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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 32

by CJ Bishop

Nodding, Kane asked slowly, “What did he do?”

  The Egyptian looked at him a moment, then muttered stiffly, “He raped Noah’s twin brother…abused Noah.”

  Chilling memories of Donald’s rape filtered into Kane’s mind; it had been Cochise who had found him and rescued him from further assault. The Egyptian took such vile abuse personally.

  Kane had yet to meet Noah, though they had heard plenty about him from Clint. The cowboy clearly had a special affection for the boy. The man who had hurt Noah and his brother would experience an all-new version of hell. A hell he deserved.

  “Just come home soon,” Kane told him and wrapped his arms around him. His lips brushed Cochise’s ear and he whispered, “Regardless what some people may believe, I think there must be a special part of heaven for men like you and Clint who avenge and protect our children.” A slight tension stiffened the man’s body. Kane was aware of Cochise’s resistance to any praise as a “good” man. He rarely responded verbally, but his body language inevitably rejected it. In his own eyes, the Egyptian remained a bad guy.

  Cochise’s little family knew otherwise.


  “It isn’t going to happen, you know?” Axel watched Clint slip on his denim jacket, concealing his holstered weapon. The cowboy frowned and looked at him.

  “What isn’t?”

  Axel walked over and gripped his open jacket. “You don’t think I see it, but I do. Not often, but every now and then.”

  “See what?” Clint stared down at him, puzzled.

  “That look,” Axel murmured. “The one that tells me there’s still a part of you that is afraid I’ll wake up one day and see you as a monster…rather than the man I’m crazy in love with.” He kissed Clint’s throat and slipped his arms around him beneath his jacket. “But it isn’t going to happen. I’ll love you to my grave and beyond.” He leaned back a little and looked up into Clint’s ruggedly handsome face. “I understand why you do the things you do. You’re a natural born guardian. It’s in your nature to protect what’s yours. This entire family feels safer because you’re a part of it.”

  Clint raised one hand and ran his fingers through Axel’s hair, his lips relaxed as if contemplating a smile. “You should grow your hair out again.” The elusive smile drifted forth. “I miss playing with your curls.”

  Axel ducked his head and laughed softly then looked up. “Changing the subject?”


  Nodding slowly, Axel grasped Clint’s wrist and drew his hand down to his face. He kissed his palm. “I still have curls.”

  “Not like before.” Clint caressed his cheek with his thumb and gazed at him. “I liked that unruly look of yours when we first met.” He dipped down and kissed Axel on the mouth. “Really turned me on.”

  Axel eyed him with amusement. “You saying I don’t turn you on anymore?”

  Clint chuckled low. “Now you’re just being silly.”

  “Yeah,” Axel mused. “The cracked plaster at the head of the bed insists you’re right.”

  “Shit,” Clint kissed him hard. “When I get home, we may just knock down the whole damn wall.”

  “And demolish my ass in the process?” Axel pursed his lips, amused.

  A smile turned up the corner of Clint’s mouth in confirmation.

  “In that case,” Axel sighed and sank against the cowboy’s strong, masculine body. “Hurry home.”


  Noel felt like he was dreaming as he faded in and out, and was scared of waking up back on the streets…all alone. He could hardly keep his eyes open for more than a few minutes at a time and didn’t know where Jeff and the others were taking him. But Noah had sent them, and he wouldn’t send someone who would hurt Noel.

  He didn’t know he had fallen asleep until he awoke to Jeff laying him down on a bed. The guy removed his shoes. “You’re okay,” Jeff said quietly when Noel started to wake up. “You’re at my apartment. Your brother will be here soon.” Noel jerked away in fear when Jeff started to remove his jacket. Jeff drew back. “Easy. I’m not going to hurt you. I just thought you might be more comfortable with your jacket off.”

  Noel stared at him, fear lingering in his heart even though he knew the guy wasn’t lying; he wouldn’t hurt him. He slowly pulled off his jacket, started to hand it to Jeff, then grabbed the phone from the pocket and clutched it in his hands. He knew it was useless now, and he didn’t need it anymore because Noah was coming to get him, but he couldn’t let it go—not until he saw Noah with his own eyes.

  Laying the jacket aside, Jeff gazed at him. “You must’ve been so scared out there,” he said quietly. “The streets are really dangerous. God must’ve really been looking out for you.”

  God. Noel looked away and shook his head.

  “You don’t believe God was watching over you?” Jeff asked softly.

  Noel laid his head against the pillow. “No,” he whispered with a tremor in his voice. “He doesn’t like me.”

  “What?” Jeff frowned, then smiled warmly. “I’m pretty sure God likes everyone.”

  If he likes me…why did he let Jim do those things to me? Tears drained onto the pillow. “Not me.”

  Jeff covered him with a warm blanket. “I’d bet he does like you,” he murmured. “He’s bringing you back together with your brother, right? You have a new home, a new family who loves you both. Sounds to me as if God likes you a lot.”

  Noel didn’t reply. He wanted to believe Jeff, but every time Noel had prayed for God to make Jim stop hurting him…God didn’t answer. Noel didn’t know what he’d done wrong to make God hate him, but he must’ve done something.

  Maybe God thought he was a freak, too, and didn’t care what happened to him.

  But Jeff’s right. He’s saving you now. You’re going to be with Noah again…and away from Jim.

  “Just try to rest,” Jeff said gently. “Something tells me life is going to be real good for you from now on.”

  Noel didn’t let himself hope. Not just yet. Maybe when Noah got there…when he saw it was all for real…maybe then.


  A rented limo was waiting on the tarmac when the small group de-boarded the private jet. Abel and Devlin walked on one side of Noah while Clint and Cochise flanked the other. Grid had come along as well, and kept pace with the rest of them. As before, Horatio remained on the plane.

  A few yards from the limo, Noah slipped his hand into Clint’s and held on tight. Abel smiled when the cowboy glanced down at the boy but made no move to withdraw from his grasp. Rather, he gripped Noah’s hand more securely.

  It was no surprise that Noah looked to Clint as a kind of safe haven. Noah’s first encounter with the cowboy had established Clint’s place in the boy’s heart; he’d appeared like a guardian angel and dominated the greatest threat in Noah’s life, rendering it powerless.

  Noah’s “awe” of Clint extended to Cochise, though he didn’t seem to know what to make of the Egyptian. Understandable, Abel thought, bemused. Even he walked softly around the man, though he knew he was as safe with Cochise as he was with Clint.

  When they reached the limo, Clint held Abel back while Noah, Devlin, and Grid climbed inside. The cowboy looked at him, firmly holding his eyes. “You know why we’re here?”

  Abel swallowed and nodded.

  “He’s your father,” Clint said. “You make the final call. How do you want us to handle this?”

  Abel knew what he was asking; did he want them to leave the man breathing. Noah’s words—so filled with pain and fear—raced through Abel’s head. Jim would lock me out of the bedroom and…and rape Noel. I couldn’t stop him!

  Eyes stinging, Abel blinked and stared at Clint. “He isn’t my father,” he said quietly, a thickness in his voice. “Max is my father.” He reached for the door and cast the two men a firm look. “I don’t care what you do to him. He’s dead to me.”


  The boy lay asleep beneath the blanket, a peacefulness on his face that Noah hadn’t seen
there in a long, long time. He bit his lip as his eyes filled, and walked slowly to the bed and laid down, facing his brother. “Noel…” he whispered and ran his fingertips down the boy’s streaked face. “Wake up. It’s time to come home.”

  He continued to caress his cheek until Noel stirred and his eyelids fluttered a little bit then opened halfway. Tears formed and ran down his dirty face, staining the pillowcase beneath his head. “Noah…?”

  Noah’s chin trembled and he nodded. “It’s me, Noel.”

  “Noah…” sobs bubbled up in the boy and he grabbed Noah, hugging him hard, desperate. He buried his face in Noah’s neck and cried.

  Noah hugged him back, holding him tight, and stroked his hair. “Everything’s okay now,” he choked. “We’re together and no one will ever hurt us again.”

  Noel pressed closer, clinging to him, sobs shaking his thin body.

  “Don’t be scared,” Noah whispered through his tears. “This time…home is a good place.” His arms tightened around his trembling brother. “A safe place.”

  Chapter 11

  “Thanks, man, for doing this.” Grid embraced Jeff in a bro hug then stepped back.

  “Yes,” Abel moved forward and shook his hand. “Thank you so much. We didn’t want him out there any longer than necessary.”

  “We were glad to help.” Jeff shook Devlin’s hand as sympathy filled Jeff’s eyes. “Poor kid. He about had a panic attack when he saw us, thought we were going to hurt him.” he shook his head. “He was filthy, and practically skin and bones. I would’ve had him take a shower, but he kind of freaked a little when I tried to help him take off his jacket, so I figured it was best to just leave him alone until you guys got here.”

  Devlin nodded. “He’s suffering much emotional and physical trauma. You were right to give him his space. He’s afraid of everyone except Noah at this point.”

  “When you found him,” Abel said. “He went with you without a problem, though?”

  “Yeah,” Jeff replied. “He was a little resistant, but when I mentioned Noah, he finally came with us. I think he was more afraid of staying there alone than he was of leaving with us. As soon as he stood up, though, he almost collapsed. Maybe a combination of stress and hunger, I don’t know. I had to carry him out of there and he kept fading out on the drive back here. I would’ve offered him something to eat, but he was too exhausted to even stay awake.”

  “You did good,” Devlin assured. “More than anything, he probably needed some quality, stress-free sleep. He told Noah on the phone that he was afraid to go to sleep for fear someone would find him and hurt him. I doubt he’s had a decent night’s rest since he ran away.”

  Abel moved toward the hallway. “I’m going to go check on them. We should get them home, get Noel cleaned up and into some clean fresh clothes, and fed.”

  “Yes,” Devlin agreed.

  Abel approached the bedroom. The door was partially open and he looked inside. The two boys lay on the bed, buried in a tight embrace. Both were asleep. Abel doubted that either of the boys had had a decent night’s rest since their mom died. He walked into the room and approached the bed quietly.

  In their embrace, Abel couldn’t really see Noel’s face. Noah hadn’t said whether they were identical twins, but going by body size and hair color, he suspected they were. Although, Noel appeared slightly smaller than Noah. Or maybe it was just that he was extra-skinny right now. Noah was underweight as well, though.

  Abel hated to wake them when they were finally getting some real sleep, but once they were back on the plane, they could crash out on Horatio’s big, soft bed and sleep all the way home if they wanted. He leaned over and gently touched Noah’s shoulder. “Hey,” he said softly. “Noah.”

  The boy stirred and opened his eyes. “Abel…”

  “We should get Noel home,” he murmured. “He’d probably like some clean clothes and a nice warm meal.”

  Noah blinked and rubbed his eyes, then nodded. Noel came awake when Noah started to pull out of the embrace, and whimpered, clinging to Noah. “It’s okay,” Noah whispered. “We’re gonna go home now.” He looked up at Abel. “This is Abel…our brother.”

  Still holding onto Noah, the other boy turned his head, fear and uncertainty in his eyes, and looked at Abel. Despite his dirty face and messed hair that was in desperate need of a washing, Abel could easily see the “twin” resemblance between them, though he didn’t think anyone would have a problem telling them apart.

  Abel respected Noel’s space and simply offered him a warm smile. “It’s so good to finally meet you, Noel. I’m so glad you’re safe. Whenever the two of you are ready, we can head back to the plane. We’ll be home within a couple hours.”

  “Plane…” Noel whispered and looked at Noah.

  “A private plane.” Noah smiled. “It’s really cool. You’ll love it.”

  Noel licked his lips slowly and rested his cheek on Noah’s shoulder, his eyes turned tentatively to Abel. “I’m ready to go home…now.”


  The sight that appeared before him, coming out of the hallway, broke Devlin’s heart. Noah—broken and fragile himself—gave what strength he had to his twin as they walked close together, their movements slowed by Noah’s limp and Noel’s weakened body…like two lost orphan boys.

  Not orphans anymore.

  Devlin walked over but kept a little distance when Noel pressed closer to Noah. “Hello, Noel,” Devlin said softly. “I’m Devlin. We talked on the phone?” The boy just stared at him, clinging to his brother. “I know you’ve been through a lot, son. But everything is going to be better now. I promise.” His gaze ran down Noel’s body. His dirty clothes hung loosely on his thin frame. Severe malnutrition could cause real problems; he prayed that wasn’t the case with Noel, but the boy would need a thorough physical and bloodwork done as soon as possible.

  “God,” Grid breathed low as he stared at Noel. “Poor kid.” The depth of real concern in his voice touched Devlin. Both Grid and Jeff seemed deeply affected by Noel’s condition and the circumstances surrounding him.

  Jeff’s voice strained when he murmured, “Shit, I about cried when I saw him crammed back behind the dumpster. I mean—fuck—no kid should be in that situation.” He looked at Grid. “I was talking to the other guys when we got back to the apartment. There’s got to be a lot of other kids out there trying to survive on the streets. We were thinking, what if a bunch of us from the college started a rec center or something? Give the kids a place to go, stay out of trouble, maybe have some counselors for them to talk to. Help get them off the streets.”

  Grid stared at him, a deep admiration for his friend glowing in his eyes. “That’s an amazing idea.”

  “I’d donate to it,” Abel said, standing behind the two boys. “And I think I know a couple others who would as well.” He glanced at Devlin and smiled. “Horatio, of course, but I’m sure Lex would, too.”

  “Really?” Jeff was awestruck. “Wow. That would be awesome.” He looked at the two young boys and added quietly, “I think it’s something that should be set up as soon as possible. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to sleep too well at night knowing there’s other kids out there, too, cold and alone and scared.”

  Devlin gazed at him. “This world needs more people like you and your friends.”


  “I should let you know now,” Nolan said without looking up from the papers on the desk before him. “I’m going to be taking a couple days off, starting tomorrow.”

  Samuel frowned. “You? That’s not like you.” Nolan didn’t reply. Samuel leaned forward on the desk. “Why’re you taking some days off?”

  “My business,” Nolan murmured.

  “I thought we were friends,” Samuel said. “Friends share. Friends talk.”

  Nolan scratched his temple but still didn’t look at Samuel. “Nothing to talk about. I just have things to do.”

  “Things to do with your fiancée?” Samuel wondered.

Nolan went still, his pencil pausing in mid-stroke. “In a manner of speaking,” he mumbled. The man had yet to show enthusiasm at any mention of his bride-to-be.

  “You know,” Samuel said quietly, sincerely. “I really am your friend, Nolan. And if you ever need to confide in someone, I’m here. Whatever you tell me will stay between us. I won’t repeat it to anyone, including Caleb.”

  Sighing, Nolan raised his head. “Thank you, Samuel.” Honest gratitude shown in his eyes. “I do appreciate that. And you never know, I might just take you up on it someday.”

  Samuel absently rubbed his thumb over his lower lip. “I wish you would. Because from where I’m sitting…you don’t seem happy at all. We’re surrounded by four couples about to be married, and the happiness I see in them…I’m not seeing it in you. And it shouldn’t be that way, not with an engaged man. If I were engaged to Caleb and we were about to be married, I’d be walking on air.” He shook his head. “But with you, it’s almost like you’re weighted down.”

  Rubbing his eyes, Nolan mumbled, “Not everyone gets to be as happy as you or the others from the club. It’s life, and life isn’t perfect. Some people get their fairytale romance…” he sighed and rubbed his brow. “…some don’t.”

  There was something heartbreaking in Nolan’s voice, his words. “So why settle? Why not just keep looking until you find it?”

  “Not everything is about true love and romance,” he whispered. “Sometimes other things take precedence.”

  Samuel stared at him for a long moment, then asked, “Is there anything more important than true love?”

  Nolan met his eyes, a quiet anguish radiating forth. “Yes.”


  When they returned to the plane, Horatio had a clean set of clothes waiting for Noel. “I figured he’d be needing something fresh to put on,” he told Abel. “I had to guesstimate his size when I sent out for them, so they might not fit perfectly. But at least they’re clean.”


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