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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 61

by CJ Bishop


  “Why won’t you tell me where we’re going for our honeymoon?” Angel asked.

  “It’s a surprise.” Dane kissed him. “You said I could choose where to go. I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”

  Angel hugged his neck and grinned. “But how will I know what to pack? Is it someplace warm? Someplace cold? You got to give me something.”

  Chuckling softly, Dane shook his head. “I’ll pack for you.”

  “At least tell me we’re going to have lots and lots of privacy.” Angel nuzzled his ear. “No one too close by to hear our screams.”

  “Nothing to fear,” Dane assured. “We won’t disturb anyone, and no one will disturb us.”

  “Where you taking me to—Mars?” Angel grinned slyly. “Or more likely…Uranus?”

  “Shit,” Dane laughed and kissed him hard. “That’s no place new; I go there every night.”

  Angel went into a fit of soft laughter as Dane smiled and danced him across the floor amidst the glimmering lights. His body stretched, drawing him up on his tiptoes when he wrapped his arms more securely around Dane’s neck. Smiling, he stepped onto the tops of Dane’s shoes as they continued to dance.

  “This is much better,” Angel murmured, eyes glowing. “Let you do all the work, and I’ll just come along for the ride.”

  Dane kissed him deeply. “Just like in the bedroom,” he teased.

  Shaking his head, Angel chuffed. “Like you do all the work in the bedroom. Uh-huh. Sure.”

  “I do some of the work,” Dane chuckled.

  “On occasions,” Angel conceded. “But on average, I do all the grunt work.”

  Dane laughed. “I don’t know,” he murmured. “I do a lot of grunting myself.”


  The song came to a soft close, and Zoe smiled at the couples. “You’re beautiful. Congratulations and I wish you all the best of life, love, and happiness.”

  The guests applauded and began to join the newlyweds on the dance floor as Zoe motioned to the band and she led into another song with a slightly elevated tempo.

  Jules squealed when he was informed it was time dance and hopped off his chair. “Come on, Reuben!” He grabbed the other boy’s hand and dragged him out onto the floor.

  Clint grinned and patted Noah’s shoulder. “That’s how it’s done, son.”

  Standing beside Noah, Noel laughed.

  Noah couldn’t help but see the humor in Jules’ very blunt and forward ways. It did seem to work, though. At least with Rueben. The boy was shy and hesitant out there, but Jules held his hands and gyrated comically until Reuben was giggling and following his lead.

  “Your turn,” Clint winked at him.

  Feeling deathly anxious, Noah looked at Chris where he stood talking with a few of the guys. As Noah watched, one of the club boys walked by, touched Chris’ arm and motioned to the dance floor. Noah’s heart sank, his stomach churning. Rather than follow the guy onto the floor, though, Chris smiled warmly and shook his head. Unoffended, the other boy moved on, found someone else, and began dancing with them.

  “He doesn’t want to dance,” Noah said quietly. “He just turned that guy down.”

  “Maybe he just didn’t want to dance with him,” Noel suggested.

  “There you go,” Clint said with a chuckle.

  Noah eyed the cowboy. “Are you going to dance with Axel?”

  “Me? Dance?” He grunted and shook his head.

  “Yes, he is,” Axel countered and grabbed his hand. “I heard somewhere that if you want to dance with a man, you don’t ask—you just drag him onto the dance floor.”

  The twins laughed.

  Clint scowled. “Why do you only listen to what I say when you can turn it around on me?”

  Axel just grinned and tugged him forward. “Come on, cowboy, let’s dance.”

  Under extreme protest, Clint allowed himself to be led onto the dance floor.

  “So?” Noel leaned close to Noah. “Are you gonna go over there?”

  Noah’s face pinched. “I don’t know.”

  “He danced with you last night, at the club,” Noel reminded. “He won’t turn you down.”

  “He was teaching me how to dance last night,” Noah mumbled. “We weren’t dancing, dancing.”

  “Looked like it to me,” Noel smiled.

  Noah groaned, and Noel laughed.

  “Do it,” Noel urged. “You’ll hate yourself if you don’t.” His smile turned to mischief. “Who knows, maybe he’s waiting just for you.”

  “No, he isn’t,” Noah rolled his eyes, though his heart skipped a beat at the notion.

  “You don’t know that. Go. Do what Clint said.” Noel grinned. “Just grab him and tell him he’s going to dance with you.”

  Consciously, Noah couldn’t imagine doing that. Yet, an instant later, his feet were walking him toward Chris, and he didn’t seem to have any power to stop them. Chris’ back was to him when he approached, and he hesitated, glancing at Clint. The cowboy nodded. Noah took a deep breath and acted quickly before he lost his nerve. He grabbed Chris’ arm and drew him around. “Dance with me.” His words didn’t come out quite as strong and confident as he’d intended—rather, squeaked a little. He didn’t give Chris a chance to turn him down, but kept a grip on his arm, pulling him out on the floor.

  Chris stared at him with amused shock but followed along. “Well, aren’t you a tenacious one.”

  Noah’s face suddenly burned beet red, and he ducked his head. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, voice shaking badly. “You don’t have to dance with me-”

  Chris laughed and took him in his arms. “Of course I’ll dance with you, silly. Why wouldn’t I?”

  Trembling, Noah lay a tentative hand on Chris’ shoulder, his other hand engulfed in Chris’ warm grasp. “You turned down the other guy who asked you,” he whispered, his eyes down.

  “You saw that?” Chris smiled.

  Noah nodded.

  “Well, there’s a good reason I turned him down.”

  Noah looked up uncertainly. “What?”

  Chris winked. “I wanted to dance with you. In fact, I was about to come over and ask you, when you grabbed me and hauled me out here.”

  Another wave of heat flushed Noah’s cheeks and he looked away, embarrassed. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Chris chuckled. “I kind of like an assertive man.”

  Noah smiled, still unable to look him in the eye. “I feel kind of stupid.”

  “I definitely wasn’t expecting it,” Chris admitted.

  “Clint told me to do it.”

  Chris laughed. “Figures.”

  “You’re really not mad?”

  “Of course not,” Chris assured with a soft laugh. He drew Noah a little closer, holding him a fraction tighter. “Now, let’s see if you remember what I taught you last night.”

  Noah hoped his feet remembered, because with Chris’ arms around him—his mind was short-circuiting.


  “You’re not going to dance?” John sat down at the table with Donald, a glass of champagne in his hand.

  Donald shrugged. “I haven’t danced much. I’m not very good.”

  John twisted his glass on the table. “I don’t know if I can dance.” He looked at Donald, a small smile on his lips. “Can’t remember.” He took a tiny sip of the champagne and made a face. “I do know this much; I don’t like champagne.” He set the glass aside. “I’d rather have a beer.”

  “Yeah, me, too,” Donald smiled, his eyes resting helplessly on John’s handsome face. John’s appearance and slight accent betrayed his Italian heritage. Donald often fantasized about John whispering words of love to him in Italian.

  “You seem bummed out,” John said. “Something wrong?”

  I think I’m in love with a straight guy…who may be in love with a girl. Donald sighed. “No. I’m good.”

  “You sure?”

  He nodded and looked out at the dance floo
r. Just ask him to dance. Even if he’s straight doesn’t mean he won’t dance with you—especially here, with so many other men dancing together. Donald cleared his throat and shifted his focus to John. “You know,” he murmured. “There’s only way to find out if you know how to dance or not.” He stood up slowly, his legs trembling.

  John frowned, an uncertain smile forming. “And…how’s that?”

  “Give it a try.” Donald stood, his hands flexing nervously at his sides.

  “Dance with…you?”

  Donald’s courage wavered. “Yeah…I mean…it’s not like anyone here is going to care.” When John hesitated, Donald backed down. “It was just a thought.” He forced a small laugh he didn’t feel. “You don’t have to.” He started to sit back down when John stood up slowly.

  “Okay,” he murmured. “I mean, like you said, who here is going to care?”

  It wasn’t the level of enthusiasm Donald would have liked, but he would take what he could get.

  John glanced around anxiously as they walked out on the floor. Just because John had no problem with gay guys, it didn’t mean he felt comfortable dancing with one. He hesitated then awkwardly moved closer to Donald as Donald took the lead position.

  John laughed uneasily. “I feel kind of strange.”

  You feel kind of good, Donald thought as their bodies brushed together. More than kind of. As deeply as he desired John, he didn’t dare hold him too close; afraid John would feel how much he wanted him.

  They began to move with the music and John appeared to have some decent dancing skills.

  Donald smiled. “Guess you do know how to dance.” He flattened his hand on John’s lower back, aching to pull him up tight against him. But the current closeness of their bodies was already igniting a fire inside Donald. And John’s face just inches away, his warm breath puffing softly against Donald’s lips—it was intoxicating to the senses.

  They danced in silence, their eyes locking at brief intervals. Donald subconsciously drew John a fraction closer, his head tilting down as his brow brushed John’s temple. I’m falling in love with you. Donald flinched inwardly, startled by how close to the surface the confession truly was.

  John began to tense in Donald’s arms, and he suddenly stepped back with an anxious laugh. “Okay,” he smiled, his voice unsteady. “So now we know I can dance.” He cleared his throat and rubbed a nervous hand over his mouth. “I’m…” He absently motioned behind him. “I’m going to go grab a glass of the kids’ punch.”

  Nodding slowly, Donald remained on the dance floor, his heart twisting into knots as he watched John walk away.

  Chapter 19

  Grid took Nolan’s hand. “You did say you would dance with me.”

  “I did.”

  “So, what’re we waiting for?”

  Nolan watched Reuben and Jules as they entertained the other couples on the dance floor. “I’m worried,” Nolan admitted. “Reuben is so young; I don’t know if I can make him understand that he shouldn’t tell his mom about all this.” He shook his head, face pinching. “I shouldn’t have brought him here. If he tells Patrice, and she figures out that I took him to a gay wedding, and that almost all my friends are gay…she might just take him away. And if he sees us dancing…or kissing…and she finds out about that…” Nolan rubbed his eyes. “If she decides to walk away from me, she’ll take Reuben with her.”

  How could you be so careless?Grid had spent the night with him last night; Reuben was fully aware of that. Was getting laid so important that it was worth losing his son? What have you done?

  Nolan sat down at the nearest table, his head sinking into his hands. “He’ll want to tell her about Jules, at the very least. That’ll be enough for her to start asking questions.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “Fuck,” he whispered thickly. “What have I done, Grid?”

  Sitting next to him, Grid touched his shoulder. “Horatio’s attorney is here. Go talk to him.”

  “If she suspects I’m going behind her back to try and fight her, she’ll never let me see Reuben again.”

  “She won’t have any choice if you’re awarded joint custody,” Grid said. “She can’t do this shit to you. It’s ridiculous. This isn’t the dark ages.”

  Nolan raised his head, eyes damp. “With enough money and power behind you,” he whispered. “You can do anything.”

  “It doesn’t matter who you are,” Grid said. “There’s always someone who can bring you down. Her, and those behind her, they’re not untouchable, even if they think they are.” He leaned closer and kissed Nolan’s face. “Talk to Horatio’s attorney.” He nodded toward a far table where Jensen Taylor sat with Bronson Tate; a former prosecutor turned defense attorney.

  Horatio had already made the call to Jensen Taylor, briefly explaining Nolan’s situation. The attorney was ready and willing to sit down with Nolan and discuss his options.

  “All right,” he murmured and stood up. “I’ll talk to him. But I haven’t decided if this is something I can do. You have to understand, Grid, I-”

  “I do understand.” Grid kissed his mouth. “And I know that only you can make this decision. I just want you to hear the guy out.” He cupped Nolan’s face and kissed him again. “I can’t bear the thought of her doing this to you, and to Reuben…” he pressed his head to Nolan’s brow. “…to us. I want to be with you, Nolan. I want to be with you and Reuben. I know we can fight this.” He released a shaky breath. “I may not be good for anything but moral support, but I can give a shitload of that and then some.”

  Nolan touched Grid’s face and caressed his thumbs down his cheeks. “You’re a treasure.”


  “I’m exhausted.” Gabe made his way off the dance floor after the second song ended, taking Cole with him.

  “Not too exhausted, I hope.” Cole hugged him from behind and nibbled his neck. “Because I have plans for you the second we get to our hotel suite.”

  Gabe snorted. “Yeah, you told me.”

  “Mm.” Cole pressed kisses to his ear and the curve of his jaw. “And I felt your response.”

  Ricky and his boys intercepted the couple. “Rumor has it you guys and Dane were planning a smokin’ hot show,” Ricky said. “What the shit? What happened to that?”

  Cole chuckled. “It was going to be our last hoo-rah as single men, but I guess we planned it too late.”

  “So you’re just going to cancel the show?” Levi stared at them. “No freaking way. It can be your firstyee-hah as married men.”

  “Yeah,” Tommy grinned. “A sizzling hot show to get you nice and heated up for your honeymoon.”

  “Angel may not let his husband up on that stage with us,” Gabe smiled.

  “Are you shittin’ me?” Ricky snorted. “He’d be first in line to that flesh-fest.”

  “Speak of the little devil…uh…angel, now.” Levi grinned and waved Angel and Dane their way. “Tell me you’re not going to ban your man from the show,” he told Angel when they approached.

  Angel frowned. “What show?”

  “You didn’t tell him about the show?” Ricky cocked an eyebrow at Dane.

  “How did you find out about it?” Dane asked.

  Gavin raised his hand and smiled sheepishly. “I overheard you guys talking.”

  Angel glanced between them all. “What show?” He looked at Dane. “Is there something you want to tell me, hubby?”

  “It was going to be a surprise,” Dane explained. “Cole, Gabe and I were planning a special stage show, one last performance before we got hitched. But it didn’t pan out.”

  “But it can still pan out,” Tommy suggested hopefully and draped his arm around Angel’s neck. “If you give your hubby here permission to perform.”

  Angel looked thoughtful, his eyes drifting between the three men. “You three…” he murmured. “…on stage together?”

  Cole smiled and nodded.

  Angel released a long, slow breath and shivered. “Strap on the G-strings, boys.”

  “Yes!” Tommy whooped and hugged Angel’s head, planting a firm kiss on his cheek. “I fucking love you, baby!”


  Seth and Jamie approached the small group, catching Tommy’s elated declaration of love for Angel. As soon as the boys saw them, Gavin pressed himself between Seth and Jamie and hugged their necks.

  “You guys aren’t going back to school right away, are you?” he grinned. “You have to stay for the show.”

  Seth laughed. “What show?”

  “The three big boys here,” Gavin nodded at Cole, Gabe, and Dane. “They’re gonna get on stage and shake those sexy booties for us.”

  Jamie shivered. “I don’t mind missing some school for that.”

  The men chuckled.

  Jamie looked at Ricky. “So, um…is the party still on?”

  Cole grinned. “You dirty little boy. And when I first met you, I thought you were so innocent.”

  “I was,” Jamie smiled. “Until I got with Seth. He corrupted me.”

  “I think you corrupted me,” Seth snorted. “You tricked me, acting all sweet and shy—when you were just a little devil the whole time.”

  Jamie smiled slyly. “I haven’t heard any complaints out of you before.”

  “Oh, I’m not complaining now,” Seth assured with a chuckle.

  “About the party,” Ricky smiled. “You bet your sweet sexy ass it’s still on. I was thinking next weekend, if you guys can hang around till then.”

  “We won’t be there,” Angel said and hugged Dane’s arm. “We’ll be on our honeymoon.”

  “Where are you going?” Seth asked.

  Angel shrugged and laughed. “Beats me. Dane won’t tell me. It’s a surprise.”

  “What about you two?” Ricky asked Cole and Gabe. “Where are you guys going?”

  “Haven’t decided yet,” Cole said. “We’ll spend a couple of days in our hotel suite…thinking about it.”

  Gabe chuffed. “Yeah, that’s what we’ll be doing in our hotel room; thinking about things.”


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