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Eternal Brand

Page 27

by Sami Lee

  “Oh God.” Emily widened her stance and thrust her hips back. Jet took up the invitation and pushed his finger all the way inside her. He set up a titillating motion while Brand continued to suck and lick her breasts like they were the tastiest things he’d ever had in his mouth.

  “Christ, Brand. She’s so wet. She’s so ready for us.”

  Brand finally released her nipples so he could gaze up at her. “Tell me. Tell me how much you want us.”

  “I want you more than I want to eat or sleep or even breathe.” She laughed. “But I guess I’m going to need to do all those things to keep my stamina up.”

  Keeping his finger buried deep inside her, Jet stood. “You’re going to need stamina all right. We’ve been talking about all the things we wanted to do to you if you took us back. There’s quite a list.”

  Emily looked over her shoulder at Jet. She saw the need shining in his dark eyes and couldn’t resist inciting them further. She rotated her hips, making her ass brush teasingly over his confined erection. “I guess it’s lucky none of us are going to leave this room for a while, huh?”

  His eyes sparked. “Jesus. Brand, handle her for a minute, will ya?”


  Lifting her by the waist, Brand drew her down with him onto the bed. He kissed her until all her bravado left her and all that remained was quivering desire that turned her limbs as weak as wet noodles. He drew her panties down her legs, rolling her onto her back to remove them. Then she lay there, completely bare, and watched as he stood to remove his own clothes.

  Jet was already naked, his erection an impressive length jutting out from its thatch of curly dark hair. Emily’s mouth watered, and she licked her lips in anticipation. Jet laughed. “I love how your every thought is written all over your face, Em.” Instead of taking her up on her implied offer, Jet stretched out beside her so their faces aligned. “I love everything about you.”

  “Oh, Jet. Thank you for bringing him back to me.” She touched his lower lip with her finger. “And thank you for coming too. I love you like crazy.”

  “I know.” He winked and gave her breast a playful nudge that soon turned into a soft caress. His gaze became serious. “You want to know what Brand and I talked about all the way here?”

  “It wasn’t how many different ways you were going to pleasure me?”

  Jet grinned at her cocked eyebrow. “There was definitely some of that. But mostly we talked about how we wanted to spend the rest of our lives loving you, loving each other. Brand’s more of a romantic than he lets on.”

  Naked now too, Brand came to stretch out on Emily’s other side. “Don’t tell tales about me.”

  Jet and Emily shared a secret smile, both of them knowing Brand would probably be a favorite topic of conversation for them for years to come. Jet winked, and Emily got the hint. They crooned in unison. “Whatever you say, Brand.”

  Emily giggled, a sound that became a squeal as Brand grabbed her thigh and hooked it over his. Jet followed suit, doing the same with her other leg.

  “Whatever I say is right,” Brand agreed. “And I say keep these pretty thighs spread wide while we play with your pussy.”

  “Oh.” Emily gulped to keep from screaming yes yes yes. “Okay.”

  Brand smirked, supreme confidence in the expression. It lightened Emily’s soul to see some of it back. Knowing Brand’s secrets and his hidden vulnerabilities was a privilege she wouldn’t exchange for the world, but she was glad he could still be the same gruff and dominating lover that had emerged since Jet came into their lives.

  His bossy bedroom self turned her on so damn much.

  Emily moaned in pleasure when Brand delved into her wet channel with his finger, at the same time touching a thumb to her plump clit. “Oh, God. So good.”

  It was, so incredibly good. But it was nothing compared to what she felt when Jet slid into her as well, his finger moving in time with Brand’s, the both of them teasing her sensitive flesh. She wriggled, the need to orgasm building swiftly, but her thighs were hooked over theirs, the position holding her open while they played with her.

  “You’re right, Jet. She’s so wet. We probably won’t even need lube for her ass.”

  “Probably not.” To prove the point, Jet removed his finger from her pussy and transferred it to her back hole. He spread the cream he’d gathered over her there, and the lubrication eased his entry.

  Emily bit her lip. Brand was circling her clit with his thumb and plundering her pussy while Jet breached her ass and buried his finger deep. She was rendered immobile, entrapped by the sensations their duel actions brought about. “Fuck!”

  Jet chuckled and kissed her. “I missed your dirty mouth, hon.”

  “Stop talking, damn it. I need come!”

  It was Brand’s turn to laugh and kiss her. “We want you like this sweetheart, both of us inside you so we all come together.”

  “Oh yes. Please.”

  They withdrew from her and rose to their knees, pulling her up with them. Jet drew her up against him, her breasts to his chest, while Brand positioned himself behind her.

  “Sweetheart, I spoke to Jet about it. He has regular checkups because of all the travel. He’s clean.”

  Jet touched her face. “I’ll understand if you say no, hon. But I know you’re on the pill, so I was hoping you’d let me come inside you.”

  “Of course.” Emily had wanted to do it for a while, to take the barrier of the condom away to show that Jet was as much a part of her as Brand was. “I want that too.”

  Jet sighed his gratitude and took her mouth in a fervent kiss. Her breasts rubbed his chest, keeping her arousal high. The heat of Brand’s body pressing into her back sent it into the stratosphere. He reached between her legs, taking more of her feminine juices and using them to coat her ass. Then he started easing into her, taking it slow and careful despite the needs she sensed leashed in his big body.

  “Oh, Brand,” Emily crooned when he finally thrust into her. She rested her forehead on Jet’s shoulder, breathing in great gulps of air as Brand began to move. When he reached around and found her clit, Emily shuddered. “Oh, yes. Please.”

  “Fuck. You’re so tight, Em. I’m not going to last.”

  Emily lifted her head and saw Jet touch Brand’s shoulder. “Slow down.”

  “You touching me is not going to help.”

  Jet’s lips quirked, but they didn’t quite manage to smile. His own desire was at fever pitch, it was clear from the tense set of his jaw. He pinned Emily’s gaze with his. “You ready for me, hon?”

  Emily nodded eagerly. Brand, his motions halted for the moment, pulled her up against his chest and held her securely around the waist. Jet parted her thighs, planting her feet apart on the mattress. Then he positioned himself at her dripping entrance and eased inside.

  It was so full, so tight. Emily gasped through it as Brand and Jet jockeyed for position, Brand retreating enough to let Jet all the way into her feminine recesses. They started up a cadence, a delicious thrust and parry that kept her impaled on one or both of them at all times. Brand played with her breasts while Jet reached between them, found her swollen nerve center and started to rub.

  “Yes! God yes.”

  “We could come anytime, Em,” Brand rasped into her ear. “We’re just waiting for you.”

  His words and the continued thrusts, the sensation of Brand toying with her breasts and Jet stroking her clit, worked together to push Emily to the inevitable peak. As the ecstasy seized her, she reached behind her and grasped Brand’s head, pulling him down for a kiss. As though the touch of her lips incited it, his release came hot and fast while hers was still shuddering through her.

  Then Emily held Jet’s head with her other hand, sinking her fingers into his hair while he too succumbed to oblivion with a primal groan and a rough jerk of his hips. He spilled hi
s seed inside her for the first time, claiming her as his in the way that Brand had done so many times. As she held them both close and listened to their panted breaths and whispered words of gratitude, Emily silently claimed them both as hers as well.

  She had two men to love, two men who loved her. It was an outrageous indulgence, a wicked delight, a beautiful, wondrous thing. And it was all hers. Overwhelmed with the joy of it, Emily choked out something that was halfway between a sob and a laugh.

  Brand and Jet apparently only heard the sob half because they quickly took turns withdrawing from her body and lay her on the mattress. They stretched out on either side of her. Jet held her face and turned it toward him. “Hey, Em. What happened? Are you okay?”

  She nodded her head furiously. “Everything’s perfect. I’m just so happy.”

  “You’re crying because you’re happy?”

  Emily turned and assessed Brand’s perplexed expression. She wasn’t much of a crier by nature, at least she hadn’t been until recently. Brand had rarely seen her cry. “Perhaps all the tears I’ve shed lately have opened up my tear ducts or something, but yes, I’m crying because I’m happy.” She reached up and stroked his cheek, seeing that she had scared him for a moment. “I never thought I could be this happy.”

  Letting out a sigh of relief, Brand turned his face and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Damn, sweetheart, you like to keep me on my toes.”

  Jet leaned over her so he could nuzzle Brand’s ear and murmur. “I guess this living-together stuff is going to be my most exciting adventure yet.”

  “You got that right,” Brand said, and turned to kiss him.

  Emily watched the two men kiss, saw the passionate affection in the gesture, and decided not to warn them that doing that in front of her was only turning her on again. She’d deal with that soon enough. For now all she wanted to do was watch them and feel their love for each other, her love for them, wash over her as surely as the afternoon breeze washed over her warm skin. All she wanted to do was take this moment and be content with it.

  And look forward to the adventure.

  The downside of living on a horse farm was that the inherent chores prevented lying in bed when there were things to be done, which was a shame because it was exactly what Brand wanted to do. He, Emily and Jet made love again before any of them got up though. Emily insisted. The woman had endless reserves of passion, which was lucky because between him and Jet she was sure to be kept pretty damn busy from now on.

  From now on. Forever.

  Brand could hardly believe he was so lucky to have somehow claimed them both, Emily and Jet, the two people who meant most to him in the world.

  Maybe it’s a fantasy.

  “No,” he said aloud, banishing his negative voice, that annoying little shit, to the farthest reaches of his mind. He stroked Daisy’s neck and took strength from the horse’s quiet power, as he’d so often done before. As he’d done the first day he’d come here and Emily had begun to change his life. “It’s real. Isn’t it, Dais?”

  Daisy gave a soft whinny and Brand took it as confirmation. Or possibly a complaint that she hadn’t yet received her carrot. Brand smiled and fed her the vegetable, content to stroke her neck and watch her scarf it down. They were so simple, horses. All they needed was food, shelter and some exercise now and then. If you treated them well, you gained their trust and loyalty.

  Brand vowed he’d treat Emily and Jet so well that they’d never lose faith in him again. In doing that, he knew he’d keep his newfound faith in himself alive too.

  He stopped to give each of the horses some of his time along with their nightly brush and carrot treat. By the time he was done, it was dark and he’d grown edgy from not having laid eyes on Jet or Emily in a good hour. He laughed to himself as he headed back to the house. It was kind of pathetic, but he didn’t care.

  Inside the familiar aroma of Emily’s lamb goulash permeated the air. When the sun had dipped below the horizon, the winter chill had returned and Jet had started a fire in the hearth. Gus and George, allowed to sleep inside during the winter months, whined softly in greeting, and Brand stopped to give them both a good scratch. Then he headed into the kitchen.

  Emily and Jet were there, laughing together as they made mashed potatoes. Jet poured some milk in the saucepan while Emily worked the stainless-steel masher like a champ. Jet hadn’t looked up, but he must have sensed Brand’s approach, because he said, “Look at this. Our Em has some serious biceps on her. I’m scared for those potatoes.”

  “You’re the one who should be scared.” She flicked Jet an arch glance. “How is your stomach, by the way?”

  “Ha! It’s fine. You hit like a girl.”

  “You mean accurately and with purpose?”

  “That’s about it.” Laughing, Jet hooked an arm around Emily’s neck and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Remind me never to piss you off again.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you will. You’re both bound to.” Emily looked at Brand and sent him a reassuring smile. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Brand smiled back, the gesture feeling strangely natural on his lips. His heart was just so full, smiling seemed to be the only way to let some of that pressure out. God he loved these people. He loved them more than life itself. His overwhelming emotions made his voice gruff. “Come here. Both of you.”

  Jet smirked but didn’t hesitate to approach Brand. “I love it when you get bossy.”

  Brand kissed him, making a claim and a promise at once. You’re mine, and you’re gonna get it later, the kiss said, and the way Jet hardened against him told Brand the other man had understood. When Emily approached and sank compliantly into his side, he took her mouth with the same barely restrained passion, keeping one arm looped around Jet, the other around her. Before long Emily snuggled into Jet too, until it was hard to tell whose limbs were whose, or whose heartbeat it was thumping out a strong, steady rhythm.

  Perhaps it was all of theirs. Three hearts beating in unison. A fanciful thought for a guy like him, but Brand liked it. He liked it a lot.

  When he eventually pulled back, Emily was panting and her cheeks were filled with color. “Brand, you know I turn to nothing more than aroused jelly when you kiss me like that.”

  “I know.” Brand grinned, reveling in the knowledge. “Hold that thought?”

  “Until after dinner,” Jet said, his voice husky. “I’m starved.”

  Emily nodded her agreement. “After dinner. Right after dinner.”

  “That’s a promise.”

  Brand silently promised them more that night as he loved them with his body, and groaned with tortured desire as they slowly, thoroughly loved him back. He promised he would believe in the man he was when he was with them, that he would see in the mirror the same man that they saw when they gazed at him with such devotion, such trust and love. He promised that he would be the stalwart, loving presence that they deserved to have in their lives.

  And then he drifted off into eight hours of blissful, dreamless sleep.

  About the Author

  Sami’s been a secretary, sales assistant, bartender, waitress, student, tutor, human resource manager and administration officer, but at heart she’s always been a writer. She enjoys creating emotional, sexy stories about the gorgeous, aggravating men who live in her head and the women who were made to steal them away from her.

  Sami lives by the coast in Australia with her husband and two stupendous daughters. To learn more about Sami, please visit, join her on Facebook or Twitter, or send an email to

  Look for these titles by Sami Lee

  Now Available:

  Chasing Sunset

  Sunset Knight

  Erica’s Choice

  Moonlight Mirage

  Wild Crush

  Unforgettable Summer

le Jasmine

  Coming Soon:

  Wild Crush

  Imperfect Penelope

  Unbreakable Hope

  You can’t keep a bad girl down…at least not without restraints.

  Irrepressible Jasmine

  © 2014 Sami Lee

  Wild Crush, Book 2

  After an affair with a Dom turns sour, Jasmine Campbell returns to Leyton’s Headland to build up some good karma by keeping her sister’s business afloat. For that, she needs help from real estate developer Aaron Sanderson—an old school mate who’s grown up movie-star handsome.

  When Jasmine knocks on his office door, Aaron can barely contain his triumph. In high school he had an unrequited crush on Jasmine, but ten years on he’s better at close encounters with the opposite sex. He thinks he knows just how to handle Jasmine—with an aloof demeanor and a firm hand.

  Little does he know just how firm a hand Jasmine needs.

  Jasmine figures a fun vanilla fling will cleanse her sexual palate. Yet her lover proves himself surprisingly adept at satisfying her submissive desires. And soon she’s in serious danger of doing the one thing she swore never to do: fall in love.

  Warning: Contains casual sex, intimate sex, slow sex, fast sex, rough sex, roleplay sex and spanking. So basically, lots of sex and spanking.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Irrepressible Jasmine:

  Aaron was on the phone when he glanced out the window and saw Jasmine Campbell striding across the street, making a beeline for his office. His gut clenched, his pulse rate leapt and he totally lost the thread of the conversation he’d been having.

  Fortunately, the estate agent on the other end of the line loved the sound of his own voice and continued to drone on when Aaron fell silent. He was too focused on the sight of Jasmine walking toward him to participate in their discussion any longer.

  She wore a sheer blouse in deep purple teamed with a miniskirt that barely came to mid-thigh—no stockings—and knee-high leather boots. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders, and the morning sun glanced off the dark strands, making them shine well enough for a shampoo commercial. Her striking eyes where hidden behind a pair of large-framed sunglasses. Her strides were bold, purposeful, as though she was a woman who’d just realized what she wanted and was determined to get it.


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