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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 60

by CJ Bishop

  “I’ve known Max since I came to work at the Phoenix a few years back,” Carl began. “Since then, he’s been a fantastic boss and a phenomenal friend.” He chuckled low and shrugged. “And I must admit, I found him pretty sexy, too.”

  Max scratched his temple and smiled as light laughter sifted through the guests, and a few confirmed Carl’s observation.

  “But it was his heart that truly left me in awe,” Carl continued. “Over the years, I watched as Max took in the lost, abandoned, abused…and turned them into a family, offered them a love and compassion so few of them had experienced out in the world.” His eyes drifted over the other couples. “He didn’t see them as irreparably broken or as scars on the face of society, but diamonds in the rough…priceless treasures to be cherished.”

  Abel leaned over and hugged Max, laying his head on his shoulder. His throat constricting, Max kissed his head.

  “As Max took me into his confidence,” Carl said softly, emotion in his words, “I learned there was one treasure out there that he had lost. That, in a sense, had been stolen from him.” His eyes came to rest on Horatio. “And the loss was great…unbearable.” He cleared his throat. “When I was given the opportunity to help return that treasure to him…” He faltered, his throat working. “…it was the greatest, most defining moment of my life. No words can express how honored I am to be a part of all this, to be here and witness this destined love story find its happy ending.” Carl looked at Seth, and the other young man stepped forward and stood beside him.

  “We know,” Seth said with tears in his eyes, “that you felt like you were doing wrong by us, that you were somehow going back on promises made.” He shook his head. “But that was never so. We were truly honored to be a part of this epic love story, and to be allowed to play such an important part.”

  “You are one another’s destiny,” Carl added thickly. “Our destinies awaited us elsewhere.”

  Seth glanced at Jamie, tender love on his face. “God has blessed us.”

  Carl looked at Lex, a small smile forming. “Abundantly.”

  With that, Cole and Gabe burst into laughter.

  Max frowned, confused by their reaction—then it struck him, and he shook his head, chuckling. The laughter was contagious and swept through a good portion of the guests.

  Carl chuckled and shot Lex an apologetic look. “Sorry, babe. I couldn’t resist.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Lex flashed a nonchalant smile. “Do I appear to be blushing?”

  The guests howled louder.

  Chapter 17

  Samuel took to the microphone. “All right,” he said. “It’s time for our newlyweds’ first dance as married couples. This song was chosen special by our lovely Savannah and being sung by the beautiful and talented Zoe.”

  The couples left the table and moved out onto the dance floor. The lights turned low and shimmered like millions of stars across the floor and around the room as the music began to play soft and tender, and Zoe sang, “For all those times you stood by me…for all the truth that you made me see…for all the joy you brought to my life…for all the wrong that you made right…for every dream you made come true…for all the love I found in you, I'll be forever thankful, baby…you're the one who held me up, never let me fall. You're the one who saw me through, through it all…”

  Samuel wrapped his arms around Caleb and pressed his lips to his shoulder as they watched the couples dance through the sparkling light. We should be out there with them, Samuel thought and held Caleb tighter. Had Nick been released and able to be there, Samuel was confident that this would have been his and Caleb’s wedding day as well. But he understood how important Caleb’s brother was to him, and he wouldn’t ask Caleb to take this step without Nick present to share in the joyous occasion.

  “They look amazing, don’t they?” Caleb whispered with emotion.

  “They do.” Samuel kissed his shoulder and hugged Caleb tighter against him.

  The music seemed to flow between the couples, the tender words enveloping them, bonding each couple together. Samuel’s gaze followed Dane and Angel. It seemed their feet hardly touched the floor as if they truly gave one another wings to fly. Samuel would always have a special affection for Dane; he had saved Caleb’s life…and in turn, saved Samuel’s.

  “Kind of makes you just want to take the leap, doesn’t it?” Grid appeared beside him with Nolan.

  “It does,” Samuel smiled. He glanced at Nolan who was watching the couples, a quiet anxiety on his face. The man feared his own future—perhaps wondering if the next wedding he attended would be his own…with Patrice.

  Grid smiled. “Have you two…thought about it?”

  “We’re not really discussing it until after Caleb’s brother, Nick, is released from prison,” Samuel said. “And that could be a long process since Nick won’t even let us appeal his case until we handle his boyfriend, Christian’s case. He wants Christian out first. He won’t leave him in there by himself.”

  “Oh. Wow,” Grid murmured. “What if you can’t get Christian released?”

  Caleb shifted against Samuel. “Then Nick will stay in there, too.”

  “Are you working on his case?” Grid asked Samuel.

  Samuel nodded. “Yeah. Well, Nolan is the senior attorney, I’m assisting him.”

  The strain in Nolan’s face tightened; he’d already told Samuel he would have to leave the case if he married Patrice. And Samuel knew how important the case was to Nolan. He surely felt like he would be abandoning them all if he had to walk away.

  “How’s it coming?” Grid asked Nolan.

  Nolan sighed. “Slow,” he mumbled. “We’re having trouble locating some key witnesses. But they’re out there. We’ll find them.” He looked at Samuel. The uncertainty in his eyes wasn’t about the witnesses, but whether or not he would even be there to help.


  You gave me wings and made me fly…you touched my hand I could touch the sky…

  Tears filled Maddy’s eyes as he watched Angel glide gracefully across the dance floor deep inside Dane’s arms. Angel looked so delicate next to Dane; one would never suspect the strength he possessed within.

  His throat constricting, Maddy blinked and thanked God for the millionth time for His abundant blessing. He jumped a little when Savannah touched his face.

  “Didn’t mean to startle you,” she smiled then hugged his waist. She laid her head on his chest and looked out at the couples. “It’s like a real fairytale,” she whispered. “I feel like I’m at Cinderella’s ball…except there’s no spell that will end at midnight and take away the dream.” Her gaze rested on Abel and Devlin. “God rewards the big brothers who take care of us, doesn’t he?” She hugged Maddy tighter. “And the bigger brothers and dads who watch over us all.” She trembled with emotion. “Look at them, Maddy,” she whispered. “They’re all so beautiful. How can those awful people out there today think this was something vile and disgusting?”

  Maddy wrapped her in his arms and kissed her hair. “That’s just ignorance in action.”

  “He’s right.” Pastor Thompson approached, his eyes drifting out to the dance floor.

  Savannah shifted in Maddy’s arms. “Why are you different?” she asked quietly. “You teach from the same Bible. Why don’t you think the same way they do?”

  The pastor sighed. “God changed my heart. In Lex, he showed me that we’re all the same, that we all love the same—from the heart.”

  “Why doesn’t he change their hearts, too?”

  “I don’t know,” Thompson murmured with a sad note. “Maybe their hearts aren’t ready to be changed. Even when I believed it was wrong to be gay, I felt no hostility toward gay people. I was just sticking with God, and I thought God disapproved. When he informed me otherwise, I had no problem changing my own views as well.” He smiled at Savannah. “But we can’t give up hope for the others. Today they’re standing on the street protesting these unions, but who knows…tomorrow they might be out there
standing up for marriage equality.” He shrugged and chuckled. “Well, maybe not tomorrow. But one day. Anyone can change.”

  She laid her head on Maddy’s shoulder. “I wish all preachers were as nice as you.”

  Maddy hugged her and pressed his lips to her hair. “Amen.”


  William fell silent, his focus on Dane. Would it warm Dane’s heart if he knew his cousin had been at his wedding after all? William was certain of it. But if Freddy had wanted him to know, he would have made his presence known. Though Freddy hadn’t asked him not to tell Dane, he felt he would be betraying the young man’s trust to disclose the information.

  Still, he was curious about Dane’s extended family. Freddy had seemed to be a man torn—spiritually. His presence at the wedding implied he wanted to be there, to be a part of it…yet something within held him back. He was confused about the right and wrong of gay marriage and all that went with it, that much was obvious. And such struggles typically sprouted from a conservative religious upbringing.

  He stared at Dane, so free and comfortable with himself and his love for Angel. It was hard to imagine him and Freddy Shaw coming from the same family. Had Dane’s parents held a less conservative view than Freddy’s?

  William looked at Maddy. “Does Dane have any extended family? I was told the others didn’t have any family, but I was under the impression that Dane did. Is he not close with them?”

  “No, he isn’t,” Maddy murmured. “He and Angel went to see his parents in Tennessee and invite them to the wedding, but…” he shook his head, eyes hardening a fraction. “They just condemned him for his ‘lifestyle’ and acted like, because he brought Angel with him, he was just throwing it in their faces.”

  “That’s sad,” William said quietly. “So, none of his family supported him?”

  “No.” Maddy hesitated. “Well…I’m not sure. Angel said his cousin Freddy showed up last night and, at first, had the same attitude toward Dane as he had when Dane went to Tennessee. But then he changed and acted almost mad at Dane for leaving home years ago like he’d left him behind or something.” He shrugged. “So, I don’t know what’s up with him. Dane doesn’t either. Apparently, he just walked out of their apartment kind of subdued, wished them a good wedding, and left.”

  “That’s odd,” William whispered.

  Maddy nodded. “Angel was outside when Freddy left. He said the guy seemed almost in tears. So, I’m not sure what that was all about. Dane was hoping he’d come to the wedding so he could talk to him, but he didn’t show.”

  William sighed and rubbed his mouth. “Well, he sought out Dane once,” he murmured. “Chances are he’ll be back…in time.” William had faith the young man would find his way back to him as well.


  “Look at our boys.” Max brushed a kiss on Horatio’s lips and smiled, turning his eyes to the young men dancing all around them, caught up in blissful joy, captivated by love.

  Horatio cupped Max’s head and kissed him deeply. “Look at us,” he whispered as their bodies moved together in gentle rhythm to the music. “I always knew we would make our way to this moment, somehow.” He hugged Max as he was engulfed in Max’s strong arms. “I couldn’t let go of this dream, Max. I couldn’t let go of you. Even when my mind said I had to, my heart refused, insisting that we weren’t lost to each other no matter how it looked.”

  “That’s why I love your heart so much.” Max trembled and hugged him closer. “And you…for following it.”

  Sliding his fingers through Max’s hair, Horatio pressed his lips to his ear. “I feel like time turned back,” he whispered. “I feel like I did when we were kids and falling in love for the first time.”

  Tears burned Max’s eyes, and he clung to Horatio. “After we adopt Maddy,” he choked softly. “I want a baby like we talked about. I want a child to startout in this family, no nightmares of the past to wake him up at night, no bad memories of pain, abandonment, or abuse. Just a perfect little life who knows only love and happiness, surrounded by family who loves and adores him.” He smiled, his tears thickening. “Or her.” He drew back and kissed Horatio on the lips. “Do you still want that?”

  Horatio swallowed thickly, his eyes glassy with tears. “Do you even have to ask?”


  Cole pressed his head to Gabe’s brow and smiled. “So how does it feel to belong to me now?”

  “You got that reversed,” Gabe murmured and kissed him. “You belong to me.”

  Cole chuckled. “We’ll see who gets the collar on who first.”

  “Is that how we’re going to decide?”

  “Works for me.” Cole grinned and kissed him with simmering passion. “And after I collar you, I’m going to cuff you…maybe flog you a little bit until you submit. What do you think of that?”

  Gabe shuddered in his arms. “I think you better shut up before I flog you right here on the dancefloor.”

  Cole laughed low. “And that’s supposed to make me shut up?”

  “Not really.”

  “You’re kinky,” Cole growled against his lips.

  “I’m the kinky one?” Gabe chuckled. “You’re the one talking about tying me up and whipping me.”

  Cole rubbed his back as they swayed to the music. “That’s not kink, baby,” he murmured. “That’s just good old-fashion foreplay.”


  “You like the boy, don’t you?” Clint draped his arm across Noah’s shoulder.

  Noah had been staring at Chris since the song began and the couples started dancing. The only time he looked away was when Chris caught him looking. He didn’t answer Clint, just shrugged.

  “You think he’s too old for you?”

  “He is,” Noah whispered.

  “For now,” Clint said. “Not for long, though. Don’t mean you can’t start laying the foundation.”

  Axel shifted his focus from the dancefloor to Clint. “Laying the foundation?” Axel smiled. “How so?”

  Noah wanted to know as well. He liked the sound of it.

  “You can start by showing him you’re not afraid to take the initiative,” Clint said. “A man who knows what he wants goes after it.” His lips twitched with a smile. “That’s how I got Axel. He tried to get away, but I wouldn’t let him.”

  Axel nodded. “Mm. I think in the end, I hogtied you, cowboy.”

  Chuckling low, Clint drawled, “Semantics. Either way, it worked.”

  “But…” Noah licked his lips nervously and glanced absently at Noel who was quietly entertaining Jules and Reuben at one of the tables. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “You want to dance with him?” Clint asked.

  “Yeah,” Noah whispered.

  “Don’t wait for him to ask you. When the newlyweds are finished with their dance, go over and ask him first.”

  Noah’s gut knotted with tension. “What if he doesn’t want to?”

  “So don’t ask him,” Clint smiled dryly. “Tell him.”

  Axel cocked an eyebrow. “Tell him?”

  “Walk up to him with confidence and say something like – ‘Come on, you’re dancing with me.’ He’ll dance with you.”

  “What is this? Caveman 101?” Axel laughed.

  “You questioning my methods?” Clint stared at Axel, the corner of his mouth jerking. “How often do I ask you to do the things you do? You going to stand there and try to pretend you don’t like it when I take control?”

  Noah pursed his lips, holding back a smile as Axel contemplated Clint’s words.

  Axel exhaled and nodded. “Listen to the cowboy.”

  Chapter 18

  As Abel floated across the dance floor in Devlin’s arms, his head on his husband’s shoulder, he closed his eyes and imagined with sweet anticipation spending time alone with Devlin on their honeymoon. Horatio had lent them full use of his private villa outside of Rome and chartered them a private jet. Abel had plenty of money to pay for it himself, but Horatio had insisted—as a wedding present from
him and Max.

  Devlin hugged Abel closer, his hands flattened on the small of his back, warming him through his tux. “I can’t wait to go back to Italy with you,” he whispered. “Walk the streets of Rome as husbands.” He moaned and held him tighter, their bodies moving in perfect rhythm. “I love you, baby. You are so much more than I ever hoped to have in this life.” He kissed his neck softly. “God has been so good to me.”

  “And me.” Abel smiled and opened his eyes. Across the floor, Noah stood with Clint and Axel. “He’s been good to us in so many ways,” he said softly.

  Devlin shifted and looked over that way. He smiled. “I think maybe the boys are kind of anxious for us to go on our honeymoon so they can hang out with Clint and Axel for a while.”

  “I think you’re probably right.”

  “It’ll be good for them,” Devlin murmured. “All of them.” He chuckled. “Especially Clint, I think. He’s definitely a daddy at heart, despite his gruff exterior. I’d love to see him with a baby. I bet he’d melt into a puddle of goo.”

  Abel laughed. “No doubt about it.” He squeezed Devlin in his arms and kissed his lips. “But then…wouldn’t we all?”

  “Touché.” Devlin sighed and rested his head against Abel’s brow. “Sometimes, during a break at the hospital, I’ll go up to the Pediatric ward and hold the babies.” He laughed softly. “I guess it feeds my paternal instinct.”

  “Mm.” Abel grinned against his mouth. “You mean your desire to be a daddy?”

  “That’s another way of putting it.”

  “You would be a wonderful daddy,” Abel smiled. “I can’t wait to see you in action.”


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