jeff murmured. “You’re going to be okay.” His lips touched Noel’s dirty hair without hesitation or disgust. “You’ll be home soon.”

  Chapter 10

  The Egyptian checked the clip in his gun then looked at Kane. “You know what I am.”

  Kane nodded. “Yeah, I do,” he murmured. “You’re the man I love. The man we all love.”

  Cochise stared at him then looked away and stuffed the weapon inside his jacket. “I’ll be home by tomorrow.” Kane started to speak and Cochise stopped. “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.”

  “I was just going to tell you to be careful,” Kane said quietly. He walked around the end of the bed to Cochise and flattened his hands on the Egyptian’s thick chest. “Just because our life together appears domestic, I’m fully aware that it isn’t. Not entirely. And I’m okay with that. It was because you are who you are that you were equipped to save Zoe’s life.” He kissed Cochise. “We’re your family,” he whispered. “And you protect us…by any means necessary. That doesn’t make you less in my eyes—it makes me feel safe.”

  Cochise stared at him then kissed him deeply. “I’ll be careful. But you don’t need to worry, we won’t be in any danger.”


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