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SEAL Cowboy

Page 11

by Ivy Jordan

  I was ready for the mistakes this time, and I’d be certain to be ready for James’s case.

  My car looked so disheveled as I shoved my briefcase into the front passenger seat. I shook my head, deciding not to worry about organization today, not today. Daddy’s scolding about organizing my life could wait. The restaurant across the street flashed a giant neon margarita in the window, and that’s what I wanted.

  I strolled across the street without a care in my mind and walked into the restaurant with my head held high. A table for one was always so demeaning, not that it really bothered me, but I hated the looks from the hostess. When the woman asked if anyone would be joining me, I smiled and told her I’d be at the bar.

  It seemed to be perfectly appropriate for a woman to sit at the bar alone, but not at a table meant for two.

  She smiled as she stepped out of my way, motioning me towards the large oak bar that wrapped in the shape of a horseshoe through the center of the room.

  I stopped after two steps, spotting James and Axel sitting in the far corner. My eyes froze on James, his leg kicked up on the bottom rung of Axel’s stool, his hand sliding back and forth on the upper part of his thigh. He seemed nervous as he smoothed the denim of his jeans. My heart raced as I started to turn back towards the door, quickly, without thinking, without looking.

  A large man’s chest met my face with a hard thump, and then the floor introduced itself to my ass. A basket teetered on the tray next to a large draft beer as the man tried to steady it, his eyes on me, apologetic as he lost balance and let the items slide from the tray to the floor, to me.

  Beer splattered everywhere, coating me in the foam, but that wasn’t nearly as bad as the spicy chicken wings that dumped in my lap.

  “I’m so sorry, miss,” the man apologized, extending his hand to help me to my feet.

  I was facing the door, ready to run when a hand rested on my shoulder. I already took in the familiar cologne, tingled from the gentle grip that gave me a small squeeze.

  “Its fine,” I said, my cheeks burning as I turned to James.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” I blushed.

  “Well don’t just stand there, bring her something to clean herself up with,” James barked at the man.

  It wasn’t his fault. I was trying to run away, to avoid the embarrassment of running into James. I sighed at how ridiculous that appeared now.

  James pulled a chicken wing from my hair and tossed it on the tray the server left on the small hostess stand as he rushed off to follow his orders.

  I giggled and then laughed. James’s eyed me, confusion obvious in his expression. I watched as his lips curled into a smile at my absurd reaction.

  Soon, he joined in, laughing hard as his arm wrapped around me. He guided me to the bar where he and Axel were enjoying a beer while watching a basketball game. Axel shook his head as I sat down, covered in beer and chicken spice.

  “You know, you could’ve just ordered,” he smirked.

  The server arrived with towels in hand, both wet and dry. I worked on wiping the sticky sauce from my shirt as I calmed down.

  “What are you two doing here?” I questioned, more directed to James than Axel.

  “Calm down, I’m just here working on a new buyer,” James grinned.

  “I didn’t say you were stalking me or anything,” I smirked playfully in his direction.

  His eyes were so blue, so warm. I could dive into them and bathe.

  “How was court?” Axel interrupted my indulgence.

  “It was-uh, good. I won,” I stammered.

  A wild grin grew on my face, pride beaming through my entire being as I stood there a winner. It was a rough case, one that nobody thought I’d manage to pull off, but I did.

  “Oh, hell yeah!” James guided me onto a barstool between him and Axel.

  The stained orange on my pink blouse, the smell of beer sticking to my skin suddenly didn’t matter. I was a winner.

  “Another round, and one for the lady,” Axel boasted to the bartender.

  The tall man with slicked-back blond hair and light green eyes smiled in my direction as he nodded to Axel’s order.

  “I think he’s sweet on you,” James teased as the man walked away.

  I blushed.

  “Oh yeah, look at me,” I laughed, motioning to my messy shirt.

  “There’s something quite hot about the way you get messy,” James chuckled.

  I thought about our first meeting, me covered in mud, and how he looked at me as I wore the random green shorts he’d found. He looked at me with the same hunger now as he had then. My body stirred, something growling from deep within, a hunger, a need.

  “Here ya go,” the bartender winked in my direction before he walked away.

  “I told you,” James boasted.

  My cheeks grew hotter.

  “So, apparently men like messy women?” I laughed.

  “Less maintenance,” Axel injected with a chuckle.

  I shook my head as I reached for my beer.

  “More fun,” James added with a smirk.

  Oh my God, my thighs were starting to quiver and my forehead beaded up with sweat. I smiled, swallowing the lump forming in my throat before sipping on the tall draft beer.

  “So, how’s our case coming along?” James asked.

  “I got a court date for next week,” I announced.

  He looked relieved as he leaned back against the leather of the bar stool. His hand reached for mine, squeezing it tightly as he smiled.

  “That’s great news,” he sighed.

  “What about the county clerk, any news on what’s going on there?” Axel asked.

  “He was fired, effective immediately,” I replied.

  Another sip of the beer. It was cold against my hot throat, helping to ease the tremors erupting in my legs and calming my nerves as James leaned in closer, his cologne swirling through the air, finding my nostrils and lingering as if to tease me.

  “Wow, that was fast,” James smiled.

  I nodded. It was fast, but with everything that was found on him, there was no other punishment suitable. He was a corrupt official, one that had started his devious ways long before I showed up in that courthouse.

  “What about the judge?” Axel asked.

  “I got the court date set as quickly as possible, so hopefully Jill won’t have time to get to him,” I sighed.

  “If she hasn’t already,” Axel grumbled.

  The thought of Jill working so hard to corrupt the system, screw James out of what was rightfully his infuriated me. I took a long swig of my beer as James moved his stool closer to mine. He was so close I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck, instantly causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.

  Axel growled about Jill, continuing his rant about how she probably already had the entire town in her pocket. I tried to engage, to listen to him, to join in, but James was so close that my mind only focused on him.

  “Let’s order dinner, celebrate this win, and we’ll worry about the other case after,” James insisted, grabbing three menus from the rack near his seat.

  Axel agreed, quickly scanning his menu and taking his attention from James and me. I moved closer to him. It wasn’t unintentional, but it wasn’t controlled either. My body gravitated towards him, leaning in to look at his menu instead of mine, my hand resting on his thick thigh as I pointed to the shrimp basket and fries.

  “Sure you don’t want the chicken wings? I hear they’re amazing here,” James teased.

  “I’ve tried them already, thanks,” I laughed.

  Axel had put his menu down and was staring in our direction as I turned towards him. One eyebrow raised as his lips curled into a crooked smile. I realized my hand was still resting on James’s leg, and I’d practically ended up in his lap as we browsed the menu together.

  I was mortified.

  Immediately, I started to pull away, moving my hand from its comfortable spot, pulling
back towards Axel so my neck was left empty and cold without James’s warm breath.

  James tossed an arm around my shoulder, keeping me close enough. Axel didn’t say anything, or even do anything. His expression was empty and impossible to read.

  I kept up the conversation through dinner, doing my best to avoid ending up so close to James again. It was a relief when his food came, a steak that required both of his hands to cut. I leaned in towards Axel, told him to find out anything he could on the judge, on Jill, and make sure they didn’t have a connection to him in any way.

  “I better hit the road,” James announced, standing from his stool to stretch.

  I watched his muscles flex and pull, my mouth watering as my eyes filled with admiration for his tall frame.

  “I’ll contact you tomorrow about the court date,” I replied with a polite smile.

  James leaned in, his lips pressed against my cheek before I could offer any protest. They were warm, slick, and brought my mind to the night in his truck.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Axel interrupted, bringing me back to reality.

  I knew better than to get caught showing affection to James, especially right across the street from the courthouse.

  I scanned the restaurant after James left, looking to ensure no one of any influence was inside.

  “There’s no one here,” Axel sighed.

  “You have to be careful, Evelyn,” he warned.

  Careful. I thought about that word, that warning. My belly ached for James, and I couldn’t wait for this all to be over so we could be together again.

  At home, I ran a bath, undressed in front of the long mirror behind the bathroom door, taking in each curve of my body that James had touched, had kissed.

  My heart fluttered as I stepped into the soapy water. I knelt down, letting my bottom hit the heat, slowly submerging my body into the white foam bubbles that smelled of lavender. Even they weren’t strong enough to wipe James’s scent from me, at least not right away.

  A bottle of wine and a large glass waited for me on the teak bath rack where I normally placed a book to read while I soaked. Tonight, I didn’t feel like reading. James was heavy on my mind.

  The water splashed around me, lapping at my skin as I poured the sweet red into the glass. One large sip and I leaned back into the water, sinking to my shoulders beneath the bubbles.

  My hand played with the water, brushing against my thigh delicately. My fingers danced in the water, playfully tickling the warm flesh between my legs, sliding up my belly, pinching at my nipples, and then rolling sweetly to my neck.

  With my eyes closed, I could hear James’s voice. I could see his unrelenting blue eyes, taste the sweat from his skin, and feel his touch.

  I would be careful with James until after the court ruling. I would be careful to keep him close to me when my eyes closed, enjoying him in my fantasies, my dreams, my memories.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Seeing Evelyn had me all flustered. I couldn’t sleep worth shit, and there was a ton of work to get done before noon. Two ranch hands were already on site, ready to start the morning, but I was still working caffeine into my veins through a coffee cup filled with black coffee, made extra strong to put a boot up my ass and get me moving.

  I opened the front door, waved the guys towards the barn, yelling at them that I’d be a few minutes.

  My office was a wreck, papers everywhere. I chuckled as I thought about Evelyn. She was rubbing off on me.

  I knew I’d need a receipt from the guys, so I could account for money used from the ranch’s estate, so I turned on my laptop. Easier to print one than to find one.

  My e-mail was already open, a high priority exclamation point flashing at the top e-mail.

  It was from the court, but not filtered through Evelyn. As I opened it, several ideas of what it could be shuffled through my mind, some good, some bad.

  I read the three lines of the e-mail over at least four times before I picked up the phone and dialed Evelyn.

  “Good morning,” she already sounded exhausted. I wondered if she was up all night thinking about me.

  “Good morning. Did you get an e-mail about our court date?” I asked, too tired to dance around the topic.

  “I did. I’m trying to get an answer right now,” she replied.

  “So, according to what I’m reading, our court date is not happening next week?” I questioned.

  “I’m working on it, but yes, that’s what the e-mail says,” she said softly.

  I could hear the defeat in her voice, and it scared the living shit outta’ me. I didn’t want her to give up on me. I needed her.

  “Okay, so do you have any idea why?” I questioned.

  “As soon as I know, you’ll know,” she assured me.

  “Thanks, Evelyn. I’ll keep my phone close,” I stated.

  I printed the receipt I needed and pushed it into my back pocket. I had to trust her. I knew to trust her. Damn, she sounded good.

  I grabbed my tools by the door as I headed to the barn. The ranch hands were just finished saddling up the horses, so I strapped my bag to Queen, and led the way to the first repair spot on the fence line.

  I left the guys and the tools in the back field where they would start repairing the fence and headed off back towards the barn.

  The sun beat down on my face as I rode towards it. It was hot for being so early in the year, causing the smell of manure to really take over the oxygen in the air. Inside the barn wasn’t much better, filled with a rancid stink.

  I grabbed the rake and started working, clearing out all the stalls and loading the manure into a large wheelbarrow. Each load seemed to get heavier and heavier as my muscles started to ache. Finally, a large pile was outside the back of the barn, mixed with compost and ready to use for spring planting.

  Gretta, one of my most fertile heifers, was bagged up, her utters doubled in size from two days earlier. She was stirring in her stall, obviously ready to give birth a little sooner than I thought.

  “It’s okay, girl,” I soothed her with a stroke along her neck.

  I hadn’t birthed a calf in years, and never without the help of old man Jasper. I had the doc ready to come out in the morning, but it looked like she was ready now. I reached for a pair of long gloves, ones that slid all the way up my arms, and slid them on.

  At the backside of her pen, it was obvious she was ready now. Her vulva had already enlarged and was loosening up for the birth. Discharge oozed from her backside, but I knew as long as it was clear and free of any blood, it was a good sign. I watched as she worked her heavy load to the ground, looking for comfort, but moaning to let me know she hadn’t found it. I tapped her backside, watching the yellowish water sac start to push through her vulva. Fuck, there wasn’t time to call Doc.

  I opened the gate and grabbed the rope on hanging on the railing. With a deep breath, I reached deep inside of her with the rope in hand, tying it onto what felt like a leg. As I pulled out, water gushed to my feet, and suddenly, the calf started to appear.

  I held the rope, watching Gretta push the large beast from her body.

  “You’re doin’ great, girl,” I encouraged, giving a steady tug with the rope.

  Her moans grew louder and she started to tense.

  “Take it easy,” I whispered, patting her on the backside.

  One more tug and Gretta was a mother.

  The calf, a brown and white spotted male, was alert without assistance. I cleaned his nostrils, poured clean water in his ears, and washed him down before carrying him to the clean stall. Gretta was on her feet when I returned to her, already looking for her new baby.

  “You did real good,” I stroked her neck as I led her to the clean stall with her baby.

  I called the doc so he could come out later and check the calf and momma, and then made sure she had plenty clean hay and water to keep her happy while the baby learned to nurse.

  I splashed my face with clean, co
ld water as I washed my hands and wiped away the sweat and grime that had clung to my skin. I could see the ranch hands working on a part of the fence not too far from the barn as I looked towards the field. The older ranch hand, Pedro, didn’t speak much English, but had been with old man Jasper for years. The younger one, Kyle, was learning still, but Pedro highly recommended him to me once Jasper had passed. So far, I couldn’t complain. They worked fast, and their work was top-notch.

  The sound of a car engine turned me towards the lane. A small car made its way towards me, one that I hadn’t ever seen before.

  Fuck me running.

  Jill was already getting out of the passenger seat as the car stopped at the barn. The driver, Eliza, the other Jasper kid stayed inside the car.

  The screech of Jill’s voice made my ears ring, and most of what she was yelling was lost.

  I walked past her, making my way to the car. Eliza was normally the sane one, the only one who cared to even call her father once she found out he’d fallen ill.

  “Eliza, why did you bring her here?” I asked.

  Jill was screaming at me as I tried to talk to Eliza calmly.

  “You know I can’t stop her,” Eliza smirked.

  “You need to gather her up and get her outta’ her,” I warned.

  Eliza stepped out of the car, but she didn’t move towards Jill, instead, she leaned against her little silver car.

  “You need to calm down, and you need to leave,” I warned Jill, who was now throwing her arms around like a crazy person.

  “Fuck you,” Jill growled, her face turning so red her freckles started to blend in with her skin.

  “I’m really sorry, James,” Eliza frowned.

  “You need to stop, Jill. You’re only embarrassing yourself,” Eliza added.

  “Listen to your sister, and get off my land,” I demanded to Jill.

  “This won’t be your land for long,” she sneered.


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