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Songbird Caged

Page 30

by Lisa Edward

  He looked up at me with raised eyebrows. “Are you serious?”

  Oh no, he was upset. I bit my bottom lip, ready to apologise profusely.

  Then he started laughing, giving his butt a little wiggle to the song.

  “We obviously have very different opinions of each other,” he announced, before calling me again so he could replay the song, and dance around the bathroom.

  I watched his sexy dance with mixed feelings. I shouldn’t be looking at Cole and thinking the obscene thoughts that were running through my mind. But, he was still shirtless and goddamn, he was so sexy. He definitely had some moves. His body rolled, his ridiculous six-pack rippling.

  But what did he mean by his comment about having differing opinions?

  “Why do you say that? Do I have a special ring tone, too?” I asked playfully.

  He chuckled, and nodded as he dialled his own number on my phone. P!NK’s ‘Perfect’ started playing. I smiled. It was so like Cole. If there was one thing I could be sure of, it was that Cole would always surprise me.

  I’d decided to wear the red gown that Cole had bought me in Paris. I had no choice, really, it was the only evening gown I owned.

  Cole had disappeared just after lunch to run a few errands. I took the time alone to call Kelli, and see how she was doing. Her voice sounded a bit chirpier when she answered, which was a relief. She seemed to be coming to terms with the fact that Cooper was gone, so she had to readjust her life and keep soldiering forward. Her parents were already starting to drive her mad though, so I knew it wouldn’t be long before she was back in Melbourne, looking for some peace and quiet.

  After nearly an hour, I hung up, feeling a little bit lighter. I knew Kelli was still grieving, and would be for quite some time. She had been best friends with Cooper for eighteen years, and been in love with him for probably ten. It would take time, but she would move on, and I hoped, eventually, fall in love again.

  It was still a couple of hours until Jason was due over, so I called Nicole to see if she wanted to come around for a glass of bubbly and girly chat.

  She stepped out of the elevator twenty minutes later.

  “Oh my God! Look at this place, and the view!” she squealed.

  I’d forgotten that she hadn’t been to Cole’s before, and I laughed as she walked around, wide-eyed.

  When she had finally explored and poked around in every room, she made herself comfortable on the big couch by the window and watched the people below.

  “This place is awesome,” she exclaimed for the tenth time. “You should definitely move in here, permanently.”

  I laughed, almost spilling the champagne I was carrying over to her. “Ah, just a few problems with that idea.” I sat down beside her and we chinked glasses. “Firstly, I’m still engaged to Riley, and I don’t think he would be impressed with me living with Cole. Not to mention the fact that Cole hasn’t asked me to move in permanently.”

  She raised her eyebrows knowingly at me. “Are you sure about that?” She took a sip of her champagne, still watching me over the rim of her glass.

  Okay, she’d been talking to someone. I didn’t think it would be Jason, but he was the only other person who knew Cole had said he wanted me to keep living here after he moved back in.

  “Who have you been talking to?” I queried as I sipped my own drink.

  “I don’t gossip, Tara, I go straight to the source. Cole told me. He and I have had lots of talks about you.” She gave me a little wink. “He’s quite smitten.”

  I laughed disbelievingly. I doubted Cole would open up and confide in anyone about how he felt about me, or anybody else. When it came to his feelings, he was ambiguous at best. I knew he wanted to sleep with me, but then, he wanted to sleep with any girl with a pulse, so that was no revelation really.

  “Yep, so smitten that he still shags a different girl every other night.” I shook my head. “There’s a big difference between having feelings for someone, and just wanting to get into their pants.”

  She shrugged. “Well, I’ve promised to keep the content of our conversations to myself.” She bit her lip, as if she was bursting to let something spill. “All I can say is, don’t write him off just yet.”

  SOMEWHERE BETWEEN Jason arriving, Nicole scuttling out—obviously they still weren’t best of friends—and Cole coming home, an absolutely gorgeous, and I mean out-of-this-world gorgeous, sapphire-blue gown magically appeared on the bed.

  Cole had cryptically told Jason and I to go check the dress before doing my makeup, then followed us up to the bedroom to see my reaction.

  Jason squealed as soon as he saw it, clapping his hands together excitedly.

  I had tears in my eyes. I knew Cole had money, and could afford to buy anything he wanted. But it was the thoughtfulness behind his actions that choked me up every time.

  “Do you like it?” he asked with a broad grin, already knowing the answer. “It should fit. I told the sales assistant you were built like a Victoria’s Secret model, with …” He held his hands in front of his chest like he was holding two melons.

  He looked at my face, his smile widening even further. “I knew you’d cry. That’s why I told you not to do your makeup yet.”

  All I could do was nod. It was stunning, and had rendered me speechless.

  “Oh fuck, Tara.” Cole whispered under his breath as he interlaced his fingers on top of his head. “You look …” He shook his head, his eyes slowly sweeping down, then back up the length of my body. “… perfect.”

  “I’m far from perfect,” I said, a little overwhelmed by his reaction. “It’s the gown that’s perfect.”

  It was corseted, so very fitted around the bodice. The skirt then hung from the hips, and just skimmed the floor. It was basically strapless, the fine boning holding it up in place, but just for effect, there were what appeared to be wide shoulder straps, that had fallen down around my upper arms. Just for good measure, there was a split that went from floor all the way up to just below my left hip. It showed off my curves, and long legs, and even some cleavage. It was the perfect dress.

  Cole was still staring at me. The look of pure wanting on his face made my breath quicken. I had to turn away.

  “You are perfect, at least to me,” he uttered breathlessly. “You always have been.”

  He picked up a box from the coffee table as he stood. He was wearing his tuxedo, the sight sending an ache through my core. He was perfect, in my eyes, except for the little problem of him not being able to keep it in his pants. But that was fine; I could accept that, because we were just friends. I could accept that he was the most perfect man I had ever met, except for that one huge flaw in his character that meant no matter what happened with Riley, he and I would never be together.

  “So, I brought you something to wear with the dress.”

  I quickly looked down at the diamond-encrusted bracelet on my right wrist that was from Cole, then the Tiffany charm bracelet on my left wrist from Riley.

  “It’s for your neck, not your wrist.” He opened the box, presenting me with a diamond and sapphire choker-style necklace.

  My hands shot to my mouth as I gasped, “Oh my God, Cole. I can’t wear that, it’s too much.”

  “Sure you can, you have a beautiful long, slender neck. It’ll look amazing on you. Especially with your hair up the way it is.” He pulled it out of the box and stepped around behind me. “Besides, Pops wants you to have it. It used to be my Granny’s, then it became Pops’ after she died.” He fastened the clasp. “Pops gave it to me. Now I’m giving it to you.”

  I stood there, mouth agape. I couldn’t accept it. Not only was it probably worth a fortune, it was a family heirloom, so should be going to Cole’s future wife.

  “And,” he added with a smirk, “Prue’s had her beady little eyes on it for nearly a decade.”

  The valet held the door open for me while I manoeuvred myself and the gown out of Cole’s sports car. Cole gripped my hand, squeezing it tight, as he led me
up the marble front steps to the huge glass and wrought-iron double doors.

  We entered the grand foyer that had been decorated with six-foot tall flower arrangements in huge urns. There was a red carpet laid out that led from the front entry doors to the equally impressive doors of the grand ballroom.

  “Are you ready for this?” Cole whispered.

  Shaking my head, I clutched his hand even tighter. “Not really.”

  He chuckled. “I won’t leave your side, okay? And if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable for any reason, just give me a signal, and I’ll deal with them.”

  That sounded like a plan.

  “What signal should I give you?” I asked, wide-eyed.

  “Hmm, let me think …” He tapped his forefinger on his chin. “You can either pinch me on the butt …”

  I giggled. “Or …?”

  “Or you can nibble my earlobe, or kiss me, or—”

  I laughed. “Okay, I’ll figure something out that doesn’t involve me molesting you in front of about one hundred people.”

  We were almost at the doors of the ballroom where Cole’s parents were greeting their guests. I stopped walking, and pulled him to one side.

  “What should I call you tonight?”

  He gave me the most heart-stopping smile. “Just call me babe.”

  Cole looked like the cat that got the cream as he led me over to his parents. His mother raised her eyebrows at him, when she saw he had actually gone through with his threat of bringing me. She scowled at me when she saw the choker necklace I was wearing.

  Victor was a lot more pleasant. He complimented me on my gown, which I quickly told him had been a gift from Cole. He then noticed the necklace and smiled at Cole, before telling me it suited me perfectly.

  “Of course, it’s just on loan for the evening, isn’t it,” his mother insisted.

  “Oh no, I gave it to Tara tonight. It’s hers now,” Cole replied hesitantly before leading me into the ballroom.

  Jay’s band had been booked for the evening, which I was absolutely delighted to see. We waved to Jay as he played the cello, and he nodded in acknowledgement.

  We danced together for a few songs, twirling around the dance floor like we were floating on air. Cole was making me relax by being silly and making me laugh, before I noticed him look over my shoulder and nod discreetly to Jay.

  He pulled me in against his body, as one song finished and ‘So Close’, one of my favourite songs, started playing.

  Looking up into Cole’s emerald eyes, I saw a smile creep into them, as he started quietly singing. I rested my head on his shoulder, his warm breath in my ear as he continued softly singing the words only to me.

  My eyes closed as I was swept away by Cole’s voice, and closeness of this body. It felt like a fantasy, a romantic fairytale that Cole had dreamt up just for me.

  When the song finished, I opened my eyes and gazed up into his, totally mesmerised by what he had just done.

  “Cole Michaels, did you just sing a Disney song to me?”

  He kissed me softly on the forehead. “Your life should be like a fairytale, Tara. You deserve your happily ever after.”

  I reached around the back of Cole’s neck, running my fingers through his hair, before I noticed that people seemed to be staring at us.

  It suddenly dawned on me that while I knew this gorgeous man I was dancing with as Cole, his likes and dislikes, his habits and quirks, everyone here knew him as Victor. From the whispers and curious looks, they all knew that Victor had never brought a date to these social occasions. He would arrive alone, disappear for a quickie with one, sometimes two single young girls, and spend the rest of the evening making small talk with his parents’ friends, and of course, Prue.

  They all obviously knew that Cole, sorry, Victor and Prue’s marriage had been arranged, just like my mother had tried to do to me with Spencer. So for Cole/Victor to arrive with a date, it drew speculation from everyone in the grand ballroom.

  Feeling very self-conscious, I asked Cole if we could go out to the balcony for some fresh air, and to get away from the prying eyes.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” he asked as soon as we were away from the crowd.

  He had interlaced his fingers with mine, as we walked over to the furthest corner of the balcony, only stopping when we were in the shadows.

  “Didn’t you notice everyone staring at us in there?” I said, turning to face him.

  He shrugged and stepped towards me, closing the gap between us. He ran his knuckles down my cheek, then down my neck to my shoulder.

  “I just figured they were all captivated by how stunningly beautiful you are. I know I am.”

  “Cole, don’t go there, please. We’re supposed to be here as friends, remember?”

  He sighed. “And if I don’t want to be just friends? Don’t I get a say in how this relationship works?”

  He was running his hand through his hair, a sure sign that he was getting frustrated. “Riley’s been missing for two months, Tara. How much longer are you going to wait? He may never come back.”

  Now I was getting frustrated. “I’ll wait as long as I promised I would. Just because he’s not here doesn’t mean we’re not still together.”

  Instinctively, I fiddled with the engagement ring on my finger, twirling it around with my thumb.

  Cole started pacing. “Tell me what Riley has that I don’t. What does he do for you that I haven’t been doing?”

  I looked up to the heavens for a moment before returning my gaze to Cole. “He makes me feel safe. He takes care of me. He makes me feel special, and beautiful. He makes me laugh.”

  “And I don’t do that?” He threw his hands in the air. “I chased off Patrick when he attacked you. I sat in the hospital for hours holding your hand, and took you to Paris when you needed to get away. I tell you everyday how talented you are and how beautiful you are. And you can’t tell me you laugh any more with him than you do with me.”

  I thought of all the times Cole had had me in tears of laughter, my sides aching from being doubled over in hysterics. The way he had cared for me when I had been attacked, and the anguished look on his face when he’d told me he had thought I was dead. If it hadn’t been for Cole, I would never have gotten through it.

  He was watching my face, searching for answers. “So tell me why you still choose him over me.”

  It was easy; there was still one fundamental reason.

  “He would never hurt me, or cheat on me. You go home with a different girl every night. I just don’t believe that you could stop doing that.”

  “I have stopped already,” he told me defiantly. “I haven’t taken anyone home since that night in Paris. I haven’t slept with anyone.”

  That couldn’t be right, surely I would have heard about his change in habits.

  “But I’ve heard Marcus and Nicole, even Jay talk about you. You walk out the door at Songbirds with different girls nearly every night.”

  “I walk out the door with them, and either put them in their car, or, if they’ve been drinking, I put them in a cab. Then I come home to you.”

  “But why would you do that?” I asked, totally exasperated.

  “Because it’s what’s expected. Everyone expects me to leave with someone, and they would ask questions if I suddenly stopped.” He took hold of my hands. “But I have stopped, babe. I don’t even kiss anyone at the end of the make-out song anymore. Haven’t you noticed?”

  I hadn’t noticed. I always found something to do in the back room or upstairs at Reds when that song came on, because I didn’t want to watch Cole.

  “But why?” I punched Cole in the chest. “Why?”

  He grabbed hold of my wrists to restrain me. “Because I thought that was what you wanted. You said you couldn’t be with someone like that, so I’ve changed. I’m trying to be the man you want, the man you need in your life.”

  He let go of my wrists, and cupped my face in the palm of his hands. “And I don’t want anyone e
lse. I don’t want to touch anyone else, and I don’t want them touching me.” He ran his thumb across my bottom lip, his own lips parting enticingly.

  He was so close I could feel his warm breath against my cheek.

  “So now that that card is off the table, what else does Riley have over me?” he asked softly.

  I couldn’t think. Gazing up at his full, soft lips, I just couldn’t think of one single thing. The one defining factor that separated the two men was the ability to be faithful, to be with me and only me. Cole had just gone and spoiled all my logic by turning into a reliable guy.

  “What can I do, Tara? What do I need to do?” he asked pleadingly. “Just tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it. Tell me what will make you choose me.”

  I dragged my focus from his mouth to his amazing emerald-green eyes, my heart beating out of my chest. His eyes—God, how I loved those eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and it was so true in Cole’s case. I could see right into the very heart of him, and I knew he was telling me the truth. He had changed, and he had done so for me.

  He leaned forward, resting his forehead to mine. “Please choose me,” he whispered.

  Closing my eyes, I tilted my head up slightly as I felt the pull towards him, his lips beckoning me.

  “So there you are, my faithful betrothed,” Prue sneered sarcastically as she strode over to us.

  She looked me up and down, hands on hips, before stopping on the necklace. “That’s mine,” she spat before turning on Cole. “Why is she wearing it?”

  Cole glared at her, increasing his already huge frame to a frightening size. “It is not yours. It was mine, and now it’s Tara’s.”

  She went to open her mouth to argue.

  Cole pinched her thin spiteful lips together to shut her up. “Nothing I have is yours, Prue, and it never will be.” He leaned even closer to her. “Do you understand?” he asked menacingly.

  She pulled away from him. “We’ll see about that. You forget, we know all your family’s little secrets.”

  I could see his hands clenching into fists, he was so furious with her. I needed to step in.

  “Babe.” I tentatively placed my hand on his bicep. It was so tense it was rock-hard. I stroked his arm gently. “Babe?”


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